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Maintenance, a fundamental tool for the company


Maintenance as a tool is essential for the proper functioning of the company, taking into account that it has a direct impact on the entire production process. In other words, if the maintenance is not necessarily good, the facilities or equipment will not work for the planned time, causing costly stops in the production process, since if at that time there is no other equipment (s) of production or a staff that can fix the defect will not finish the product on time, the delivery of the product will be delayed and therefore will cause dissatisfaction in the client, which can translate into loss of money in the future.


The maintenance like tool is fundamental for the good operation of the company, keeping in mind that the same one rebounds directly in the whole productive process. In other words, if the maintenance is not the necessarily good thing the facilities or teams won't work the planned time, causing with this stopped expensive in the productive process, since if in that moment it is not had other machines of production or a personnel that it can fix the damage the product it won't end in time, it will be late the delivery of the product and it will cause dissatisfaction in the client, what can translate you in losses of money in a future.


Today all companies try to have a production process as constant as possible, that is, try to keep all jobs producing all year with the least amount of unforeseen breakages. Good maintenance can be summed up in quality, safety, efficiency, effectiveness and profitability. Maintenance in its beginnings was seen as a necessary evil for companies, since they were intended to carry out the necessary repairs at a time of delay or at a stop in the production process, either due to partial or total breakdown of one or more equipment.. Maintenance has taken a great boom in recent times, taking into account the market demand, depending on the quality and quantity of the products and / or services provided by the company. HowQuality plays a fundamental role for the sale of a product or a service, this requires an effort from everyone in the company, where maintenance cannot be left out. In order to achieve this objective, companies plan maintenance at some stages or times of the year (preventive maintenance) in addition to performing maintenance when an unexpected break occurs (corrective maintenance).


Many people have a slightly distorted concept of maintenance thinking that maintenance is the activity that is carried out in terms of solving some failure or breakdown of equipment, when maintenance is much more than that; being the activity intended to prevent failures in the production process and thus reduce the risks of unforeseen stops due to breaks or failures in the system. It begins from the initial stage of the project to the production stage (finished product), and its operation must be cyclically while it is being produced since the longer the equipment has operating time, the greater the probability that it will fail.

Types of maintenance

The types of maintenance that are most used are:

Preventive maintenance: it is the activity planned in the vulnerable points at the most opportune moment, destined to avoid failures or breakdowns in the system. It is carried out under normal conditions, that is, when the production process works correctly. It is carried out taking into account the experience of the personnel who provide this activity, who in turn are responsible for and in charge of planning said activity in order to maintain an adequate operation or level of service in the equipment.


Taking into account that this maintenance is planned, it has the approval of a budget approved by the company's board of directors, and with a previously prepared program detailing the procedure to be followed, and the activities to be carried out, in order to have the tools and Necessary spare parts "on hand"; in addition to being carried out in idle time, that is, outside the working day, thus taking advantage of the time in which it is not produced.


• It greatly helps to control and maintain equipment and facilities.

• Reduces corrective maintenance by increasing availability

• It makes it possible to forecast changes of necessary parts or means

• Production is not interrupted to apply the same


• It must be carried out by specialized technicians

• It is an initial investment in infrastructure and labor

• If a correct analysis of the level of preventive maintenance is not made, the cost of maintenance can be overloaded without substantial improvements in availability.

• Routine jobs when they are prolonged in time produce a lack of motivation in the staff, so imaginative systems must be created to turn a repetitive job into a job that generates satisfaction and commitment. The involvement of preventive workers is essential for the success of the plan.

Corrective maintenance: is the maintenance that is carried out to fix or correct any failure or breakdown in the system. It is carried out under abnormal conditions, that is, when the system is partially working or not working.


IT itself is not planned, so it is carried out from the moment the breakdown occurs, where the tools and spare parts necessary for fast and efficient maintenance are often not available. This is the most expensive maintenance since the necessary parts or spare parts have to be purchased at whatever cost (as long as you have the necessary budget). You work under pressure bearing in mind that part of the plant or the entire plant is waiting for you.


• If the equipment is prepared, the intervention in the failure is quick and the replacement in most cases will be with the minimum time.

• An excessive infrastructure is not needed, a group of competent operators will be sufficient, therefore the cost of labor will be minimal, the experience and expertise of the operators will be more priority than the capacity for analysis or study of the type. of problem that occurs.

• It is profitable in equipment that does not intervene instantly in production, where the implementation of another system would be uneconomical.


• It affects production since it is carried out when there is a failure or breakdown in the system.

• It is usually done with a low quality of repairs due to the speed with which it must be carried out and the priority of replacing before definitive repair.

• It can produce a habit of working defectively, a feeling of dissatisfaction and helplessness, taking into account that it is really done as quickly as possible.

Predictive maintenance: it is the maintenance through which the current state of the equipment is obtained, taking into account the behavior of some previously identified variables. These variables can be some such as temperature, energy consumption, defects in the products, etc. Variations in some of these variables can sometimes be symptoms of a malfunction, which translates into maintenance as soon as possible before a failure or breakdown occurs.


Predictive maintenance is carried out in full production work in order to determine the behavior of the previously identified variables. This is based on the application of mathematical and statistical tools which can provide information about the status of the equipment. With its implementation, the aim is to reduce the amount of preventive maintenance. Table 1 shows some techniques that are used in predictive maintenance, what they are used for and by what means they are used.


• Intervention in the team or change of an element.

• Reduces preventive maintenance and therefore corrective maintenance.

• It forces us to master the process and have technical data, which will commit us to a rigorous and objective scientific method of work.


• Requires an initial investment in the equipment necessary for the appropriate measurements.

• Personnel should be assigned for the necessary measurements and readings.

• It requires staff that is capable of interpreting the data and making educated decisions based on it.

• It requires a high level of knowledge for data processing.

• For all these reasons, the implementation of this system is justified in machines or facilities where untimely stoppages cause great losses, where unnecessary stops cause great costs.

How does maintenance influence the net profit or net income of the company?

For many people, the maintenance process in a company is something secondary, to which many times the necessary importance is not given; without knowing that the net profits decrease or increase depending on the accuracy and the type of maintenance applied. Maintenance influences the income of the company since the net income depends on the total income and the cost of production (Net income = Total income - Cost of production).

Normally, companies place their orders so the production volume is known, and knowing this and the price of the product, the total income that the company will have with said production volume is already known, so the total income goes to be a constant variable, thus depending on the net income only on the cost of production. Therefore, if the cost of production increases, the net income of the company decreases, and if the cost of production decreases, the net income increases.

Taking this into account, it is about maintaining continuity in the production process, which translates into zero (0) breakdown (s) or failure (s) in the system in production time, seeking to avoid:

• Delay in the delivery of products

• Partial or total loss of raw material at the site of the breakdown

• Customer dissatisfaction

• Corrective maintenance which would highly raise the cost of production.

The cost of preventive maintenance is not classified as high since it is a cost that is that this cost was previously planned, which does not take anyone by surprise depending on what is detected, so many times the assigned budget is not spent for the same.

The cost of corrective maintenance is high since in the first place because it is a cost that is not planned and in the second because it is not known when it will happen so there is no budget assigned for it, taking everyone by surprise and depending on dimension or system failure.

The cost of predictive maintenance is not classified as high, since it depends on the tools used for it, which are purchased and many times last years in the implementation of the same.

Table 2 shows the cost dependence taking into account the type of maintenance that is applied.

Table 2: Types of maintenance and dependence on their cost

3.1 Purpose of Maintenance

It is the means that every company has to keep its fixed assets operable with the same degree of efficiency and effectiveness. It encompasses the set of activities necessary to:

- keep a facility or equipment in operation,

- restore the operation of the equipment under predetermined conditions.

Maintenance therefore affects the quantity and quality of production.

Indeed, the quantity of production at a given quality level is determined by the installed production capacity and its availability, this being understood as the quotient of the effective production time between the sum of this and the downtime for maintenance.

3.2 Maintenance Objective

Ensure the planned availability at the lowest cost within the warranty and use recommendations of the manufacturers of the equipment and facilities and the safety regulations. To do this, it acts on:

the continuity of the production operation, that is, the reliability that is measured by the mean time between consecutive failures (MTTF); the stop time (MDT) when they occur. The downtime includes the effective time to repair (Maintainability) (MTTR) which is a function of the design, available tools and skills and training of the personnel and, of the waiting time (MWT) (Support) which is a function of the organization (systems and routines, tools and workshops available, technical documentation, training, training and supply of parts and / or spare parts).

Availability = MTTF / (MTTF + MDT) = MTTF /


García Garrido, S (2008). Types and models of maintenance. Extracted from

Website www.solomantenimiento.com

Website www.science.oas.org

Sicilia, Miguel A. & De la Morena, V (2008). Types of maintenance. Retrieved from http://cnx.org/contents/bae88cb1-41d3-4799-b076-7f0c0087eb73@3/Tipos_de_Mantenimiento

Molina, J (). Industrial maintenance and safety. Extracted from www.Monografias.com

Mediburru Díaz, H. (sf). Maintenance options. www.Monografias.com

Maintenance, a fundamental tool for the company