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Administrative models as means of effective management


"Put all the human talent to fully extract, finally, infinite possibilities."

In the administrative process, the phase that corresponds to management integrates, as its means: motivation, delegation and supervision.

Management is the interpersonal aspect of management through which subordinates can understand and contribute effectively and efficiently to the achievement of organizational objectives. This function is difficult because the administrator has to deal with forces that he does not yet know enough of and over many of which he has no control. The mission is to coordinate the essential efforts of those who make up the cooperative system, therefore, an important aspect for the personnel that acts as manager is the knowledge of the psychosocial processes that occur in the work environment and their motivational repercussions on the individual and to the working group.

The essential task in management is to distribute the conditions and methods of operation of the organization in such a way that people can meet their goals while directing their efforts toward organizational objectives.

The term behavioral sciences is basically used to describe those sciences that in one way or another collaborate for the better understanding, determination and management of human behavior. For this reason, it can be considered that these include almost all the sciences that study man.

Behavioral sciences use the resources of each discipline to explain the genesis and consequences of human behavior within labor organizations; being man one of the factors of productivity, this knowledge is transcendental and necessary to apply.

It is said that behavioral sciences have had a major impact on areas such as the man-company relationship with studies on behavior motivation, influence of the environment on the individual, and personality development, man-man, man-group and group-group, research on leadership, learning and training, group dynamics among many others that have led to what is now known as organizational development.

Psychology, sociology and anthropology help to understand the relationship that is established between man and his work environment.

The company is itself a society that lives within a society, values, culture, etc.…. They determine the rules of human behavior, which limit the possibilities of action or promote some of them. This relationship between man and company has motivated the investigation of the attitude towards work, giving rise to the appearance of studies on the different theories.

Among which are:

• Classical management theory

• Theory of human relations.

• Theory of Motivations.

- Theory of the hierarchy of needs.

- Herzberg Dual Factor Theory.

- Theory of the three Macclelland factors.

- Theory "X" and Theory "Y" of Macgregor.

- Expectations theory.

- Alderfer's ECR theories.

- Edwin Locke Goal Setting Theory.

- Theory of Equity by Stancey Adams.

• Management by Objectives Theory.

• Organizational Development Theory.

• Theory of quality management.

All these theories are based on facts, information and analysis of many years and always focused on continuous improvement and employee participation, based on a continuous and systematic method of data collection, evaluation and management, always directing your attention to the staff participation, collective work and constant training at all levels.

Work is the most important behavior of man in search of satisfiers and therefore must be managed based on the general concepts of what behavior is, seeking that it is always oriented to goals that allow effort and that generates greater strength in the need for satisfaction, giving them more complex and rich behavior. Manifesting attitudes and skills of accomplishment.

The importance as administrator, owner, boss, leader, etc., Depending on the case that you accept to act as supervisor, is to agree to fight to achieve the goals working in interrelation with your superiors, subordinates and co-workers so that they comply with their duties and responsibilities in a helpful and constructive way.

Through motivation processes, which is defined as the process of originating an action, keeping progress active, and meeting objectives.

The modern concept of motivation also includes another function, which is to reward the worker for his efforts in such a way that his personal goals are met while working to meet those of the organization.

No matter how mechanical factories become, as long as there are men and women working they should be treated as human beings. But today this aspect is ignored. There are companies whose only interest is to produce or to win, while they do not treat humanity with due consideration, and will sooner or later lose their best elements.

People spend a large part of their life at work. It would be much more pleasant to work in a friendly atmosphere where humanity deserves due respect and where people feel that their work is truly valuable. When individuals are motivated by the desire to study, prepare more thoroughly, they acquire greater competence, which goes beyond the expectations they have from the beginning.


Managers must create positive conditions and then have enough patience to allow effort and good team spirit to emerge naturally, relying on the administrative theories that are best applied, designed in such a way that the spirits rise and participation in the individual's daily activities at work. It leaves a lot to be desired from a company that only views individuals as standardized machines.

What makes human beings unique is their ability to think, to reason. A company should be the place to use reason and wisdom.

Cited Bibliography

Fleish, Edwin A. and Bass R. Alan, Studies in Industrial and Personnel Psychology, Ed.Trillas, Mexico.

Frederick Herz, Once again, how do you motivate your employees? Harvard. Library.

O. Jeff, Magus Jr. Human Resources Administration, Ed. Limusa, Mexico.

Administrative models as means of effective management