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Occupational health and safety procedures manual for a hotel facility

Table of contents:



It is known that the most important productive force at any stage of development of society is the human being, so it is necessary to protect the health and life of workers. By accumulating experiences over time, man has learned to know what are the situations or events that can cause harm living with them in his social and environmental environment. As a consequence of his awareness, man has the need to feel safe and have "assurances" that clear his fears in order to achieve vital tranquility. The human need for security is a primary, intuitive, intense, constant and substantially psychological need.

The purpose pursued by Occupational Health and Safety is to increase the quality of life of workers, eliminate or reduce to tolerable values ​​the risks of damage to workers, facilities, the community and the environment, by improving of working conditions.

Integrating all the Occupational Health and Safety activity and adapting it through procedures to the general strategy of the tourist entity is one of the safest ways to solve the problems of this activity and meet the objectives that it has.


This manual is the compilation of all the Occupational Health and Safety activity in a single documentation that allows all aspects related to Occupational Health and Safety Management to be kept organized and updated, thus providing a document that facilitates interpretation, execution, audits and inspections in this matter in a hotel facility, the importance and objective of which is to provide detailed information on all processes and procedures in the field of Occupational Health and Safety, which allow the Facility organize the work of this activity according to the requirements of current legislation, integrating them to all processes and areas, in order to achieve the improvement of working conditions,eliminate and reduce risks and thus preserve the health, work capacities of workers and the efficiency of the general management of the center, translated into protection of man, increased productivity and elimination of unnecessary expenses that are in turn three fundamental objectives to which the Occupational Health and Safety activity directs its efforts.


Due to its content and importance, this Occupational Health and Safety Manual can be used by all Heads of Departments, Heads of Brigades and the Union organization, all involved in the Occupational Health and Safety Management System to comply with the objectives traced by the installation in this matter. Likewise, it can be used by the different control audits that arrive at the facility in order to review this activity.


The amendments to the manual will be made by the Management Representative (hereinafter RD) for the system or whoever he or she designates with the approval of the Senior Management.

Terms and definitions

Terms relating to safety and health at work


Unwanted event that results in death, illness, injury, breakdown, or other loss.

Occupational accident Sudden event causally related to work activity that causes worker injury or death.


It is the sum of conditions and demands external to the person that, in the work activity, act on their physiological and / or psychological state.


Physical injury, death or damage to people's health or deterioration of property or the environment.

Damage derived from work

Physical injury, death or damage to the health of people or deterioration of goods or the environment due to or on the occasion of work.

Occupational disease

It is contracted as a result of causal factors inherent or present in the work activity and recognized as such in current legislation.

Dangerous event An event

in which a dangerous situation can cause harm.

Fatigue caused by work

General or local, non-pathological manifestation of stress caused by work, which can be completely eliminated by adequate rest.

Work incident An

event that has the potential to cause a work accident.

Misuse that can reasonably be expected

Use of a product, process or service in a manner not intended by the supplier, but which may result from predictable human behavior.


Potential source of harm in terms of injury or illness to persons, damage to property, damage to the workplace environment, or a combination of these.

Potentially dangerous

Process, activity, operation, equipment or product that, in the absence of specific preventive measures, creates risks for the safety and health of the workers who develop or use them.


Set of actions or measures taken or planned in all phases of the organization's activity in order to avoid or reduce risks at work.


Established need or expectation, generally implicit or mandatory.


Absence of unacceptable risk.

Occupational health and safety

Activity aimed at creating conditions, capacities and culture so that the worker and his organization can carry out the work activity efficiently, avoiding events that may cause damage derived from work.

Dangerous situation

Circumstance by which people, goods or the environment are exposed to one or more dangers.

Stress caused by work

It is the effect of the load exerted by work on a person, which also depends on individual characteristics and abilities.


use Use of a product, process or service in accordance with the information provided by the supplier.

Occupational health surveillance

Control and monitoring of the individual and collective health status of workers in order to detect signs and symptoms of occupational diseases, other diseases or damage to health and lifestyles, conduct or situations of risk and taking steps to reduce the likelihood of subsequent illnesses or health problems.

Risk terms

Risk analysis

Systematic use of available information to identify hazards and assess risk.

Risk control

Decision-making process to deal with and / or reduce risks, based on the information obtained in the risk assessment, to implement corrective actions, demand compliance, and the periodic evaluation of their effectiveness.

Risk estimation

Process by which the frequency or probability and the consequences that may arise from the materialization of a hazard are determined.

Risk assessment

General process that consists of estimating the magnitude of the risk and deciding whether the risk is tolerable or not.

Initial evaluation Initial

internal evaluation by the organization to determine the degree of compliance with the occupational health and safety management system.

Risk management

Systematic application of management policies, procedures and practices to analyze, assess and evaluate risks. Risk management typically includes risk assessment, treatment and communication.

Hazard identification The

process of recognizing that a hazard exists and defining its characteristics.

Protective measure

Measures and means to avoid or reduce the risk.


Combination of the probability of damage occurring and the severity of its consequences.

Serious and imminent risk

One that is probable and can rationally materialize in the immediate future and that involves serious damage to health.


risk Risk remaining after a protective measure has been taken.


risk Risk that is accepted in a given context, based on the current values ​​of the company and predetermined criteria.


assessment Procedure based on risk analysis to determine whether tolerable risk has been reached.

Terms relating to management

Senior management

Person or group of people who direct and control the highest level of an organization.

Uninsured cost

Amount derived from an accident or incident that is not recoverable through insurance policies.


Carrying out necessary planned activities with the expected results.


Favorable relationship between the result achieved and the resources used.

External factors

Those factors outside the organization, to be considered by it due to the impact on safety and health at work.


factors Those factors inherent to the organization, to be considered by it, due to the impact on its ability to carry out the occupational health and safety policy.


Coordinated activities to direct and control an activity or organization.

Continuous improvement

Recurring activity to increase ability to meet requirements.


Set of detailed performance requirements, quantified as far as possible, applicable to the organization or parts of it, which originate from the objectives and which must be met to achieve them.


Something aspired or intended, related to the performance of the OSH system that an organization intends to achieve.

Occupational health and safety planning

Part of occupational safety and health management, focused on establishing its objectives and specifying the necessary operational processes, responsibility and related resources to meet the objectives.

Occupational Safety and Health Policy

Overall intentions and guidance of an organization relating to occupational safety and health as formally expressed by top management.

Occupational health and safety management

system Part of the general management system that comprises the set of interrelated and interactive elements, including policy, organization, planning, evaluation and action plan, to direct and control an organization with respect to health and safety at work.


Ability to follow the history, application or location of everything that is under consideration.

Terms relating to the organization

Work environment

Context in which the work is carried out.

Occupational safety and health committee

Participatory body with representation from the administration, union and worker organization, destined to act in the organization in matters of occupational safety and health.

Working conditions

Characteristics under which work is carried out or carried out that can have a significant influence on the generation of risks for the safety and health of the worker.

Personal protective equipment (PPE)

Any equipment intended to be worn or held by the worker to protect him from one or more risks that may threaten his safety and health, as well as any accessory or accessory intended for this purpose.


Volume assigned to one or more people, in the work system, to carry out the task.

Organizational structure

Arrangement of responsibilities, authorities and relationships among staff.


System of facilities, equipment and services necessary for the operation of an organization.


Environment in which an organization operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, human beings and their interrelationships.

Work means

They are the tools, machines, vehicles, devices, furniture, installations and other components used in the work system.


Set of people and facilities with a provision of responsibilities, authorities and relationships.


Person or group related to the affected by the performance of the OH&S or the success of an organization.

Work process

Succession, in time and space, of the joint action of people, work media, materials, energy and information within the work system.

Occupational health and safety service

Set of resources necessary to carry out preventive activities in order to guarantee adequate health and safety of workers, advising and assisting management, workers, as well as their representatives.

Work system

It includes the people and means of work acting together on the work process, to carry out a work activity, in a work space, subject to a specific work environment and under conditions imposed by the task to perform.

Task The

intended result of the work activity.

Terms relating to conformity


action Action taken to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity or other undesirable situation.


action Action to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity or other potentially undesirable situation.


Compliance with a requirement.


Action taken to eliminate a detected nonconformity.


Breach of a requirement associated with a specified or intended use.


Non-compliance with a requirement.

Terms relating to documentation


Document recognized by the competent authority that testifies to a qualification.

Information document and its support medium.


Document that establishes requirements.


Data that has meaning.

Report on safety and health at work

Document that describes the state of safety and health at work.

Occupational health and safety manual

Document that specifies the implementation of an organization's occupational health and safety management system.

Occupational health and safety management program

Documented description for achieving occupational safety and health objectives and goals.


Document that presents results obtained or provides evidence of activities performed.

Exam Terms


Measurable results of the occupational health and safety management system, related to the control exercised by the organization of risks based on its policies and objectives. Objective evidence

Information that supports the existence or veracity of something.


Assessment of conformity through observation and judgment, accompanied where appropriate by measurement, testing / testing or comparison with standards.


Activity undertaken to ensure the convenience, adequacy and effectiveness of the subject under review, to achieve established objectives.

Management review

Formal evaluation, carried out by senior management, of the status and adequacy of the occupational health and safety management system in relation to the policy and its objectives. Verification Confirmation by providing objective evidence that the specified requirements have been met.

Terms relating to the audit


Organization being audited.10


Person with the competence to carry out an audit.


Auditor Auditor appointed to conduct an audit.

Audit A

systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining evidence and evaluating it objectively in order to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are met.

Audit client

Organization or person requesting or receiving an audit.


Demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and skills.

Audit conclusions

Result of an audit provided by the audit team after considering the audit objectives and all the audit findings.

Audit criteria

Set of policies, procedures or requirements used as a reference.

Direction of an audit program

Entity or function within an entity entrusted with the responsibility of planning and conducting a scheduled series of audits of a management system.

Audit team

One or more auditors carrying out an audit.

Audit evidence Records, statements of fact or any other information that are relevant to the audit criteria and that are verifiable.

Technical Expert A person who brings specific knowledge or experience with respect to the subject to be audited.

Audit Findings Results of the evaluation of the collected audit evidence against the audit criteria.

Audit plan

Document that establishes the specific practices, resources, and sequence of activities related to audits of an occupational health and safety management system.

Audit program A

set of one or more audits planned for a specified period of time and directed towards a specific purpose.

1 Occupational Health and Safety Policy

The top management must define the occupational health and safety policy of the facility in which it clearly establishes the general objectives of Occupational Safety and Health and the commitment to improve performance in this area.

To effectively formulate or modify the Occupational Health and Safety policy (hereinafter SST), the management must consider the following elements:

  • policy and objectives relevant to all the organization's businesses; OSH hazards in the organization; legal and other requirements; historical and current performance in OSH of the organization; needs of other interested parties, opportunities and needs for continuous improvement; necessary resources; worker contributions; contributions from contractors and other outside personnel.

In addition to taking into account:

1. That it is appropriate for the nature and scale of the organization's OH&S risks: that is, they must reflect the identification of hazards, risk assessment and control of OH&S risks.

2. It must include a commitment to continuous improvement: this means that in addition to complying with legal responsibilities, they must aim to improve their performance in OSH, including the OSH management system in an efficient and effective way, to meet the changing installation and regulatory needs.

3. It must include the commitment to satisfy the applicable current legislation on OSH and other requirements subscribed by the facility: it is the public recognition of complying with the applicable regulatory requirements of the legislation and other requirements on OSH.

4. It must be documented, implemented and maintained: Before making the policy public, management must ensure that it has the necessary funding, skills and resources, and that all OSH objectives are truly achievable. For the policy to be effective, it should be documented, and periodically reviewed to verify its continued adequacy and be corrected or updated when necessary.

5. Be communicated to all workers so that they know each of their individual obligations regarding OSH: it is vital for the success of OSH that workers are involved and committed. Workers need to be aware of the effects of OSH management on the quality of their own work environment and should be encouraged to actively contribute to such management. OSH policy and objectives should be clearly communicated to your workers to allow them to have a framework against which they can measure their own individual OSH performance.

6. Be available to interested parties; A procedure should be established to communicate the policy to stakeholders for the organization's OSH performance.

7. Be reviewed periodically to ensure that it remains relevant and appropriate for the organization because change is inevitable, legislation changes and social expectations increase. Consequently, the policy needs to be reviewed regularly to ensure its continued adaptation and effectiveness. If changes are made, they should be communicated as soon as possible.

Taking into account all these elements, it is proposed to establish the following as the Occupational Health and Safety Policy for the hotel installation:

The Hotel Management is committed to: preserve the health and labor capacities of its workers and the safety of its clients, through the prevention of work accidents and professional diseases, for which they will ensure the continuous improvement of working conditions, the identification, evaluation and control of all risks, especially those related to the hygiene and safety of accommodation, gastronomic services, food handling, fire systems, etc., as well as it will also require compliance with the legislation on the matter health and safety at work.

In order to comply with this policy, the objectives and goals of Occupational Health and Safety were drawn up.


NC 18001: 2005 (section 4.2)


2. Organizational Structure of Security

The work of the occupational health and safety activity in the Hotel is organized in such a way that it allows to effectively materialize the policy and objectives in this matter, thanks to the interrelation and communication that exists between each of the departments and areas of I work with the senior management of the center and the Occupational Health and Safety area, achieving a dynamic and effective flow of information, which has contributed to efficiency in a general sense.

Advisory body

The top management has the Human Resources department as advisory and governing body of Management in matters of Occupational Health and Safety, with the Deputy Director of Human Resources being designated by senior management as a representative of the Board of Directors, which has the authority particular responsibility and authority to ensure that the OH&S management system is properly implemented and that it is performed in accordance with the requirements in all places and spheres of operation within the facility, which must have defined functions, responsibilities and authority for:

a) ensure that the OH&S management system requirements are established, implemented and maintained in accordance with what is specified in this Standard.

b) Report on the performance of the OSH management system to senior management for review and as a basis for improving said system.

From the above, it can be deduced the relationship that the Human Resources Department has with the rest of the processes or departments and vice versa, to ensure the effectiveness of the SGSST.

The Financial Accounting department together with the human resources department have full responsibility for planning the financing for this activity, as they are responsible for preparing the budget and executing it, always with the participation of the rest of the system processes.. There is no good planning without good communication and historical records.

The area that attends to quality is very closely linked to occupational health and safety, because the processes that have the greatest impact on compliance with the corporate purpose of the facility depend largely on compliance with hygiene and safety regulations, such as, for example, food processing areas, accommodation conditions and security, swimming pool, beaches, etc. The quality inspections that are carried out constitute ways to detect deficiencies in the safety system and are part of the analyzes carried out for the analysis of identification, evaluation and control of occupational hazards.

In a conclusive way, it is proposed that the organizational structure of OSH is composed of: Deputy Director General as the maximum responsible, the Deputy Director of HR as manager of the system, the HR specialist who attends the activity of OSH as adviser and coordinator of the activity, the Heads of each of the departments or processes that execute, demand and ensure compliance with the laws, and the union organization that ensures the conscious and active participation of all Hotel workers.

See organization chart of the occupational Health and Safety organizational structure. (Appendix 2). (See 4.4 Implementation and operation / 4.4.1 Structure and responsibility / Organization of OH&S.)

3.- Definition of functions, powers and responsibilities of the managers, technicians and workers in general of the facility.

Maximum responsibility of the SST.

Roles, responsibility and authority are defined for each relevant role and level within the hotel. The Directorate provides the essential resources for the implementation and control of the SGSST, including training, human resources, financial resources, technology and information.

Health and safety at work is the administrative responsibility of managers, which must be expressed in specific actions and actions that allow the example to be passed on to subordinates.

To this end, the following general responsibilities will be taken into consideration:

Directors' responsibilities:

• Promote the development of an Organizational Culture regarding health and safety at work.

• Analyze the issue of health and safety at work in the Boards of Directors at least once a quarter, specifying the behavior of accidents, results of inspections and compliance with prevention measures.

• Carry out, with the collaboration of the workers, the identification of the dangers present in the areas under their responsibility, guaranteeing participation in the investigation of accidents, as well as the evaluation of occupational risks by jobs and processes or systems technology that apply.

• Manage the inclusion of prevention measures that correspond to their area of ​​responsibility in the Business Plans and in the Budget. Control the execution of the budgets assigned to the fulfillment of the prevention measures.

• Check compliance with the safety requirements, the good technical condition of the equipment and facilities, as well as the order and cleanliness of the areas that are subordinate to them.

• Require subordinates to comply with the rules, procedures and rules as well as demand for the use of personal protective equipment.

• Analyze within the Performance Evaluation of subordinates the fulfillment of their responsibilities and tasks in terms of safety and health at work.

• Complete the training actions that are programmed in relation to these issues.

• Carry out and / or request consultation with workers in your area of ​​activities related to safety and health at work.

• Immediately comply with technical or organizational measures that do not require investment or coordinate with the Department or area that is required to achieve it.

• Ensure compliance with the activities of collection, classification and final disposal of solid waste and liquid waste management.

• Manage and, where appropriate, authorize the acquisition and delivery to workers of Individual protection equipment.

• Ensure the good technical condition and availability of the means of detection and extinction of fires that correspond to its area of ​​responsibility.

• Coordinate and demand the updating of medical examinations.

• Maintain the disclosure and safety signs in the different areas updated.

Specific responsibilities:

Deputy Director General

* He is the maximum responsible for the Safety and Health of the Work in the facility.

* Define and review the policy and objectives with the rest of the members of senior management.

* Ensure full compliance with current legislation on Occupational Health and Safety and how many regulations and instructions are issued for that purpose.

* Analyze and take measures that guarantee compliance with the existing problems in Occupational Health and Safety in the Boards of Directors.

* Apply, as appropriate, the sanctions requested to the Leaders who violate what is expressed in this document

* Maintain coordination with the area involved and informed the HR department regarding the analysis and verification of compliance with the Standards for any investment, renovation or remodeling carried out.

* Respond for compliance with the measures dictated in the inspections carried out by MINSAP, MININT and MTSS as well as those carried out by the authorities of the facility.

* Require subordinate leaders to fulfill their respective responsibilities in terms of Occupational Safety and Health in terms of training workers according to the Safety Rules of the posts.

* Participate in visits and inspections to work areas in order to review the behavior of the SST.

* Demand compliance with the technical inspection of the transport equipment assigned to the facility

* Demand that the work contracts with third parties provide for the requirements related to occupational Health and Safety.

ü Deputy Director of Human Resources.

* Inform senior management about the performance of the SGSST in order to analyze the problems that exist in the Boards of Directors, as a basis for improving said system.

* Ensure that SGSST requirements are established, implemented and maintained in accordance with what is specified in NC 18002: 05.

* Require that all new workers have their Medical Checkup updated before starting to work.

* Require that workers comply with periodic Medical Checkups according to their area of ​​work.

* Require compliance by the heads of each area of ​​all standard documentation, procedures, rules, instructions, etc. issued by this direction.

* Channel and control compliance with the measures dictated in the different inspections carried out to the entity.

* Investigate all Work Accidents that occur in the center, including work incidents in order to eliminate the causes and avoid similar events.

* Guarantee the preparation and updating of the procedures and / or Safety Rules for each job.

* Collaborate with all Occupational Health and Safety inspections carried out at the entity.

* Carry out 3rd level inspections to all areas of the entity.

* Inform the Manager of those Occupational Health and Safety problems that, due to their magnitude, require their knowledge and impose disciplinary measures on violators of this Regulation.

* Prepare the List of Means of Individual Protection and against fire by jobs that the center needs for its workers and deliver it to the sub. Purchasing Department for its acquisition.

* Coordinate with the purchasing area the acquisition of the PPE according to the approved list.

* Guarantee together with the Protection and Security area that the required fire extinguishing means exist in all areas of the entity and ensure their good technical condition.

* Inform the Provincial Labor Office the occurrence of fatal and multiple accidents before 24 hours.

Head of reception

* Inform and channel the opportunities of the facility and the services provided, check the areas and rooms available to tourists, ensuring the Occupational Health and Safety requirements.

* Check the comfort and security of the rooms periodically.

* Immediately inform clients of any unsafe conditions that arise or may arise, such as: dangers on the beach and open areas in bad weather, evacuation routes, etc.

* Make feasible the reports made by clients or others that represent imminent dangers to the life or integrity of the facility.

Head of Animation

* Coordinate maintenance and repair of audio and lighting equipment.

* Coordinate and plan activities for the clients and workers of the center that guarantee safety in their execution.

* Keep customers informed about the dangers that can cause unsafe conditions that suddenly appear, such as bad weather, swimming in the pool and beach under the influence of alcoholic beverages.

* Take care that the equipment, tools and facilities and means of work comply with the technical requirements established in the field of Occupational Health and Safety.

Purchasing Manager

* Guarantee the application of the technical standards for storage in order to eliminate any risk of accident in warehouse work and for the better conservation of the products to be stored in the Hotel.

* Maintain strict control of the expiration dates of stored food as well as those that have little mobility in the Hotel.

* Guarantee the acquisition of Individual Protection Equipment for Hotel workers according to the List of Necessity of these means prepared by the Human Resources subdirectorate as well as fire fighting equipment and its accessories.

* Guarantee that the transport assigned to the area, have adequate technical and hygienic conditions within the acceptable parameters and according to the use for which they are intended.

* Require the supplier the technical sheet related to the security requirements of the purchased.

* Inform the work areas about the substitution of chemicals or other products that represent dangers to the life or health of those who handle it.

Head of Housekeeper

* Guarantee the fulfillment of the hygienic sanitary norms in the areas of competence.

* Require adequate signage in the transfer of chemicals in non-conventional containers.

* Require that the established signs be used in the event of dangers to the client.

* Ensure the correct handling of chemical, harmful or irritating products.

Guarantee that the necessary information about emergency action is established in the rooms.

Head of Technical Services

* Supervise and verify the correct operation of the equipment and the state of the measuring instruments, steam boilers, pressure vessels without fire, kettles, refrigeration equipment, ovens, air regulators, etc., proceeding before any manifestation of danger.

* Comply with the maintenance plans for all equipment, ensuring compliance with the SST rules and / or work procedures in the use of tools and risky machines.

* Analyze with the HR sub-directorate the projects concerning repairs, remodeling or construction of new premises that are undertaken by the maintenance area, ensuring that there are no architectural barriers and that they meet the Occupational Health and Safety requirements.

* Define in the signing of contracts with third parties the responsibility for the quality and execution of the works, ensuring compliance with the legislation on Occupational Health and Safety.

* Report before 24 hours the occurrence of breakdowns in the boiler to the Provincial Labor Office.

* Demand that the security measures for the prevention of breakdowns specifically with the boiler area be strictly observed.

* Investigate the breakdowns that have occurred by eliminating the causes and analyzing the economic damages as well as applying the corresponding disciplinary measures if necessary.

* Guarantee that all installed equipment has technical documentation and its useful life record.

* Solve the Occupational Health and Safety measures that result from the inspections carried out to the entity both by the governing bodies and by the self-inspections and that are in their hands or manage their solution with the area or person indicated.

* Issue security permits for jobs called dangerous with the advice of the HR department.

* Ensure compliance with the Fumigation, Rooting and Elimination of Vectors Program in the center.

* Mark and identify through signs, colors, etc. equipment, electrical installations, customer water pipes, maximum working capacity of the pressure gauges, etc., which constitute risks of accidents for workers.

Head of Security and Protection

* Prevent the entry of minors to the work areas of the Hotel.

* Supervise and guarantee that evacuation exits facilitate the exit of workers at all times in the event of fires, explosions, accidents, natural disasters, etc., taking the necessary measures to guarantee their physical protection.

* Prepare, implement and operate Fire Prevention and Protection Plans, as well as emergency plans.

* Guarantee that the measures taken by your area to avoid criminal acts do not violate or affect the safety of workers.

* Prepare a maintenance plan for the entity's fire extinguishing means.

* Establish the necessary measures regarding the control of the entry of personnel to the facility.

* Responsible for compliance with the measures established by fire inspections.

Financial Accounting Deputy Director

* Guarantee financial support for the acquisition of individual protection means, maintenance of fire extinguishing equipment and equipment maintenance contracts with third parties.

* Guarantee the financing of the resources destined to comply with the measures dictated both by higher authorities and by self-inspections.

* Guarantee financial support for compliance with the sanitation and vector elimination plan in the entity.

Maitre d

* Guarantee compliance with the hygienic sanitary standards applicable to the work areas under their responsibility.

* Ensure that subordinate workers do not have skin lesions, colds, sinusitis or ear infections that contaminate food and maintain a good personal hygiene appearance.

* Demand that during work they do not eat food, do not smoke and do not wear clothes, also in the case of women they cannot have their nails painted.

* Demand for compliance with the established gastronomic regulations that guarantee the correct handling of the inputs.

* Demand the bearing and hygienic appearance of the workers in the area.

Kitchen chef

* Guarantee compliance with the hygienic sanitary standards applicable to the work areas under their responsibility.

* Demand the bearing and hygienic appearance of the workers in the area.

* Ensure the use and correct care of the equipment and working means installed in their area and that they comply with the technical requirements and procedures established in terms of protection.

* Guarantee the taking of witness samples, keeping them duly protected for the established term and proceeding to their destruction once it has elapsed.

* Ensure that subordinate workers do not have skin lesions, colds, sinusitis or ear infections that contaminate food and maintain a good personal hygiene appearance.

* Demand that during work they do not eat food, do not smoke and do not wear clothes, also in the case of women they cannot have their nails painted.

* Guarantee that the food that remains from one day to the next is kept under the established conservation requirements.

* Guarantee the preparation of the information models that are applied in the area.

Responsibilities and functions of the Specialist who attends OSH:

The human resources specialist who attends the Occupational Health and Safety activity has the following functions and responsibilities:

  • advise the Deputy Director General and the rest of the Heads of Departments of the facility on OSH and collaborate with them in the planning and execution of measures for the systematic improvement of working conditions; Keep the Board of Directors updated on the situation of the activity in the Hotel. program, coordinate or impart as the case may be, initial, periodic and extraordinary SST instructions; collaborate in the training of administrative personnel in specialized OSH courses; control compliance with laws, regulations, instructions, standards, etc. that regulate SST activity. establish and maintain control over work accidents, occupational diseases in the entity; ensure that the means of individual protection are acquired,Collective and fire protection, in a suitable way for the activity. Carry out the 2nd level of inspection in order to detect acts and unsafe working conditions and dictate measures for their elimination; control compliance with the measures established in the case of infractions detected by state and union inspection; coordinate with the other departments, the development of occupational health and safety rules, safe procedures, safety permits, etc. for each of the jobs; ü propose the closure of machines, tools, equipment or areas when they are They are in poor condition. ✓ Together with the heads of departments, prepare prevention programs that result from OSH deficiencies, present them to the board of directors and monitor their compliance.appropriately for the activity. Carry out the 2nd level of inspection in order to detect acts and unsafe working conditions and dictate measures for their elimination; control compliance with the measures established in the case of infractions detected by state and union inspection; coordinate with the other departments, the development of occupational health and safety rules, safe procedures, safety permits, etc. for each of the jobs; ü propose the closure of machines, tools, equipment or areas when they are They are in poor condition. ✓ Together with the heads of departments, prepare prevention programs that result from OSH deficiencies, present them to the board of directors and monitor their compliance.appropriately for the activity. Carry out the 2nd level of inspection in order to detect acts and unsafe working conditions and dictate measures for their elimination; control compliance with the measures established in the case of infractions detected by state and union inspection; coordinate with the other departments, the development of occupational health and safety rules, safe procedures, safety permits, etc. for each of the jobs; ü propose the closure of machines, tools, equipment or areas when they are They are in poor condition. ✓ Together with the heads of departments, prepare prevention programs that result from OSH deficiencies, present them to the board of directors and monitor their compliance.Carry out the 2nd level of inspection in order to detect acts and unsafe working conditions and dictate measures for their elimination; control compliance with the measures established in the case of infractions detected by state and union inspection; coordinate with the other departments, the development of occupational health and safety rules, safe procedures, safety permits, etc. for each of the jobs; ü propose the closure of machines, tools, equipment or areas when they are They are in poor condition. ✓ Together with the heads of departments, prepare prevention programs that result from OSH deficiencies, present them to the board of directors and monitor their compliance.Carry out the 2nd level of inspection in order to detect acts and unsafe working conditions and dictate measures for their elimination; control compliance with the measures established in the case of infractions detected by state and union inspection; coordinate with the other departments, the development of occupational health and safety rules, safe procedures, safety permits, etc. for each of the jobs; ü propose the closure of machines, tools, equipment or areas when they are They are in poor condition. ✓ Together with the heads of departments, prepare prevention programs that result from OSH deficiencies, present them to the board of directors and monitor their compliance.

4. Rules, regulations and work procedures

Legal and other requirements.

We have developed a procedure with the objective of identifying, accessing and communicating the legal requirements and other requirements applicable to the hotel's activities, products and services to all area managers who require knowledge and application of such requirements.

The identification is carried out through the search and consultation of the publications of legal documents. This search is carried out by the RD, taking into account the demands of each area chief.

The review of the applicable legal requirements is carried out periodically in accordance with the periodicity of application of each one, as indicated in the register Annex 29 Control of the legal and guidance basis of occupational health and safety. ”, And under the guidance of the RD, who also; keeps said registry updated.

It is essential that top management understands and is aware of how its activities are or will be affected by legal and other requirements and communicate this information to the relevant personnel.

This procedure is intended to promote awareness and understanding of legal responsibilities.


NC 18001: 2005 (section 4.3.2)

PSGSST 00 19 “Identification and control of legal requirements and other requirements”.

Work procedures

Provisions should be established and maintained to ensure the effective application of control and prevention measures, where required to control operational risks, comply with the OH&S policy and OH&S objectives, and comply with legal and other requirements.

Procedures must be established to control the risks that you have identified (including those that could be introduced by contractors or visitors), document these in cases where failure to do so generates incidents, accidents or other deviations from the OH&S policy and OH&S objectives.

Likewise, it is convenient to regularly review the risk control procedures to verify their aptitude and effectiveness and the changes that are considered necessary should also be implemented.

See PSST 00 07 Process security.

See Procedures or Safety Rules for workstations.

See Safe Procedures for Working with Chemicals.

See control of most commonly used chemicals.

See Safe procedures in the Housekeeper area.

See Safe procedures in the Technical Services area.

See Safe Procedures in the Kitchen area.

See Safe procedures in the Warehouse area.

See Safe procedures in the Gastronomic Services area.

See Safe procedures in the Animation area.

5. Safety permit for hazardous work

It is convenient that the facility establish and maintain provisions to ensure the effective application of control and prevention measures in high-risk jobs that are considered dangerous, where it is required to control operational risks.

See PSST 00 06 Organization of potentially dangerous work.

6. Occupational Hygiene

The risky situations and elements that affect hygiene and health at work such as: hygienic - sanitary conditions, noise, vibrations, poor lighting conditions, work position, etc. They are determined and evaluated through the process of identification, evaluation and control of risks as established in the procedure for this.

If necessary, the human resources department will contract the services of research centers or studies to evaluate deviations from the agreed regulations and parameters with respect to noise, vibrations, lighting, etc.

It is the responsibility of the human resources department to demand compliance with the preventive measures derived from these risky elements, for which it will involve the top management, the union section and heads of areas or processes.

The measures that are not within the scope of solving by the means available to the entity due to their size or need for investment, must be managed by the general subdivision through the real estate agency.

Hygiene and Cleanliness

The hygiene and cleanliness of each of the areas is the responsibility of the Heads of departments or processes regardless of the activity they carry out, for this they must ensure and demand that the work places and premises, their surroundings, corridors, warehouses, patios and rooms services are kept in good sanitary conditions, prohibiting the accumulation of materials, garbage, water and waste avoiding the presence of any vector. Wall and ceiling surfaces, including windows, doors, and skylights, are always kept in a good state of cleanliness and maintenance.

The head of each department is responsible for preparing the hygiene and disinfection program for the areas they serve, in which they will list all the elements, means, objects and work instruments that must be sanitized.

The human resources department and the quality area are responsible for ensuring and demanding compliance with the execution of the hygiene and disinfection programs, in case of detecting violations, the analysis is carried out in work meetings of the health and safety committee.

Food Hygiene

The Head of the kitchen area must pay attention to the hygiene and conservation of the products that he offers to the client and the workers, so he is responsible for the violation of any regulations regarding the handling of food, either during the elaboration, transportation and storage of the same.

He is also responsible for all the controls that must be carried out, such as the control of the cooking temperature of the food, the temperature of the exhibition tables and collection of control samples in order to have verification tests in the event of an outbreak of diseases. produced by poor food handling.

The nurse who attends the center must daily check that the collection of the control samples is carried out correctly; The human resources and quality area will also do so during inspections.

Vector control

The head of the technical services department is responsible for the preparation and execution of the anti-vector programs, for which he will carry out the corresponding contracts with third parties and will demand compliance with them.

The heads of departments must inform the technical services area of ​​any outbreak of vectors, they are also responsible for promoting the conditions to guarantee the work of colleagues who carry out this activity, as well as ensuring and complying with the measures that they indicate once executed. the activity in their area of ​​responsibility and report the quality of the work.

To carry out the self-focus program, a brigade will be created that will be made up of colleagues from the technical services area designated by the department head, it is recommended that it be chaired by the Specialist of that area and the rest of its members be workers from external areas, to involve them even more in OSH issues from the assignment of this responsibility.

This brigade will review the areas daily to avoid mosquito breeding sites, and will carry out a weekly inspection where it will be recorded in writing that will be filed in the technical services department for three months.

Environmental management

The responsibility for environmental hygiene also falls on the heads of the different departments, who must demand compliance with the different procedures, laws and measures that contribute to a healthy environment.

The heads of departments where large amounts of solid and liquid, organic and inorganic waste are generated must comply with the different provisions in this regard and will respond to any violation. To do this, they must demand that the waste be properly classified and deposited in the places previously selected for it.

The housekeeping department will be in charge of ensuring the correct storage and classification of solid waste such as cardboard, glass and plastics in the area destined for storage, as well as the correct cleaning and hygiene of these areas.

The head chef is responsible for separating organic and inorganic products and depositing them in the designated places, maintaining the hygiene of the tanks and pig area.

The head of technical services is responsible for ensuring compliance with contracts with third parties who are dedicated to the collection of raw materials and all organic and inorganic waste generated at the facility.

To find out how to act in the event of an incident that affects the environment, we can go to the following procedure. See PSST 00 12 Environmental Management, in it you can see other corrective measures for effective action with respect to this issue.

In this procedure, it shows a series of measures aimed at guaranteeing commercial safety, with regard to hygiene and health of the installation.

See PSST 00 10 Commercial Safety.

7. Occupational health care

The Deputy Director of Human Resources is responsible for ensuring medical care for all workers at the facility.

All workers will be incorporated into the positions that are assigned or that they request once the physical aptitudes they have to occupy them are verified.

See PSST 00 03 Selection of personnel, training and information.

In the facility there will be a nursing facility with medical personnel trained for first aid, these personnel will attend to both workers and clients and will assess what type of care they require. If necessary, they will request the services of the international clinic, by telephone, in the case of clients and workers are referred to the polyclinic or their medical care area according to the treatment they require, in case of emergencies the service of emergencies in Varadero.

The Human Resources department, together with the center nurse, will keep the dispensation of workers with any pathology updated and will ensure the constant medical check-up of these cases (Annex 43 PSST 00 16 Records)

Likewise, you must schedule the pre-employment medical check-ups for all workers who enter the facility and coordinate with the nurse who attends the center to carry out periodic examinations (every 6 months) to the positions that require it, such as: Food, Warehouse and maintenance workers exposed to areas with the presence of vectors and work with chemical products. It must also submit workers to medical expertise when they require it.

The human resources department must also keep track of medical certificates, expert opinions, etc., to carry out an analysis of the different pathologies to rule out diseases that have their cause or origin in the profession performed by the analyzed workers. (Annex 42 PSST 00 16 Records)

In the case of skilled workers with a disability, it is the responsibility of the Deputy Director of Human Resources to promote the correct treatment according to the legislation, including their possible relocation to another position. It will also ensure special care for pregnant women, HIV patients, etc.

In the event that a worker presents a certificate and the diagnosis issued is in favor of a highly contagious disease, all workers directly linked to the sick worker will be analyzed, for which the nurse who attends the center will refer them to the area corresponding health department for medical examinations.

The entity's nurse will carry out inspections to oversee the hygienic and sanitary conditions of the areas, especially those for food processing, swimming pools and gastronomic services. In addition to participating in tours with the specialist who takes care of health and safety in their scheduled inspections.

The Deputy Director of Human Resources is responsible for the programming of preventive actions against smoking, alcoholism, sexually transmitted diseases, for which he will rely on the experience of the center nurse, who together with the specialist who attends the SST will give talks and seminars to workers in different areas dealing with these issues. All these actions will be part of the worker training plan.

These issues will also be reported through banners, which will be placed on murals and areas where workers have access, this being a task in conjunction with the human resources subdirectorate and the representative of the union bureau designated for this.

8. Security requirements in outsourcing

The installation must have a procedure when it requires the use of contracted services such as: investments, remodeling, extensions, maintenance and other activities that it is not possible to carry out with our staff due to the specificity and use of means that are not owned, where they are defined the parties' commitments to prevent accidents, incidents, breakdowns, illnesses or other damages.

This action must be documented in order to verify its performance or demands for damage caused.

See PSST 00 14 Security in contracting and subcontracting.

9.- Procedure for risk assessment

The hotel has created a working group to carry out the identification of occupational hazards that it can control and those over which it can be expected to influence.

Once all occupational hazards are identified, occupational hazards that are not tolerable are determined. For this purpose, procedure 00 5 is established.

The results of the identification and evaluation of occupational hazards and risks are recorded as indicated in the aforementioned procedure.

These results are reviewed twice a year or in the event of new or planned developments; or new or modified activities, products or services; as well as in the event of an accident or emergency situation.


NC 18001: 2005 (section 4.3.1)

PSST 00 05 “Hazard identification, evaluation and control of occupational risks”.

10. Planning and financing

The Deputy Director General of the Facility must ensure the consistent application of the prevention plan measures derived from the process of identification, evaluation and control of occupational hazards, in order to comply with the policy outlined in this activity and for this he must take responsibility for the planning and financing required.

To comply with what is specified in the foregoing, the following aspects will be taken into consideration as a reference:

a) Analysis of the causes of occupational accidents and diseases that occurred in the evaluated period.

b) Existing hygienic and sanitary conditions.

c) Causes that produce fires.

d) Measures issued by the State and Union Inspection bodies.

e) Preparation and implementation of normative documents and legislation on the matter.

f) Necessary research on occupational health and safety.

g) Proposals of the workers according to their experiences.

The head of technical services in coordination with the Human Resources area calculates the necessary resources to solve the measures in which it is necessary to use material resources for the elimination or reduction of risk.

The economic area, in coordination with the Human Resources area and the participation of the union, prepares the draft of the Occupational Health and Safety budget in which they include the material, labor and financial resources, necessary for the fulfillment of the measures of the plan of prevention, which are then presented to the top management for approval.

Once the budget is approved, the workers are informed in the General Assembly when the general budget of the facility is discussed.

It is the responsibility of the Department of Human Resources and Economy to ensure the execution of the budget and to inform senior management of any situation that arises that threatens compliance with it.

The Head of Purchasing is in charge of managing the purchase of all the means and equipment that are needed to comply with this budget.

11. Monitoring and control of system actions

The organization has established procedures to monitor and measure the key characteristics of operations and activities that may cause non-tolerable occupational risks and / or significant environmental impacts. These procedures are documented by PSST Procedure 00 18 Performance Measurement and Monitoring.

The results of the monitoring and measurement are documented in the corresponding records, which are kept by each Area Manager.

There are also procedures for the identification, conservation, maintenance and verification in correspondence with the established legal regulations and the occupational and environmental health and safety requirements of our activities, products and services. The records corresponding to this activity are kept by designated personnel in the interested areas.

The deputy director of human resources, together with the specialist who takes care of occupational health and safety, and the union will have the responsibility of developing and proposing a documented procedure to regularly monitor and measure performance in OSH. This procedure should include:

  • Both qualitative and quantitative measures, appropriate to the needs of the organization; monitoring the degree of compliance with the organization's OSH objectives and goals; proactive performance measures, with which to monitor compliance with the OH&S management program, operational criteria, applicable legislation and regulatory requirements; reactive performance measures to track accidents, illnesses, incidents, and other historical evidence of poor OSH behavior. Sufficient records of data and results of monitoring and measurements to facilitate the subsequent analysis of preventive and corrective actions.


NC 18001: 2005 (section 4.5.1)

DG-01: 2003 Measuring instruments subject to verification and the fields of application where they will be used. General layout.

PSST procedure 00 18 Measurement and monitoring of performance.

12. Fire Prevention and Protection Plans

The head of Security and Protection of the facility is responsible for the effective programming of the fire prevention and protection activity, for this he must:

ü Prepare fire prevention and protection plans with the collaboration of the Fire Protection Agency.

ü Prepare a maintenance program for fire protection means and equipment and demand compliance with it.

ü Carry out, together with the SST specialist and the person in charge of the fire brigade, the verification of the PCI equipment and means.

The fire prevention and protection plans are approved by the Deputy Director General of the facility and informed to all managers and workers.

The Purchasing Manager is responsible for the purchase and acquisition of the equipment and resources that are requested for the completion of the CI system by the head of security and the human resources department.

The human resources specialist who attends the SST is responsible for forming the different PCI brigades, as well as training them and the rest of the workers. He will also be in charge of keeping the entire PCI signaling system updated in all areas of the facility and will work closely with the Head of Security and Protection in the control and monitoring of the measures dictated by the different types of fire inspection.

13. Emergency plans and measures

Procedures are in place to identify the potential for and respond to accidents and emergencies at work and on the environment; as well as to prevent and mitigate occupational risks and the environmental impacts associated with them.

The hotel has documented contingency plans duly approved by Senior Management and the competent authorities in accordance with current legislation.

Training and drills are held periodically to check the knowledge and willingness of employees to face any contingency.

The working groups made up of designated specialists are in charge of reviewing the contingency plans (at least) once a year and in particular after the occurrence of an accident or emergency situation.

The head of Safety and Protection of the facility is responsible for drawing up emergency plans and measures for different emergencies, which will be carried out together with the specialist who attends health and safety and other heads of departments or processes.

These plans are approved once they have been prepared by the deputy general manager of the facility and are informed to the rest of the council and workers through the different mechanisms seen in previous procedures.

The supply of food and materials necessary in case of emergency is the responsibility of the Warehouse Manager, who must have a warehouse reserve previously defined by the financial accounting area, which must rotate according to the status of the products.


NC 18001: 2005 (section 4.4.7)

NC-ISO 14001: 2004 (section 4.4.7)

Decree-Law No. 199/1999 “On the security and protection of official information”.

Instruction No. 1/2007 of the Minister of the FAR on Contingency Plans.

Anti-Catastrophe Measures

Plan Fire Prevention Plan

14. Forms and methods to be used for the investigation of accidents, fires, breakdowns and incidents

In our organization a procedure is documented that describes the definition of responsibilities and authority for the treatment of the investigations of accidents, breakdowns and incidents, the investigation of the cause, the taking of actions (corrections) to mitigate the occupational risks that could originate in this way as the necessary corrective and preventive actions. The records of this process are kept by the Head of each area.

In the same way, relevant importance is given to the treatment of non-conformities and the taking of corrective and preventive actions for their eradication.

Any changes in the system documents resulting from the implementation of the corrective and preventive actions are entered and recorded.

The manager of the audit program and the RD or his designee keep records of the changes in the documentation.


NC 18001: 2005 (section 4.5.2)

Procedure PSST 00 04. Registration, investigation and information of accidents, breakdowns and incidents.

15. Requirements to guarantee the security of supplies

This Manual includes the procedure for the preventive action of the different buying and selling activities that guarantee the security of the supplies so that the solution of the activity requirements can be achieved, in the same way it includes the need to take into account the requirements to be included in the purchase and sale contracts so that the facility has the necessary mechanisms to claim non-compliance; In addition, this procedure establishes the responsibilities of the functional areas as the true counterpart of this process.


PSST 00 10 Commercial Security.

16. Security inspection

In our organization, a procedure is documented and implemented in which the general aspects are defined to carry out the control of the activity from the three established inspection levels including fire protection as well as incidents that may appear from the inspections carried out by other bodies. In the same way, the procedure of union inspection is established, the basis for the movement of protected areas in the Center.

This establishment establishes the format used to control the deficiencies detected and to eradicate or minimize the dangers, which are communicated to each of the areas and to the union representative for their prompt solution.


NC 18001: 2005 (section 4.5.1)

PSST 00 18 Measurement and monitoring of performance.

17. Control of personal protective equipment and fire protection means

For the acquisition and control of personal protective equipment, the procedure is defined, which according to the established methodology determines their needs by job positions based on the evaluation of the hazards associated with the activities carried out. such as incidents or accidents that provide new elements.

With regard to fire protection equipment, the needs are determined by the regulations or studies carried out in this regard.


PSST 00 02 Selection, Acquisition, use and conservation of PPE.

18. Training and Training

The hotel identifies, plans, monitors and records the training needs for staff, whose work may cause non-tolerable occupational hazards and / or significant environmental impacts. There are procedures for the training of employees in each relevant function and level so that they are aware of the policy, the non-tolerable occupational risks, aspects of the work environment that are significant, their functions and responsibilities in obtaining compliance. with the policy and procedures and, with the requirements of the SGSST.

The training plan is kept in the HR Department.

Training in occupational health and safety is developed taking into account the procedure that is documented in our facility. The main objective of this procedure is to guarantee the effective application of NC 702/2009 "Health and Safety at Work - Worker Training - General Requirements".

The Specialist attending the OSH activity is responsible for the maintenance of the training records. These records are periodically verified.

The competence of the personnel is determined by the area managers in accordance with the aforementioned procedure.

The health and safety activity budgets are drawn up by the economic area taking into account the proposal issued by the Human Resources Sub-Directorate and will be carried out annually, taking into account: the need for individual and collective means of protection, clothing and protective footwear for each position and the measures derived from the prevention plans during the process of evaluation and control of occupational hazards. In addition to the needs of equipment and means for fire protection.

The execution of the budget must be analyzed in the work meetings of the health and safety committee, where the causes of non-compliance must be analyzed in order to take the necessary measures.


NC 18001: 2005 (section 4.4.2)

PSST procedure 00 01 Training.

19. Communication and participation of the collective and the union organization

The hotel has and documented a mechanism for internal and external communication related to the SGSST in addition to occupational risks.

Communication received from external stakeholders is logged and responded to as appropriate. The information that the hotel communicates externally is also identified and recorded.

The opinion of the workers and the feedback on safety and health at work as part of the communication-consultation process makes it possible to know directly how the workers perceive the state of safety and working conditions in their center, so it is they stimulate those actions that facilitate this communication either informally or through the use of other techniques such as surveys, interviews, meetings and morning sessions. These opinions are collected in a dated document, making an action plan, with the commitment signed by whoever corresponds to the solution, and is made known to the workers at the first possible opportunity.

The facility should encourage participation in good OSH practices and support for its OSH policies and objectives from all those affected by its operations, through a process of consultation and communication.

Arrangements by which you consult and communicate relevant OSH information to workers and other stakeholders (eg contractors, visitors) should be documented and promoted.

This should include provisions that allow workers to be involved in the following processes:

ü consultation on policy development and review, development and review of OH&S objectives, and decisions on the implementation of processes and procedures for risk management, including conducting hazard identification, as well as reviewing risk assessments and control relevant to their own activities;

ü Consultation on changes that affect OSH in workplaces, such as the introduction of new or modified equipment, materials, chemicals, technologies, processes, and standard work procedures.

It is advised that workers are represented in OSH matters and are informed who their representative is and the person designated by the management.


NC 18001: 2005 (section 4.4.3)

Procedure PSST 00 17 Consultation and Communication

20. Safety in the design of new facilities

The facility must define the procedures necessary for preventive action in the different stages of implementation of the new investments that are planned to be made, so that they are planned to be made, so that it is established to act according to the regulations of the activity in question as well as collect the opinion of bosses and workers who can provide information about future action.

21. Health and Safety Management System Audits

Internal audits are carried out periodically to ensure that the SGSST is properly implemented and maintained. The procedure for conducting these audits is described in PSST 00 13 Internal Audits. The results are reported to Senior Management.

Internal audits are carried out in accordance with the ANNUAL internal audit program that is prepared, taking into account the importance for health and safety at work in the area to be audited and the result of previous audits.

The hotel uses qualified and duly trained auditors and the records of the results of the audits and of the audit programs are kept by the manager of the audit program, which may be the RD or another designated person.


NC 18001: 2005 (section 4.5.4)

NC 18011: 2005.

PSST 00 13 Internal Audits

22. Economic evaluation of safety and health

The economic evaluation of occupational health and safety is an indicator of the efficiency of the management system, as it is nothing more than the comparison of positive expenses (which include the purchase of means of protection, the expense in risk prevention, in the improvement of the working conditions, the maintenance of the fire and emergency systems, etc.) against the negative expenses that are the expenses incurred by the installation in payment of subsidies for work accidents, losses due to breakdowns, fires, etc… If the installation does not have negative expenses this gives an idea that the expenses incurred to avoid them have been necessary and profitable.

The economic evaluation of safety must be carried out once a year, for this, all the data provided by the human resources department must be analyzed in the board of directors, which together with the financial accounting area and other departments will previously elaborate during the course of the year. The top management can carry out semi-annual analyzes if it deems necessary taking into account that the results are not favorable.


NC 18001: 2005 (section 4.5.1)

Procedure PSST 00 18 Measurement and monitoring of performance related to economic evaluation.

23. Documentation and security records

This manual is the fundamental document of the SGSST. It refers to the documentation directly related to the system requirements and from there to the rest of the corresponding documentation.

All documentation is available at points of use where it is needed.

The RD and / or whoever it designates keep the original paper of the system documentation. They are responsible for providing any documents needed by the interested parties.

The hotel has established a procedure for the control of system documents. This procedure is documented through Procedure PSST 00 15. It describes where the documents can be located and how they are prepared, approved and reviewed. The application of this procedure ensures that the current versions of the documents are available at the points of use and that the obsolete versions are withdrawn or appropriately identified to avoid their unintended use.

The controlled and uncontrolled copies of the documents are distributed by the RD and / or by whoever he designates.

In turn, the hotel has established a procedure for the identification, maintenance and disposition of the SGSST records. This procedure is described using PSST 00 16 Registration and management of the registers. This process includes matters related to training records and the results of audits and management reviews. All records are recoverable and protected against damage, deterioration and loss. Each area keeps its own records.

The retention time for each record is established in the system documents.


NC 18001: 2005 (section 4.4.4)

NC 18001: 2005 (section 4.4.5)

NC 18001: 2005 (section 4.5.3)

PSST procedure 00 15 Control of documents and data.

Procedure PSST 00 16 Registration and management of records.

Occupational health and safety procedures manual for a hotel facility