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The relevance of self-knowledge for the entrepreneur

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Today talking about entrepreneurship is a fundamental topic. Entrepreneurship is feasible for many people while others not so much. We are living in an era where doing it is seen as an easy task to achieve and is also taken as a tool to be able to develop your potential and go as far as you want. However, there are two relevant factors that must be taken into account when undertaking.

Self-knowledge and self-awareness are two transcendental factors when undertaking. Michael Bennet (2008) defines self-knowledge as a constant process of action on oneself that leads to an effect on self-recognition and expresses that through self-observation our values ​​and capabilities, interests and possibilities are recognized (M. Bennett 2008). Self-awareness according to Daniel Goleman (2004) means having a deep understanding of one's emotions, strengths, weaknesses, needs, and motivations.

The importance that should be given to these two concepts in the development of entrepreneurship is vital, since the more you know yourself, the more certain you will be of being successful, which implies being assertive in decision-making, your strengths and weaknesses.

In addition to knowing yourself, you must also have extensive knowledge of the business, know about the environment in which it will be developed, about the management of small businesses and about the management of interpersonal relationships; These areas are of vital importance as they form a comprehensive approach that will lead you to making the right decisions.

There are determining factors that affect the role of the entrepreneur, such as their role within the business, their personal and family goals, their personal development and their personal motivations, these factors are crucial since they impact their perception and their behavior towards the future, these They will trigger the moment to act or decide for their personal development and to know if it is necessary to postpone for better results.

It is not only important to know what happens outside in the market or within the economy, but it is of greater importance what is experienced within the subject, to avoid future failures, to know if he is prepared to start his entrepreneurship project.

The change in perspective of researchers from looking at themselves to have greater knowledge and greater awareness, have led them to have greater cognitive and motivational tools that will make them make the best decision, at the precise moment to become a successful entrepreneur.

Self-opinion involves emotions, motives, traits, attitudes, behaviors, goals, and your autobiographical memories; Knowing oneself improves the ability to learn, have self-awareness and have an identity to be able to act in the best way.

Self-awareness is the ability to focus your attention inward and study yourself in a way that is self-reflective; They involve aspects of our character, strengths and weaknesses, our own desires and also dislikes; Having self-awareness helps us to identify the factors that alter us, so that the strategy can be changed to improve communication and establish effective interpersonal relationships to develop empathy for others.

Being aware of our own thoughts, emotions and behaviors leads to a state of self-understanding, since people who show inner attention tend to evaluate themselves in relation to a standard, in order to have the ability to evaluate alternatives for the identification of problems and to have a better panorama in favor of a better ideal.

The entrepreneur needs not only to focus on the organization but also on the people, in order to cooperate and achieve stability within the organization, in addition self-awareness leads to a state of wisdom and peace which helps him make better decisions.

It is very important to take into account these concepts since our success or failure will derive from it when undertaking, we must always be open to knowledge, to self-evaluate, to be self-reflective, to know ourselves and to improve ourselves to make better decisions every day It is a constant job that requires a lot of dedication.


  1. Bennett, M ​​(2008). Self-knowledge. Spain: Editions i.Goleman, D. (2004). What makes a leader?. 07/03/2019, from Harvard Business Review.
The relevance of self-knowledge for the entrepreneur