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Critical path method. presentation

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PERT / CPM was designed to provide a number of useful pieces of information for project managers. This method exposes the critical path of a project; that is, the activities that limit the duration of a project.

PERT / CPM: Critical Path Method


In other words, to get the project done soon, the critical path activities must be done soon.

On the other hand, if an activity on the critical path is delayed, the project as a whole will be delayed by the same amount.

Activities that are not on the critical path have a certain amount of slack; that is, they can start later and allow the project as a whole to stay on schedule.

The PERT / CPM identifies these activities and the amount of time available for delays.

But what does PERT / CPM mean?

PERT: Program Evaluation and Review Technique Handles uncertain times of project activities.

CPM: Critical Path Method Manages known times of project activities.

Currently the best of both methods have been taken and they have become one, known as the Critical Path Method.

General objective of the Critical Path Method

That the lowest possible cost of operation of a project is desired within an available time limit •

What are its applications?


Research and development of new products.

Construction of plants, buildings and roads.

Design and installations of new systems.

What are the questions that PERT / CPM answers to decision makers?

What is the total time to finish the project?.

What are the scheduled start and end dates for each of the specific activities?.

What are the questions that PERT / CPM answers to decision makers?

What activities are critical and must be completed exactly as scheduled to keep the project on time?.

How long can non-critical activities be delayed before increasing the project completion time?.

Procedure to carry out PERT / CPM

First: Develop a list of activities.

Immediate Predecessor: Identifies activities that must have been completed immediately before starting a new activity.

The immediate predecessor information determines whether the activities can be finished in parallel (work simultaneously), or serial (finish one before the next begins.

Second: Construction of the Project Network.

Third: Identify the project completion time, that is, identify the critical path.

To do this, a path through the network is determined, which is defined as a sequence of connected nodes that takes us from the initial node to the termination node.

The longest path determines the total time required for project completion.

If activities on the longest path are delayed, the entire project will also be delayed, so the longest is the critical path.

Activities on the critical path are known as critical activities •.

Example of optimizing a project using PERT / CPM:




1A Prepare architectural drawings none 5 2B Identify potential new tenants none 6 3C

Develop contract prospectus for tenants 1 4 4D Select contractor 1 3 5E Prepare construction licenses 1 1 6F Obtain approval of construction licenses 5 4 7G Carry out construction 4, 6 14 8H Formalize contracts with tenants 2, 3 12 9I Entry of tenants 7, 8 2 TOTAL 51

Using Manager software • to solve the model…



CPM -----------------------– Predecessor Activity Nodes Activities Duration -------------------- ---– 1A 1 -> 2 5.0 2B 1 -> 3 6.0 3C 2 -> 4 1 4.0 4D 2 -> 5 1 3.0 5E 2 -> 6 1 1.0 6F 6 -> 7 5 4.0 7G 7 -> 8 4 14.0 8H 4 -> 9 2 3 12.0 9I 8 -> 10 7 8 2.0 -----------------------–

Using Manager software to solve the model…


***** PROGRAM OUTPUT *****

The Critical Path (nodes) 1 -> 2 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 10

The Critical Path (activities) 1 - 5 - 6 - 7 “9 A - E - F - G“ I

The Completion Time = 26

Critical project activities

Consequently, the critical activities that should not be neglected, with the risk of the project as a whole being delayed, are the following:

If these are complied with without delay, the optimal project completion time will be 26 weeks.


DURATION OF ACTIVITY IN WEEKS 1A Prepare architectural drawings 5 ​​5E Prepare construction licenses 1 6F Obtain approval of construction licenses 4 7G Carry out construction 14 9I Entry of tenants 2 TOTAL 26

If the total time required to finish the project is too long…

The decision will have to be made as to where and how to reduce the time for critical activities.

If any of the activity times is modified, the critical path calculations must be repeated to determine the impact on the activity schedule and on the project completion time.


Anderson, Sweeney, Williams, Quantitative methods

for Business, International Thomson Editores, Mexico, 199

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Critical path method. presentation