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Collection management. ideas and techniques to collect from difficult debtors


In another article I promised to expose how to respond to the excuses and tricks of a seasoned, chronic, specialist, soapy debtor; in short, a professional (not to use an inelegant term, you understand me). The key is to prepare better and for that I will present a series of strategies and ideas so that they have more resources and techniques to collect from difficult debtors. I am not talking about those who do not have money and cannot get it, but those who seem to enjoy destabilizing us.

This "professional" debtor makes many debt collectors give up in the attempt to collect, others (luckily most) are stimulated by the imagination, looking for alternatives so that they have no choice but to reach an agreement. For all of them, for the former so that they do not resign their right to insist, and for the latter to provide them with more tools in their management, this article goes.

• When debtors allege that they cannot pay because they have to pay for the illness of an immediate family member, the collector should take it as good news, since there is income or someone who helps them, and therefore, their message should be that They regret what is happening, that they continue to care for their family member, try to find out what illness they have, where they are hospitalized, what social work or prepaid medicine they have - in order to find out if it is true and if they have coverage, find out their status and recovery time. –If it is days, there are no problems, if it is months, you have to live with the debt settlement–, let him know that if he solves with you, he will have credit again and can attend even better to his relative, that the commitment with you continues to exist which is getting worse and needs to be fixed,how much money do you get in addition to your income to pay on account and reduce your debt. Go on, go on. Insist, always insist.

Any amount the debtor offers, even if it is ridiculous, must be received; This does not mean that they stop their action or that they change the state of the situation, since a fracture is not fixed with an aspirin but with a plaster and, therefore, the medicine to be applied must approach the ideal, for example a bandage stiff Then with their action they must receive the money on account and continue to insist. The goal is to get more money to stop them from insisting.

• They always ask for more time. Time costs and they have to buy it. "How much money do you get for tomorrow?"

• Debtors know that interest and expenses can often be reduced, including capital withdrawals according to the time elapsed, but for that reduction they have to have two reasons, on the one hand the debtor must request it, and I am saying that if, for example, I tell the debtor that the commitment is 5000 pesos, but that if he cancels cash the value becomes 4000 pesos, the debtor receives as a message that the interests are not important, that it is planned to lose them and this generates that it ends negotiating the payment of 4000 pesos in installments, and that is not the idea of ​​origin. On the other hand, the second motivation is to resign interests with an effort of the debtor in exchange, for example, before the offer of the debtor, to renounce only part or nothing and to greater effort to resign more, that is, the debtor earns it with your effort,this way he values ​​to offer more.

• These debtors also do not want to pay professional fees, I suppose that in addition to considering them as an increase in their debt, it means that it is a personal punishment for not having solved this issue before and they try not to suffer it. Here the non-evaluation of professional management plays, when the reality is that if the collectors had not participated, the debtor would not have reacted; this is why the fees are inalienable: at most they finance the payment, with interest and guarantee of course.

• When the debtor alleges that the commitment prescribed, they must be convinced that the debt exists, that the terms were interrupted with the previous intimations, that they will not be able to operate on credit until they have solved it and move on. The debt exists and must be solved, "How much money do you get for tomorrow?"

When they observe that the debtor takes advantage of an inexperienced debt collector, change the debt collector for one with more preparation and train the first one more. When the collector is inexperienced, it is necessary to prepare him with “letter” to answer everything, to have group meetings with expert collectors and to discuss how to answer certain objections or excuses, thus gaining greater security. The uncertainty of not knowing how to respond many times paralyzes your action and your attitude.

• When there is a conflict or when there is a relationship with someone of the same sex, many times the exchange of the interlocutor for someone different or of a different sex than the debtor helps the recovery action.

• When the debtor is old, it is often convenient to analyze his personal characteristics and sometimes it is necessary to adopt the character of "grandson"; other times it will serve to be faced by a person of a similar age and dealt with as a peer.

When the debtor tries to seduce us or mistreats us, in reality he seeks to distract us from our objective and you should have a built-in thermostat and not “get too hot” or be cold in order not to notice the game you are playing on us. In addition, many times the irascible reaction is simply due to feeling that in the absence of excuses or arguments to stop its push, it reacts negatively and tries to deactivate them with screams. We must not lose our axis, the objective: to charge fast.

As you will see there is no excuse or objection without response, whatever I say I ask a little more but I always follow and follow the management, nothing should stop me or paralyze me. Look for answers of this type to the most common objections and prove them that they will be in the correct plan to achieve the set goal.

A professional debtor must be attended by a professional debt collector and this is the way.

Collection management. ideas and techniques to collect from difficult debtors