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Strategic and operational planning


Strategy: It is the set of actions that must be developed to achieve the strategic objectives, this implies:

• Define and prioritize the problems to be solved.

• Plan solutions.

• Determine those responsible for its execution.

• Assign resources to carry it out.

• Establish the form and periodicity to measure progress.



It is the set of actions that must be developed to achieve the strategic objectives, this implies:

• Define and prioritize the problems to be solved.

• Plan solutions.

• Determine those responsible for its execution.

• Assign resources to carry it out.

• Establish the form and periodicity to measure progress.


A consistent strategy will be represented in specific change projects, verifiable goals by the management team, an organization must define between 2 and 4 strategies, having more is not having any.


• Strategy is often confused with tactics.

• In the military sphere, the art of preparing the campaign plan and the tactics is the mobilization of troops to more advantageous positions.

• The strategy is made up of many simultaneous and integrated tactics.

Types of strategies.

• Corporative strategy.

• Institutional strategy.

• Functional level strategy.

Strategy features:

• Have a long time horizon. (long term)

• A major final impact.

• Concentration of efforts (few purposes)

• Uniform decision pattern (throughout the organization)

• Penetration capacity (throughout the organization)

Strategic objective.

That action that will allow us to fulfill the purpose of the mission and carry out the commitment of the vision, through the execution of a strategy.

Strategic objective functions:

• Guide, stimulate and coordinate decisions and actions.

• Be the basis for the evaluation and control of the results.

• Motivate the members of the organization.

• Transfer the intentions of the organization abroad.

Strategic implementation

“Everyone applies strategic planning; but very few manage to implement their strategies "

4 Keys to implement the strategy.

1. Reorient the organizational structure according to the strategy.

2. Institutionalize the strategy or incorporate it into the system of values, norms and roles of the workers.

3. It must be operational, that is, translate into specific rules, policies and procedures to be carried out.

4. It should be divided into short-term goals to reward and measure progress.

Strategy implementation proposal.

Implementing the strategy means making it operational, institutionalizing it, and aligning it with the organizational structure.

Annual operating programs.

Strategic quality improvement

program Strategic education and training

program Strategic Leadership strengthening program.

Strategic program to promote research.

Elements of Operational planning:

• Introduction.

• Analysis of the current situation.

• Objectives

• Goals.

• Key activities.

• Possible scenarios.

• Start and end dates.

• Responsible.

• Means.

• Form of evaluation and monitoring.

1. Introduction.

Describe the information that allows you to visualize the essence of what you are going to deal with, as well as aspects related to its foundation, the inclusion of historical data, related to the problem, until the current situation is located.

2. Analysis of the current situation.

Describe the current situation of the area for which the operation is carried out, situational or strategic diagnoses can be used.


3. General or Strategic Objective.

• Describe the ultimate goal or condition to be achieved with the execution of key activities.

4. Specific objectives.

• Divide your overall goal into short-term or more concrete goals to achieve. (maximum 5 objectives)


Express quantitatively the objective to be achieved, the area responsible for the action to which the goal refers, the space, and the determined time.

5. Key activities.

Describe the activities that will allow you to achieve the proposed objective or objectives. Make a list of activities for each particular objective.

6. Possible scenarios

Define and project with statistical data the real situation of each key activity to be carried out.

A scenario is a set of projections, assumptions and estimates that, properly combined, illustrate a range of future options.


Exploratory. They analyze the conditions of the environment and the interior of the organization to predict the future scenario in which the

strategies will be deployed.

Strategic. Based on them, the measures to prevent, minimize or correct damage are defined.

Of resource distribution. They define the resource needs of a health service in order to execute a strategy.

Models to analyze scenarios.

Diagram of anticipated problems.

What can go wrong?

(a) How likely is it to occur.

(b) How important is the obstacle.

(axb) Priority attention.

Preventive actions.

Actions to minimize effects.

Responsible for the action.

7. Start and end dates.

Specify the start and end day and month for each key activity.

Key activity

Responsible Start term

8. Responsible.

• Specify the personnel responsible for carrying out each activity.

9. Necessary resources.

• Human

• Materials.

• Financial.

• Technological.

10. Evaluation.

The evaluation can be qualitative and quantitative, for example:

• A) Achievement of the mission and strategic objective.

• B) Fulfillment of goals or control of indicators.

Evaluate is to compare a result against a previously established parameter and the issuance of value judgments


• Systematic and continuous measurement that allows detecting deviations in a timely manner and making pertinent modifications to the program.

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Strategic and operational planning