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Amef manual mode and effect analysis of potential failures

Table of contents:


1. Introduction

Traditionally, in the processes of marketing goods and services, and in order to satisfy the customer, companies have been obliged to offer guarantees, that is, to commit to the customer for a specified period to repair or replace Totally or partially the products that present operational or construction defects.

Even though this commitment represents tranquility for the consumer, the fact of not being able to have the product during a period of repair or replacement, or that it breaks down very frequently; represents a reason for dissatisfaction, which translates as a loss of prestige for the supplier.

Similarly, in those cases in which the product or service is used in remote places or in very critical conditions, the guarantee goes into the background and the client's main interest is that the product does not fail.

For these reasons, it is desirable to place on the market a product or service that does not present defects, and for this purpose, the present work presents the Analysis of modes and effects of potential failures, FMEA, (FMEA for its acronym in English - Failure Mode and Effects Analysis), as a very useful procedure to increase reliability and find solutions to problems that products and processes may present before they occur.

2. Historical Review

The FMEA discipline was developed in the United States Army by engineers from the National Agency of Space and Aeronautical (NASA), and was known as the military procedure MIL-P-1629, entitled "Procedure for the Execution of a Mode of Failure, Effects and Analysis of Criticability ”and prepared on November 9, 1949; This was used as a technique to evaluate reliability and to determine the effects of equipment and systems failures on the success of the mission and the safety of personnel or equipment.

In 1988 the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published the ISO 9000 series of standards for quality management and assurance; The requirements of this series led many organizations to develop quality management systems focused on the needs, requirements and expectations of the client, among these the QS 9000 emerged in the automotive area, it was developed by the Chrysler Corporation, the Ford Motor Company and the General Motors Corporation in an effort to standardize supplier quality systems; According to the QS 9000 standards, automotive suppliers must use Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP), which must necessarily include design and process FMEA, as well as a control plan.

Subsequently, in February 1993 the Automotive Industrial Action Group (AIAG) and the American Society for Quality Control (ASQC) registered the FMEA standards for their implementation in the industry, these standards are the equivalent of the technical procedure of the Society of Automotive Engineers SAE J - 1739.

The standards are presented in the FMEA manual approved and supported by Chrysler, Ford and General Motors; This manual provides general guidelines for the preparation and execution of the FMEA.

Currently, the FMEA has become popular in all American automotive companies and has begun to be used in various areas of a wide variety of companies worldwide.

3. Requirements of the FMEA

To do an FMEA the following are required:

  • A team of people committed to enhancing design capabilities to meet customer needs Block and schematic diagrams for every level of the system, from sub-assemblies to the complete system Component specifications, parts list and design data.Functional specifications of modules, subassemblies, etc. Manufacturing requirements and details of the processes to be used.

FMEA forms (paper or electronic) and a list of special considerations that apply to the product.

4. Benefits of FMEA

Eliminating potential failure modes has both short-term and long-term benefits. In the short term, it represents savings in repair costs, repetitive testing and downtime. Long-term benefit is much more difficult to measure since it is related to customer satisfaction with the product and their perception of quality; This perception affects future purchases of the products and is decisive in creating a good image of them.

On the other hand, the FMEA supports and reinforces the design process since:

  • Aids in the selection of alternatives during design Increases the likelihood that potential failure modes and their effects on system operation are considered during design Provides additional information to aid in the planning of thorough and efficient test programs Develops a list of potential failure modes, classified according to their likely effect on the customer Provides an open, documented format for recommending risk-reducing actions to follow-up Detects failures where self-correcting features are needed or light protection Identifies known and potential failure modes that might otherwise go undetected Detects primary, but often minimal, faults that can cause certain secondary faultsProvides a fresh point of view in understanding the functions of a system.

5. What is amef?

The Analysis of modes and effects of potential failures, FMEA, is a systematic process for the identification of potential failures in the design of a product or a process before they occur, with the purpose of eliminating them or minimizing the risk associated with the same.

Therefore, FMEA can be considered as a standardized analytical method to detect and eliminate problems in a systematic and total way, whose main objectives are:

  • Recognize and evaluate potential failure modes and causes associated with the design and manufacture of a product Determine the effects of potential failures on system performance Identify actions that will eliminate or reduce the opportunity for potential failure to occur Analyze system reliability Document the process

Although the FMEA method has generally been used by the automotive industries, it is applicable for the detection and blocking of the causes of potential failures in products and processes of any kind of company, whether they are in operation or in the phase of development. draft; as well as it is applicable for administrative and service systems.

6. Format and elements of the FMEA

To facilitate the documentation of the analysis of potential failures and their consequences, the Ford company standardized a format for conducting the FMEA; However, since each company represents a particular case, it is necessary that it be prepared by a multidisciplinary team made up of personnel with experience in design, manufacturing, assembly, service, quality and reliability. It is very important that, even when modifications are made, the following elements are maintained:


  • Type of FMEA: it must be specified if the FMEA to be carried out is of design or process Name / Part Number or Process: The name and number of the part, assembly or process that is being analyzed must be recorded. Use suffixes, change letters and / or the Problem Report / Change Request (CR / CR) number, as applicable Design / Manufacturing Responsibility: Enter the name of the operation and manufacturing plant that has primary responsibility for the machinery, equipment or assembly process, as well as the name of the area responsible for the design of the component, assembly or system involved Other Areas Involved: List any areas / departments or organizations affected or involved in the design or function of the component (s)), as well as other manufacturing operations or plants involved Suppliers and Plants Affected:List any supplier or manufacturing plants involved in the design or manufacture of the components or assemblies being analyzed Vehicle (S) / Model Year (depends on where it is being made): Record all vehicle lines that will use the part / process being analyzed and the model year Engineering Release Date: Indicates the last level of Engineering Release and date for the component or assembly involved Key Production Date: Record the appropriate production date Prepared By: Indicating the name, telephone number, address and company of the engineer who prepares the FMEA Date of the FMEA: Enter the date the original FMEA was developed and later, note the date of the last revision of the FMEA.

Description / purpose of the process.

Write down a simple description of the process or operation being analyzed and indicate as briefly as possible the purpose of the process or operation being analyzed.

Potential failure mode.

It is defined as the manner in which a part or assembly can potentially fail to meet engineering release requirements or specific process requirements. Each potential failure mode is listed for the particular operation; To identify all possible failure modes, it is necessary to consider that these can fall into one of five categories:

  1. Total Failure Partial Failure Intermittent Failure Gradual Failure Overrun

Effects of potential failure.

The next step in the FMEA process, after defining the failure mode and function, is to identify the potential consequences of the failure mode; This activity must be carried out through brainstorming and once these consequences have been identified, they must be introduced into the model as effects.

It must be assumed that the effects occur whenever the failure mode occurs.

The procedure for Potential Consequences is applied to register remote or circumstantial consequences, through the identification of additional failure modes, the procedure is as follows:

  • It begins with a failure model (MF-1), and a list of all its potential consequences Separate those consequences that are assumed as a result whenever MF-1 occurs, these are identified as MF-1 effects Additional failure modes are written for the remaining consequences (consequences that could result if MF-1 occurs, depending on the circumstances under which it occurs). The new failure modes imply that unusual consequences will occur by including the circumstances under which they occur. Separating the assumed consequences will result whenever the failure modes and their special circumstances occur; these should be identified as effects of additional failure modes.


The first step for risk analysis is to quantify the severity of the effects, these are evaluated on a scale from 1 to 10 where 10 is the most severe.

Below I will present the tables with the evaluation criteria for process and design:

Table 1. Suggested evaluation criteria and grading system for severity of effects for a FMEA design
Effect Criteria: Severity of effect for FMEA Row
Dangerous alert The incident affects the safe operation of the product or involves non-compliance with government regulation without alarm. 10
- dangerous; with alarm The incident affects the safe operation of the product or implies non-compliance with government regulation with the alarm. 9
Very high The product is inoperable with loss of primary function. 8
Tall The product is operable, but at the reduced level of performance. 7
Moderate The product is operable, but the comfort or convenience item (s) are inoperable. 6
Low The product is operable at a reduced level of performance. 5
Very low Most customers notice the flaws. 4
Minor Average customers notice the flaws. 3
Very Minor Fit and end or squeak and rattle item does not comply. Demanding customers notice the flaws. two
None No effect one
Vector 2. Suggested evaluation criteria and grading system for severity of effects in a FMEA process
Effect Criteria: Severity of effect for FMEA Row
- dangerous; no alarm It can endanger the assembly operator. The incident affects the safe operation or non-compliance of the product with government regulation. The incident will occur without alarm. 10
- dangerous; with alarm It may endanger the assembly operator. The incident affects the safe operation or non-compliance of the product with government regulation. The incident will occur with alarm. 9
Very high Major disruption to the production chain. 100% of the product can be discarded. The product is inoperable with loss of primary function. 8
Tall Minor disruption to the production line. The product can be classified and a portion discarded. The product is operable, but at a reduced level of performance. 7
Moderate Disruption is minor to the production line. A portion of the product can be thrown away (not sorted). The product is operable, but some comfort / convenience item (s) are inoperable 6
Low Disruption is minor to the production line. 100% of the product can be returned to work. The product is operable, but some comfort / convenience items operate at a reduced performance level. 5
Very low Disruption is minor to the production line. The product can be classified and a portion can be returned to work. Most customers notice the flaw. 4
Minor Disruption is minor to the production line. A portion of the product can be returned to work online only out-of-season. Average customers notice the flaw. 3
Very Minor Disruption is minor to the production line. A portion of the product can be returned to work online only in-station. Demanding customers notice the flaw. two
None The failure mode has no effect. one

7.Special Features

The AIAG defines a special product characteristic as a characteristic product for which reasonably anticipated variation could significantly affect a product safety or compliance with governmental standards or regulations, or is likely to significantly affect customer satisfaction with a product. Ford Motor Company divides special features into two categories: Critical Features and Significant Features.

Critical characteristics are defined by Ford as product or process requirements that affect compliance with government regulation or the safe function of the product, and that require special actions or controls. In a FMEA design, the critical characteristics of the potential are considered. A potential critical characteristic exists for any severity rating greater than or equal to 9.

In the FMEA process, they are referred to as actual critical characteristics. Any characteristic with a severity of 9 or 10 that requires special control to ensure detection is a critical characteristic. Examples of product or process requirements that could be critical features include component dimensions, specifications, tests, assembly sequences, tooling, joints, torques, welds, connections, and applications.

The special actions or controls necessary to meet these requirements may involve manufacturing, assembly, a supplier, shipping, monitoring, or inspection.

Significant features require special controls because they are important to customer satisfaction. Grades of severity between 5 and 8 coupled with an occurrence ranking greater than 3 indicate significant characteristics. In a FMEA design, Significant Characteristics are potential. In the FMEA process, if a special control is required to ensure detection then an actual significant characteristic exists. Companies have not standardized a method for grouping and denoting special product characteristics. The nomenclature and notation will vary.

Causes of potential failures.

After the effects and severity have been listed, the causes of the failure modes must be identified.

In design FMEA, causes of failure are design deficiencies that produce a failure mode. For process FMEA, causes are specific errors described in terms of something that can be corrected or controlled.


Causes are evaluated in terms of occurrence, this is defined as the probability that a particular cause occurs and results in a failure mode during the expected life of the product, that is, it represents the remote probability that the customer experiences the effect. failure mode.

The value of the occurrence is determined through the following tables, in case of obtaining intermediate values ​​the immediate superior is assumed, and if the probability of failure is completely unknown, an occurrence equal to 10 must be assumed.

Vector 3. Suggested evaluation criteria and grading system for the occurrence of the incident in a FMEA design
Incident probability Failure rates Row
Very Top: The incident is almost inevitable 1 in 2 ³ 10
1 in 3 9
High: Repetitive incidents 1 in 8 8
1 in 20 7
Moderate: Occasional incidents 1 in 80 6
1 in 400 5
Low: Relatively few incidents 1 of 2000 4
1 in 15,000 3
Remote: Incident is unlikely 1 in 150,000 two
1 in 1,500,000 one
Vector 4. Suggested evaluation criteria and grading system for the occurrence of the incident in a FMEA process
Incident probability Incident Rates Pk of C Row
Very Top: The incident is almost inevitable 1 in 2 ³ <0.33 10
1 in 3 0.33 ³ 9
High: Generally associated with similar processes that have previously failed 1 in 8 0.51 ³ 8
1 in 20 0.67 ³ 7
Moderate: Generally associated with previous similar processes that have experienced occasional incidents, but not in significant proportions 1 in 80 0.83 ³ 6
1 in 400 1.00 ³ 5
1 of 2000 1.17 ³ 4
Low: Isolated incidents were associated with similar processes 1 in 15,000 1.33 ³ 3
Very Low: Only isolated incidents are associated with almost identical processes 1 in 150,000 1.50 ³ two
Remote: Incident is unlikely 1 in 1,500,000 1.67 ³ one

Current controls

Current controls are descriptions of measures that prevent failure mode from occurring or detect failure mode should it occur. Design and process controls are grouped according to their purpose:

Type 1: These controls prevent the cause or failure mode from occurring, or reduce its occurrence Type 2: These controls detect the cause of the failure mode and guide to corrective action Type 3: These controls detect the failure mode before it occurs the product reaches the customer


Screening is an assessment of the likelihood that the proposed process controls (listed in the previous column) will detect the mode of failure, before the part or component leaves the manufacturing or assembly location.

Random quality control checks are unlikely to detect an isolated defect and therefore will not result in a noticeable change in the degree of detection. A valid detection control is statistical sampling.

Vector 5. Suggested evaluation criteria and grading system for the detection of an incident cause or failure mode in a FMEA design.
Detection Criteria: Probability of detection by design control Row
Absolute uncertainty Design control does not detect a potential cause of the incident or the subsequent failure mode; or there is no design control 10
Far away The very remote probability that design control will detect a potential cause of the incident or subsequent failure mode 9
Away The remote probability that the design control will detect a potential cause of the incident or subsequent failure mode 8
Very low Very low probability design control will detect a potential cause of the incident or subsequent failure mode 7
Low Low probability design control will detect a potential cause of the incident or subsequent failure mode 6
Moderate The moderate probability that the design control will detect a potential cause of the incident or subsequent failure mode 5
Moderately high The moderately high probability that the design control will detect a potential cause of the incident or subsequent failure mode 4
Tall The high probability that the design control will detect a potential cause of the incident or subsequent failure mode 3
Very high The very high probability that the design control will detect a potential cause of the incident or subsequent failure mode two
Almost sure Design control will almost certainly detect a potential cause of the incident or subsequent failure mode. one
Vector 6. Suggested evaluation criteria and grading system for detecting an incident cause or failure mode in a FMEA process
Detection Criteria: Probability of detection by process control Row
Almost impossible None of the available controls detect incident Mode or cause 10
Far away Current controls have a very low probability of detecting failure mode or cause 9
Away Current controls have a remote probability of detecting failure mode or cause 8
Very low Current controls have a very low probability of detecting failure mode or cause 7
Low Current controls have a low probability of detecting Failure mode or cause 6
Moderate Current controls have a moderate probability of detecting failure mode or cause 5
Moderately high Current controls have a moderately high probability of detecting failure mode or cause 4
Tall Current controls have a high probability of detecting failure mode or cause 3
Very high Current controls have a very high probability of detecting failure mode or cause two
Almost sure Current controls almost certainly detect the mode or cause of failure. Reliable detection controls are known through similar processes. one


The risk priority number (RPN) is the mathematical product of severity, occurrence and detection, that is:

NPR = S * O * D

This value is used to identify the most serious risks to seek corrective actions.

Recommended actions).

When failure modes have been mandated by the NPR, corrective actions should address the highest grade issues and points and critical items first. The intent of any recommended action is to reduce the degrees of occurrence, severity and / or detection. If no action is recommended for a specific cause, it should be so stated.

A process FMEA will be of limited value if it does not have corrective and effective actions. It is the responsibility of all affected activities to implement effective follow-up programs to address all recommendations.

Responsible area / individual and completion date (of recommended action)

The area and person responsible for the recommended action are recorded, as well as the target date of completion.

Actions taken.

After an action has been completed, record a brief description of the current action and the effective or completion date.

Resulting npr.

After the corrective action has been identified, the final degrees of occurrence, severity and detection are estimated and recorded. The resulting NPR is calculated, this is the product of the severity, occurrence and detection values.

The in-process engineer is responsible for ensuring that all recommended actions are properly implemented and monitored. The FMEA is a living document and should always reflect the latest level of design.

8.Sequence of Procedures for the Preparation of FMEA

Once the elements of the FMEA have been identified, it is necessary to know how it should be carried out, that is, the logical order that the operations should take; this sequence is best expressed through the flow chart presented below.

It should be noted that the team responsible for the execution of the FMEA must have been previously defined, as well as a prior analysis for data collection.

The Role of FMEA in Quality Systems

They can be considered as the main objectives of any quality system, prevention and problem solving.

To prevent problems, quality systems use Quality Function Display (QFD), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Reverse Fault Tree Analysis (RFTA), Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) and FMEA, the latter is used both directly and indirectly through APQP and Design of Experiments (DOE), which is an important element for the prevention and solution of problems; Regarding the latter, the quality systems mainly use Continuous Improvement, the Quality Operational System (QOS), the eight disciplines for problem solving (8D) and the Control Plan, the preparation of which requires directly from the FMEA,of Statistical Process Control (SPC) tools and the consideration of the special characteristics established through the AMEF.

Relationship of FMEA with Iso 9000 Standards

The ISO 9000 standards only define guidelines and models, they do not indicate procedures to be implemented or the corresponding strategies that must be defined by each company.

The ISO 9000 series is especially applicable when it is necessary to verify to the client, as a contractual requirement, that a set of previously established quality parameters are being considered. In these cases, the client contractually requires quality verification, not just the development project.

Among the requirements established in the 9000: 2000 standard, reference is made to design control and process control; its clauses establish as a requirement their verification, including an analysis of failures and their corresponding effects. This verification must confirm that the data resulting from the project meets the established requirements, through project control activities, such as the performance and recording of the critical project analysis. FMEA can be considered particularly as one of the most useful and efficient methods for this purpose.


By conducting this report, the great importance and scope of benefits provided by Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis is established as a tool to examine all the ways in which a product or process may fail; In addition, a review is made of the action that must be taken to minimize the probability of failure or its effect.

Given that for most products and processes it is not economical to carry out the FMEA for each component, it is necessary to carry out the critical elements that must be subjected to it.

Although FMEA is very valuable as an early warning technique, the ultimate proof comes from the use of the product by the customer. However, the field experience comes too late, and this is where the importance of having it preceded by the FMEA so that companies can simulate the use of their products and processes in the field of work stands out.

Amef manual mode and effect analysis of potential failures