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The 7 levels of stagnation of the entrepreneurial woman

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Stagnation of a business can manifest itself in many different ways, such as low income, fewer customers, and high levels of frustration. However, these are only external manifestations of problems whose roots lie in different internal levels of the entrepreneurial woman. Know the 7 levels of stagnation and how to get out of each one of them.

A good business should always be in continuous growth. In other words, if your income is not increasing year after year, something is not working well.

Although it is easier to find the reasons for this arrest in external circumstances, I have seen that, normally, the reason for the stagnation is within the entrepreneur, and not outside.

There are seven classic roadblocks that cause low income, fewer customers, and frustration for the female entrepreneur who delivers services.

The good news is that if you go to the root of the problem, you can gain full clarity about what is holding you back and take action to change your situation.

If you feel that you are stuck in your business, study these 7 levels and find at what level you are stopping:

1. Your spirit: lack of purpose

Your great why. Your business sense of purpose forms the foundation of everything else you do in it. It is like an internal engine that propels you forward and gives you the passion that is so necessary for a successful venture.

2. Your identity

How do you see yourself in your business? If you are not clear about your identity, you will lack the confidence necessary to make the decisions that would propel your business forward. Leave the image of the woman you were before, you are no longer her. Now you are a successful businesswoman making thousands of dollars a month! Start making your decisions from that position!

3. Your beliefs

Every time you doubt that you can achieve something, you are stuck at this level: that of your beliefs. By reaching out to your Creator and seeking His way of thinking big, you can turn your fear and negative beliefs into a pure and powerful faith that will open your mind to new opportunities.

4. Your decisions

You will know that you are stuck at this level when you are not clear about how to do what, when to do this. You're confused. At this level you have to analyze the information that you have at your fingertips, to ensure that your possible plans are not based on mere assumptions, but on the information necessary to make an accurate decision.

5. Your goals

You must have heard by now how important goals are and surely you think you have your goals clear, but are they specific enough? For example, "I want to make more money this year" is not as specific as "my goal for the next 60 days is to generate $ 8,000."

6. Your actions

If you're like me, you surely love when someone tells you exactly the steps you need to take to get the result you are looking for. If you know what to do but don't know when to do what, you're going to go around in circles and get frustrated.

7. Your environment

Sometimes everything else may be fine, but you are in a toxic environment. You will realize, because actions or words of other people will trigger feelings of frustration and discouragement in you, which will directly affect your performance in your business. Ask yourself, "Am I surrounded by people who support and help me, or are they pulling me down?"

The 7 levels of stagnation of the entrepreneurial woman