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Management of fuzzy information in business organizations

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Individuals have an enormous ability to express any type of information, however much of what they transmit does so without the application of linguistic rules that could vary the understanding between each of the recipients.

On the other hand, decision-making is a task that is carried out on a regular basis, either individually or institutionally within organizations by certain groups made up, the points of view on a specific topic and opinions play a fundamental role in this process.

The ability to obtain abundant and almost immediate information through the internet has in many cases facilitated the decision-making of individuals within an organization, however, it is necessary to identify, assess and validate this information to ensure that the conclusions generated are correct.

The exchange of information between the different regions and the process of joining multiculturalism support the growth and decision-making of some nations or individuals, enriching them with their own knowledge, but on other occasions they damage the conception or the result of their research


The security and solidity of a relationship (of any kind) is based on trust, this happens between individuals and between different organizations because the information transmitted between them will affect the decisions they will make in the future.

The information handled must be verified, both the source and the data that it contributes, the importance of any data will be related to the ability to associate within some context, the source of the information may sometimes be modified to obtain certain benefit, this phenomenon is increasingly recurrent and appreciable, however it can be considered as a feature of modern society ("Academic Report - Document - Proposal for measuring confidence in information using a fuzzy system", s / F)

The efficiency and veracity of the information that is handled will be conditioned by several factors or elements such as:

  • The correct description and analysis of the information requirements The delimitation of the information and the adequate description of its needs The correct selection of the required data Select the information sources appropriately

When carrying out an investigation it is necessary to carry out the activities in a structured way, it is generally classified as follows:

  • Problematize. Properly and specifically pose the problem under study. Carry out the planning of activities Collect. Carry out a process of searching for information regarding the topic described, based on different sources. Select. Once the information is collected, a selection process should be carried out where reliable sources are identified, and those that are not reliable are discarded. All the information must have an adequate order to improve its handling. The synthesis process requires great dedication due to the compilation and processing of the recovered information, without making any deformation or alteration. Evaluate. The investigation process. Report. The results obtained


This diagram details the process that an individual or researcher goes through when conducting a search where information from unreliable sources is presented:("meisxxi_4_modelos-para-el-gestion_1_2015.pdf", s / f)

  • Information need Information search Use of tools to locate and obtain clear and precise information Obtaining all kinds of information (diffuse information) Information evaluation Information processing Information production Information presentation Information collection decisions

In contrast, an efficient search scheme is performed more quickly, by following the following steps:

  • Information needs Use of tools to locate sources and obtain data according to information needs Data evaluation Data processing Information production Information presentation


When making use of the information that is located on a website, certain considerations must be taken within which the following stand out:

  • The web pages are of personal creation and each individual who is in charge of carrying out one of them may design it according to their own criteria, in addition to adding content that they deem appropriate, because there are no information quality standards on these sites so It is vitally important to question all the information that appears on the network, and it must be verified. There are endless sources of information available in cyberspace and in recent years it has been increasing. When entering a website and analyzing the information that the publisher or institution that supports the research should be found in it, at this point it can be fully identified if the article that is published on this site is suitable for inclusion in a publication.The vast majority of the files generated have the name of the author, who is the person responsible for the information provided there.The date of issue, any reliable document must have the date and the publication number, it is at that moment where An assessment should be made on the data provided, if it is current or will be used for the purpose of the research.There are many electronic journals but not all of them are considered scientific or reliable, some points to identify the characteristics of the same are:If it is current or will be used for the purpose of the research.There are many electronic journals but not all of them are considered scientific or reliable, some points to be able to identify the characteristics of the same are:If it is current or will be used for the purpose of the research.There are many electronic journals but not all of them are considered scientific or reliable, some points to be able to identify the characteristics of the same are:
  • Usually at the beginning of an investigation the author presents a summary of the same, including the keywords, in the same way the English version of the same is included (but it does not mean that it is an indispensable requirement) The name of the journal that supports The research will be printed throughout the document. The ISSN is an international standardization number of journals, any research journal or considered reliable must carry it. It mentions the theme, and characteristics of the journal, as well as the public to which It is directed. It contains bibliographic references, which will be the support of the words described by the author. It has indexing services,In other words, if a journal is indexed, it has met certain requirements and quality standards, so the credibility of the publication increases considerably.
  • Some pages with reliable content show the authors' trajectory, the contact details (email, telephone, address) of the person in charge of the journal ("Reliable documents: a bit of common sense", s / f)

When an institution has a database that it will make available to users, it must ensure that:

  • Organize, describe, identify and disseminate in an appropriate way all the investigations or documents that are generated or received and published during each of their efforts.Ensure the integrity of the information that was granted.Provide easy access to the public or users to help to the growth of academic activities that include the generation and transfer of knowledge. Generate the culture of integration of document management to the knowledge generated. (Sanz & Faba, 2010)


Human beings have become accustomed to transmitting information using an extremely vague method, lacking linguistic rules, which for another human does not mean a major problem, however for the purposes of computer systems it represents a great challenge, this phenomenon occurs due to three main reasons: Laziness, theoretical ignorance and practical ignorance. (“LogicaDifusa.pdf”, s / fa)

  • Sloth. Obtaining and describing the variables involved in the process tends to take a lot of time and effort, in most cases it is not necessary to be so decisive. Theoretical ignorance. The method of shaping the problem is not known Practical ignorance. The components or variables are known but the information handled may be incomplete or false.

This system helps to obtain a conclusion from ambiguous and imprecise information. Professor Lofti Zadeh from the University of Berkley presented this method, which includes a certain partial relevance with what he called “fuzzy sets”.

Zadeh exposes the fact of being able to handle inaccurate information reliably and rigorously. Based on two aspects.

  • Inaccurate information representation. In this step the theory of fuzzy sets and its relationship with the inputs and outputs of conventional systems with prepositions of the conditional type is developed. Inference on imprecise information. The author states that it is necessary to obtain new facts based on this information through "the compositional rule of inference"

“Fuzzy systems are highly recommended in very complex problems where there is no associated simple mathematical model. Similarly, in processes that obey a non-linear behavior, the fuzzy solution has great advantages. The fuzzy solution requires that the expert knowledge be expressed linguistically, a requirement that is normally easy to obtain ”(“ LogicaDifusa.pdf ”, s / fb)


As has been described, fuzzy logistics allows a technological team to have a reasoning similar to that of an individual, through the definition of degrees of belonging.

The concepts that will be handled are grouped, assigning a certain membership value in what is called fuzzification, this idea is based on the fact that each element is part of a set in a certain proportion that is determined by the degree of membership, so the proposition is not completely true or false, if not partially ("LogicaDifusa.pdf", s / fb)


  • Califano, B. (2015). The media, the news and their influence on the political system. Mexican Journal of Public Opinion, 19, 61–79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rmop.2015.02.001 Trusted documents: a little common sense. (s / f). Retrieved on April 20, 2017, from: http://www.revista.unam.mx/vol.4/num6/art17/art17.htm Academic Report - Document - Proposal for measuring confidence in information using a fuzzy system. (s / f).LogicaDifusa.pdf. (s / fb). Retrieved from: http://www.esi.uclm.es/www/cglez/downloads/docencia/2011_Softcomputing/LogicaDifusa.pdf Management Of Diffuse Information. Indispensable Tool For Decision Making - Documentary Works. (s / f). Retrieved on April 20, 2017, from: https: //www.clubensayos.com / Business / Management-Of-The-Information-Diffuse-Tool-Indispensable / 176122.html Sanz, IM, & Faba, C. (2010). The factor of the Web impact of Latin American university archives: the reliability of search engines to calculate them. Library Research: Archivonomy, Library Science and Information, 24.
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Management of fuzzy information in business organizations