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Managing the concept of moral leadership

Table of contents:


Today, we are in a peculiar period in the history of humanity, which is identified by two important methods. The first one could be said that it is a process of disintegration, which causes the great amount of social complications that we can observe in our daily lives. The second is the integration process, which is based on the postulate of the union of people and investigates new ways of being able to all collaborate together, to form a society that is founded on harmony, peace and union.

In this article, I will focus on the second method, the integration process. When talking about integration, we must bear in mind two concepts (which will be expanded a little more in the part of key concepts) leader and leadership. By leader we understand that it is an individual who has a special place within a group of people, and on the other hand, leadership is the set of characteristics that that individual will require in order to influence the way of doing things of that group of people, But when we talk about moral leadership, we can say that this can be practiced by more people in that group, who will help the rest to be able to fulfill their objectives. The more people in the group use this leadership, the better the group will perform.

Applying leadership in this way has several advantages, one of them is that all the ideas and opinions of the group will be heard, because it is a way of recognizing that the abilities and ideals of each person are vital to revolutionize the entire organization or even a society. Instead of the group only being molded based on the strengths or shortcomings of an individual, the group will benefit from the point of view, capabilities, and the daring to do different things of all its members.

On the other hand, the problems that have to do with respect to selfishness or the power dispute of individuals will be eradicated, in this form of leadership the interests of each and every one of the members will be protected.

No special perspective or position is required to apply moral leadership. In other words, moral leadership does not want someone's recognition or approval. The only purpose it has is to serve the well-being of all. The more individuals achieve moral leadership in any field, the more progress will be made.

Key concepts

To facilitate the reading process on the topic "Moral leadership", some definitions that are considered important for the reader to know will be cited:


“Set of skills that a certain person must possess to influence the way people think or act, motivating them to make the tasks that these people must carry out are carried out efficiently, thus helping to achieve the achievements." (Definist, 2014)


"Set of customs and norms that are considered good to direct or judge the behavior of people in a community." (Oxford, 2018)

Moral leadership.

"Moral leadership has to be a leadership that is fully aware of the dynamics of disintegration - integration that characterize our current age that consciously alienate itself with integration processes." (Lagunes, 2016)


The moral leadership model is based mainly on a concept that initially gained strength by a group of international instructors in Russia, in 1992, in which Eloy Anello (a student at the University of Bolivia) participated. From that experience, an initial base was formed, which included a short summary of some of the elements that are currently available on its conceptual framework, as well as a kind of directory with fifteen moral leadership capacities.

Anello had the brilliant idea of ​​increasing the structure of the concept, uniting it with his commitments within his school in Bolivia, complementing it in turn, in a part of a project that he was going to carry out with the Instituto Superior de Educación Rural (ISER), which The project consisted of training teachers in rural areas as agents of community progress. This project, which required twelve textbooks to be written, would be the beginning of a great and long period of collaboration with Juanita Hernández, who at that time was the project coordinator and co-writer of the books.

Because Anello and Hernández were united by the Nur University, in Bolivia, it had the role of atmosphere for the formation of other applications in the areas of education, health and youth. This was especially true at the end of the 90's, since in this decade projects were carried out that had moral leadership as the central axis, and they were not just any type of projects, but they were for the Socioeconomic Development area of ​​the university (that functioned as a Non-Governmental Organization, making use of funds from around the world and carrying out these projects in Bolivia and other countries).

Management of the concept of moral leadership.

Anello and Hernández make a reference to the following text from a WHO (World Health Organization) report that was published in 1988:

In order to put moral leadership in context, Anello and Hernández stipulated three functions that any group of human beings must have at least:

  1. Achieve objectives and goals Form and strengthen the unity of the group Enhance the skills of all members of the group

Seeing the above, moral leadership is aimed at provoking a shared leadership that causes the fulfillment of the previously mentioned functions.

Within this context, the authors mention that:

Editions of his books.

The information that has to do with moral leadership is published in the first way within the fabric of a project linked between the University of Nur and the Higher Institute of Rural Education (ISER) in Bolivia, in which the university provided training services and provided some items. All the books mentioned below have Anello and Hernández as their authors.

This is the first edition, in which the characteristics of moral leadership begin to be formed and cemented, likewise they join it with other topics that have to do with the development of communities, which are: teamwork, strategic organization, participatory inquiry, among others). This was a compilation of twelve books, but the first of them was where the theme of moral leadership was taken the most, it included five elements of the conceptual framework and a review of the 18 capacities of this leadership, in addition to the techniques and skills that were mentioned. it required having an individual dedicated to the development of the communities.

In this new edition a new part is added to the conceptual framework that was had in the first edition, they decided to title it as "A form of essential nobility of man" and deleted five chapters on some capacities.

This edition is released the same year as the previous one, so there were not many changes, the most significant was that the five chapters that had been eliminated in the previous version were added again.

After many years, they decided that it was time to re-launch a new version of their book, in this version it was decided to add a whole new chapter, which they titled "Mental models of human nature and societies." In order to achieve a solid chapter, it was done with the help of Peter Newton, who had been experimenting with this topic for some time. Likewise, it was decided to extend the presentation of the capabilities reviews and it was decided to once again eliminate those five chapters on specific capabilities.

It should be noted that these books were published with a training manual style, and have comprehension exercises, graphics, ways of applying what has been learned and an extended bibliography in each chapter.

The book begins with a study on the problems that humans have today, referring to the large number of problems and challenges that human beings have to overcome, which, as mentioned in the introduction to this article, is a process of disintegration, and also refers to the work carried out by different organizations or people to seek opportunities, to achieve a society that is characterized by having justice, respect and harmony, this is called the integration process.

The mental models and paradigms that influence this process are explored in a certain degree of detail, concluding that in order to reach the “integration process”, the first thing that has to be done is to change our way of thinking, this could also be done interpret as a paradigm shift, causing us to have a positive attitude about the future that is coming, and as a chain reaction, this would generate motivation to build a better future.

Within this paradigm, it is strongly emphasized that moral leadership is urgently needed.

The need for moral leadership.

Different organizations around the world (which may be private, public or non-profit) are carrying out different activities and joining forces to eradicate the great evils that harm communities around the planet, but they have realized that technology, policies and scientific means are not capable of solving them by themselves. Investigating a little more thoroughly to find the root problem of this crisis that plagues various levels of societies, there is a very noticeable lack of values, and this is reflected in the social, economic and political leaderships, including environmental of our country. day to day.

This lack of values ​​is an important portion of the whole root cause that causes this important lack of moral leadership, which is noticeable in all parts of society. As a shorter way of explaining this, it is not the lack of financial resources, nor the ability to organize, even it is not the knowledge that one has, which is needed to be able to make this world a better place, but leadership. moral that we need so much.

However, we must bear in mind what this moral leadership really means. It is pointed out that moral leadership must be a leadership that is fully aware of the dynamics of disintegration and integration, which is something very representative of our current period, and that this (moral leadership) is aligned with integration processes; possess a complete vision of the society that you want to form and some of the tools that will be used to achieve it, and taking this vision and the necessary tools as a seat, you must fight incessantly to be able to form that society we want; bring a deep commitment and that is really personal to fight for individual metamorphosis, using the path of development and exemplification of an existence formed by ethical and moral values,differentiated by skills of both righteousness and goodness, and of fighting for a collective evolution through work that promotes the unity of all.

Mental models of leadership that still prevail.

There are different models of moral leadership that can be valued according to the way in which they contribute to achieving the achievements that a group considers. These prevailing models can be classified into five main categories (although currently more are considered to exist, in this article I will focus on those five and on moral leadership) which are: authoritarian, paternalistic, know-it-all, manipulative and democratic: During a seminar On the “leadership: concepts and challenges” that was carried out in Austria during the year 1995, a questionnaire was applied to the 72 CEOs and managers of organizations that attended, they came from 35 different countries. These questionnaires showed that these five models that were mentioned above were very prominent in the 35 countries from which the participants came,which indicates that these are very common even when they are different cultural environments.

The authoritarian leader.

The main characteristic that we will find in an authoritarian leader is that he gives orders and expects them to be obeyed instantly, just as he said and without being questioned if it is the best decision or not. He does not have a dialogue with his collaborators and avoids at all costs giving explanations about why he made that decision or ordered such a thing. The main model of the authoritarian leader is based on military organizations, although now this has its own style in the case of managers - subordinates.

The collaborators of an authoritarian manager usually have that feeling of resentment, which can be reflected in an open or indirect way. When this resentment is expressed openly, it will lead to a state of rebellion or a kind of insurrection. When this resentment is kept by the collaborator and is not expressed, they will be in a state of conformity and obedience without question.

Giving an example a little more "extreme" but still related, it is in the time of slavery, the collaborator will always say yes! Without questioning anything your boss tells you. But, at the bottom of that supposed submission, usually, we can find a passive obstinacy that dredges those activities that he has to carry out. On numerous occasions, some "mysterious" difficulties will arise that hinder the work and that it will never be known who was the one who actually hindered it and prevented it from being carried out as planned. Activities will always be carried out as slowly as possible and without a hint of initiative, as a peaceful protest.

The paternalistic leader.

A person who practices a way of being paternalistic in his leadership model, can truly hope the well-being of his collaborators and of all the people he surrounds himself with, always finding motivation by that feeling of affection that he has for them. The characteristic treatment of this model is very similar (as its name indicates) to the treatment that a father would give his son, or in other words, how a father would try to overprotect his children at all times. He will take care of them and protect them at all times, he will remove all the inconveniences that they find in their path, he will do various things for them and he will always tell them that there is nothing to worry about, since he will leave everything on a "silver platter". On some occasions, he will ask his collaborators or the members of the group with whom he is dealing,what are his opinions and it will seem that he is a democratic leader (this model will be described a little later), but in the end he is the one who will make the decision that he likes. The paternalistic leader will not help his collaborators to enhance their skills and abilities. You may think that your employees don't have many skills. What he really feels is satisfaction in noticing that it is very necessary and required by his collaborators, who without him could not meet the objectives set.What he really feels is satisfaction in noticing that it is very necessary and required by his collaborators, who without him could not meet the objectives set.What he really feels is satisfaction in noticing that it is very necessary and required by his collaborators, who without him could not meet the objectives set.

The paternalistic leader will find himself answering all the time to the problems or needs that his collaborators may go through, superficially it will seem that there is unity in the group and harmony, since the tasks are being done. But this is not entirely true, since the tasks are not carried out by all. Since practically everything depends on that paternalistic leader.

In conclusion, paternalistic leadership only encourages dependency behaviors and a certain helplessness, which will block the collaborators' capacity for innovation and creativity and the responsibility that each person has in the group. Then, when the leader is gone, the group will not be able to stay afloat, because there is no other member who has the capacity and the skills to occupy that position, because he could never exploit them.

The know-it-all leader.

This leadership model often happens when there is a notable difference between the knowledge or skills of a collaborator with the rest of his team.

What will happen is that the collaborator who has the greatest number of skills or the greatest knowledge about the topics being discussed, will want to have control of the group based on his knowledge that he considers superior to that of the others. It is very frequent that we see this model in the academic area, with teachers, counselors or advisers, or other people whose job is to share or teach their knowledge to other people. In the relationships they have with other people, the know-it-all leader, whenever she has the opportunity, will show off her knowledge, skills or academic training. Enjoy others listening and witnessing your capabilities. Likewise, she will try to "ridicule" the other members or try to make them less,.they may make jokes about their ideas or what they want to contribute.

And this way of feeling a superior being in front of others, will provoke feelings of inferiority on the part of the other collaborators. So, if the leader asks them what they think about a certain thing, they will not want to give their contribution even if it is very good, for fear that it will make fun of them or demerit it, since there will always be comparisons with the ideas that the know-it-all leader has.

In this way, everything that the rest of the team members could contribute is lost, and this leader will become discouraged and complain that nobody contributes ideas or knowledge, other than him (since all this was derived because of his behavior). The lack of union between the leader and the rest of the members will affect the performance of the tasks assigned to them and with this they will not be able to achieve the objectives.

The manipulative leader.

What the three previous models exert on leadership, possibly they are frank in their intention to help other members of the team or want them to participate and contribute ideas, although their own attitude of superiority prevents them from achieving this and everything is spoiled. Otherwise, we can find the manipulative leader, who only pretends to want to help the rest of the group or think about their well-being, to hide his true intention and motives.

It is very common for us to find this type of leadership in politics, with feelings that range from disappointment to mistrust. When the collaborators of a group or any type of person, realize that they have been manipulated all the time by someone else, it is very common for them to become fearful and lack confidence, so it will be difficult for them to trust any organization again or a new working group.

After team spirit is abused in a group or society, as a result of trusting the lies of a manipulative leader, it will be very difficult to get those people to trust a new leader or members of another group again.

Disadvantages of the four leadership models.

According to what we could read about the four mental models of leadership, deep down they share the same root problem. Everyone wants to have control of the group, through permanently intervening in the decision-making process, using different methods, such as: authority, affection, intelligence or manipulation. The need to always want to be in control of everyone translates as an insatiable need for power.

Likewise, none of these models will serve to achieve the three functions that were mentioned in the management of the concept of moral leadership.

The four models do not take into account the work of being able to develop and increase the abilities and capacities of the members of the group, through helping them to foster new capacities and to practice those they already have so that they are not lost. On the other hand, the feelings that these leadership models provoke in the group tend to undermine their individual and group potential: resentments and insurrections will not allow positive efforts to come to light; The feeling of inferiority will not allow the creativity of each person to come to light, the dependence that can be had on a person will limit the efforts of the group, among many other evils that will end up ruining the possible collective efforts that could be carried out finished.

Without a union between positive thoughts and visions, it will not be possible for any group to collaborate together in an associated and systematized way. Authoritarian, know-it-all, and manipulative leadership puts all group members at the mercy of the leaders. While the paternalist will seem that if there is union and cohesion between the members of the group, but this will only be a superficial feeling, since there would have to be a “good relationship” between the leader and the rest of the members. But that constant feeling of dependence coupled with the irresponsibility of the rest of the members, will not allow to get the best out of each member of the team.

The democratic leader.

According to (Garrido, 2008) the democratic leader has two particularities that distinguish him from other mental models, he is chosen by the rest of the group members and will give greater participation to the rest of the team members. But, not everything in life is perfect, and some problems will also be found in this mental model, some of these are:

  • Once chosen by the rest of the people or according to their qualities, the leader may have inappropriate behaviors that prevent the objectives from being achieved, as in the other four models. The rest of the team members must to choose between the applicants who have been proposed, and sometimes they do not agree with any of those who have chosen. In addition, usually, those who have more relationships or those who just want power will always benefit, instead of those who are really honest and want to do things well, whose main characteristic is the desire to serve Although in this mental model the rest of the members are more likely to have their opinions than they think, the leader may not take them into account when it comes to decision-making.

If the leader manages to adapt the following skills, he can be considered more "democratic" and increase the performance of the group:

  • Consider yourself as the organizer and coordinator of the team and you will not only be seen as a leader, you will help all team members so that they can realize the many advantages that they have if they choose to choose resources and solutions that are fair to All those involved will listen to all the members, their opinions, their points of view on the issues that are being discussed, before issuing their opinion or conclusion, and this will be considered as a contribution to the group conclusion, never as the final verdict He will speak from time to time about all the opinions that have been made, mentioning the possibilities and the different paths that would have been taken if one or the other had been chosen. He will always want everyone to participate in the activities that are being carried out,so that everyone can show their skills and have the opportunity to learn new things.

The moral leader.

Moral leadership, according to Anelo & Hernández (1996) is based on the following six characteristics.

The spirit of service.

Usually, when any individual is asked what he thinks a leader should do, they tend to answer, that he is the one who: has control of a group of people or is in charge of them, which is the number 1 and that's why he got there, that everyone must obey him, among other things. These ideas that prevail over leadership or how a leader has to act, which is based on the assertion of power or control over others, should be discussed and changed for one that is based on service to others. The primary peculiarity of leadership should be the spirit of service. Authentic moral leadership is practiced by the person who serves the community, not by the one who has greater control of the community.

Any society, organization or a group of people requires this form of leadership, which is aimed at both collective and personal change, which is committed to the values ​​and moral principles of all those involved and always with the truth, which always wants the The organization or the group transcends, not only the, and governed by the ideal that it should always serve the common good and never the staff.

Any individual who decides to start serving the good of all will discover that it is a way to achieve deep personal satisfaction. So, he will not seek to be recognized for the actions he performs, the spirit of service will lead him to generate new skills that will help him for all aspects of his existence. In this way, serving the rest of the community will contribute to their own process of change.

The purpose of leadership: personal and social transformation.

Moral leadership encourages personal transformation (of the person who practices it) and social transformation (the rest of the people with whom it interacts). Personal transformation will occur when the person is in a process of increasing their skills and qualities that help them better serve other people. While social transformation will come when the person who puts into practice what she learned with her own transformation and society will become more united and just for everyone. Both transformations must go together, since one cannot exist without the other. It will not be possible for a society to become just and united, if people do not promote and use those qualities in their day to day, then they will not be able to have their own personal transformation. But,We must be aware that not only with personal transformation it will not be able to solve all the ills that afflict a society by itself. You must have a vision shared by all, of the society that you want to have, that you want to achieve between all, an agreement on the rules or basic practices that must be followed. Some of these practices could be: equal rights to have an opinion and give our different points of view, eliminate prejudices, among others. Then you should try to help achieve the shared vision. The transformation will be reinforced with the feeling of companionship that is had in the society or in the group. So, a group that has high ideals, that is on the way to social transformation,It will generate a helping environment that will foster and maintain the personal transformation of all the people who make it up. Likewise, if we all join forces, the group will be able to achieve objectives that for a person or a group that does not share all of this are impossible.

The moral responsibility to investigate and apply the truth.

No individual can know everything and know the absolute truth of all things, although it is always necessary to try to learn more. We can learn by reading different books or articles with different information, in courses or conferences. But a very important way to learn is by listening to people and taking their opinions into account. Then we should try to use what we learned for ourselves and for the rest of society. It is recognized that there are two types of truth.

One is the "contingent" truth, which is everything that happens, events and events in our day to day. The "ideal" truth is one that deals with values ​​and principles, such as justice or union, which will govern our decisions. In order to make the best decision, we must know what are the most significant events that have happened, know what are the principles or values ​​that should help us to know what is better and finally imagine what is the result we want to achieve.

When seeking the "authentic" truth we must clear our mind of prejudices and avoid tipping the balance to one side. We must avoid believing everything we hear or take a single opinion for granted, we have to reflect on all the information we receive through reading, what we hear or what we live in our own flesh, in order to choose the best path. Later, we will use the truth that we have deduced, to be able to use it in our personal and social transformation process, although on certain occasions it will be a bit complicated.

The essential nobility of the human being.

We can find many opinions and ideologies about what is the true nature of man. Some scholars point out that man is nothing more than a rational animal. Therefore, they point out that it is normal for them to let themselves be carried away by their passions or instincts, without reasoning well the consequences of one or another action, they may be angering, hating, among other feelings. Although it is very clear that the human being has a lower nature, that if we focus only on this, it will give a misinterpretation of what the human being really is, since he also has a higher nature, which means that man has the ability to develop virtues. The human being has the potential to develop qualities of the type

"Spiritual", as they could be, kindness, generosity, honesty, forgiveness, among others.

Although each person swims with a nature that is considered "noble" and possesses a great deal of goodness, it is recognized that these essential qualities will show progressively, thanks to the consequence of the processes of learning and evolution.

The transcendence.

When we want to start acting with moral leadership, we will have different obstacles which we will have to face, since this process is not easy at all. Looking at this personally, it may be that our materialistic desires, particular interests, or bad habits can get in the way of how we practice our chosen truth.

We know what we have to do, but there will always be times when we have a hard time doing it. When we are trying to help our group, community, collaborators, among others, we will always find lapses of frustration. We will always meet someone who does not do things the way they should or does not mind doing it well. The rest can become indifferent and think that these situations can no longer be changed, we can find detractors of our idea and tell us that they are wrong, in these situations, it is when we must make use of "transcendence", which means that we it will give the necessary strength to be able to go through this situation, without giving up, when we go through a “bump” in our personal and social path. When we don't know what to do,that we have that moment of frustration and everything is clouded, transcendence will give us the ability and help us to let go of that particular situation instantly, reorient ourselves with the perspective of our vision, to finally return to the task that we left with a new perspective and desire to finish it. Transcendence will help us avoid “drowning in a glass of water” when all problems have a solution.Transcendence will help us avoid “drowning in a glass of water” when all problems have a solution.Transcendence will help us avoid “drowning in a glass of water” when all problems have a solution.

It will give us the necessary energy to remain firm with our ideals and continue with our principles, when we go through difficulties or temptations, it will allow us to leave our low nature behind. And obviously, it will be a key part of the decision-making process.

The development of capacities.

Some years ago (and I think that some people still have this concept today) it was believed that a moral person was the one who did not want to have or cause problems for other people. Today this concept has been evolving, to have a more active meaning than morality. A moral person must be actively engaged in a personal and social change, but in order to be able to work actively in this change, he must develop some capacities that help him to be better, according to Anelo & Hernández (2010) there are 19 capacities, which will form This efficient moral leadership that you aspire to reach, each capacity contains different concepts, abilities and skills.

The effort to start using a capacity begins a process of change in our lives, little by little, through the effort to constantly use that capacity and that it becomes a feedback process, an individual will be able to generate a greater number of skills, attitudes and qualities required to be successful.

Next, the 19 capacities that Anelo & Hernández (2010) mention must have a person with moral leadership, and that they are divided into three different categories.

Skills that contribute to personal transformation.

This group of capacities go hand in hand with the interior of each individual, it is grounded in its general integrity and its own will, as to live according to its principles and propose initiatives and lead them on the right path. Likewise, the capacities that are related to learning and reflection are attached, these capacities are the foundation of the character that each human being possesses and will influence how their interpersonal relationships will be carried out, as well as the work they do in social transformation. According to Anelo & Hernández (2010) these capacities are:

  • The ability to assess our own strengths and weaknesses without involving the ego: self-assessment The ability to learn from systematic reflection on action within a coherent and evolving conceptual framework The ability to think systemically in search of solutions The ability to take initiatives in a creative and disciplined way The ability to maintain effort, persevere and overcome obstacles in achieving goals The ability to oppose low passions and egocentric tendencies: turning towards higher purposes and capacities: self-discipline The ability to handle matters and responsibilities with rectitude of conduct based on moral and ethical principles.

Skills that help improve interpersonal relationships.

This group will have influence on the ability to relate to the rest of the individuals in a way that is to the benefit of all, they are also of utmost importance in the joint work for social transformation. These capabilities are:

  • The ability to lovingly instill thoughts and actions The ability to encourage others and offer them joy The ability to participate effectively in the mutual meeting for group decision making The ability to build and promote unity in diversity

Capacities that contribute to social transformation.

These capacities are extremely necessary for collective work, which guides the development and progress of society. But, they will not bring us any benefit if you want to use them without the rest of the aforementioned capacities, they must be based on rectitude, initiative and perseverance, as well as interpersonal relationships. The capacities are:

  • The ability to cooperate effectively with others The ability to contribute to the establishment of justice The ability to understand domination-submission relationships and to contribute towards their transformation into relationships based on mutuality and empowerment The ability to design educational activities that empower the student  The ability to create a vision of a desired future based on shared values ​​and principles The ability to interpret the meaning of social processes and current events in light of an appropriate historical perspective The ability to serve an institution in a way that empowers its members in service to humanity.

Objective of moral leadership.

Moral leadership will grant us individual development, since it will be able to grant us various knowledge, have control of our ego, analyze things with an objective sense and without tilting the balance for decision-making to one side. This development will benefit us in all our abilities, since it will make us discover new ones and enhance the ones we already have.

In society or in the group in which we are an important part, we can promote values ​​with harmony and peace. We will be able to enhance the qualities of all members, that they are listened to and that their opinions are taken into account, that they feel supported by this leadership.

Thesis proposal.

Identify the types of leadership that predominate in the managers of the organizations in the Córdoba - Orizaba area.


Know the leaderships that predominate in the area, in order to determine strategies that lead the leader of the organization to have moral leadership.


I thank my family, for giving me all the support and encouragement to continue day by day, the Orizaba Technological Institute and CONACYT for opening their doors to me and allowing me to continue my studies with the Master's Degree in Administrative Engineering and to Doctor Fernando Aguirre y Hernández for motivate me with your knowledge in the Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering seminar to carry out each of the assigned articles.


To speak of moral leadership is to speak of a mental model, that if we begin to practice it, it will not only be for our own benefit, but for that of all the people with whom we live. This model is based on the nobility that by nature, every human being possesses, which is characterized by the spirit of service.

I believe that if we manage to develop these capacities and abilities, we will be able to achieve that personal and collective transformation that is so much needed today, not only to speak of groups in an organization, or of the entire company, but for a society, a people, a country.

Finally, I believe we should all begin to practice everything related to moral leadership, to try to make this world a better place to live.


Anelo, E., & Hernández, J. (1996). Moral Leadership. Santa Cruz.

Anelo, E., & Hernández, J. (2010). Moral Leadership. Bolivia: Gems.

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Managing the concept of moral leadership