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The presence of entrepreneurship in the economy

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Entrepreneurship offers a wide panorama in which it allows to visualize the opportunities that should be taken advantage of, to begin you will know different concepts of

"Entrepreneur" contributed by different authors, thus also highlights the importance of the entrepreneur in the social context and the characteristics that it possesses, at the same time the relationship and the impact that entrepreneurship has in the economic field will be identified. In the same way we will understand the meaning of undertaking. which refers to the initiative to create or improve something already existing; Therefore, you must have your objectives very well defined as well as identify, analyze and take advantage of opportunities where there may not be them. It is worth mentioning that during this process the factors that hinder the realization of an entrepreneurial plan must be taken into account, when undertaking means taking risks that have to be mitigated with the planning of techniques and strategies to avoid possible failures.


Regarding the entrepreneurial term, different authors conceptualize it as follows:

According to the author Herrera y Montoya defines entrepreneur as: Person with the ability to create and build something from almost nothing; it is a creative act typical of the human race (Ocampo, 2008); takes calculated risks and then does everything possible to avoid failure; perceive opportunities where others see chaos; possesses knowledge to control resources that are often owned by others. (cited in Varela, 2013: 27). Based on this argument, it should be mentioned that the entrepreneur has the ability to intuit and detect growth opportunities where there are none, entrepreneurship is an act that arises in accordance with the needs that exist. are presented to us, likewise the entrepreneur must take advantage of them in a creative way. On the other hand,Possible risks must be analyzed and calculated and based on them, strategies or techniques should be designed to reduce the chances of failure.

On the other hand, De Miguel mentions “The entrepreneur recognizes opportunities and takes actions to take advantage of them. He is the one who has the ability to take advantage of market imperfections ”(quoted from Kirzner, 2013: 6). Regarding the above, it can be said that an entrepreneur must identify the deficiencies of the context in which he develops, and then improve or create a possible solution to them.

According to García “The entrepreneurial spirit means wanting to develop capacities for change, experimenting with one's own ideas and reacting with greater openness and flexibility” (2017: 2).

Regarding the above argument, entrepreneurship requires a reason or approach to improvement and change, so it is worth mentioning that the causes to undertake must lie in the desire to improve and self-realization of the entrepreneur, but not take it as a conformity, that is,: Deciding to undertake because I cannot find a job or because I had no other option.

Obstacles to entrepreneurship

El Salvador mentions: "the main obstacles to entrepreneurship… The lack of support programs, the size of the market and the culture not very favorable to entrepreneurship close the list of obstacles" (2015: 15). Regarding this, I can attribute that to undertake we have to keep these obstacles in mind, but not only know them, but look for the necessary means to try to solve them and perhaps in the best of cases see them as an opportunity for growth.

It is true, the lack of support programs for the financing of entrepreneurial projects mitigates the possibility of entrepreneurship, however, if we have an entrepreneurial spirit, this will not be an obstacle as such. On the other hand, the market size; Without a doubt, it is one more excuse, since the market is very extensive and the objective of undertaking is to improve, even to face the competition

Entrepreneurship and the Economic Impact

Lupiáñez mentions, “It is necessary to consider its relationship with economic growth. In principle, there seems to be a broad consensus that the key to achieving economic growth and improvements in productivity lies in the entrepreneurial capacity of an economy ”(cited in Audretsch, 2014: 59). In reference to this the entrepreneurial process in This relationship with economic growth allows society to be offered a series of opportunities for the creation of new businesses or companies, which have a staff that transmits this desire to improve and share the interest to advance and improve day by day.

According to Díaz "Entrepreneurship is one of the characteristics that determines the growth, transformation and development of new economic sectors of a region or a country, with the human being the main pillar" (2013: 26). Attributing to the above I mention that the entrepreneurial process is a factor for growth, improvement and sustainability in the development of the population's economy, since the creation of new sources of employment generates higher rates of active persons, which allows them to improve their living conditions. This would not be possible if there were not an entrepreneur who puts into action his own plan or idea taking risks that this implies.


According to the above I can conclude that entrepreneurship is a factor in the development of the country's economy, the entrepreneurial process would not be possible without the existence of entrepreneurial people, since the success of a project depends on having the entrepreneur in the first place appropriate, said person must have knowledge, skills and abilities to execute said project.

Entrepreneurs are those who identify growth opportunities within the adversities or inefficiencies of the market. taking the risks that this implies, however, despite the obstacles that are presented to them, they continue forward, always driven by internal motivational factors (entrepreneurial spirit). The entrepreneurship process lies in the emergence and development of an initiative and the implementation of The same, in order to solve any deficiency later this will give way to the emergence of new businesses or companies which will have a great impact on the economy of the region or country.


  • From Miguel. A. (2013). PUBLIC POLICIES FOR ENTREPRENEURS: ANALYSIS OF THE DRAFT LAW TO SUPPORT THE ENTREPRENEUR. (postgraduate, published). University of Salamanca. Salamanca.Díaz C. (2013) FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE ENTREPRENEURIAL CAPACITY OF THE ARAUCANOS. (Master, published). National university of Colombia. Arauca.Herrera C. (2013 March 15) The entrepreneur: an approach to its definition and characterization1. 27-31. Retrieved from: https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=4776922Lupiáñez L. (2014) ENTREPRENEURSHIP AS A MOTOR OF ECONOMIC GROWTH.59-63. Recovered: https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=5253484 Sánchez M. (2015) Entrepreneurship in El Salvador. (15-112). Retrieved from:
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The presence of entrepreneurship in the economy