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Product's release. balanced dog food

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This is a consultancy report for the launch of a new brand of balanced dry food for dogs. It will be manufactured by a large Brazilian company that is about to be installed in the department of San José.

Therefore, we did an investigation of the current state of the rations market in the city of Maldonado, and we suggest that the steps described in this report be followed to position ourselves as a leader in the Super Premium rations segment.

product launch-balanced-food-for-dogs


  • Dog population and survey Expert opinion

Dog population and survey

The number of dogs in Maldonado is estimated to be around 55,000. According to a survey, 40% of the inhabitants do not have a dog at home. Of those who have a dog, 32% say they feed it only with balanced, 4% only meat, 16% cook it, 6% give it leftovers, that they cook and mix with balanced is 39%. The most mentioned reason in the selection of the method for feeding is the cost, or because they believe it is healthy, then for practicality and also for veterinary recommendation.

In order to know the canine nutrition market, two types of interviews were carried out. In the first instance by visiting experts in the field. Four veterinarians: Central, López Quintana, San Isidro, and San Martín. And two related businesses Pet Shop (Punta Shopping), and Rango (Distribuidora de Nutriara). All of these were asked, What is the best way to feed a dog? What brands do you sell? What is the best seller? Which one would you recommend?

From the veterinarians we obtained information regarding the appropriate feeding of the animals from the necessary nutrients in a balanced diet to the different diseases and care necessary in the diet of the dogs. On the other hand, the sales centers gave us an idea of ​​the different categories of food, the most popular, etc.

  • About the competition...

We have listed 37 brands, without adding the line extensions, that is, varieties of tastes, size, races, pharmaceuticals, and age. However, the volume sold by each of them is very small.

The leading veterinary brands are only Eukanuba, Pro Plan, Hill Science Diet, Nutrience. These are classified as super Premium. They are marketed exclusively in veterinarians. They are the highest quality and therefore the most expensive. They are between 1500 and 2000 pesos.

The superpremium manufacturers did not limit themselves to the highest quality market but also covered other segments under other trade names, for example Purina which is a manufacturer of Pro Plan recently launched Dog Chow and Puppy Chow.

The origins of the products are North American, Argentine, Brazilian and national. Due to cost issues, traditionally leading brands have lost participation, giving place to national brands such as Lager - this being the most sold according to the opinion of veterinarians. It is probably due to the recent increase in quality of the same as at an accessible and competitive price.


The Premium market is led by Alpo and Pedigree. Both are Argentine. Its price in Disco and Devoto is 406 pesos for the 8-kilo bag of Alpo and the Pedigree bag of 1 ½ kilos in disco costs 96 pesos. Then we have Frolic and Frost that are bought in less quantity. Frolic costs 203 pesos the bag of 2.7 kilos and 900grams costs 70.50 pesos.


American brands had a large share in the quality food segment but after the devaluation of the peso these became too expensive, in addition, transport by ship is slow, thus losing about 3 months of useful life of the product between the order, shipment and admission to the country.

Argentine brands lead in promotion and positioning in the minds of consumers, for example Dogui and Pedigree. Dogui was the first to enter the Uruguayan market at the beginning of the 90's and for this reason it has great roots among customers. Pedigree is part of Waltham which also belongs to Mars Inc. Eukanuba since last year is manufactured in Argentina.

Food of Brazilian origin is led by Nutriara, it has a huge segmentation, 15 different brands that cover all market niches. Then they have a small participation Bravo and Leader Price (only in Devoto and Disco).

There are four manufacturers in Uruguay: Negley (Bandido, Gloton, Prot-21), Petar (Canito), Lager, Tienda Inglesa. The best quality and even recommended by professionals is Lager at a price of $ 520 per 22-kilo bag. At the other extreme is Prot-21, which is sold in retail stores, the 8-kilo bag costs $ 148.

Expert opinion

According to information obtained by Dr. Marcelo Cortez in Uruguay, the oldest serving is from approximately the year 82. Today there are forty-five different brands. Recently the marketing managers of Buenos Aires made some projections that in Uruguay there is room for growth in the veterinary sector for at least 20 years. With forty-five brands, the market penetration is still only 35%. There is a 65% potential to explode. It is the only branch that can grow at this rate.


The general population was surveyed with these questions: Do you have a dog in your home? how many? What do you feed him? For what reason? What was the last brand you bought?

After doing a series of surveys we discovered several important aspects of the balanced dog food market.

First, we start by obtaining useful data from professionals specialized in this market such as veterinarians and exclusive sales centers.


We found that vet brands such as Nutrience, Eukanuba, Hill's Science Diet, Pro Plan, Lager, are rarely found in supermarkets. Only a few brands match: Alpo and Frost. In Disco the head of the gondola and an equivalent to 35% of the packages correspond to Dogui; another 30% (4 fronts out of 15) show Pedigree. The latter along with Champ (both are from Effem), and Alpo are the three brands with the most presence in Devoto and Tienda Inglesa. Both chains have launched their own brand leading the lowest price for the 10k bags of $ 250 and $ 260 respectively. It must be taken into account that often the gondola space is bought and does not correspond to the real rotation of the product.


Our greatest influences at the time of purchase will be the veterinary advice, this is very important at the time of this, since the client pays a lot of importance to their advice, advertising is also very important, it describes and highlights the attributes of the product, our advertising aims Highlight the quality and price of the product as well as others in the printing on the packaging, it is necessary to create a descriptive packaging in terms of the attributes of the product, striking and practical, in addition the logo will be indicative of health since it will have a Dalmatian dog. The color of the packaging will be white, a sober color that in turn highlights the logo which will be yellow


  1. Cost: The cost of a high-quality product is lower since the cost of buying food separately is higher and the work of cooking is added. Complete and balanced food: A homemade food is hardly complete and balanced. Practicality: As it is a complete and balanced food, you do not have to add anything to it, avoiding wasting time spent cooking. You should even try to avoid adding food because we would be unbalanced to the diet, which could cause health problems in the animal. Hygiene: They contribute to environmental hygiene due to the fact that the feeders do not have to be washed. Duration of the product in time:They are foods that have a shelf life of one year or more. It is recommended to keep the food in cool and dry places. Once opened, the bag should preferably remain closed, to avoid external contaminants.
  1. Canned food:

They are foods that have 80% humidity. They are products, generally, complete in their composition. It can also be supplied mixed with dry food to stimulate consumption.

Advantages of canned food:

  1. Palatability: Due to their texture, they are very palatable for dogs and cats. The conservation period is long since during its preparation it is subjected to a sterilization process. Once the can is opened, it must be kept in the refrigerator in a closed container and must be consumed within 3 days of opening it. Semi-humid foods:

They are foods that contain 22% moisture. During the preparation of this type of food, water binding substances such as sugars, salts are incorporated, which produce a trapping of it in the food, preventing the development of microorganisms.

Advantages of semi-moist food:

  1. High palatability: This type of food is extremely attractive to dogs as it has a soft texture.



Fetal growth occurs significantly in the last third of pregnancy, therefore it is not advisable to overfeed the pregnant female before that period as it could lead to an excessive fat deposit and therefore possible problems in childbirth. A good feeding plan would be to increase feed by 15% from the fifth week of gestation, therefore the pregnant bitch will end up consuming 60% more than when it was served.


The nutritional requirements in this stage are extremely high. They may require up to 3 and a half times the maintenance requirements. The bitch has to maintain herself and at the same time produce enough milk with an adequate nutritional composition and energy content to be able to properly feed her puppies. That is why it is so important to provide a diet with a high concentration of energy and nutrients.


The nutritional requirements of a puppy are different from those of an adult animal. To the maintenance needs are added those of growth. Over-nutrition of the puppy is harmful. A calcium supplement to a complete and balanced diet can cause alterations in bone development and also interfere with the absorption of other minerals from the intestine. Excessive energy intake can cause obesity problems in small breeds and accelerated growth in giant breeds, which can lead to skeletal problems in the growing animal. Also an excess of vitamins, especially fat-soluble ones, can be detrimental to the health of our puppy. In conclusion, the feeding of our puppy should not be supplemented with something "extra",and he should eat what he must and not what he wants.

When puppies are weaned they need twice the requirements of an adult animal. Between 40% of their adult weight, their caloric requirements should be multiplied by 1.6. Between 80% and until reaching its adult weight, it needs 1.2 times the maintenance requirements.


Original text

Product Example characteristics
Superpremium TOP BALANCE,


Ingredients: Chicken, chicken meal, rice, broken pearl barley, hulled oats, rice gluten, animal fat (preserved with a mixture of tocopherols, source of vitamin E), tomato / tomato pulp (source of lycopene), hydrolyzed of chicken, flax, chicory pulp, cellulose powder (natural source of insoluble fiber), grape pulp (source of polyphenols), dicalcium phosphate, salt, calcium carbonate, potassium chloride, fish oil, vitamins: L-ascorbyl -2-polyphosphate (source of vitamin C), DL acetate alpha-tocopherol (source of vitamin E), choline chloride, vitamin A supplement, dicalcium pantothenate, biotin, thiamine mononitrate (vitamin B1), riboflavin supplement (vitamin B2), vitamin B12 supplement, vitamin D3 supplement, taurine, cempasuchitl flower (source of lutein), minerals: zinc sulfate,copper sulfate, potassium iodide.


The organism is the cradle of incessant energy-producing or consuming chemical reactions. A large part of this energy is dissipated in the form of heat, in movement or in production (milk for example). Considering that there is a basic energy need necessary for the maintenance of body temperature and the development of normal functions. This energy need must be adjusted, according to the conditions in which the animal is, either to fight against the cold, for growth, reproduction, activity, etc.

The nutrients that supply energy are lipids, carbohydrates (excluding fiber) and proteins. For high needs, the oxidation of fatty acids represents the essence of energy supply: lipids are imposed by their coverage (Rations for sled dogs). Energy can be measured by its conversion into heat by means of a calorimetric bomb. Lipids generate 9.5 Kcal / g, Proteins: 5.6 Kcal / g and carbohydrates: 4.5 Kcal / g, only a part of this energy is used by the body.



Studies carried out in the group of mammals have shown that maintenance energy needs do not correspond to their live weight but to their body surface, which is extracted by raising their live weight to the power.73 this value according to (Heusner 1982) should be adjusted to.67. Due to the great variation in weight that exists in canine breeds, the great difference between a Chihuahua and a Saint Bernard cannot be hidden. Metabolic weight is the basis of reasoning for the study of the energy needs of all animals.


In general, animals regulate their food consumption on the basis of their energy needs and based on the energy density that the food contains.

Although this principle can be applied to dogs, it must be understood that there are many causes that distort this statement and all of them due to their domestication (loneliness, boredom, competition, habits…) all these causes disturb this self-regulation, leading them to consume excessively. And as a consequence we see how obesity exists in the canine population.

This over-consumption is particularly favored by the use of foods very high in fat, which are a very high appetite factor for the dog's taste. The animal consumes more this type of food with high fat content and this can entail dangers such as obesity or very rapid growth with the consequent bone problems in puppies.

Therefore, it is necessary to reserve these foods with high fat content for situations in which high energy needs are required. During periods of lactation and intense activity for puppies it is preferable to limit the intake of fats in order to avoid excessive consumption and give them the opportunity to have a harmonious growth.

By virtue of the deficiencies that dogs currently have for their self-regulation in consumption. It is advisable to weigh the amount of food necessary for the animals and monitor their consumption. The theoretical method that we give below to calculate the daily ration is only indicative since there are many variants in the energy needs of each animal.

Observation on the general state of the animal by its caretaker should set the tone to find the most suitable daily ration for each animal.

Example of rationing for a 40 kg dog (maintenance)

Dog; 40 Kg


Moisture …………. = 8%

Crude protein……. = 25%

Fat …….. = 10%

Ashes ……………… = 6.5%

Fiber ………………… = 2.5%


Food: Kcal / Kg. = 3450

Protein / crude …….. = 25%

Energy of 1% protein = 35 Kcal (NRC calculation)

Protein ratio as a function of Metabolizable Energy.

PB / MS = (25 × 35: 3450) x100 = 25.36%

Calculation of the daily (theoretical) ration:

The determination of the (theoretical) daily ration is based exclusively on the energy needs of the animal, it is essential that the animal finds in this food ration not only the calories needed but also all the nutritional needs necessary for its organism.

If, for example, the fat content of a food were increased without taking into account other nutrients, we would raise the energy density but we would obtain a poorly balanced food, the dog should eat more of this food so as not to be lacking in the other nutrients that increase in this formula change has not been taken into account.

With regard to foods high in fiber content (food for obese dogs in hypocaloric diets) an increase in essential nutritional factors is essential since these feeds are low in digestibility and the animals would suffer nutritional deficiencies if not.


The elaboration of a complete, balanced food for dogs is based on parameters of strict compliance: quality of the raw materials, excellence of formulation, excellence of the production processes with finished control of the critical points of the process, permanent monitoring of compliance with guarantees organoleptic, microbiological, chemical and nutritional and in vivo tests (palatability, digestibility, growth profiles, etc.)

The quality assurance of our products begins with the suppliers that are permanently audited to guarantee the nutritional value of the raw materials, their safety, the safety of the processes as well as everything inherent in packaging materials.

The merchandise that arrives at the plant is sampled prior to entry to measure nutritional quality (proteins, fat, levels of acidity and peroxides, control of fungal toxins, humidity, absence of insects in the case of cereals and absence of elements or substances foreign).

Depending on the product entered, they are diverted to silos (coarse raw materials such as grains and flours of animal origin), tanks (fats of animal origin and vegetable oils) protected from the negative action of heat, special hoppers with micro-ingredients (cores) or cold rooms for all the fresh meat ingredients that are added to the product as base ingredients or as part of the flavorings produced in a special room totally tiled and with stainless steel equipment.

Based on the formulations loaded and by a fully computerized process, a first stage of grinding the coarse ingredients is carried out, a process that is carried out twice to guarantee a sufficiently small particle size and that in this way guarantees a correct cooking during the extrusion process.

The minor ingredients are added in the mixer and from there the product goes to the conditioner, a process prior to extrusion where fresh ingredients and water from treated boilers are added to ensure its quality. In this sector temperatures of 80-90 degrees are reached and the permanence is 20-30 minutes.

From there it goes to the extruder. Extrusion is a process that takes place at high pressure and high temperature (120-130 degrees centigrade) for 10-15 seconds, a process by which the correct gelatinization or dextrinization of starches is achieved without affecting the nutritional quality of the proteins.

The product under pressure exits through a die with the chosen characteristic shape and is cut by a system of blades that give it the final shape and size. As said product comes out with a humidity level of 20-22%, it is taken by pneumatic transport that takes it to a drying oven where it receives hot air for a period of close to 30 minutes (it depends on the size of the product produced) and thus reach the final humidity of 9-10% average. The hot product is transported through a greasing and flavored sector, goes to a cooler and is diverted to the silos for final packaging.

Particle size is measured in grinding, permanent review of the metal detectors installed throughout the entire production line to eliminate the risk of an external foreign element or own machinery, mixing efficiency, heat treatment curves, levels humidity, shape, smell, size and color versus established parameters, packaging temperature (hot packaging causes condensation and the risk of later appearance of fungi or yeasts).

All the product produced is sampled with hourly intakes for the measurement of all kinds of parameters (physical-chemical, microbiological and organoleptic), rejecting it in the event that the strict standardized directives for all the Company's plants worldwide are not met.

It is necessary to point out that the microbiological controls are carried out in three planes

  1. Environmental: air, floors and equipment used Material in process: taken daily in 26 points of the same Finished product, sampled hourly.

The expiration date, which we set at one year from the date of production, is one more way to protect our consumers, despite the fact that the quality of our processes would allow us to extend this period. The food produced and packaged is diverted to the warehouses with perfect identification and a FIFO (first in, first out) entry and exit program that does not allow product to go out on the street in any way other than respecting the order in which they were produced.



The results of the investigation showed that the points of sale are classified in specialized stores (veterinary), chains, and small retailers. It is curious the brands marketed in veterinarians, they are not found in the rest of the shops. The role of a veterinarian is not really to sell rations, but to diagnose and heal the animals, therefore when they accommodate the balanced ones they demand above all that it be highly profitable. For example Nutrience gives them a 117% margin, it is an exaggeration. They also usually demand exclusivity, so you will never find a Pro Plan in a Disco or English Store.

Supermarkets are places of great public influence and have a lot of sale compared to small retailers. However, both commercial formats lack personal sales, a critical factor for launching TOP BALANCE because it is a superior product and it is necessary to explain why it is more expensive and better.

A contractual VMS has been implemented, a vertical marketing system in which independent companies at different levels of production and distribution come together through contracts in order to save more or sell more than they could achieve alone.


The key factor of marketing is to give the benefit of place and time to obtain the goods. A good product must be accompanied by a good supply. That it is worth having the best promotions and at an affordable price if in the end when the customer goes to a store they cannot find it. And at the other extreme, an excess of stock erodes profits since you have immobile capital, not to mention that

Replenishment in stores should work in two ways, one passive as a receiver of orders that the customer calls by phone, and the second as a getter of orders. The salesperson who works with a truck and over time builds an excellent relationship with the retailer, so that the final price can be controlled and incentivized.

Direct sales report high profitability, but other expenses are incurred such as home delivery or maintenance of a sales premises. The prices are the same as those offered by retailers in order to avoid unfair competition with them. Home deliveries are made free of charge and is part of the promotional plan.



We will use different methods to promote our brand. Top Blance we intend to possess it as a quality brand, as a guarantee of health. The goal is to ensure that the target market takes this brand into account as a quality brand at an accessible and cheaper price than its competitors. For this we will use different sales promotion tools such as advertising, public relations, direct sales, etc. Within advertising we will use television and radio. Within public relations we intend to obtain the approval of recognized veterinarians and get them to promote our product.

Another way to promote our product will be with free samples at the veterinarians, add other products to the bags such as fleas, shampoos, etc.

We will also do propaganda such as donating food to the animal protection society, when achieving a certain level of sales. Also as part of the promotion, shipments will be free of charge.


We will present three advertising shorts on television of approximately 20 seconds. These will highlight the qualities of our product as well as its price, etc.

We will also carry out a radio campaign.


For public relations we will use veterinarians since they have the power to destroy the product. We intend that for their own profit incentive they sell and guarantee the product.



Dunga bag

$ 180 $ 250 $ 320

Placed in URUGUAY Costs + Earnings Sale to the public

Of the representative

Wholesale price

By extension…. for Top Balance

$ 660 $ 915 $ 1170

The value being so wide we calculate 30% of this that will be offered to advertising by the factory itself

830-650 = 180 bags of profit = $ 164,700

$ 26.00 = U $ S 1

$ 164,700 = US $ 6,335 per month


We will have three bags with different prices according to size and growth stage to which the food is focused.

For the 15 kg bag of adult dog the price will be 1170 pesos.

For the 7 ½ kg bag of adult dog the price will be 650 pesos.

For the 7 ½ kg bag of puppy the price will be 780 pesos.

For the 1 ½ kg bag of puppy the price will be 170 pesos.


The purpose of a post transaction policy is to achieve customer loyalty. It's making you feel safe and happy with the food you buy. It can be reached with a customer service, either by phone, by email, and by teaching about pet care.

The constant renewal of accessory items that will include the food bags will be one more reason to achieve product loyalty. These accessories will be an anti-flea pipette, plastic jar to serve the ration, book about puppies, leash….



The strengths of the company are having the support of a company with an excellent track record such as Nutriara, which will facilitate the positioning of the brand since in itself we will be using the support of a reputable company. Having the distribution resolved since the distributors for the interior of Uruguay have several trucks to deliver the merchandise on time. Being able to use an expensive campaign since the company has a high marketing investment margin.


The company will soon be in Uruguay, which will reduce costs and allow better distribution. It will also have the possibility of competing in all market segments, becoming the most important balanced dog food company.


We cannot cover the Montevideo market for legal reasons since the exclusivity of the sale of Nutriara products from our company is from the entire interior but Montevideo belongs to another company. The product has greater legal obstacles since when it is imported, customs problems, new taxes, documents, etc. always arise.


The biggest threat at the moment is national competitors as they have the support of the government and are legally protected. They also have cheaper costs and a higher profit margin. Their distribution is faster and they are well positioned in the market.

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Product's release. balanced dog food