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Find your business idea first within yourself


To choose a business idea, the entrepreneur must look for opportunities first within himself and then in his environment.

Within himself to look at his talents, passions and values ​​is what is most important and attractive to him. This is because being an entrepreneur is a lifestyle and dedicating yourself to business inevitably touches every part of the entrepreneur's personal and family life.

Choosing a business idea also requires the entrepreneur to consider the qualitative elements of the idea, as well as the quantitative ones.

The qualitative elements are those that have to do with the nature of the business idea and that the company will have when it is running. They have to do with those qualities, talents and passions of the entrepreneur. It has to do with the needs of the people who will receive that product or service.

The quantitative elements, on the other hand, have to do with the business economy and the profit potential. This part is also vital. Because a spectacular, wonderful, great, creative and even desired idea by the community must have the capacity to create wealth.

The entrepreneur is generally not a financier or an economist. He is a person with guts, with a desire to succeed, seeks economic independence and I want to create.

But he knows he must train to succeed, as world-class athletes do.

An entrepreneur with two or three spectacular ideas on the table must choose one and dedicate himself to it with soul, life and heart. That idea must have true potential to generate profit.

Entrepreneurs don't really like theory, they are pragmatists. They are looking for tools that they can use. And all this and more has been considered in our new Intensive Seminar, unique in its kind.

Leave me your questions and comments. I know that many concerns arise when choosing a business idea.

In Phase # 1 the entrepreneur wants to have his own company; But he has not been able to have any that can generate the motivation and strength to start.

In Phase # 2 the entrepreneur already chose a business idea; But perhaps you are betting on a "spectacular idea" or are "blindly in love with a business idea."

In both circumstances, the entrepreneur must be trained, must be trained, must have tools to measure the true profit potential of a business idea.

Find your business idea first within yourself