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Live without fear, despite the crisis

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One of the factors that seems to stress people the most these days is money issues. Approximately 75% of the people who subscribe to my website say that what stresses them the most is the lack of money, economic uncertainty, debt and lack of work. And this feeling of insecurity increases in these times of crisis where everything seems even more uncertain. But what if I told you that money itself is not capable of giving or taking away your peace of mindor happiness and that are your "thoughts" about it the only ones that can reassure or frighten you? This is good news, because then to regain your peace and tranquility you only have to work on the only thing you have control, on what you feel and believe… In this article I will share with you some of the most universal beliefs about money and we will begin to question them to help you reduce the fear that lack of resources or economic instability can generate.

First, notice how thoughts like: "I need money to be calm and safe", "I need money to enjoy life and be happy" or "If I don't have money, something very bad can happen" make you feel. Do these thoughts make you feel anxious, worried, or frustrated? And how do you act when you have these thoughts? Do you feel envious of those who have more money? Do you think there is something missing in your life? Do you complain about your current life? Do you cling to the money you have or do you Do you feel guilty when you spend it? Do you work long hours and do what you don't like? Now, try to imagine how you would live your life without these thoughts in your mind… Maybe you would feel relief, you would take a weight off your shoulders, you could enjoy more from day to day, to do what you like, to be calm, in peace,to enjoy the little or a lot of money you have… Notice how these thoughts affect your life, how you feel and how you act, when you think about them and when you don't.

Now, if what you are looking for is to feel more at peace and calm, I invite you to try to see in what way these beliefs that we have clung to all our lives, can actually be false… and see what is the true relationship between the money and your well-being and happiness… Here I share with you some “proofs” of how these beliefs can be false:

I need money to feel calm and safe.

Many millionaires suffer from concerns and fears regarding their financial security, just as many people with little or no resources live happily and peacefully with their lives. Of course there is also the opposite, there are many millionaires who are calm and people without resources who feel unhappy, but that is precisely the point, there is no real connection between money and the tranquility or well-being of these people.

Imagine that someone has all their money invested in stocks and suddenly the stocks fall and they lose that money at any moment. That person, until he finds out that he lost the money, continues to feel calm because he "believes" that he has it. The "thought" that she has money keeps her calm, when IN REALITY, that money is gone… So, if the money were the true cause of her security and tranquility, as soon as she lost the money, that person would also.

I need money to enjoy life more and be happy

Do you know of people who have MORE money than you and who seem to enjoy life LESS than you? And vice versa, do you know people with LESS money than you and who nevertheless seem to enjoy life MORE? Look for real examples in your life, take your time… Can you see then, how your happiness has nothing to do with money? If it were so, everyone who has more money than you would "necessarily" have to be happier and vice versa… and it doesn't happen like that…

Can you remember a time when you had more money than you have now but you weren't happier than you are now? And can you think of a time when you had less money than you have now and yet you felt happier than now? Recognizing those moments helps you see that happiness is not governed by the amount of money you have…

Think about the things that have brought the most joy into your life. Perhaps it is your partner, being with your children, your family, your friends or perhaps some achievement, doing something that you are passionate about, or helping others. Note that these joys and satisfactions are not related to money. Once again, money was not the cause of your satisfaction or happiness…

Another good proof of this is the children. They don't need money to enjoy life, be happy, or laugh. Anything they find in their path becomes a toy, they see everything with curiosity and are able to have fun with the simplest things… They are a great demonstration that happiness and joy is not in money.

Imagine that by mistake the bank makes a large deposit of money in your account, after a few hours it rectifies that error and withdraws the money from your account.

If money were the cause of your happiness, then you should have been very happy during those hours when all that money was in your account… but since you were not "aware" that you had that money, you did not feel any emotion when respect… Can you see how money is not the cause of your happiness?

If I don't have money, something very bad can happen.

I recently read about a writer who experienced a succession of extreme situations in her life, including the breakdown of her marriage, the disapproval of her parents, and being in extreme poverty. These circumstances led her back to her initial dream of writing because, as she said, she no longer had anything else to lose. She explained that the situations she went through took away everything that was not essential in her life and taught her things about herself that she would not have learned in any other way.

And just like her, many people who have gone through crises or experiences that they consider extreme, have reported that these situations transformed their lives for the better and allowed them to live with much greater intensity, peace and strength thanks to it. As Marco Aurelio, the philosopher and Roman emperor, said: “Love only what happens to you and what is hatched by your destiny. Well, what can best suit your needs? "

I invite you to look for all the evidence that will allow you to verify "for yourself" that money is not really the source of your tranquility or happiness but "your thoughts" and beliefs about it. As Marco Aurelio also said: "A man's life is what his thoughts make of it." Checking it helps you to live less subject to something that you cannot control, with less fear of not having it and instead enjoy your life more now, with or without money, because finally, for that we want money, right?

Live without fear, despite the crisis