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The 8 most common risks when starting a business


Through this work, we make a reasoning about the current situation of the country, which presents us with a very poor image and in which the situation of getting a job is a difficult one, so people have chosen to start a business and create their own. own job position, but without having the experience and not taking into account the factors that can intervene blocking progress, then here we will develop a vision of what risk is and what are the main characteristics, in order to understand the definition of each one and be able to identify it, but relating to the undertaking.

In addition to answering a question highly posed by the entrepreneur, is it possible to mitigate risk? Perhaps without foundation of experiences we will not be able to answer it, with this document it is possible to establish a firm position and guide in the datas recommendations through each of the description of the most common risks that entrepreneurs face, although for a better understanding it was argued each risk with a reflection story through collected stories that will be presented in the annexes.

We do not intend to demotivate or hinder the entrepreneur, but we do intend to take into account the risks that may imply for some people to leave a job with a fixed salary and with all the benefits of the law, for a dream that may perhaps guide them to higher from the top or to the depths of the ravine through the undertaking of your own business, but by means of this reading, take into account how you should act in case any of the risks presented in this text arise.

For the foundation of this work we resort to sources such as recognized books, but perhaps there may be variations in the classification of the most common risks when starting a business, but if we are sure is that the most liberal way to break the routine of To be an employee is to undertake with the dream of building a great company, overcoming risks and facing them to turn them into opportunity.


The risk is a danger or injury since it causes a disaster and is related to undertaking since it is described as someone who is going to venture into a new business activity which will be subject to several risks that must be faced. The risks when starting a business are: 1) Fear of risk: it is something natural that will accompany you throughout the entire entrepreneurial adventure. 2) Lack of adaptation to changes in the environment: the lack of flexibility in this world of change is a way to ensure continuous failure when undertaking. 3) Not knowing the business: entrepreneurs feel insecure about the idea of ​​starting their company because they do not know how the business works. 4) Losing their Money: this is one of the most common risks that make new business projects fail, lies precisely inin neglecting financial needs 5) Not having customers: it is considered a risk since sometimes, it cannot be taken into account if the product or service really covered a need within the market 6) The location of the premises is not the appropriate: choose the location of our business, its visibility, its accessibility, the proximity of our target audience and its natural conditions must be checked. 7) Derived by Competition: when starting a business we will always meet competitors that offer the same or similar products. 8) Not Managing Your Company Well: look for people who share the same vision of the project to avoid failure.It cannot be taken into account if the product or service really covered a need within the market. 6) The location of the premises is not adequate: choose the location of our business, its visibility, its accessibility, the proximity of Our target audience and its natural conditions 7) Derived by Competition: when starting a business we will always find competitors who offer the same or similar products. 8) Not Managing Your Company Well: look for people who share the same vision of the project to avoid failure.It cannot be taken into account if the product or service really covered a need within the market. 6) The location of the premises is not adequate: choose the location of our business, its visibility, its accessibility, the proximity of Our target audience and its natural conditions 7) Derived by Competition: when starting a business we will always find competitors who offer the same or similar products. 8) Not Managing Your Company Well: look for people who share the same vision of the project to avoid failure.7) Derived by Competition: when starting a business, we will always find competitors who offer the same or similar products. 8) Not Managing Your Company Well: look for people who share the same vision of the project to avoid failure.7) Derived by Competition: when starting a business, we will always find competitors who offer the same or similar products. 8) Not Managing Your Company Well: look for people who share the same vision of the project to avoid failure.


4.1. general

  • Investigate the risks when starting a business, by investigating relevant information in physical and virtual books and scientific articles, with the purpose of knowing the risks involved in starting a business.

4.2. Specific

  • Determine what the risk is and the characteristics that risk has, through the search for information in scientific articles and virtual libraries, to strengthen knowledge and be able to recognize and mitigate risk as entrepreneurs. Know what entrepreneurship is and what it is possible to mitigate risk, through the foundations investigated in scientific articles, with the purpose of understanding the definition of entrepreneurship and that if it is possible to reduce and soften the risk Study the 8 most common risks when starting a business, by investigating each of the risks in virtual books and web articles, with the purpose of laying the foundations to face the risk when we start to undertake.


What is risk?

Risk is the probability that a hazard will turn into a disaster. Risk is exposure to a situation where there is a possibility of harm or being in danger. It is that vulnerability or threat that an event occurs and its effects are negative and that someone or something may be affected by it. (Alvarado, 2014)

"The research group defines risk as a situation that can cause damage or harm to a person, thing, organization or entity and that can cause negative effects for their objectives or interests, causing changes in their activity"

What is entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is a term that has multiple acceptances. Depending on the context in which it is used, it will be the connotation assigned to it. In the field of business, the entrepreneur is an entrepreneur; the owner of a commercial business for profit.

According to (Alcaraza, 2006) Entrepreneurship is a word that denotes a profile, a set of characteristics that makes a person act in a certain way and that allows him to show certain skills to visualize, define and achieve objectives. p.3

Finely as quoted in (Alcaraza, 2006) "describes him as someone who is going to venture into a new business activity."

"For us to undertake in the capacity that a person has to build new ideas, the same ones that have to be creative and in which he uses his intelligence to start a business or activity that he wants to carry out."

Characteristics of the essence of Risk:

Of these, the first two are real and the third is potential, which can become real, which is not necessary for the risk to exist and they are:

The existence of an object exposed to damage or loss, determined by:

  • the property and its use, the health or the ability to generate income of a person, and the responsibility before third parties The presence of the cause or possible causes that cause the damage or loss to the object, which may be of natural origin, such as the earthquakes; of human origin, such as robberies; and of economic origin, social changes The resulting damage or loss suffered by the object that occurs the cause, which is generally measured in economic terms, such as the cost of the loss of a Property due to a fire, or the generated for a hospitalization.

Is it possible to mitigate the risk when undertaking?

An essential characteristic of an entrepreneur is to be in love with his business idea, so as not to be intimidated by the many obstacles that he is going to encounter and, hopefully, dodge along the way. A strong dose of optimism and deep-rooted perseverance make it possible to turn projects into reality that for many are impossible. However, it only takes a glance at the statistics on the rate of new businesses that fail to see that the probability of failure is very high and that many failures can be attributed to a lack of risk management strategies before the business starts. events occur.

A first measure to mitigate risk, never to eliminate it completely, is the design of a structured business plan that covers, in an organized way, aspects of marketing, finances and operations of the future business. There is an abundant bibliography dedicated to explaining the construction of business plans, the primary purposes of which are the structuring of the business, the determination of its viability and the development of a tool to decide whether or not to start the business. Business plans significantly reduce uncertainty, which is not a guarantee of success. Ultimately, all management science (or art) is about that: increasing the chances of success. The importance of a proper risk assessment is that it reduces the degree of uncertainty in business decisions.

Every entrepreneur needs to objectively evaluate his business idea and analyze the risks of executing it. If the future entrepreneur knows in advance what he is facing, he can mitigate the risk of failure or give up an unviable project without the terrible consequences that it could generate. This analysis should be carried out according to the particular characteristics of each business and the specific conditions of the country and the target market.

The 8 most common risks when starting a business

Fear of risk

The first thing you should be very clear about is that building a business carries risks that you will have to deal with all the time. There will always be unforeseen events or situations beyond your control that you will have to learn to solve. (Amaya, 2012, p. 1-3)

Risk is something natural that will accompany you throughout the entire entrepreneurial adventure and the most important thing is not to avoid it but to learn to identify and control it through proper planning.

In life as in business, fear will always be there. If the risk did not exist, there would not be the risk of undertaking either, so risk is something natural that will accompany you in this challenge of being an entrepreneur.

Do not let your mind take over your fears and the most important thing is not to avoid risk but to learn to identify it and have your own plans that will allow you to achieve your goals.

Negative thoughts do not let you advance anywhere and make you sick, but do not be scared, the good thing is that there is a formula that the most successful entrepreneurs have used to end all this and start having positive thoughts, what's more, this formula It will help you find opportunities that even you didn't know existed. (Bustamante, 2015)

The research group specifies that fear and risk will always be present when starting a business, that is why the entrepreneur must learn to deal with them, to be able to control them and thus not interrupt the objectives to be achieved. It is also important that an entrepreneur does not have negative thoughts since you can cause poor health and they will prevent you from continuing, then you must leave those thoughts behind and always be positive since only then can you reach success. "

Risk of Lack of Adaptation to Changes in the Environment

Lack of flexibility in a world of permanent change is one way to ensure continued failure. Just the opposite is what can help startups survive in today's competitive markets. The so-called "adjustment and assimilation" explains in large part why some of the new businesses survive. Change, therefore, is mandatory in a world where the only sure thing is change and uncertainty. (Urbano & Toledano, 2000, p.183)

"The research group states that globalization and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) cause change quickly, causing that" what works today within a certain time, will not have relevance in society, then for an entrepreneur it is very important know the tastes and preferences of the client and anticipate if possible. Therefore, you must learn to change and do it quickly. The habits of an entrepreneur should be to read, learn and learn from entrepreneurial cases to keep running and looking for growth. "

Risk of Not Knowing the Business

Many entrepreneurs feel insecure about the idea of ​​starting their company due to the fact that they do not know the operation of the business thoroughly. They have a vague idea of ​​what they want to do and the enthusiasm but they don't have all the answers.

There are many entrepreneurs who feel very insecure about the idea of ​​creating their own business for fear that they do not know how the business should work. Given this, what should be done? You must inform yourself and know very well the operational details of your business. You shouldn't worry so much about the technical issue because you can solve it by hiring suitable personnel. (Javier, 2009)

"The research group establishes that an entrepreneur must carry out a market study before starting their activity, this will allow them to know if their product or service to offer will be welcomed by their future clients, in this way they will stop feeling insecure about the idea of ​​their business and you will know exactly that it will be possible to run your business without fear of failure "

Risk of Losing Your Money

Entrepreneurs have to be sure of the need for the product or service with which they are trying to start the new project or the new company. In economic terms, it is also very important to calculate well the capital that will be required in order to generate the minimum “energy”, although sufficient, to put the other resources in motion and establish a certain relationship with the market. Said relationship is determined, among other factors, by the strategic objectives that are set, and by the real conditions that prevail in the environment at all times. Therefore, in the creation phase, entrepreneurs must set objectives that are able to also meet future development needs,But the smart way to minimize this risk is with a pencil and calculator in hand to create a budget. Always consider an investment budget, a monthly expense budget as well as a sales projection as part of your planning. (Urbano & Toledano, 2000, p.181)

However, the truth is that one of the most common risks that make new business projects fail lies, precisely, in neglecting the financial needs that arise once they have taken life due to the lack of customers and sales for which your investment does not obtain income and you cannot continue to maintain only with perseverance. In fact, management and finance experts agree that another reason a business goes bankrupt is poor management and lack of experience in managing it.

“For us, the risk of losing money is inherent in each person who wants to create their own workplace, because each decision and attitude they take is a course that leads to the business and it is possible that the first months are the worst moment of the venture, since you invest everything you have at hand, but if after 3 months there is no return on capital, it is possible that the first traits of light will not be recovered or appear. "

What to do if there are no customers?

The next risk factor that we can all face is the fact of opening the doors of the business and that there are no customers.

The product / service: was it really necessary? Sometimes, not taking into account whether the product or service really covered a market need or the lack of a novel aspect in it, has come to end the business venture shortly after its birth. For entrepreneurs, the key question is to know which customers are going to be directed with the product / service. Customers, more than a part of the business, constitute the business at its core. Therefore, without clients it is impossible for a company to survive, and it loses all its reason for being. Consider, for example, what would happen to an entrepreneur whose product or service is technically unbeatable, but who cannot find a customer willing to pay for it. Getting the customer wrong has always been a sign of business failure. Instead,being around them can provide very valuable information. (Urbano & Toledano, 2000, p.180)

"According to the research group, we know that the client is the main part of the business and their tastes or preferences and the needs they have must be known and based on these, an objective can be established that is set to satisfy the client. The way to combat this risk is to carry out a market study to obtain information and data that allow us to offer goods or services necessary for the client, to whom to offer and look for potential potential clients. "

What if the location of the premises is not good?

Choosing a business premises is a decision that must be carefully analyzed. Remember that a nice place or on a busy street is no guarantee that the business will be successful. I have known of many cases in which the place is excellent and the location is also excellent, except that things do not work because you have a product or a service that is focused on another market, or because your prices are too high for the type consumer.

You have found the perfect place on the perfect street. It is in the middle of the main road of an old neighborhood and is ideal for your business. However, two months after settling in, a whole battalion appears on your street ready to lift all the pavement, the sidewalks and others because there is a remodeling project that will last two years.

When choosing the location of our business, in addition to checking its visibility, its accessibility, the proximity of our target audience and its natural conditions, it is important to know what the urban plans are at least in the medium term, how it is urban furniture arranged, if we are going to have containers nearby, if there are nearby pedestrian crossings (Mendez, 2011, p. 48-52)

"The research group has specified that when starting a business an important factor that should not be forgotten is the location of the premises because it may be that it is in a very crowded place and that the premises have a good presentation, which does not guarantee that the business be successful, because the prices are too high, the relevant hours are not and the product or service is focused on a different market. So this can be corrected with a market study before starting the business with a market study through surveys, interviews and experimentation, this will allow knowing the behavior and wishes of the client "

Risks Derived by Competition

What if the competition is very strong or if it is unfair? Well, I have to tell you that with the exception of monopolies, all companies in the world have competition and the vast majority have to fight against unfair competitors. This is another risk to live with (but not die).

First of all, it is convenient to develop a leadership culture where you are the one who establishes the rules of the game. You must observe your competition and know what they do without depending on their movements for your own decisions. This is a common mistake that many entrepreneurs make.

Another serious mistake is wanting to compete only by lowering prices because there are many more intelligent ways to compete that can work for you. The secret then is not to be intimidated or pressured. Much less react to the first provocation because this game leads many companies to failure. If your numbers are in order and your goals are clear, you will be able to compete with promotions, good service and speed, putting your competitors in trouble.

Indeed, to transform an idea into a venture, business skills are needed to obtain and align the necessary resources, people, capital, technology, information, to implement the desired business model. In the same way, the managerial skills that are essential in the consolidation and growth stage of the company or business are needed, as they allow efficient management of resources. (Bustamante, 2015)

All these competencies are needed on a recurring basis throughout the life of a company or business, since a company should always be recreating, rethinking and, at the same time, consolidating its growth.

"The research group knows that when starting a business we will always find competitors who offer the same or similar products to the one we are going to offer, for this we must establish strategies that allow you to know your future competitor, in a way that allows you to know what quality of product does it offer to the consumer and if it satisfies their needs, knowing these points we will be able to innovate our product according to the tastes and preferences of consumers. "

The Risk of Not Managing Your Business Well

Any business project implies that the entrepreneur has to maintain a certain collaboration with other people. However, such collaboration does not always provide the expected results. This situation is essentially relevant in cases where companies are born from the hand of a founding team. The personal disagreements generated over time between the partners, are important causes of failure.

Questions such as how much salary does each receive? Who dedicates more time to the business? Who is in charge of an activity? Or who makes the last decision? They are often raised in the unpredictable world of relationship entrepreneurship. A prior and in-depth discussion of these and other issues related to the division of obligations and responsibilities helps to avoid, or in any case to reduce, the risks of failure that have their origin in personal and personnel issues. Likewise, looking for people with whom the same vision of the project is shared, the main human values, commitment, loyalty to teamwork and complementarity in knowledge and skills, are some of the tips that are usually given to avoid fail to the tune of the relationship. (Urbano & Toledano, 2000,p.180)

The research group says: “they are the internal factors to the business or company that are created by disagreements and bad decisions or actions of those who lead the project, but the administrative part is also involved when they do not maintain order, the management of assets and even bad hiring and wastage of money; The operative part is involved when they do not fulfill their activities in function of the objectives set by the leader, lack of motivation and lack of loyalty to work or personal interests, but this situation can be improved through efficient administration.


The present work carried out has been fruitful, because it has not made it easy to determine that the risk is the probability that a threat turns into a disaster or that the threat causes a confusing situation which has negative effects that can cause harm to someone. But on the contrary, entrepreneurship is a project that is executed with all efforts focused on achieving something that is proposed on its own initiative, which can also be understood as an opportunity.


  • As a result of the research, we can conclude that business risk is an aspect that will always exist since it represents the greatest challenge for entrepreneurs when making a decision, in such a way that they are exposed to several threats that in some cases lead to failure. In the same way, there are entrepreneurs who face these risks and carry out their business through dangerous situations but at a certain point they reach their goal. All these aspects are necessary to begin to undertake since this refers to looking for opportunities and knowing how to take advantage of them.The characteristics of the risk are of interest since it is a set of characteristics that determine its nature that directly influences the determination of this, it also has a common similarity and that even so each risk has its own characteristic such as the stock of losses or damages, causes consequences, which can occur at the time of undertaking.We also had a knowledge of the most common risks that arise when starting a business among these we have, the fear of risk this was something normal that will always be present in the life of an entrepreneur since without risks the word undertake would not exist.The second point is the Risk of Lack of Adaptation to Changes in the Environment, this refers to the changes that exist in the business world since these changes lead many businesses to failure or at the same time some companies survive as they adapt and they look for the way to strengthen their business and they look for new ideas to undertake. Risk of Not Knowing the Business this point is very frequent in people who want to start a business since they assimilate not having knowledge in the operation of the business. Risk of Losing Your Money Many of the entrepreneurs are always afraid of losing their investment for financial reasons and do not reach their goal.Risk of Not Knowing the Business this point is very frequent in people who want to start a business since they assimilate not having knowledge in the operation of the business. Risk of Losing Your Money Many of the entrepreneurs are always afraid of losing their investment for financial reasons and do not reach their goal.Risk of Not Knowing the Business this point is very frequent in people who want to start a business since they assimilate not having knowledge in the operation of the business. Risk of Losing Your Money Many of the entrepreneurs are always afraid of losing their investment for financial reasons and do not reach their goal.


  • Because risks are a phase that every company or business has to go through, our work group recommends future entrepreneurs to face these risks as this will help them to be people capable of facing a number of situations and not looking a risk a weakness, rather an opportunity to strengthen our ideas and decisions to start a business be persistent entrepreneurs with a broad knowledge of new expectations to change their future and become successful. These characteristics need to be taken into account already that will not help us develop as entrepreneurs, for this reason we recommend knowing each of these points,in order to carry out our proposed purposes and take a risk when identifying an opportunity and organizing the resources that are necessary to start up our business idea.Our research group recommends taking these points into account since knowledge is very important of these risks. To the person who is about to start a business we recommend carrying out their business ideas facing each stage that was made known for its strengthening and that they realize that they are people who have the power and the ability to have everything they want in based on effort and work.To the person who is about to start a business we recommend carrying out their business ideas facing each stage that was made known for its strengthening and that they realize that they are people who have the power and the ability to have everything they want in based on effort and work.To the person who is about to start a business we recommend carrying out their business ideas facing each stage that was made known for its strengthening and that they realize that they are people who have the power and the ability to have everything they want in based on effort and work.


  • Alcaraza, R. (2006). The successful entrepreneur. Mexico: McGraw-Hill. Alvarado, S. (29 of 12 of 2014). ConceptDefinicion.de. Obtained from http://concopiodefinicion.de/riesgo/Bustamante, C. (3 of 11 of 2015). Entrepreneurs. Obtained from http://www.emprendedores.es/crear-una-empresa/mercados-sectores-vacio-legaloportunidades-riesgos-emprenderJavier, H. (March 25, 2009). Good Business Online. Obtained from http://www.buenosnegociosonline.com/blog/riesgos-al-emprender-un-negocio-ycomo-evitarlos/Urbano, D., & Toledano, N. (2000). Invitation to entrepreneurship: an approach to the creation of companies (First Edition ed.). Barcelona, ​​Spain: Editorial UOC. Obtained from http://site.ebrary.com/lib/cotopaxisp/reader.action?docID=10646033&ppg=5Lopez Dominguez, Ignacio (sf) Risk characteristics. Recovered: http: // www.encyclopediafinanciera.com/dictionary/caracteristicas-del-riesgo.html Edwin Amaya (2012). The 10 Most Common Risks When Starting a Business and How to Minimize Them. Retrieved from http://www.1000ideasdenegocios.com/2012/08/los-10-riesgosmas-comunes-al-emprender.html(2012, 05). RISK CHARACTERISTICS. ClubEnsayos.com. Recovered 05, 2012, from https://www.clubensayos.com/Negocios/CARACTERISTICAS-DEL-RIESGO/176788.htmlUrbano, David, and Toledano, Nuria. Invitation to entrepreneurship: an approach to business creation.: Editorial UOC, 2000. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 6 May 2016.RISK CHARACTERISTICS. ClubEnsayos.com. Recovered 05, 2012, from https://www.clubensayos.com/Negocios/CARACTERISTICAS-DEL-RIESGO/176788.htmlUrbano, David, and Toledano, Nuria. Invitation to entrepreneurship: an approach to business creation.: Editorial UOC, 2000. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 6 May 2016.RISK CHARACTERISTICS. ClubEnsayos.com. Recovered 05, 2012, from https://www.clubensayos.com/Negocios/CARACTERISTICAS-DEL-RIESGO/176788.htmlUrbano, David, and Toledano, Nuria. Invitation to entrepreneurship: an approach to business creation.: Editorial UOC, 2000. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 6 May 2016.

Risk of Lack of Adaptation to Changes in the Environment

The fish that did not want to evolve Surviving in a world where changes occur rapidly and continuously requires a strong determination to evolve, to adapt to new situations and thus progress.

There was strange agitation in the area of ​​the great marshes. All aquatic animals had an assembly called by the turtle. Although the water level was overflowing, it had dropped in recent years and that disturbed the old reptile. For this reason, he sent for the community of animals in the neighborhood to convey his conclusions: ”Friends, I imagine you have noticed that there is less and less water. I know it doesn't seem serious yet, but I have seen this same process before in other areas of the earth, and I predict that centuries of harsh drought are coming. "

At these words a great commotion was organized. All had perceived a smooth and continuous decline in the flow of the marshes, but no one believed that it could be so serious. "Why would he have summoned us if there is plenty of water? They asked each other."

The centennial galápago responded to the concern raised:

“I have summoned you because fortunately we still have a lot of time left, and we will be able to overcome this without problems if we start acting today. For our species to survive we have to evolve ”.

Everyone was dumbfounded. They had never considered such a thing and began to ask how to do it. “Every day, we will be out of the water for a few minutes, the one that cannot start for a few seconds and gradually expand. We must do it again and again, and teach it to future generations, so that each species evolves with time, and thus achieve that we can all maintain ourselves in an environment without marshes. We must change our eating habits, and every day eat something that is not in the water, until we get used to digesting plants from outside ”.

Not without certain fears, they all started with the long plan of action. In a few dozen generations, they would be able to breathe out of the water, feed themselves with food that grows on the ground and could even move out of the watery environment.

All except the barbil, one of the historic fish of the marshes, which refused to participate in this process. Convinced of the exaggeration of the turtle he ignored it, and soon enjoyed the clumsiness of his neighbors gaining ability to find more food. The other species, as they evolved, were less competitive in the water. The chin saw the waters descend, but kept the vision that some rains would fix the problem in time.

After time, only a few pools barely a finger deep reminded us that there were once some marshes in those places. The chin was dying, and that summer, the hardest in remembrance, would surely wipe out the remaining water. Delgado, unable to move, mourned his misfortune. Just then the turtle passed by his side and said: “You had the same opportunity as the others. In this world of constant change, evolving is not an option, it is an obligation to survive ”. The chin, still not understanding, screamed: “What bad luck I have had! Everything has turned against me. You say it because you are a turtle and you can develop wherever you want, but you have no idea what this is.

The old turtle smiled and before leaving him commented: “My unhappy friend, a long time ago, I was a stupid fish like you, and I also had the opportunity to evolve. Although I lent myself to it, I didn't take it seriously, and that is why I am that clumsy on the ground. For years I blamed bad luck, and now I have learned that I am the only one responsible, because when reality sent me its signals I insisted on not paying attention, on not changing anything in myself and I almost stayed out of it. the new World. I am leaving, I have decided that I must be faster, so I have to run a little more every day, and thus I will be able to evolve to something higher, because it seems that times of scarcity will come and I want to remain competitive by then ”.

The chin died in the mud, in the mud of the mediocre who, intoxicated by today's abundance, do not know how to see the need for change, for evolution, to continue existing tomorrow.

Like the fish, there are many workers, bosses and employees who, even seeing the new demands and trends that will have to be faced in the immediate future, do not assume evolution as an imminent professional need. They are the ones who passively wait that in the end a miraculous rain will end up putting things back as before, without understanding that in the current competitive environment nothing is ever as always, since companies are in continuous progress and those that are not capable of evolving With them, no matter how strong or competent they are today, they will join the list of the extinct because they are out of date with their world.

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The 8 most common risks when starting a business