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Organizational communication procedures manual in a hotel facility

Table of contents:


Chapter I: General

1.1. Bases and need for Organizational Communication in the Tourism system

The social, political and economic changes of recent years in the world call for a more rational and humane use of the workforce, taking into account the characteristics of the workers, the conditions in which their capacities are invested and the types of work they perform, since they are the ones who essentially undertake the transformations, for productive achievement, promoting the development of processes in the organization and in the environment. This has meant the introduction of new approaches in the life of Cuban companies, to overcome, not only the crisis that has been dragging on worldwide for some decades, but also to adapt and find the most suitable and competitive path in this new century.

But how to develop and enhance in this changing reality, the development of that human capital, in organizations, in such a way that it is possible to face the constant social and personological transformations that are demanded in the market? So it is necessary to focus not only on the service industry, but also on what the current Cuban school and FORMATUR should do to achieve systemic taxation for this purpose.

From all this framework derives the great concern of our system around the management by competencies of Human Capital, understood with an emphasis on the management of knowledge in people, coinciding with not a few experts who propose how among the priorities to increase productivity it is found essentially of the man and not only of the legal documents that are available such as the position profile. Because it is precisely the capacity demonstrated in an effective way that is the key element in the "digital age", decisive today in business effectiveness, efficiency and competitiveness.

The set of these aspects that are integrated for the achievement of personal and organizational efficiency that has been called in recent years "management model by competencies", which is intended to be established as an essential practice for optimizing the value of capital human in Cuban organizations; and demand for an integration of this management with the present and future strategy of the company. In the Reference Model, it aims to achieve superior work performance, which reflects the culture and values ​​of the organization and its tribute to the society where it lives.

From the whole wide range of concepts, the following essential considerations on the term of labor competencies are adopted, from an integrative approach:

That the Cuban standard (3000/2007) correctly defines it as a synergistic set of knowledge, skills, experiences, feelings, attitudes, motivations, personal characteristics and values, based on demonstrated suitability, associated with superior performance of the worker and the organization, in correspondence with the technical, productive and service requirements. Therefore, it is an essential requirement that these competencies are observable, measurable and that they contribute to the achievement of the organization's objectives.

This means that for a person to show behaviors that demonstrate competent performance, the union of five fundamental elements is necessary: ​​Knowledge: technical knowledge, cognitive elements that are necessary and the basis for the formation of other psychological formations and for teaching… Know-how: the system of skills that allow the implementation of acquired knowledge and habits, causally related to a successful performance; Knowing how to be or knowing how to be: attitudes and values ​​that favor the organizational and / or social environment that guarantee the stability and contribution of the personality; The Willingness to do: a set of affective - motivational aspects that determine expectations, persistence and satisfaction shown in performance; and the Power to do:set of factors related to the individual and the situational, which enable the development and monitoring of work processes. In the individual it refers to the personal capacity, that is, the aptitudes and personal traits that are considered as potentialities of the person. And from the situational point of view that includes the degree of "favorability" of the environment, that is, different situations and conditions that allow to show a given competent behavior.different situations and conditions that allow to show a given competent behavior.different situations and conditions that allow to show a given competent behavior.

All of which demands the description of this sub-process, given the bases that govern NC 3002: 2007, the current legislation and the theoretical and methodological principles that make this system work in Organizations. (See figure 1.1).

Chapter II:

Essential Terms. Taken From Nc. 3000: 207

3.5 Senior management

Person or group of people who direct and control an organization at the highest level.

NOTE 1 This appears in section 3.2.7 of NC ISO 9000: 2005

NOTE 2 Throughout the text, when the term "organization" is used, it refers to labor entities, whose definition appears in this Cuban Standard.

3.6 Work environment

Set of conditions under which the work is performed.

NOTE This appears in section 3.3.4 of NC ISO 9000: 2005

3.7 Attention to man

Set of actions, related as a system, that tend to value the worker as a human being, creating better living and working conditions, through training and development, moral and material stimulation, and health and safety at work, among others.. This activity is characterized by its commitment to the worker and the search for alternatives in their care.

3.8 Audit

Systematic, independent and documented process to obtain audit evidence and evaluate it objectively in order to determine the degree to which the set of policies, procedures or requirements is met.

NOTE 1 This appears in sections 3.9.1 and 3.9.3 of NC ISO 9000: 2005.

NOTE 2 Internal audits, referred to in some cases as first-party audits, are performed by, or on behalf of, the organization itself for management review and other internal purposes, and may form the basis for a declaration of conformity of a organization. In many cases, particularly in small organizations, independence can be demonstrated by the freedom of the auditor from responsibilities in the activity being audited.

NOTE 3 External audits include what are generally called second and third party audits. Second party audits are carried out by parties that have an interest in the organization, such as customers or users, or by others on their behalf. Third party audits are carried out by independent and external auditing organizations.

3.13 Human capital

Set of knowledge, experiences, skills, feelings, attitudes, motivations, values ​​and capacity to do, carried by workers to create more wealth with efficiency. It is also conscience, ethics, solidarity, a spirit of sacrifice and heroism.

NOTE Definition based on the speech of Fidel Castro Ruz, President of the Councils of State and Ministers of the Republic of Cuba, delivered at the first graduation of the Latin American School of Medicine, on August 20, 2005.

3.14 Position

Those that appear collected in the common qualifiers, branch or activity and specific to organizations, belonging to the different occupational categories, as well as in resolutions.

They define the name, content of work and the requirements to occupy them and express the job or trade that workers in the organization perform.

3.17 Certification of the Integrated Human Capital Management System

Issuance of a statement, based on a decision made after the review, that the specified requirements of the integrated human capital management system have been shown to be met, through a third party audit.

NOTE 1 Definition adapted from sections 5.2 and 5.5 of NC ISO / IEC 17000: 2005.

NOTE 2 Third party audits are carried out by competent and independent certification bodies.

NOTE 3 The requirements specified for the integrated human capital management system appear in NC 3001: 2007.

3.18 Work Climate

Quality arising from the interaction of working conditions, work organization, worker participation, institutional communication and relationships established in the production and service process, which influences motivation, satisfaction, performance labor and the disciplined and productive behavior of workers, and the

results of the organization.

3.20 Labor collective

Group of people linked by a certain work activity, who have common needs and interests and maintain socio-labor relationships of collaboration, help and mutual responsibility, formed in the work process.

3.22 Entrance committee

Body that is created in the organization to advise the boss in the exercise of his / her power regarding the recognition or confirmation of the loss of demonstrated suitability, and to make the decision regarding the promotion, permanence and selection of workers for training courses and development.

3.25 Communication

Process of social interaction inherent to human groups and, therefore, to workers, which is materialized through messages, from a code common to the sender and receiver, with the purpose of creating meanings. It is also information for the knowledge, analysis and discussion on a topic or issue, and an essential principle that guarantees the participation of workers in decision-making, in the fulfillment of the strategic objectives of the organization and in the search for solutions to problems.

3.26 Institutional communication

Process that integrates a set of organically structured actions in an organization to provide information in a planned way, relate to its members, build common objectives, share meanings and influence directly and indirectly on the behavior of

its members, in order to achieve the objectives projected and facilitate relationships with workers, users or customers and the environment.

3.27 Working conditions

Characteristics, under which the work is carried out, which has or does not have a significant influence on the generation of risks for the safety and health of the worker and includes physical, social, psychological and environmental factors.

NOTE Definition adapted from section 2.4.3 of NC 18000: 2005.

3.30 Collective Bargaining Agreement

Agreement concluded and signed by the representative of the administration, on the one hand, and the corresponding union organization on behalf of the workers, on the other, in order to establish the working conditions that will govern individual and collective labor relations, rights and obligations of the parties, as well as promoting the execution of the technical-economic plans through administrative management and the broad development of the creative activity and initiative of the workers.

3.31 Organizational Culture

Interrelation between the structure of beliefs, values, customs and ways of expressing and transmitting them, as well as the performance of the members in specific situations, which condition the behavior of its members and which will characterize the processes and individual, group and social behaviors. the organization, in addition, of its influence on management functions and decisions at all levels.

3.32 Human Capital Development

Continuous and simultaneous training process aimed at achieving knowledge, multi-skills and values ​​in workers that allow them to carry out broad-profile positions, with the skills for superior job performance.

NOTE This process ensures the training of the worker during their working life, enables them to promote to higher category positions and be prepared to assume the changes that occur in the organization.

3.33 Adequate job performance

Work performance and the performance of the worker, adequate to the requirements established for their position and expresses the demonstrated suitability.

3.34 Superior job performance

Work performance and superior performance of the worker, with high economic and social impact, present and future, identified with the labor competencies required for their position. This performance corresponds to strategic behaviors, that is, to the skills to achieve the entity's strategy.

3.35 Organizational performance

Capacity of the organization that harmonizes individual, group and organization results; stimulates performance; recognizes the perceptions of workers; and expresses the characteristics of the competences it possesses.

3.36 Leaders

Person appointed to carry out management positions in the public function held by state bodies of higher or intermediate levels, the bodies of the Central State Administration, national entities and in unions, companies, employing entities, other state economic organizations and budgeted units, regardless of the name used in each place.

3.40 Effectiveness

Ability to achieve the desired or expected effect.

NOTE This is how it appears in: Dictionary of the Spanish Language. Royal Spanish Academy. Twenty-second edition. Digital version www.rae.es/.

3.41 Efficacy

Degree to which planned activities are carried out and planned results are achieved.

NOTE This appears in section 3.2.14 of NC ISO 9000: 2005.

3.42 Efficiency

Relationship between the result achieved and the resources used.

NOTE This appears in section 3.2.15 of NC ISO 9000: 2005.

3.46 Entity in lifelong learning

Condition that is reached by the organization, when it shows that it carries out a continuous training activity and is characterized by the effectiveness in the training and development of human capital, with a high impact on efficiency and quality.

3.70 Work interruption

Cessation of the work process that causes inactivity of the worker during his working day or for a period equal to or greater than this.

3.73 Disciplinary measures

Those that appear in the Law on the Labor Justice System and are used by the administrations, as corrective action, in the face of acts and conducts that violate labor discipline by workers.

3.74 Continual improvement

Recurring activity to increase ability to meet requirements.

NOTE This appears in section 3.2.13 of NC ISO 9000: 2005.

3.75 Goals

Set of detailed performance requirements, quantified as far as possible, applicable to the organization or parts of it, which originate from the objectives and which must be met to achieve them.

3.76 Mission

The reason for being of the organization, its social order and purpose that explains its existence.

3.79 Non-conformity

Breach of a requirement.

NOTE This appears in section 3.6.2 of NC ISO 9000: 2005.

3.82 Organization

Set of people and facilities with a provision of responsibilities, authorities and relationships.

NOTE 1 This appears in section 3.3.1 of NC ISO 9000: 2005.

NOTE 2 This arrangement is generally orderly.

NOTE 3 Throughout the text of the Cuban standards of the Integrated Human Capital Management System, when the term “organization” is used, it is referring to labor entities. The definition of labor entity appears in this Cuban Standard.

3.83 Work organization

Process that integrates human capital in organizations with technology, means of work and materials in the work process (production, services, information or knowledge), through the application of methods and procedures that make it possible to work in a rational, harmonious way and uninterrupted, with required levels of safety and health, ergonomic and environmental demands, to achieve maximum productivity, efficiency, effectiveness and meet the needs of society and its workers.

NOTE It is supported by comprehensive studies aimed at the design and redesign of processes and job profiles, increasing the added value and the general results of the organization.

3.86 Worker participation

Essential management principle that guarantees that workers take part in the decisions aimed at the elaboration and fulfillment of the objectives and the organization's strategy, the search for solutions to problems and compliance with the established legislation given their experience. Its application makes it possible to achieve a total commitment of the workers and that their skills are applied for the benefit of the organization and themselves.

3.94 Employment policy

Part of the social and economic policy of the State, ordered for the incorporation to socially useful work of suitable people and with disposition for it, without any discrimination; guarantees income, security and labor stability of the worker in the face of structural and cyclical changes.

3.95 Human capital management policy

Determination and orientation of the top management of the organization regarding the management of human capital consistent with its global policy and strategy that provides a framework for the establishment of its objectives and goals, as well as those of human capital management.

3.96 Prevention

Set of actions or measures adopted or planned in all phases of the organization's activity, in order to avoid or reduce risks at work, control environmental aspects and impacts, guarantee the health of the worker and the quality of the product that is prepared and the service provided.

NOTE Definition adapted from section 2.1.13 of NC 18000: 2005.

3.97 Process

Set of mutually related or interacting activities, which transform input elements into results.

NOTE 1 This appears in section 3.4.1 of NC ISO 9000: 2005.

NOTE 2 Inputs to one process are generally results of other processes.

NOTE 3 The processes of an organization are generally planned and implemented under controlled conditions to add value.

3.98 Procedure

Specified way to carry out an activity or a process.

NOTE 1 This appears in section 3.4.5 of NC ISO 9000: 2005.

NOTE 2 Procedures may or may not be documented.

NOTE 3 When a procedure is documented, the term "written procedure" or "documented procedure" is often used. The document containing a procedure can be called a "procedure document".

3.101 Labor productivity

Degree of efficiency of living work specified through different indicators. It expresses the relationship between the volumes of production or the results achieved and the work expenses incurred to achieve it, taking into consideration the required quality and the average level of skill and intensity that exist in society.

3.106 Internal Disciplinary Regulations

Disciplinary Regulations of each organization and constitutes the complement of the provisions of general application in matters of discipline, which aims to strengthen the labor order, the education of workers and the confrontation with indiscipline and illegalities on the occasion of work performance.

3.107 Employment relationship

Relationship established between the worker, on the one hand, and the organization's administration, on the other, and is formalized through the employment contract.

3.109 Qualification requirements

Demands and requirements that are established to perform a position.

3.117 User or customer satisfaction

User or customer perception of the degree to which their requirements have been met.

NOTE 1 Definition adapted from section 3.1.4 of NC ISO 9000: 2005.

NOTE 2 User or customer complaints are a common indicator of low user or customer satisfaction, but their absence does not necessarily imply high user or customer satisfaction.

NOTE 3 Even when the requirements of the user or customer have been agreed with the same and these have been met, this does not necessarily ensure high user or customer satisfaction.

3,130 Available worker

© NC NC 3000: 2007

Worker whose position has been amortized due to restructuring or resizing processes in the business system; structural or institutional changes in the organization of the state, companies, unions and other organizations, or their extinction or merger; decrease in the level of activity due to economic reasons; application of multi-profession or

other studies and measures for the organization of work or production, which must be relocated to achieve the most adequate use of the workforce.

3.131 Interrupted Worker

Worker who has inactivity in work during his working day or for a period equal to or greater than this, caused by the stoppage of the work process due to the general causes established by law or by specific causes according to the characteristics of production or provision of services, which is included in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

3,137 Values

Moral, ethical, patriotic principles, of human solidarity; cultural preferences; spirit of sacrifice and psychological attitudes that guide people's judgments and behavior based on superior job performance and organizational results. Generic values ​​and aspirations of the organization.

Chapter III:

Bases for planning, implementation and monitoring of the organizational communication sub-process

3.2: Communication Concept

3.2.1 Need for communication

Communication today seems to refer to a central concept in the life of organizations. It is a phenomenon that occurs in any organization whatever its type or size, and it is, without a doubt, the most important social process, since it is linked to any form of human relationship, which is why it is impossible to imagine any organization without communication.

Both concepts are closely related in the operation of the company, and with the search for its results. The organization requires communication programs and devices on which to establish coherence. Nothing can be more ineffective than an organization that is rigid, compartmentalized, and hampered by outdated procedures. Likewise, improvised and purely informal communication can lead to inefficiency, disorder, internal conflict and frustrations. Communication requires organization without neglecting the space for the informal.

There is neither an organization nor a communication that is “the best” in the absolute sense. Any organizational or communication choices should be reviewed periodically. According to certain currents of organizational communication, companies that perform poorly are those in which each one receives the necessary information at a time when it is too late to use it. It is not about stationery, circuit or mail problems, but about structures.

For the communication of a company to be presented as organized, it must have a clear purpose, that is, be linked to objectives and a plan as a whole, it must be multidirectional, that is, from top to bottom, from bottom to top, transversal as well as internal -external, etc. Likewise, it is essential that it is instrumented and uses different supports, devices and indicators selected according to the objectives. It must also be flexible to be able to integrate the informal and create structures that favor it.

3.2.2 Background of the communication

As hundreds of specialists have pointed out, the notion expressed in the voice "Communication" comes from the Latin communis, common, and refers above all to the establishment of a community with someone. When in Psychology reference is made to communication, it is spoken, in a general sense, of two different but directly interconnected things:

1. process of exchange between people (of the adult with the child, of the children with each other, of the adults, etc.) as a result of which the elements of the subjective constitution are transmitted from one to another. In this sense, Communication has been understood fundamentally either as a methodological principle (Lomov BF 1989), or as an essential condition for determining and carrying out psychological capacities, functions and processes (Vygotsky LS 1979; Baron R., Graziano W 1991).

2. A real exchange process between people that facilitates, makes possible, the joint performance of certain activities or the achievement of certain personal goals or purposes.

In the first case, it is basically the problem of communication in groups and institutions (Burin D., Istvan K., Levin L. 1995; Zander A. 1982.; Cartwright D., Zander A., ​​1980). In the second of the development of personal communication skills (Watzlawiick P. 1981; O'Connor J. 1995).

The common thing is the interaction. Some define communication as a system of interactions between people that “acts as an open and mobile system that guarantees the possibility of distribution and redistribution of functions among participants, the exchange of roles during the solution of the problem, cooperation or mutual opposition, correction, control and compensation… and it takes place depending on how the relationships between its participants are formed ”. (Lomov B. 1989. pg.11). Others consider that "For communication to exist, there must be an interaction." (Garcia J. 1979 p.78).

One of the first definitions that we hear of the term "Direction" that has remained the most in our conscience, is that of "obtaining results through others". This definition, from a Canadian text, however; After having known the reality of many activities of various kinds and the work of different public authorities, heads of organizations, directors or managers, we believe that it is a definition that is extremely useful for those who undertake the path of directing any organization and even for those that, having directed them, they still do not understand the importance that “others” have for their success as a painting.

This work of influencing people to achieve results could not be developed without good communication, even more so, in the public administration function, in any of its instances and very particularly in local and municipal management in which direct contact with thousands of people are necessary and essential for success. The same happens in any company or organization of any kind.

In recent years, it has been observed that companies with flat structures obtain higher profits than structures with strong hierarchies. An organization such as the Pueyrredón Medical Center can be a clear example of this new type of structure that has been being proposed for some years. In the middle of the crisis, it had six employees to serve six hundred affiliates, and it had a turnover of 32,000 pesos. Today, the numbers are different. With 165 employees, it has a turnover of 22 million and serves twenty thousand partners. With no magical steps involved, growth came hand in hand with an intense development plan, and the restructuring of the company towards a flat organization model.

The company, which emerged in 1956, had been acquired by a businessman who made heavy investments and opened several branches. When this businessman began to notice certain indications that the company was becoming bureaucratic and that values ​​such as personalized attention were being threatened, he decided to start a program to create a flat structure. They reorganized the company into five business units, with a high degree of autonomy, which incorporate all the functions of the value chain of company management: sales, customer service, management of providers, collections, etc.. Each unit manages its team of people, explains Peter Koster, advisor to the company's presidency.

Koster's proposal is that unlike companies that work with strong hierarchical structures, where the worker is limited to receiving orders and executing them, in this new model of flat structure the key is communication: “Each business unit develops its own objectives based on the strategic plan of the company. The important thing is that employees reach these goals. How they do it is their problem. It moves from obedience to a model where work is done with freedom, creativity, and a lot of responsibility, says Koster.

This type of procedure aims to flatten the traditional pyramid, leaving it with few levels, with a strong delegation to human resources to attend what is usually called "the moment of truth", which is the direct contact of the staff with the client. The idea is to end the watertight compartments, integrate the sectors, facilitate communication and make the organization more effective and efficient. It is important to note that although the changes towards flat structures have shown positive results in the internal climate and in the business, there were not so many companies that managed to flatten their pyramids, since to implement this type of model of flat structures requires a strong cultural change, on the part of all the actors involved. Likewise, it is necessary for management to get involved,delegate responsibilities and be willing to share information.

It is a whole concept, a philosophy, a new way of managing the company, where all resources are integrated: capital, manufacturing, production, sales, marketing, technology, equipment and its people, making use of efficient communication to achieve the objectives of the organization. This tool replaces the old hierarchy with self-directed teams where information is shared with everyone. Employees have the opportunity and responsibility to do their best. Employees need to feel that they are trusted and recognized for their ideas. People, in this type of model, need to be listened to, to have the possibility of being able to solve problems that arise in teams and to feel that the controls that fall on them are flexible.

The trend in the field of communication within organizations begins to be delimited. Getting closer to the customer, retaining it, breaking with bureaucracy, improving service quality, and achieving greater flexibility in the face of a changing market are some of the reasons why companies flatten their structures. Hierarchical relationships are replaced by teamwork. Bosses, by leaders: bidirectional communication, by multidirectionality, and commitment to the area is redirected to the entire organization.

The problems related to the image and corporate or organizational identity of companies and other types of Cuban or foreign entities are closely related to modern theories of the so-called Organizational Communication and the improvement and application of some methodologies for their research, diagnosis and programming strategic.

There is only one way to achieve that the organization has a unique image for its different audiences: being unique, really. And for this the first who must perceive it this way are their own workers, who must be carriers of the values ​​or attributes that said organization recognizes in itself as essential.

What to do, then, in the face of the demands for greater openness to the market at and outside borders, drawn up by the country's leadership? Faced with the launch of new products? In entities that provide their services in the domestic market, but carry the inheritance of a low organizational culture and professional level of their workers?

Such problems are closely linked to corporate or organizational identity communication and the determination of their attributes or attributable values ​​in each case, and are in turn connected at a macro level with the even more strategic issue of improvement policies and programs and / or or resizing of companies and institutions, in tune with the growing demands of the Cuban economy and society today.

Without specifying it, it is worth remembering how trademarks and registered firms disappeared, starting in the sixties, leaving only the essential exceptions for our foreign trade or perhaps maintained more out of habit than real internal commercial requirements.

Today the Cuban economy is being built on new foundations, where efficiency, competitiveness and excellence are words that have a growing sense and familiarity for executives and simple workers.

The public image of entities and their products / services, even without being tested by the client, often decides the latter's options. We communicated long before we came into direct contact with the public. And knowing how to do it well today seems to be a question of survival and development, in the new contexts in which the country moves. But what to communicate and how?

The identity of the organization is nothing more than the set of features that characterize or distinguish it, and differentiate it from others of a similar or different category. If this is the case, our problem begins by trying to find, study, define and enforce such traits, and project the ways and means to communicate them (make them perceived) in the most effective way.

Various university studies and from other institutions show us that the first difficulty is precisely there. In this process of necessary study inward and outward (history, missions, geographic and social environment, quality of products / services, projections, competition, human resources, self-image, intentional image and public image), which should allow an expert definition of what is (or should be) in each organization as good and distinctive.

The concept of corporate identity thus arises from the diagnosis of the essential attributes of the organization and its aspirations for possible improvement. It is present truth and future goal. What she is and what she sets out to be. Reality and symbol. The substantive core of your message to everyone.

Such a concept answers the question: what to communicate?… We must communicate the identity of our company and the attributes of its products / services.

Having a service or product that the customer trusts without taking too much into account values ​​such as price, translates into greater profitability for the company, by not having to compete directly on prices.

It cannot be ignored that all these achievements and this identification that both clients and suppliers make of the company is achieved, not only with rules or courtesy rules and good practice methodologies, but also thanks to a visual identification of the la company, corporate image. Identifying the company with its logo or emblem is essential to relate any product or service to our company.

Almost everything is easy to copy in companies: technology (buying a certain machine is accessible to almost all companies); the container, the label… easily adaptable to the line followed by most of the companies in the sector; even the corporate identity itself may have too close "similarities" to other companies. Which can be one of the biggest differentiating elements: the style and the "know-how" of the company. The culture of courtesy, good treatment, respect… make the company different from the others. As is too often said these days, having a certain "glamor" that many other companies in the industry lack can be very beneficial.

The most up-to-date literature on management issues speak of Knowledge Management, Management by computerization values, etc. and any of these aspects require a broad communication process for their implementation. Without the socialization of knowledge there is no increase in knowledge of the organization.

The generation of values, the development of an organizational culture, the ethics of an organization are achieved through a complex process of communications of all kinds.

The organizational climate, so often studied by psychologists and engineers, is the result of a communication process.

2.3 Objectives

In compliance with the Human Capital Management System, the hotel has started a process of improvement in the quality of services where all workers are linked in the construction of guidelines that allow growth together and fulfill the Mission of the entity, in which organizational communication plays an essential role.

With the preparation of our own Communication Manual, a set of courtesy norms or rules, methodologies of good practices and formulas are established that reinforce human relations inside and outside the company, thereby achieving an own company style, which take care of all the details in a harmonious, subtle and elegant way. It is an eminently practical manual according to the size of the hotel and its general characteristics.

Good relationships inside and outside the company can contribute to greater productivity by working in a pleasant and harmonious environment. That translates directly into better profitability for the company.

The Communication Manual is an administrative management tool with which it is intended to weave harmonious care ties with the workers, therefore, it is required to provide the executives of the Entity with basic fundamentals for the treatment, organization, development of information and communication to subordinates.

2.4 Scope

The proposed Organizational Communication and Information Manual outlines the guidelines that every person must take into account to involve communication elements in their work, which allow them to effectively perform their functions, since it cannot be forgotten that communication is intrinsic to the human being.

It is hoped that this manual as a management tool will contribute to improving the work performed by all of us who believe that service to our clients is the reason and purpose of our work and will help us to continue the process of continuous improvement of the quality of the products. services we provide.

With this, it is also expected to ensure that the attention and information to the employees is homogeneous and that it is provided in the same way in any department of the hotel.

2.5 Importance of Communication

Adequately attend to visits, suppliers, clients; have cordial and fluid relations with other companies, with institutions and organizations, both official and private, etc. It is a good way to understand the philosophy of the protocol in the company. A company must interact in an educated and correct way with other people and with other companies and entities.

Good communication helps us to:

. Obtain, fundamentally, operability and coherence among the members of the work team

• Efficient flow of information with other dependencies allowing integration

• Agile service.

• It allows to guarantee quality of the information.

• Coordination between the different processes.

• Advice to the employee.

• Worker satisfaction.

Some international authors and publications have indicated that an executive of the first or second level of management spends between 93 and 87% of their time communicating, for us this percentage is higher because everything that a manager does is communication and is for communicate even if he himself is not aware of it.

The only real instrument of the person who directs is communications

When the boss points out plans, listens to proposals, indicates objectives, receives visitors, talks with workers, delegates tasks, the time he arrives at work or locks himself in his office, speaks through telephone, write a document, read others, in short, everything communicates or everything is done through communication.

Communication and knowing how to communicate are essential to influence others. The objective of the direction when communicating is always to obtain a result, parodying Newton's law, all communication is opposed by a reaction, in one sense or another, but the boss who communicates always does it for something.

Adequate and efficient communication will result in a coordinated, cohesive and participatory team that successfully exceeds its objectives, while a group that operates under an inadequate communication scheme will hardly reach its goals since its members most likely not even They will be aware of what the organization is pursuing, much less How does it intend to achieve them?

For the hotel to be able to affirm that it is providing a quality service, there must be, within it, good communication, since it is not enough to have an adequate infrastructure, many staff, various service channels or technological advances for this, it is essential have the ability to "communicate" the information we have (Quality Management Macro Process - Communication Process), so that the final destination receives it correctly and understands it.

Therefore, communication is the instrument used to expose ideas, doubts, experiences, knowledge, with the citizen and with colleagues, not only for members of the same team but also those belonging to other teams and other dependencies with interrelation to the process.

Topic 3. The communication process

There are several essential elements in the communication process:

TRANSMITTER. There is always a sender, someone who wants or needs to communicate something.

MESSAGE. This message is the content of the communication, it contains information. This is transmitted in a medium.

CODE. This sender does it with a code, with specific words or gestures that he considers have the meaning that he intends to express for the person who receives the communication.

PACKAGING. All communicated is done or is presented in some way, by letter, by personal conversation, in a book, by email, in an assembly, by fax, in a face-to-face meeting.

RECEIVER. The issuer is addressing him or them, the issuer expects a reaction from them.

DECODE. This receiver must know the code of the sender, know the meaning of words, gestures, symbols, etc. with which it transmits in order to understand what the RECEIVER has told you. Many activities have their own professional languages ​​that are not known by outsiders, or they are communications in a certain language, or a language of signs or gestures is used. The RECEIVER must ensure that the code in which he communicates is understood by THE RECEIVER.

FEEDBACK. This element is often forgotten when

transmitting a message. The ISSUER communicates only so that they understand it and produce a reaction in the sense that he wishes. Therefore, you must know how clearly the RECEIVER understood and if he did so in the exact sense in which the ISSUER wanted to transmit it.

If there is no FEEDBACK, there is no COMMUNICATION, this exists only when it is verified that the RECEIVER really understood what they wanted to express. AN ISSUER that does not check if they understood it is not a good communicator.

The FEEDBACK, which is ultimately a COMMUNICATION, must comply with the same principles and rules and suffers the same barriers as the one sent by the issuer.

Feedback is often produced by a signal from the eyes, a few words, a gesture; In public and government functions, opinion polls are often used for certain measures or ideas that are submitted to citizens. In other cases, there are agreed signal codes or other means that allow the issuer to know if it was understood.

The noises. Noises act as barriers to good communication and therefore the ISSUER will have to work to reduce these effects.

Theme 4.

Types of communication.

There are three types of communication through which messages are transmitted:

4.1 Oral and sound communication

It is a human quality, the transmission through spoken language, also a speech, radio messages, the bells that announce a rush or the siren of an ambulance, Airport audio systems that communicate information to passengers, or in a Municipal assembly, and others. In all these cases this type of communication is used.

In our hotel we use this communication through direct face-to-face indication to subordinates, in the Affiliate assembly, in telephone conversations, etc.

4.2 Written and visual communication

It is everything that the RECEIVER communicates and receives through the sense of sight.

In our hotel we use this communication through letters, emails, faxes, written reports, and manuals.

4.3 Non-verbal communication

In this case, it is everything that transcends what is written or said and that also communicates. The gestures, the face, the clothes or clothing used, the tone of the voice, the workplace, the order of the workplace, the posture and etc.

In administration functions, as well as in organizations, both governmental and business and other types of organization, it is essential to use all types of communication to achieve the expected reaction more efficiently.

Item 5.

Communication styles

Communication styles are differentiated according to various criteria. Some of these criteria are general, valid to draw attention beyond the specific context in which the communication takes place. Others are particular, valid only for a specific context. Let's see some as an example:

By the type of mechanism used to exert influence. Persuasive

Tax For the way of taking charge of decisions Autocratic Democratic

Because of the emphasis placed on one or another component of the process


focused Relationship-focused

4. By the degree of control over the actions carried out

Laissez faire

Controller Manipulator

5. By the mode of performance of a functional role



6. Because of the ways in which information is circulated

Vertical Communication

Descending: It allows keeping all hotel workers informed about the main aspects for its development, provides all workers with information on what they should do, how to do it and what is expected of them.

Ascending: It is very important for hotel managers, since it allows the workers themselves to know what their criteria and opinions are about what works correctly or not, their different ideas, state of mind and motivations and proposals for improvements, to know their opinions and needs, a very necessary tool for decision making. It also allows us to perceive the magnitude of the problems and promotes participation and the contribution of ideas, which generates an approach towards managers. This communication method allows you to check how the information transmitted downwardly arrived.

Horizontal Communication:

It is one that allows to gain knowledge of the different areas among themselves and as a result of this favors a good understanding among the workers. This form allows the effective functioning of the work teams, the implementation of a participatory management, favors the coordination of different activities and the knowledge of the activities that are carried out, so it is very important that it is promoted.

This communication enables a common work climate, facilitates the dissolution of rumors and misunderstandings and allows the creation of trust and camaraderie.

6. Classification of communication

6.1 Public communication

Tourism is a sector with a strong customer orientation and therefore needs information to be able to provide services according to their needs.

The information therefore constitutes an essential element to determine the preferences and tastes of the clients, and allows, according to the information acquired through the system, to help the hotel management to manage the relationships with its clients with the aim of building customer loyalty. client.

In the first place, it has been proven that the most tasteful hotels learn from their clients thanks to information systems, since most hotels use information technologies to collect and store the tastes and preferences of clients with the objectives of retain them, increase sales, anticipate their requests, plan the offer of services; But this learning is done manually, that is, it is the employees themselves who use the information stored by them to satisfy the wishes of customers.

6.1.1 Public relations and advertising

Public Relations are the set of actions (sciences, acts and techniques) that through a process of strategic and tactical institutional communication, aims to maintain, modify or create an image of people or institutions, to obtain a favorable opinion to the public (institutions or organizations), as well as with their clients and workers.

To the outside, it is carried out through:


Contact with the Representatives to transmit information about renovations, new services, closure of some area of ​​the Hotel, etc., to know their comments about the Hotel as it works since they work directly with the clients, to know their concerns and recommendations or simply to request their support Faced with a specific situation that is occurring in the Hotel, cocktails and dinners are also organized for these representatives and their supervisors at the end of each year to consolidate relationships and thank the services provided after a year of work.


Offices of the different agencies in the country are visited to meet the people who work in them and consolidate relationships, bring new offers, see the status of sales and update them on the situation of the Hotel and services, in the same way they inform us about customer feedback, situations, complaints, etc.

Outside the country:

Participation in open public sales fairs in conjunction with travel agencies, door-to-door visits to the different offices and sales networks, seminars to direct sellers to update them on the status of the Hotel. Dinners with massive presentations to Travel Agents are organized, this is always done in conjunction with the agencies since these events are budgeted and planned as co-marketing actions.

For its part, the entity performs internal Public Relations, focused on the client that is hosted. For this, it must have within the Quality Department, at least 2 positions that will be in charge of mainly performing the functions of:

• Specialized attention and follow-up until the solution of all requests and requests for information by clients over the phone.

• Preparation of all work communication for the day, as well as important information for clients (press, weather, list of entries and exits, pending issues from the previous day, etc.).

• Printing and preparation of all welcome and farewell letters for clients.

• Collaborate in responding to complaints, online surveys and letters received from customers.

• Make once the clients have entered the hotel the CAC Welcome and promotion call.

• Review all incidents and follow up on clients in need of personal contact.

• Updating of all records of medical consultations, as well as sick clients.

• Review all requests in order to update possible personal contact customer service. at the hotel and provide personalized follow-up. (VIP, TTOO, birthdays, repeat customers, etc.).

• Manage all the attention to special clients.

• Supervise compliance with room care.

• Collaborate as an interpreter and communicator in solving conflicts and problems related to clients in the hotel.

• Participate in the welcome and farewell of the majority of clients.

• Provide information to representatives about events, occurrences and / or changes to contact the representatives daily in order to know customer satisfaction.

• Collaborate with the Commercial department in attending to visitors (TTOO, AAVV, hotel activities and services, clients, journalists, FAM groups, etc.)

• Hand out all goodbye letters to clients.

• Manage all the activities carried out by the management with repeat customers.

6.2. Internal communication

Internal communication in the hotel is defined as the activity carried out within the entity, through the circulation of messages that originate in the development of its corporate purpose, making adequate use of the internal communication channel; in order to provide information, union, motivation, participation, integration and coexistence to achieve optimal internal communication and achieve institutional goals, consolidating an organizational culture based on the universality and unity of information.

The hotel builds this manual as a general standardized guide for internal communication with a monitoring and evaluation system that allows measuring its effectiveness within the organizational communication process.

In this way, the hotel will optimize the use of physical and virtual instruments

for optimal internal communication.

6.2.1. Internal communication channels boards of directors induction process

Process by which the administration welcomes the new worker, through the development of a program that guarantees adequate employment initiation. This process is carried out in 3 phases:

Induction in the organization

The worker receives information from the hotel chain. You also receive the following information:

a) history and traditions of the entity, as well as awards and incentives received by it;

b) object, mission and values ​​of the entity;

c) organization of work, main productions or services they provide;

d) system of payment and stimulation by which the salary is paid;

e) training and development of human resources and possibilities for promotion;

f) demonstrated suitability, job competence and performance evaluation, mainly in the position to be held;

g) health and safety standards;

h) Internal Disciplinary Regulations and the Collective Labor Agreement;

i) presentation of the administrative leaders and the union organization; and any other information of interest.

This information is provided by the Human Resources Specialist who attends Training.

Induction in the area or Department

In this phase, his future boss explains to him what the goals and objectives of the job are and the general and specific indicators that will later be analyzed in his performance and in this way the new worker is prepared for the behaviors that in the future they are expected of him.

This information is provided by the Head of the Department.

Induction in the workplace

The general characteristics of the position and its content are explained to them, they are introduced to those who will be their immediate work colleagues, they are explained what their work will consist of, using the description of the job design (it must be delivered to them for that you read it carefully and then you can comment on it or ask your boss any questions), instruct you in the Safety and Health rules at work referred to your position.

This information is provided by the Head of the area, brigade or main specialist. assemblies

They will be those activities that are carried out by union section with the participation of all the employees.

It is in the Assembly, either in the Affiliate, and Representative, where the participation of the employees is effectively reflected, it is where it is possible to systematically involve the worker in the identification and solution of the problems in their area and labor entity.

Their actions in the identification, solution and control of the problems that may be affecting the quality of life or work environment on a more daily basis depends on the administration being equipped with the conceptual and practical tools that allow them to achieve the participation of the employees. citizens in the management process.

Participation is the psychological involvement of people in teamwork situations that stimulate them to contribute to the achievement of the collective goals and to share their responsibility; It tends to improve motivation, self-esteem and satisfaction at work, it contributes to developing creativity towards the achievement of the organization's objectives and to taking responsibility for the activities in its area.

It is about the assemblies becoming a whole decision-making process to achieve commitment, a sense of belonging and the greatest interest in the results in the workers, also generate a space for information, feedback, analysis and socialization of the programs and projects in progress at the hotel, economic and quality results.

Therefore, the General Directorate, in coordination with the Secretary of the Union Bureau, will define the issues to be discussed in the next session and will inform the Factors, to give the respective information through all the communication means available in the entity to all employees and it will also be called and will remember the obligation to attend the assembly. A record will be drawn up of participation in the aforementioned assemblies and attendance will be controlled.

In addition, the use of technology that can be used to send disclosure of the assemblies through email will be sought. Individual work plan

The management of the work plan in the organization is essential for the success of what is established (assemblies, meetings, inspections, tours, visits, etc.).

The first thing is to determine exactly the activities that will be carried out that day and stick to what is established there. To do this, the manager first receives the Director's Work Plan and will determine what points of this plan should contain, plus other specific questions of his position that he will have to include, prepare it and later it must be sent to the superior for approval, already reviewed, it should be returned to the manager. Training actions

These are activities that are carried out in the hotel and that obey the Training and Training Plan established by the entity, but that allow communication with employees through them aimed at making human resources the main competitive advantage, providing them with knowledge, skills, attitudes and behavior that express and reflect the ideological values ​​of our society, the cultural and historical heritage, the natural attributes of Cuban tourism, as well as the values ​​or mission of the hotel.

7. Communication functions

• Informational function.

• Perceptual function.

• Coordinating instrumental function.

• Intellectual-cognitive function.

• Emotional function.

• Interactive function.

• Download function.

• Expressive function

7. Mass media (murals, emails, advertisements)

Special attention requires dealing with the mass media, natural guides of public opinion. Within the Entity, the Communication process deals with the organization and management of information, liaison with the media, press monitoring, context updating and management, information systematization, design of promotional strategies for the Corporation's programs, among others.

7.1. Use of physical media

7.1.1. Written means

All writings must be clear, precise, complete and correct; it is qualified as first-hand information and is recorded. Through it, people have the opportunity to return to previous segments of the message, which allows a better understanding of the information. This can be done through:

• Internal newsletter

It is a means of communication where specialized information is handled for the organization's internal and external audiences.

The hotel must have a periodic newsletter every three months in printed and monthly media sent to the e-mail of each official of the entity, this must be used as a channel of communication of that information, derived from its management, that the Management is interested in transmit within the organizational communication process.

It is the most used medium within the organization for absent people, in which information of personal or group interest is communicated. It is used to publicize information of general interest.

Considerations for using the newsletter:

  • What is written can be reread and better understood It can be saved to consult at any time It is only reported from time to time, according to the periodicity of the publication There is a great limitation of space Not all the information that the Directorate wants to give is publishable The information must Be unique and the same for everyone It can transcend outside the company without control It allows photographs, graphics and a more attractive design for the reader It can capture their attention well It runs the risk of not being read An internal newsletter should always contain information of general interest and a space for opinion for officials who wish to publish any relevant news or study. Also create a space where the activities carried out by the hotel are reported. This newsletter must be monthly,in a simple format and of visual impact with notes of general interest and become a space for opinion of the different areas.


It is the most used means, which aims to remember messages or information with reference to internal instructions that employees must carry out within the organization. In the entity the concept of memorandum is used as a request, reminder, or invitations to workshops or meetings.


It is an internal communication of the company, understood as a letter in which the management or sub-directorates communicate something to all or part of the staff.

This newsletter must be published monthly, in a simple format and of visual impact with notes of general interest and become a space for opinion of the different areas and give importance to the participation of officials by appropriation and integration.


It is a way that the administration has to communicate the existence of a vacant position as well as the possibility that the worker has to choose it as long as it complies with the requirements established in the law.

The period of said call will be 7 days, with the administration of each area being responsible for informing absent workers.

Employee survey

It allows obtaining the opinion of the employees on some aspect of the management of the company or its activities or processes and, likewise, receiving suggestions from them.

It is a form of internal communication that is being used more and more every day, although in many more formal occasions than intentionally, it will be used within the process Identifying customer needs and expectations within the macro process of quality management, as well as for the talent development process human and has the following characteristics:

  • It is one of the ways of obtaining information from bottom to top It allows anonymity in the answers, if desired Questions can be well thought out and structured Poorly posed questions make the survey useless Cause the answer uncertain or false, in the sense of answering arbitrarily or intentionally to the The reverse of what you think It allows you to quantify the answers and make follow-ups and comparisons The information obtained is limited and must be well analyzed The conclusions to be drawn from the answers must be obtained with prudence It allows employees to express questions that they would not do otherwise, either due to not having the opportunity to do so or due to its written and anonymous nature. The employee may feel more useful and that their participation is counted on.

7.1.2. Visual media

Media that aims to achieve good influence and offer great possibilities for feedback; this type of information usually develops in non-verbal communication.


They are classified as a key factor in the organization. Information on motivational activities or messages of general interest for the Entity's employees is usually handled there. This is very important for them to work, their location must be taken into account; In other words, the company establishes strategic sites where there is a greater flow of personnel.

Consequently, it is usable for very specific questions, of general interest, usually the type of advertisement for something or a campaign on some internal or external aspect or issue.

For the use of the murals, it has the following considerations:

It is an element suitable as a sensitizer of any issue

It serves to convey something very specific.

It is highly dependent, in its effectiveness, on the design and graphic and color elements

it contains.

It quickly becomes obsolete and quickly stops attracting attention.

Some of the staff do not read it or pay attention to it.

The information is general.

It is very limited in its possibilities.

Good as a support element in a campaign.

It should only be published for 1 month and at the beginning of each year

all the elements that are in these media must be eliminated.

Bulletin board

It is thus considered those existing in the company, strategically placed to be read, in which writings, charts, graphs, photographs, posters or the like are placed. In any case, these are places for viewing and reading information provided by the Management. Their characteristics are:

It is suitable as a sensitizer of some information.

Limited by the size of the board and the space it has It

allows to place written or graphic information of all kinds

Unless there is protective glass, the material placed can deteriorate over time or be broken, cut or written.

It requires stopping to see or read and therefore be in view of others.

It causes a certain reluctance to stop to read.

It can saturate by excess of things placed.

Often, things are placed on top of existing ones. It

requires a supervision of its operation.

The information must be directed to everyone.

All hotel bulletin boards must be balanced by size and their content must be properly collected, selected and classified.

The posting of information of personal interest is prohibited.


Identification plate that hotel employees must wear at the facility By permanently wearing it, we achieve a clear identification by customers or visitors, and we also optimize the corporate image and organizational culture of the entity. This means that a comprehensive communication with the client is achieved and provides confidence in the service.


Location map of the different areas of the hotel to provide customer orientation within the Entity's physical plant. The Benefits is to provide Customer Satisfaction and have a greater organizational dynamism to project an excellent corporate image.

7.1.3. Hearing aids

These are auditory productions developed by the hotel to transmit information, taking advantage of the possibilities of these media. This information can be general about the entity (MISSION, VISION, VALUES), its activities, products or services that can be training for internal and external clients.

Telephone service

It is a customer service, which is provided through the switch and the different extensions of the hotel premises. The care protocol is in place, in order to standardize the care of the telephone service; which must be used by all employees of the entity in the proper way.

The benefits that are acquired are to achieve an excellent positioning of the Entity through the telephone service, satisfaction in the external customer service and centralize the information of the entity through the service channels: Customer Service Office, switch, finally an excellent corporate image is achieved.

The telephone is one of the means by which calls are received that people use to request information, contact someone, make complaints, claims, suggestions, complaints, queries, opinions, etc.

8. Hotel telephone service protocol

Telephone assistance is divided into 2 phases:

8.1. Initial contact

In the initial contact, the most important thing is the greeting where the caller is welcomed, and a presentation is made with an attitude of service. The greeting must be uniform, regardless of the person who receives the call, to give the service a homogeneous character. It is basically made up of two parts:

o Welcome to the hotel - Good morning / afternoon / evening,

o Location: Subdirectorate of…, Office of…, Secretary of… and add the name and surname of the person who receives the call.

8.2. Information development

The public servant, after initiating contact with the caller, goes on to discover the information he needs and why he was motivated to come to the call. For this it is necessary:

  • Listen carefully Interpret your objections Asking questions Another important factor in the effective transmission of information as the message must be transmitted in a clear, precise and understandable way

8.3. Instructions for answering the phone

  • Answer before the third ring Positive attitude to serve the customer Do not pick up the handset when you are talking to another person. Have a sheet and pencil on hand to take notes or reasons, if the client provides them. Use an appropriate tone of voice that is only within reach of the interlocutor. Respond with a greeting template: Welcome, Greeting, name of the unit and who is speaking. Thank you for calling the entity, name of the official and making yourself available. To answer the phone you must know the distribution of the entity's areas well, know the location of the employees and their permanence in the entity. Listen and let the customer speak. Establish a pleasant conversation with the client, avoiding clashes. In some cases, indicate to the client that there are other communication channels: fax, p. Web,line 700, Customer Service Office, Documentation Center, among others. If you need to leave the client on hold, let him know and it should not be more than a minute; in case of a longer time, say goodbye to him and inform him that you will return the call or that if you wish to call later, ask who answered you or who will leave you the reason. When appropriate, the message should be left with the person who normally answers the phone. The hold key should be used to suspend the conversation and not leave the handset face down or on its side. Isolating the client from the office environment is very important. Provide brief conversations, maximum 3 minutes if possible and guide him in what he wants. When the client marks or is mistakenly transferred from dependency or only asks for someone without having expressed their concern or issue,The call should be passed to the required dependency of the client and indicate that even though they made a mistake, they must help them. Always make the client feel that it is very important to the entity and sometimes give thanks for calling. Take the clear and precise reasons and convey them in a timely manner to the interested party. If you are attending a customer by phone and you have to attend another in person, raise your eyes and make a pleasant gesture that allows the customer to specify the wait. If this is the case, tell the interlocutor to wait a moment, say hello and have the client seated in person and ask him to wait (this sometimes allows to cut long conversations and difficult clients). Route calls or transfer them to another unit, when not staying at the job.

8.4. Service instructions through the answering machine

o Answer with a template model and sometimes use special messages engraved on cards that refer to an event of the entity or transcendental matter.

o During non-working hours, direct the switchboard service to the extension of the blackboard, after induction to the telephone operators.

o Check the ANSWERING MACHINE lines daily to guarantee service.

o Seek the lowest possible percentage of lost calls.

o Identify calls missed by extension occupation or entry to the answering machine.

o Identify badly hung or damaged extensions.

o Provide basic and general information about the entity.

9. Main factors in the use of the media

9.1. THE TONE OF VOICE: Basic element that replaces visual contact and is the only means to project the image that you want to transmit of the hotel, therefore, the voice must have a pleasant timbre, be able to adapt to different moments:

• Initiation of contact: warm and friendly tone

• Time to give information: reflect security.

• Moment of doubt or complaint When information is given, show security.

• When the citizen appeals for a question or complaint, claim: be persuasive, forceful and secure in the voice.

• End of information: be conclusive

• Farewell: warm and friendly tone

9.2. SPEED: the pace of telephone service in general is slower than it would be in person. However, the ideal is to adapt the speed to the speed of the citizen who speaks.

9.3. PRONUNCIATION: It is necessary for the person receiving the call to speak clearly, with good articulation and vocalization so that the person making the call understands the message. It is recommended to speak at about 3 cm. approximately from the handset.

10. Virtual media

With the modernization of the State and the introduction of new technologies, it is necessary to have guidelines regarding the Web page since it is a means that the client uses to approach the hotel and receive information.

The portal seeks to generate better communication and information processes with customers, whose website must contain clear, concise and exact information.

The information must be permanently updated through the portal since you can learn more about the hotel, its services, prices, provide information, etc.

The portal seeks to recreate and maintain the institutional image of the hotel.

The development and popularization of computer networks and the Internet offers PC users alternative forms of communication to those developed by traditional media.

10.1. Internet

The hotel also uses the well-known information super highway, which is a global interconnection of networks and offers all kinds of products and services such as Chat, email, instant messaging, online procedures, file transfer, IP telephony, radio, television and many more. Likewise, for INTRANET, it offers all kinds of products and services in a private network. In other words, an Intranet is a network belonging to the Coorporative with the same characteristics of the Internet, that is, we can have Chat, email, instant messaging, online procedures, file transfers, IP telephony, radio, television and many more in our business network.

The hotel has a robust computing infrastructure composed of a large number of computers and printers supported by central servers and an internal network through which we also have access to the Internet by network and wireless.

The virtual media available to the corporation and are mandatory for all managers, officers and some workers are:

10.2. Email

The Entity has an internal email server. Internal email is used for all internal communication between officials, for which each one has an email account.

Internet email is used only by those people who require it for their work and approved by the Minister of Tourism with other entities and people outside the Entity, for which the Director General has a personal email account of the user belonging to Hotmail, Yahoo.

11. Evaluation mechanism

11.1. Measurement using indicators

Quantify the quality characteristics and be able to quickly verify the degree of compliance with the proposed standards. Fundamentally, it is a quality improvement instrument with which we can also carry out a measurement at the end of the process.

11.1.1. Measurement through process quality indicators:

If the process is carried out correctly, the quality of the service will translate into customer satisfaction (internal and external). In this sense, the management of complaints and claims, suggestions, is very important, which aims to diagnose deficiencies in the quality of the services provided and achieve external customer satisfaction.

11.1.2. Measurement through customer satisfaction indicators:

These indicators measure the external quality of the service or customer satisfaction (internal and external). It can be considered to be the most important and complete evaluation since different aspects can be taken into account and expressed in different ways.

Within the project of the Quality Management System of the services provided to the client, their criteria must be taken into account by conducting face-to-face interviews and questionnaires in order to identify the aspects that must be improved. In our case there are:

For its part, the worker satisfaction survey will be carried out in order to identify the characteristics of the key services for clients and to know their perceptions about the products and services offered by the Corporation.

The hotel has a worker satisfaction survey that serves as a means for detecting areas of weakness in the quality of the services offered by the hotel and as a tool for continuous improvement.

On a monthly basis, through the response to the proposals of the workers that are generated in the Affiliate Assemblies, which is channeled through the Deputy Director of Human Resources, the hotel management contributes to achieving a favorable or positive work environment.

The hotel will annually apply a survey on SATISFIED Work Climate, with which the satisfaction of the worker is evaluated and response actions and monitoring of the results are planned.

Aspects such as:

• Food

• Transportation

• Kind regards, Safety

• Uniformity

• Training

• Consideration, Respect, Self-esteem, Affection

• Self-realization

• Food services

• Adequacy of conditions and demands

• Work reactions

• Motivation, stimulation

12. Barriers to communication

Communication barriers are those difficulties, obstacles of all kinds, that prevent the transmission of information correctly. Some of the causes are:

• Impaired communication skills appear, which is when problems arise beyond our control that prevent communication from being fluent.

• Affirmations, questions, comments or traits of our character that hinder the dialogue

• Use of the wrong channel: We are wrong in the way we communicate.

• Lack of knowledge of the socio-cultural environment: We must know, and know, where we are, who we are addressing and their circumstances.

• Lack of time accompanied by a heavy workload.

12.1. Barrier classes

12.1.1. Barriers due to the communication process itself

Due to inadequate coding: It is when the person cannot express or transmit exactly what they think and what they want to say, and where some psychological phenomena can occur that distort it:

o Halo effect: With a trait of a person, we become the idea of ​​how it is.

o Prejudices: Preconceived ideas due to physical traits, or people's circumstances


o Stereotypes: based on mental images about people and the environment in which they live.

o Message too long, complex, or totally unknown.

o Through the transmission channel: The form or means of transmitting the message:

• Directly from person to person

• Through other people

• Through the Telephone

12.1.2. Barriers due to the characteristics and attitudes of the communicators

In a concise way we can summarize them in:

o Rigidity (Not knowing or not wanting to adapt to the other person, to the situation…).

o Detachment or coldness.

o Shyness or withdrawal.

o Irritability.

o Instability of character.

o Lack of sincerity.

o Fear of asking (for not looking stupid or uneducated).

o Presumption, conceit.

o Lack of concern for others.

o Defensive attitude (the person who acts defensively, although paying some attention to what is being said, spends an appreciable amount of energy defending himself).

12.1.3. Barriers due to the communication situation itself

13. Search for conflict resolution

In general for us the word conflict means something negative that promulgates aggressiveness, harshness, confrontation, confrontation. But they are common in our daily lives. It is important, in any conflict situation, to practice active listening and empathy. Among other aspects, you must take into account the following:

  • Incoherence between what is said and what is done (between verbal and non-verbal communication). Tradition, resistance to change. Egocentrism. Personal insecurity. Noisy, tumultuous situation. Presence of other people. Norms or structures that impede communication. Choice of inappropriate channels to transmit the message. Choice of inappropriate time / place for communication. Never be aggressive or verbally, or with gestures or body postures, but conciliatory. Adapt to the concrete situation. Not all conflicts are approached in the same way. Pay attention to everyone's needs. You recognize the values ​​of others as much as your own. Separate the problem of personalities. Be tough on the problem but soft on the people. Set yourself as an objective in the search for the solution:everyone must win.
Organizational communication procedures manual in a hotel facility