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Manual of procedures and production processes in a company

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Manual of procedures and production processes in a company


The present work consists of the elaboration of a procedures manual using information supplied by the PLASKASA company in the areas of production, maintenance and transport. Subsequently, a detailed description of the production process will be made, as well as 4 different processes that take place today in said company, using the different diagnostic tools.

The elaboration of a manual of procedures is achieved by collecting relevant data in the different departments, and being advised by human resources who provide us with the necessary techniques for the achievement. This research also helps us to determine the different existing failures in these processes in order to be able to remedy them in a prompt and timely manner, before problems arise that may affect the productivity of the company.

3. Purpose of the Manual.

The purpose of this manual is to provide information on 4 different processes performed in PLASKASA. These manuals were produced by each department, in conjunction with the human resources unit, which is the one that supplies the methods for their development.

4. Historical Review.

The company Plásticos Kadia, SA (PLASKASA), began its operations on May 31, 1985, having as location 64 avenue with corner avenue 66, No. B6 and B7, Industrial Zone, in the city of Maracaibo, Zulia State. As established by the Commercial Registry No. 19, Volume 33, registered in the First Commercial Registry of the judicial district of the State of Zulia. With a subscribed capital of Bs. 3,000,000.00 and paid in Bs. 3,000,000.00. The current shareholders are: Mou Fan Fung Ng who subscribed and canceled 750 shares worth 1,000 Bolivars each, partner Mou Pui Fung Ng subscribed and canceled 750 shares of the company, partner Mou Shing Fung Ng subscribed and canceled 750 shares and partner Yuk Kan Fung Sien subscribed and canceled 750 shares of the company.It is important to highlight that the first three named shareholders are Venezuelans and the fourth is foreign but duly authorized by the Superintendency of Foreign Investments according to Permit No. S-9879, files No. 15,445 dated July 3, 1984.

This organization has 110 employees (currently), where a large part of the personnel make up the production unit; and in a small proportion in the area of ​​administrative management.

Plásticos Kadia SA's social objective is the manufacture of plastic bags, as well as all activities related to plastic.

PLASKASA, in its struggle to remain one of the main companies, producer of bags, is on the path towards excellence in the manufacture of this product; Through the updating of its management processes with the acquisition of new technology that allows it to be at the forefront in the market, satisfying the needs of consumers, whose demand encourages the product to be of better quality every day.

5. Mission

The Plasticos Kadia, SA factory's mission is to satisfy the needs of consumers through the manufacture of plastic bags of different sizes.

Using for this purpose high and low density polyethylene and colorants as fundamental raw material for the transformation process which will be carried out through the Extruder and Sealing-Packaging departments; all this based on the most modern approaches to quality, management and technology.

6. Vision

Plásticos Kadia, SA (PLASKASA) is a factory whose vision is to maintain its supremacy in the industrial sector by attracting and increasing the client portfolio.

Being the leading company in its field in the National Market, it will participate in the International Market satisfying the needs and demands of its customers, with products and services of the highest quality at competitive prices, using highly qualified human resources, the best inputs in technology. vanguard, to become a highly profitable company.

Cultivate an environment where all its workers are trained and motivated to develop their highest potential for productivity and creativity, so that those who work in it maintain commitment, loyalty and pride, thus achieving higher job satisfaction.

To be a company capable of meeting challenges with a dynamic structure that promotes investments with development potential and profitability.

Properly manage its resources, directing them towards respect for the environment and the improvement of society.

Contribute to the development of the country through its permanence in the national economic framework and its participation in the international market, acting in accordance with ethical principles and legal provisions ”.

7. Description of the Company.

Only a careful and creative look can discover something new in the obvious. The technology used is the latest available on the continent. Our processes are designed for continuous improvement, just as our professionals strive to be inspired and futuristic experts.

PLASKASA wants to base its philosophy on the richness of the human beings that give life to the team. We believe in the greatest wealth that comes from working as a community, as a team, with the dynamism provided by the variety of approaches, the plurality of ideas. We want the latter to be a main source of our innovative commitment.

This company is dedicated to the transformation of polytylene for daily and timely use (Plastic Bags) through the maximization of efforts and the use of resources. We aspire to always be experts in our client's business. PLASKASA's strategy is to provide the best service up close, because only there can we understand their challenges and offer our experience based on reality. Loyalty, commitment and close ties with our clients and their problems allow us to know and project together with them.

To achieve that between each client and us there are answers, fresh and original solutions, we seek to cultivate a fruitful complicity with them. A link that allows new perspectives at the time of challenges and challenges.

The point where we seek to produce innovation is where our experience intersects with our clients' need for solutions. This is where the vision we have can produce lasting results.

Process of making bags with images.

* Extrusion: Processing the raw material. This would be the first stage in any process that requires sleeves or sheets of high and low density polyethylene in addition to monoriented polypropylene, whether for printing, laminating, trimming, sealing or dispatch. We have a large number of extruders capable of generating more than 200 tons per month, our workforce is trained to meet the demands of the market both in high-quality polyethylene (sleeves or high-resistance sheets, commercial measures, t-shirt bags, etc..), low (heavy duty sleeves, gusseted sleeves, special sheets, heat shrink sheets, etc.) such as polypropylene (sleeves and sheets).

* Design: Creativity and image. In this stage, together with the ideas and / or sketches proposed to the client, the image of the product is elaborated; For this we have modern state-of-the-art computer equipment and a team of designers, who will develop proposals to satisfy the most demanding tastes. In turn, they will draw up the design plan, which consists of the separation of colors to be used and their distribution in a mechanical plane, as well as the gain of points, the level of curves, the percentage of colors in trichomies and quadricomies.

* Filming: Making the map. The finished and color-separated design is shot on silver aluminum films, called negatives; This is where the density and angle of the screens is controlled, as well as their respective emulsion.

* Pre - Press: Materializing ideas. When the film arrives in this area, the person in charge of the Pre-Press reviews the imperfections that the design or negatives may have. Together for a more exhaustive verification an additional process is carried out called cromachek; This consists of a filming of the color sheets through which the superposition of the colors of the element to be printed is verified, fixing the drawings of the films by exposing both in ultraviolet light.

* Once this is approved, we proceed with the burning of the plates, which is very similar to cromachek; only photosensitive polymers (cliches) are used instead. In this way, the different engravings and screens that are needed for the final Flexo-Printing process are obtained.

* Assembly: Accuracy and precision. The plates or cylinders properly finished, are measured in thickness to see their uniformity. In view of this, they are placed in the cylinders or sleeves to be used in flexographic machines. The precision of these must be total, the slightest error could cause us a bad synchronization of colors at the time of printing. We are sure of the capacity of our assemblers, but we are aware that the needs of our clients come first; therefore, we make use of a micro-point mounter / test remover.

* Nuanced: Adding color to life. The toner is the person in charge of providing the ink in the necessary colors and shades, through the use of properly calibrated pantoneras and colorimeters. In turn, it determines which ink is the most appropriate for its use, with respect to internal or external printing products.

* Flexo - Printing: Technology and skill. This is the last stage as far as printing is concerned, for this we have flexo-printers of four, six and up to eight colors; that complemented with qualified personnel allow us to deliver a product of the highest image quality in the shortest possible time.

* Quality control: 100% requirement. The meticulous control that is applied in the different production processes, make Plaskasa one of the most competent in the plastic industry. The experience gained over the years is the basis for guaranteeing optimum quality in your products.

* Laminate: Joining our forces. Once the printed product is destined for this area, it proceeds to the lamination, which is the union of two or more sheets, usually a sheet printed with another (s) without printing by means of an adhesive. Once glued, the product must be at rest for a minimum of three days, to ensure perfect adhesion between these sheets. A laminated container has several virtues, such as: greater resistance in use, prolonged conservation time of the packed product, etc.

* Cut: Fair proportions to your work measure. The rolls of the products in process coming out of extrusion, printing and laminating, are taken to this area to give the final measurement in width, direction, cutting tension and exact diameter; In addition, other defects that the final product may present are corrected, such as bad tension, encartuchamiento and telescopeo. Our trimmers can reach a cutting speed of 400 meters per minute.

* Sealed: The final touch. This is the last process to take place in our plant, the installed capacity to seal different types of materials (polyethylene, polypropylene and bopp), the variety of sealers for different types of seals (bottom, side, patch with die, t-shirt, etc.) and our properly trained sealers, guarantee that your product will be delivered, according to your requirements, both in quantity and quality.

8. Objectives of the Company.

* Investigating the market with respect to the distribution channels of this business are of a direct nature because it is essential to achieve contact with the client in order to reach an agreement on the price, payment method and delivery point.

* Develop a strategic plan to expand production and meet the demand of the international market.

* Recruit 80 more vendors, in order to meet the growing demand.

* Develop new training plans, since there are new standards of hygiene and industrial safety, and thus reduce the number of accidents at work.

9. Company Policies.

* The form of payment is by deposit on account, or with a cashier's check only.

* The shipment is made upon receipt of the deposit, when the order is shipped, a copy of the bill of lading is sent to you by e-mail, so that you can certify that the shipment has already been made and you can follow up on the package with those of the courier.

* The company will provide employees with the necessary training for handling extrusion and sealing equipment.

* The company will provide employees with the appropriate material for the execution of their activities.

12. General description of the processes


This unit is in charge of recruiting and developing the organization's personnel in order to successfully compete in a sustained manner over time, through plans, processes and practices aligned with the organizational strategy for creating values.

Likewise, to support the operating units in the permanent process of adaptation to the different markets in search of maximum competitiveness in each one of them.

In the same way, guarantee that all the people in the organization can efficiently apply all their individual capacities, obtaining the maximum benefit from them, through a set of policies and management schemes that also contribute to making people feel more integrated, motivated and committed. with the objectives of the organization.


The unit of purchase and sales perform the main activity of any organization, it depends on it that the portfolio of customers and suppliers is increasing.

This unit prepares sales and purchasing policies, which help to foresee the contracting conditions in order to favor the optimization of production plans.

Its objective is to establish and strengthen contacts in the first place with customers, being responsible for fully identifying their requirements and properly expressing it in the production order and secondly with the suppliers who supply the appropriate raw material that will help the manufacture of a quality product.

On the other hand, the unit is responsible for monitoring the proper functioning of the distribution network so that the products do not deteriorate before being purchased by the customer.

The sales-purchasing unit is also responsible for the precise identification of demand, in order to help optimize the planning and scheduling of production processes.

Each of these activities leads the unit to be able to systematize the performance of the competition, in order to provide feedback on the pricing and financing policies offered by the organization to customers.


The transport unit has the function of managing its personnel, which includes drivers and mechanics, as well as coordinating and drawing up agreements with other companies that facilitate distribution processes nationwide.

As a fundamental strategy, the unit coordinates its operations with the rest of the departmental units, which guarantees the success of its efforts.

In turn, said unit prepares the maintenance and repair schedules for the mobile units, which are used to meet the department's objective, which is nothing more than the efficient and effective distribution of the product that is produced by the company.


This unit is in charge of the measurement, identification, accumulation, analysis, preparation, interpretation, and communication of financial information that will be used by the administration to plan, evaluate and control within an organization. It is also in charge of preparing financial reports that will be used by management for decision-making within the organization.

The comptroller and treasury unit, like the other units of the organization, have their specific functions, within it the accounting records that need to be made so that the company can operate are managed. The most common operations carried out in this unit are: payroll registration, raw material purchase record and product sale, as well as calculations of costs, expenses and taxes and preparation of financial statements that will be used by management.

On the other hand, it manages relations with investors, banking procedures, credits and collection and risk management, which are key for an organization. This unit is the center of the financial and operational affairs of PLASKASA, since it handles the accounting field, where the economic situation of the company is disclosed.



The production unit is one of the most complex, it involves the essence of the organization as it is, the manufacture of a product that meets the needs of consumers.

In fact, a product needs a specific procedure, which must take into account the production capacity of the organization, for this the unit manages the preparation of plans where the guidelines relating to the orientation of the change processes that must be established are established. generate in operations, likewise, uses production programs which constitute a set of objectives and actions aimed at the execution of the standards contained in the plan.

It is important to note that to carry out a production process, the combination of machinery must be analyzed since it allows reducing production costs, wasting time and raw materials, as well as helping to deliver the finished product on time.

The design of the product is also part of the operations carried out by this unit, where the characteristics and requirements of the client are described and specified at the time of making the product.

The production unit carries out the maintenance schedules of the machinery, which allows foreseeing possible abnormalities in the operation of the equipment. In the same way, it is in charge of the analysis of the physical inventories, where the stocks in warehouse are verified either of the raw material to determine the orders (purchase orders) that must be made for the supply of the same, or of the finished products which defines the ability to meet market needs.

Another of the activities of this unit is the evaluation of stocks of spare parts and tools, which supports the production schedules to avoid the stoppage of the production process due to a shortage of parts or utensils.

Likewise, a record of the daily operations of the department is carried out, used to rule out any failure that prevents the proper functioning of the machinery.


The central objective of this unit is to guarantee that the processes carried out by the organization lead to the elaboration of a product or provision of services that truly satisfy the needs and expectations of its internal and external clients.

This implies that all the functions and processes of the organization operate together in order to achieve continuous improvement of the goods and services offered therein. In this regard, the company must demonstrate its commitment at all hierarchical levels, in order to achieve the established goals.

The quality control unit is in charge of supervising the activities carried out in each of the divisions, this helps the organization to operate effectively.

For this, it is necessary for the unit to prepare a planning where the requirements or characteristics to be controlled in each of the units are established, establishing policies and strategies that are later reviewed through control methods, thus identifying any failure that could affect the system.

Another function is the verification of the production process which is carried out by supervising each and every one of the product processing stages, in order to make the pertinent adjustments to avoid any defect; this depending on the results obtained being 100% reliable.

13. Description of the Procedure 1.

Faulty workstation maintenance process.

* Step 1: A request is made to the technical support department.

* Step 2: The Technician (computer engineer) examines the components of the computer.

* Step 3: Ask the maintenance manager for the parts.

* Step 4: The maintenance manager does an inventory review to see if the parts are in stock.

* Step 5: If the parts do not exist, prepare a purchase order for the parts needed.

* Step 6: A purchase order is delivered to the motorized vehicle to proceed to locate the parts.

* Step 7: The motorized delivers the new parts to the maintenance department.

* Step 8: The accounting clerk records the invoice in the accounting.

* Step 9: The maintenance manager lets the technician know that the parts are in stock.

* Step 10: The technician proceeds to change them.

* Step 11: Check that nothing is missing and that everything is in order.

* Step 12: End of the process.

14. General Description of the Process 2.

Assembly process of a welding machine.

* Step 1: The maintenance technician locates a place according to the requirements where to install the machine.

* Step 2: Preventive maintenance is performed on the machine.

* Step 3: The electrician makes the relevant electrical connections.

* Step 4: The maintenance technician makes a review of the parts that make up the welding machine, if any are missing, it is requested to the maintenance warehouse.

* Step 5: The maintenance technician assembles the welding machine.

* Step 6: The electrician checks that the electrical installation is correct, if not, make the relevant adjustments.

* Step 7: The maintenance technician checks that the machine is assembled and installed correctly, if not, the whole process is restarted.

* Step 8: End of the process.

15. General Description of the Process 3.

Credit application process to banks.

* Step 1: The client collects the required information and issues a credit application.

* Step 2: The data is received, studied and verified by the control and treasury unit.

* Step 3: Comptroller prepares a credit report based on verified data.

* Step 4: The report is sent and received by the administration and finance management to make the decision, which if negative, the data is reviewed again.

* Step 5: Upon approval of the request, the administration and finance management define the policies and standards to be followed by the client.

* Step 6: Management draws up the contract and it is delivered to the client.

* Step 7: End of the process.

16. General Description of the Process 4.

Transportation process.

* Step 1: The transport order is taken.

* Step 2: Warehouse operators locate the finished products requested.

* Step 3: Warehouse operators pack the merchandise in a suitable way so that it does not spoil on the way to the end customer.

* Step 4: The route to be followed by transport is determined.

* Step 5: The order is taken to the delivery truck.

* Step 6: The exit order is signed.

* Step 7: End of the process.


It can be concluded that procedure manuals are essential for the processes of a company, since without them valuable time is wasted, as well as many resources, both financial and human, are wasted.

The domain of diagnostic tools, such as flowcharts, is very important for process managers to be clear about it, since it is the one most used for this task, as well as process diagrams.

This develops awareness for senior management, to implement training programs in the different departments (especially in human resources) for training in the development of procedure manuals, in order to have a guide in case something fails in the process. productive, since that is the fundamental purpose of its preparation. Let's hope they realize what an invaluable treasure they are for any organization.

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Manual of procedures and production processes in a company