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Organizational motivation and behavior

Table of contents:


I. Identification and justification of the topic

- Motivation is a multifaceted process that has individual, administrative and organizational implications. It is also not only what the employee shows, but a whole set of environmental aspects that surrounds the job, which makes an individual act and behave in a certain way within the organization.

- In human beings, motivation encompasses both conscious and unconscious impulses, that is, motivation is associated with the individual's cognition system, which is what people know about themselves and the environment that surrounds them and that implies their personal values ​​that are influenced by their physical and social environment, by their physiological structure, needs and experiences.

- Since each person constitutes a different reality from the others, the needs that claim to be satisfied in order for the individual to achieve fulfillment in life are not always satisfied in the same way in all individuals due to the fact that each individual has a face emotional and different experiences but they are indisputably present in every human being.

According to the scholar of the subject Abraham Maslow, the basic needs that man must satisfy are five:

  • Physiological needs: Includes hunger, thirst, experience, sex and other bodily needs. Safety need: Includes safety and protection against physical and emotional harm. Need for love: It encompasses affection, belonging, acceptance and friendship. Esteem need: It includes internal estimation factors such as self-respect, autonomy and achievement, and also includes esteem factors such as status, recognition and attention. Need for self-realization: It is represented by the impulse to become what it can be, includes growth, realization of one's own potential and self-realization.

- Organizational behavior occurs in a complex social system, the behavior of the employee will depend to a great extent on the motivation of personal characteristics and the environment that surrounds him, part of that environment is social culture, which provides broad clues that determine how the person's behavior will be in a certain environment.

Thus we have in the Motivational cycle that is given by the emergence of a need.

This need breaks the state of balance in which a person finds himself, producing a state of tension that leads the individual to develop a behavior capable of unloading tension and freeing him from discomfort and imbalance. If the behavior was effective, the need will be satisfied, returning to its previous state of balance.

- Organizations succeed or fail depending on whether certain processes are developed or not and people adapt to their standards, identify with their objectives and manage through the organization to satisfy some of their needs with which it ensures the permanence of their employees.

II. Description of current practices

* One of the basic responsibilities of Human Resources Administrators is to provide the necessary MOTIVATION to the organization because, this is one of the factors that limit the achievement of organizational objectives and because it constitutes the essential element for the generation of a good climate organizational.

* The task requires that at the head of it is a manager with a participatory, democratic leadership style that inspires teamwork, who is capable of achieving in the individual a positive attitude, a sense of belonging, a motivation towards the work and a real commitment to the organization.

Without such planning the best intentions of management to motivate employees will be lost or significantly reduced.

Our performance in life is conditioned by two different kinds of intelligence: the rational and the emotional, what matters is not only the intellectual quotient, but also the emotional intelligence.

* Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand others: what motivates them, how they operate, how to work cooperatively with them, is the ability to discern and respond appropriately to the humor, temperament, motivations and desires of others, it is the key to self-knowledge, access to one's own feelings and the ability to distinguish them and use them to guide behavior.

Emotional intelligence becomes a fundamental element that must be present not only in the people who are in charge of running an organization, but in all people to achieve the goals and objectives that are set in life.

There are no simple or practical formulas to work with people because each individual has an emotional charge and different experiences, there is also no single ideal solution for the problems of organizations, all that can be done is to increase understanding and existing capacities to raise the level of human relations at work.

III. Identification of problems, indicators and standards of current practices


  • Absence of an open door policy. Lack of expectations to achieve goals. Lack of participation and decision. Lack of recognition in performance. Lack of feedback and information. Lack of leadership.


The absence of satisfaction causes frustration of the person, that is, when the person moves towards a goal and encounters some obstacle.

Frustration can lead to positive activities, such as construction or non-constructive forms of behavior.

Also increase the energy that is directed towards the solution of the problem, or it may happen that this is the origin of many technological, scientific and cultural advances in history.

This frustration leads the individual to certain reactions:

  • Disorganization of behavior Aggression Emotional reactions Resignation Withdrawal Alignment and apathy

IV. Expected situation proposal:

Process vision - identification of efficiency and effectiveness standards.

* The authentic «Motivators» are those actions that tend to the continuous enrichment of the Work, enhancing the capacities of the team members, provoking and satisfying their natural desire for growth, fulfillment and success.

All this, of course, for the greater benefit of the individual, the team and the company.

Job enrichment is not increasing tasks, but granting tasks for which further training is necessary.

Delegating work with a higher hierarchy is a way of training and motivating.

* To be able to carry out this splendid task it is necessary to have leadership skills and be self-motivated.

Motivation is contagious and almost always self-sustaining; If we like what we do, we do it well, consequently we are enthusiastic about the task, we feel motivated and we can pass on our enthusiasm to others.

The delegation of tasks, and work enrichment actions that would help us to be more efficient and effective are:

  1. Give each member of the team their share of attention: Being part of the group, they are essential pieces, but they do not stop being people. Set credible expectations: Goals should be challenging, but achievable, specific, and concrete. Give autonomy: Create an environment of creative stimulation in all directions. Give fair financial rewards: Less would be demotivating. The market adapts the salary to the position and the worker has the right to do so. Exceptional gratification is the award for excellence, when it is manifest there is also a right to it. Give feedback: People have to be informed to feel part of the projects, and only then will they voluntarily collaborate in their execution. Search for people with self-motivation capacity: Surround ourselves with them. Motivation is contagious and as or more important than talent.

And finally, delegate, since it is so important to do so to train and motivate the delegate and to free up creative time in the delegate.

V. Presentation of the model

"Effective Coaching"

This model is a study of worker motivations that goes beyond salary and at the same time teaches how to challenge employees to achieve learning and achieve results.

It also teaches how to communicate effectively, giving precise instructions, asking effective questions by listening to the answers.

Effective coaching is good "Coaching" methods in the workplace to help employees achieve high performance by seeking commitment rather than control, and results rather than blaming someone.

Goals of effective coaching:

The main ones are:

  • Create an environment in which employees are willing and able to share their ideas with their superior. Change the attitude of the employee towards a perspective of team cooperation, which will allow Coach that his efforts bring specific results.

Benefits of effective coaching:

  • Development of employee skills: (training) Facilitates the diagnosis and correction of performance problems. It fosters productive labor relations. It improves performance and attitude, among others.

What do employees want?

Essential motivations to perform tasks efficiently:

  • The need to achieve an achievement: it occurs when people feel that they can do something and that it makes them feel good, so they continue to do it to improve more and more.
  • Offer suitable challenges.
  • Strong desire to learn: When employees love their jobs, they want to learn more and become better at it.
  • Offer learning opportunities.
  • The desire to contribute: When employees know the value of what they do and their contributions, then they try to optimize their work.
  • Assign important jobs.

Strategies for effective coaching:

1. The Coach as an affective coach:

  • Before training you should:

- Mastering the task at hand

- Break down the process you want in brief steps.

  • During training you should:

- Demonstrate how to perform the task

- Immediately allow the employee to try to do it himself

- Ensure that learners master the method taught.

2. The coach as a counselor:

  • It should help employees understand their work before doing it as well as the importance of it. It should reinforce motivation, provide accurate and honest information and guidelines on job expectations.

3. The coach as proofreader:

  • You should avoid accusing the employee and correcting improper performance. You simply have to study his behavior, try to understand it (by asking questions about it) and help him change (by reaching an agreement that solves the problem).
  • Once the problem is solved, the past is left behind and the future is considered.

4. Coaching through rewards:

The coach must always reward the performance he seeks through 3 types of rewards:

  • Tangibles Symbolic Intangibles

You must take into account 2 aspects:

1. Link the reward with the behavior.

2. Award the reward fairly.

Steps to implement an effective coaching session:

1. Define the goal

2. Establish ground rules

3. Stay focused

4. Avoid monologues

5. Speak clearly and simply

6. Pay attention to the subject under study

7. Be open.

SAW. Conclusions

  • In an organization, one can buy the employee's time, one can buy his material presence in a certain place, one can even buy a certain number of muscle movements per hour. But his enthusiasm, his loyalty and the return of his heart cannot be bought. These things must be earned. The person in the organization becomes the most important element of it, so it requires treatment not as a machine, but as a human being with needs, interests, unique experiences, which must be taken into account to produce the necessary motivations that will lead us to the achievement of the objectives An organization is not such but has the help of people committed to the objectives,For this to happen, it is essential to take into account the environment in which all the relationships, norms and patterns of behavior that form the culture of that organization will develop, which will become an efficient or unproductive and inefficient productive organization depending on the relationships established between the elements of the organization from the beginning.

VII. Bibliography

  • Jesús Mondría «The Decalogue of Excellence» how to achieve what is proposed (Working as a team. Chapter 7) Nº4 Edit. DEUSIO. El Comercio.Francesc Borell «How to work as a team» Quality relationships with bosses and colleagues (High Performance Teams Chapter 1) Nº9. Edit. DEUSTO. Trade.
Organizational motivation and behavior