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Method to determine the losses in the sugarcane harvest

Table of contents:


In the sugar cane harvest there are losses in mechanized, manual cutting, in the rise and transportation to the Central or the reception centers. These losses can cause considerable economic damage for sugarcane producers and for the economy of sugar-producing countries.

In mechanized cutting the losses are not only due to the poor operation of the combined machines, but also because the fields are not prepared to apply this cutting technique; Furthermore, the level of backward cane that is ground in the mills is still high, which influences efficiency.

For the last Zafras, lower sugarcane production, low yields, and therefore also sugar, have been forecast, due to many factors, among which natural disasters and prolonged droughts stand out. This situation made it necessary to take extreme technical and organizational measures at harvest to reduce losses, and condition greater efficiency in the industrial process of extraction of the sweet.

The purpose of this work is to establish the procedure to be followed to determine the percentage of losses in the harvest of mechanized and manual cuts, as well as to expose the essential elements of the Rapid Test. The correct application of these indications, in which some methods for quality control at harvest are established, can contribute to reducing such losses and creating a stable and conscious discipline in this task.


It is considered cane left in the mechanized cut to:

  • All that appears in the sample area. Stumps that protrude 2 cm. Chunks fired by combine harvesters. Pieces fallen due to poor synchronization of the equipment, and with transportation. Long cane stopped cutting by combine.

Reed left in manual cutting is considered to:

  • The piece of cane attached to the seedling (stump) left by the machetero in the cut below. The one left by the machetero next to the bud in the upper cut. The left lifting (manual or with collator).

The aspects that must be taken into account to determine the percentage of losses in the harvest are:

  • The determination of the losses in the harvest (sampling) for the mechanized cutting, will be carried out in fields in process, while in the manual cutting, in finished fields. The sample of losses in harvest will be constituted by 5 subsamples. No subsamples will be taken 20 h after the site has been harvested. As the sampling is carried out, a record will be kept until the result of the 5 subsamples that together constitute the data of a sample is completed. If less than 5 subsamples are taken, It cannot be considered as a sample, nor can it be considered that the field has been sampled. The determination of the percentage of losses in mechanized cutting must be carried out after the cutters have done their work.The rapid test in mechanized cutting must be carried out as a preventive method to alert operators and Heads of brigades about the losses that are taking place.Each company must guarantee the necessary resources so that 100% of the fields are sampled. They are released in each production unit. The agro-industrial complex must guarantee and establish the mechanism for the systematic control of crop losses.

Fundamentals of the Method:

This method is based on taking a sample from the fields in process or harvested, after harvesting the cane; The cane left to harvest is weighed in the sampled areas and the losses of the harvest are obtained.

Apparatus, utensils and means of measurement that are required to determine the losses in harvest:

  • Balance from 0 to 50 kg. 3 x 3 m blanket. Bags with a capacity greater than 50 kg. Machetes. Stakes (4). Fine chain, small diameter cable, nylon rope or other material that does not alter its length, with rings that limit the established distances.


For mechanized cutting, the sample area is 48 and 96 m2, respectively; for manual cutting, distributed in 5 areas within the field, with a length perpendicular to the furrows, 4.8 m wide by 2 long, or 6.4m wide by 3 long, respectively. The total of the cane left to harvest in the 5 sampled areas (subsamples) constitutes the field sample.


In each company, 100% of the released fields will be sampled and 4 variants must be established in the distribution of the 5 areas to be sampled within the field.

A sampling plan must be established that includes the 4 variants, trying not to know in advance by those who made the cut how the area will be sampled; that is, the different variants will not be applied systematically. The first 5 furrows of the field should not be taken to sample, nor the last 5 for edge effects.


  1. In each of the areas that are sampled, the nylon chain frame or chains with rings 4.8 m wide by 2 long, or 6.4 m wide by 3 long, respectively, should be placed, depending on the cut (mechanized or manual). See Fig. 1. Place the frame with rings and nail the 4 stakes, to form the rectangle with the dimensions established according to Fig. 2. The first and fourth stakes in the center of the first of the fourth street, for mechanized cutting, or in the center of the fifth street for manual cutting.As the sampling is done, the straw should be removed from the area, taking care that there is no part of the sample (cane) inside it, which can be eliminated by this via: Cut stumps that protrude 2 cm or more at ground level,removing with the machete the soil or roots that have adhered and depositing them on the blanket in another part. Cut the long cane left in the field and deposit it on the blanket in another part. Separate the cane from the bud, flexing both parts with your hands; remove the bud and place the cane on the blanket, in addition, remove the dry cane Cut the pieces of cane that have a part inside and outside the limits of the area, either long or short, making the cut at the point that limits both parties. All the pieces that remain within the limits of the area will be deposited on the blanket, in accordance with the concept of losses. Deposit the cane for losses in different bags as established. In the rest of the sampled areas the same will be given steps, from 3 to 7,depositing the cane in the existing bags due to losses.Once the cane is deposited in bags due to losses, it is weighed separately.The weighing of the bags will be carried out in the sampling area, in the collection center The samplers will record the weighing results in the PC-1 model, which will be delivered to the personnel in charge of their procedure. At the same time, the corresponding production unit will be informed of the result of the finished field.The samplers will record the results of the weighing in the PC-1 model, which will be delivered to the personnel in charge of their procedure. At the same time, the corresponding production unit will be informed of the result of the finished field.The samplers will record the results of the weighing in the PC-1 model, which will be delivered to the personnel in charge of their procedure. At the same time, the corresponding production unit will be informed of the result of the finished field.

Calculation method:

1- For mechanized cutting:

Factor to convert kg / 48m2 to @ / cab. = 243. 0294

PM = Weight of the sample in Kg.

PE = Estimated weight of the cane in @ / cab.

PL = Weight of the long cane in Kg.

PT = Weight of the cane attached to the seedling in Kg.

PZ = Weight of the cane in fallen pieces (Kg. @ / Head) = 243.0294 x PM.

Total losses (%) = 243.0294 x PM x 100

………………………………………… PE

Long cane losses (%) = 243.0294 x PL x 100


Losses attached to the seedling (%) = 243.0294 x PT x 100

…………………………………………………… PE

Losses in pieces (%) = 243.0294 x PZ x 100


2- For manual cutting:

Factor to convert Kg / 96m2 to @ / cab. = 121,514

PM = Weight of the sample in Kg.

PE = Estimated weight of the cane in @ / cab.

PN = Weight of the cane raised in Kg.

PZ = Weight of the cane attached to the seedling in Kg.

PC = Weight of the cane in the bud (Kg. @ / Head) = 121.514 x PM.

Total losses (%) = 121,514 x PM x 100

………………………………………… PE

Losses in non-raised cane (%) = 121,514 x PN x 100


Losses attached to the seedling (%) = 121,514 x PT x 100

……………………………………………………… PE

Losses in buds (%) = 121,514 x PC x 100

……………………………………………… PE

Quick test:

The rapid test is a complement to the determination of the percentage of losses in the harvest, because it allows the detection of technical failures in the combine harvesters and to check the efficiency of the work of the clamps, in order to apply the necessary rectifying measures.

Rapid tests are carried out for each combine before the repasadores have finished their work and after the harvest during the days of the harvest, at three different times; Verifying tests must be carried out each time the mechanisms in the combine are regulated.

The control room of the Agroindustrial Sugar Complex must record the rapid tests in each platoon on a daily basis through the field inspectors and the duos that carry out the checks and also carry out the checks in the field.

The technical regulations and procedure of the quick test in manual cutting are the same as those used for mechanized cutting, with the difference that for the calculations the cane is not weighed, but only the pieces are counted and the total is searched in the table of losses previously made, according to the variety and the cavalry performance of each unit. This test is carried out only in one point of the field, and not in the 5 as in the normal test.


The Zafra is decisive for the economic advancement of a country, however, the existing sugarcane in the fields is the essential quantity to reach the productive goals of the sugarcane production units, the Centrals, the Agroindustrial Sugar Complexes, the provinces and the nation. For this reason, it is essential that the quantities of cane available are used to the maximum, and reducing losses in the harvest is an essential task for the harvests to come. Having the most accurate calculation methods possible to infer these losses is an absolute necessity, not only to know the truth about them, but also to prevent them.

This method of calculating losses in sugarcane crops has been applied and verified in the sugarcane production units of the municipality of Yaguajay, in the last three Zafras, with very good results; And although it is not a new development, we recommend it for these purposes in other sugar-producing areas, since it has influenced the report of a 21.5% reduction in losses less than the traditional ones in previous sugar periods. Therefore, its virtues are not only in the calculation, but also in the prevention of losses and contributes to the alertness and discipline of sugarcane producers in this primary task.

The Ministry of Sugar (MINAZ) reports the growing interest of the groups because there is no raw material left in the fields, after being cut by brigades of macheteros or platoons of combined, one of the most important ways to achieve this is to minimize losses in harvest and apply correct methods to calculate them, which we deal with in this work.

Method to determine the losses in the sugarcane harvest