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Bad management practice. How to lead an organization to failure?

Table of contents:


1. Reverse Thinking.

In everyday practice, much is tried to explain things, objectively, clearly and concisely. It is said by psychologists that reverse psychology should be used with children. Well, sometimes it is necessary to use this technique to express some ideas, which are not taken into account until it is proven that one is right. So, I will try to expose you some elements, which should not be followed by an organization that intends to develop, that intends to evolve towards an objective vision, with well-defined objectives. That is, elements that must be followed by those companies that intend to collapse. Sometimes you need to demonstrate bad examples, to learn from "Worst Practices. " These "Worst Practices"They allow us to understand where we should NOT go. From this point of view, we will have the lower limit or a mirror, in which we should not reflect ourselves. Well, here is a compilation of negative elements, errors in management, or simply work procedures that have only created difficulty in organizations. It is valid to emphasize that in none of the cases, we have found an organization with all the problems together. It would be very difficult, since, only with some of these problems, it would be enough for an organization to disappear, because its operation would be so bad that it could not even try to overcome this.

We will focus the analysis from some elements of processes, which may exist in all companies, regardless of their mission, sector or country.

2. The Most Important Resource. satisfied?

As has been stated by many specialists, the Human Resources at the Facility is the most important resource of the Company. This resource, which cannot be quantified (Intangible Capital), defines the excellent, good, bad or disastrous result of the management of any organization. Much has been said about it, but the most important thing is to keep the Staff Stimulated, or what is the same, that they are satisfied. The satisfaction of the material point of view should not be focused only, this, although very important, should not become the only form of stimulation. There are other variants, which if well focused, studied and put into practice with the support of all, reverses the situation in a comprehensive way. The examples seen by some entrepreneurs demonstrate this.

Now what happens when this resource is not satisfied? Well, the result is fatal. One of the elements that is always present in an organization that goes badly, is that it presents a total dissatisfaction of the human resources. We know that a luminary has no feelings, much less a dignity to maintain. Imagine this situation. So, we must guarantee a healthy work environment, without indiscipline, with a total absence of confrontations between bosses and employees. A worker is more efficient when all his problems are left out of the office or workplace. If in that place there are problems with the direction, if the Manager or director is very far from the meaning of the Word Leadership, then the problems surface in the day.

Debunk new ideas before checking their results, make decisions without regard to what your workers think and do not explain well the work content of each employee, and it will not take long to bring about a collapse in the organization. These elements are compatible for any part of the organization, any Department and any function within the Company that has a group of employees working, supposedly as a team. An example that we can incorporate into our daily work is that of a Manager, who decided to change his work style towards leadership, just for the sake of improving the functions of his organization. It began with the redefinition of the work content of each employee. It was shown, explained and talked about the Mission and Vision of the Company,defining which are the objectives of the company and seeing what responsibility each employee had within the functions of the organization, and above all, how much of their effort or not implies a bad image of the organization towards the end customer. This caused a total change within the Company and above all, improved relationships between employees.

Another element that has a negative impact is determined by the fact of not sharing knowledge. On one occasion I heard someone say that, (Prof. Mario Héctor Vogel) “Sharing knowledge is an action of intelligent beings, who have proven that knowledge is a good that grows as it is shared”. This single sentence contains many meanings between the lines. Now, how difficult is it usually to share knowledge within the same company? This, of course, is not an innate attitude in humans, it is based on internal competition. In other words, our enemy is not the fact of NOT sharing knowledge, but rather that there is NO competition in the Organization. The issue here is a bit contradictory. If there were no competition, it would not be about being excellent,but with knowledge an exception must be made. If someone knows a topic, masters it, and is able to explain the matter to a series of colleagues, then we will be promoting knowledge. This does not mean that the person who gave the seminar is losing job skills, on the contrary, he will be gaining qualities. In other words, the level of knowledge of one and other employees will only result in doing things one way or another, but if any of them is the one that gives the best results, then this is the one that we must promote, and of course, this is what will guarantee a better performance of the organization, which will allow an evolution in the market with the consequent financial solvency. Do the opposite, and you will see how the reverse is true.and is able to explain the matter to a series of colleagues, then we will be promoting knowledge. This does not mean that the person who gave the seminar is losing job skills, on the contrary, he will be gaining qualities. In other words, the level of knowledge of one and other employees will only result in doing things in one way or another, but if any of them is the one that gives the best results, then it is this that we must promote, and of course, This is the one that will guarantee a better performance of the organization, which will allow an evolution in the market with the consequent financial solvency. Do the opposite, and you will see how the reverse is true.and is able to explain the matter to a series of colleagues, then we will be promoting knowledge. This does not mean that the person who gave the seminar is losing job skills, on the contrary, he will be gaining qualities. In other words, the level of knowledge of one and other employees will only result in doing things one way or another, but if any of them is the one that gives the best results, then this is the one that we must promote, and of course, this is what will guarantee a better performance of the organization, which will allow an evolution in the market with the consequent financial solvency. Do the opposite, and you will see how the reverse is true.on the contrary, you will be gaining qualities. In other words, the level of knowledge of one and other employees will only result in doing things one way or another, but if any of them is the one that gives the best results, then this is the one that we must promote, and of course, this is what will guarantee a better performance of the organization, which will allow an evolution in the market with the consequent financial solvency. Do the opposite, and you will see how the reverse is true.on the contrary, you will be gaining qualities. In other words, the level of knowledge of one and other employees will only result in doing things one way or another, but if any of them is the one that gives the best results, then this is the one that we must promote, and of course, this is what will guarantee a better performance of the organization, which will allow an evolution in the market with the consequent financial solvency. Do the opposite, and you will see how the reverse is true.that will allow an evolution in the market with the consequent financial solvency. Do the opposite, and you will see how the reverse is true.that will allow an evolution in the market with the consequent financial solvency. Do the opposite, and you will see how the reverse is true.

3. The Captain, always with the Boat.

With the idea of ​​captains, who immolate themselves when the ship has a problem, this is how a Manager or Leader in command of an Organization should feel. According to the responsibility of the Directorate, exposed by the ISO 9000 series standards, related to Quality Management, the management is responsible for providing all workers with the necessary resources to perform their work correctly, that is, according to what is established in the procedures. This responsibility to guarantee resources is not the only function that a Leader or Manager must or has in itself. The word Manager, means "Person who takes the administrative management of a company or institution", now, the word management means "To carry out steps leading to the achievement of a business or any desire".

As can be seen, these proceedings are based on the Planning, Organization, and Control of the actions that are necessary to achieve "that a business of the expected results." Now what are the desired results? They are none other than those planned, according to the strategies that the organization has proposed in its mission and business vision. From here we can get the first conclusion. The Manager of any organization is responsible for the success of a management, as much or more than a managerial failure. But, here comes the role of a Manager? Of course not.

Currently, the concept of Leader is widely used, to appoint the person in charge of the activities of a company. In the same way, the word Leader means "Person whom a group continues to recognize as a leader or guide." Here the word to be followed is precisely what refers to "… a group continues to recognize it…". Well, this is the real meaning of the Leader. The people who make up the Organized must follow a Leader. Heads, Directors or Managers may or may not follow them, they may or may not recognize it, but leaders are called that, precisely because they all follow them, and from here they are recognized as Bosses or Managers, but in Indeed, the Leader became first. Leadership is not studied, it is only learned in the practice of daily actions. Many examples of leadership exist.But the main thing is that the colleagues, or group of people that make up the work team feel recognized, stimulated. Well, here we have the second great problem of organizations. Remain a Manager, Boss or Director, and you will see how you will get nowhere. Try to be a Leader, or failing that, put someone who is, and you will see how things change. Sure, you can also decide to become a leader, but you will have to work hard to achieve it.Sure, you can also decide to become a leader, but you will have to work hard to achieve it.Sure, you can also decide to become a leader, but you will have to work hard to achieve it.

According to some authors, and their own experience, the Leader must:

  • Understand and Motivate People (work team). Keep in mind that the team can be all employees. Always tell the truth, no matter how hard it may be, but without breaching the integrity of the recipient. Be very fair in decisions. Here is the most difficult problem of all. It's not easy to always be a fair leader. Get out of the office. This phrase implies that the leader must be at the foot of the work that is being executed. Only then will the rest of the team believe in you Consult with the majority, decisions that affect the majority. Many have wondered why the strategies fail. Well, it is already known that the cause is not to include all the personnel in the design of it, to be an excellent communicator. It is necessary to know how to communicate the decisions made, and above all,trying not to affect anyone.

According to these exposed elements, the task of being a true Leader is not at all easy, I only think of one thing, try it, that surely can be achieved. Now, if you want to bring your organization to collapse, remain a Boss or a simple administrative manager, I guarantee you a real failure.

4. The Dinosaur effect.

Approximately twenty (20) years ago, companies "died" to become large conglomerates of small and medium-sized organizations, which increased the monetary power of their shareholders. These large companies generated an immense amount of commercial relationships between their business units and the rest of the business society, whether they were customers or suppliers. Today this is no longer handled like this. There are many theories about the disappearance of prehistoric dinosaurs, which ruled the earth for just under 165 million years. But something that all experts agree on is the low level of adaptability of dinosaurs to the changes that existed during this presidency. If you do not adapt to change, then you go straight to failure. As well,Some businessman compared his company to a dinosaur and thought that he was finding it difficult to change to adapt to business evolution, which by the way, is changing at an incredible speed.

All current changes depend on mobility and a level of adaptability so great that the centralization of powers in one person or group of them is not possible. It is necessary to think about the mobility that is necessary to have in the current globalized situation. Extremely cumbersome and highly confusing procedures are a mirror of this procedure. If there were a level of decision-making, depending on the responsibility of each of the team leaders, then this decision-making would lead the organization towards an organizational change, each time it is required by the market, the characteristics of the customers or the competition. Each business unit, within the organization, has a leader, and that leader is in charge of making the decisions that they deem appropriate. Sure, for this,a series of elements must be resolved, which have been seen in the rest of the topics. If you are not a leader, if people are not stimulated, if decisions are not made with the majority in mind, and if the organization's management is centralized, then none of this can be done. It would be just one more utopia.


Fig. 1: List of the new Organization.

According to Figure 1, companies began to fragment their structure, and to move some business units that are not part of their fundamental objective, towards small companies, which provide a specific service to the small company that preserves the same mission and vision as previously had.

This technique, which is not new or anything like that, allowed unprofitable business units to begin to be, and most importantly, they did not negatively influence the result of the company that was actually producing goods and / or services, in order to generate income. From here, these small fragmented companies had to market their products, of course, they had the possibility of doing so with the original company, or with other companies that are willing to hire this service. This variant is giving very good results. Now, why are there enemies of this type of organization? The answer lies in the Centralization that is sometimes intended to be maintained. But something is logical, like dinosaurs, these companies are already in a "period of extinction".

5. Talk without transmitting anything. A classic example: The Meetings.

"It is necessary to call a meeting to analyze whether the meeting that we have just held met the objectives set" This approach leaves the business reality and begins to walk dark paths within interpersonal relationships within an organization. Nobody can imagine the cost of a meeting. There has always been a myth that meetings are necessary. They really are, but only those that are well planned. Meetings that are not objective, do not transmit added value to the interlocutors, and that in the end, a palpable, logical and lasting result is not obtained, it is as if we were to land at sea.

If you are concerned about ineffective meetings, answer the following questions:

  1. Do you spend more than 30% of your time in meetings? Are meetings usually held before solving customer problems? Does your first reaction to a problem is to call a meeting? Does your family, friends or colleagues comment Sometimes all you do is attend meetings?

If the answer to these questions is "yes," then start trying to change. You have become addicted to meetings. It must be borne in mind that the role of a Leader, Administrative Manager or Boss is to guide the work team, but with daily actions, not with the constant presence in a meeting. The excess of meetings implies a bad Management of the Organization, which will lead to your company to failure. Think about it and delete the meeting for this afternoon, answering the following questions:

  • Does this meeting have a specific objective? Did I limit participation to the people who will contribute? Does everyone know that the meeting needs to be held? Is everyone prepared for the meeting? Did I set a time limit for the meeting?

If the answer is "yes", you are on the right track.

6.. The client. Reason to be.

Does your company have a Client Folder created? Have you identified the potential market? Do you have a strategy aimed at responding to the needs of your customers? If the answer to these questions is "NO", then we find another example of business failure. If we do not satisfy the needs (or whims) of the customers, we can never move forward.

I don't think it is a discovery for anyone, that the customer is the reason for being of any organization. However, we have found several companies that have a NO, in response to the questions asked. The Clients Folder, allows to identify their characteristics, allows to guarantee that their suggestions, disagreements and requests, are attended in a minimum time, which guarantees the “High Quality” service that is always proclaimed in the Advertising Ads.

In the case of identifying market sectors, the matter is much more serious. If we do not know who the potential customers may be, we will not be able to carry out a commercial strategy that guarantees the success of the product. These mistakes cannot be made under any circumstances. But it is not only necessary to have it, but it is essential to constantly update it. Here is the main problem encountered. The market changes as quickly as society, the economy and daily life advance. Therefore, we cannot afford to rest on our laurels.

7. "The competition". Responsible for continuous improvement

"The cruel and implacable competition" This phrase marked the commercial relations for some time. But if it hadn't been for her, the level of development that we have today would not have been achieved. Do not underestimate her (the competition), she is very necessary. It's like friction, a necessary evil.

If competition did not exist, organizations would not worry about being better every day. There were no financial strategies that increase income and much less, the quality of the products that are offered in the market today. Simply, without competition, your organization would not exist.

Among the elements that have most influenced the crises of organizations, is the little attention that was paid (at some point) to the competition. In most cases, it was thought that there was no competition in the branch to which the organization was engaged. But someone always shows up. In reality, it is a market sector where competition is nil or little, many entrepreneurs are betting on joining, with an offensive strategy that is capable of displacing the only producer that until then was in the market. These strategies include entering the market, seeking to be a surprise for those companies that feel confident in what they do. This has created dire consequences.

The advice, very simple, if you have no competition, look for it or create it. It will surely be very beneficial for your organization. Follow the competition step by step, and why not, cooperate with it, if it becomes stronger and you are a leader in your branch, this strengthening, far from harming you, will favor you. In this way, the companies that want to prevail in the market are acting, those that do not think that they are the only ones in the market and in a long term, they will perish.

ALL these actions, councils and approaches in the work of organizations are aimed at not making the same mistakes that those companies that have failed have made. If while reading this work, you see yourself reflected in any of them, well, start acting to heal your organization. These elements summarize some of the symptoms of a "Sick Organization" Very close to me, I can recognize one, and the saddest thing is to think that you have nothing.

Bad management practice. How to lead an organization to failure?