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Process mapping and its impact

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In the business world, for a company to be successful in addition to implementing strategies that allow them to achieve their objectives and offer a quality product that meets the needs of customers, it is necessary that its processes are well standardized and comply with the requirements necessary for each of the activities to be carried out efficiently. Process mapping is an essential tool to improve productivity, detect improvements in activities carried out on a daily basis, as well as determine the responsibilities of each collaborator in the processes. This will result in good management of the organization's resources, in addition to ensuring compliance with the established objectives in a timely manner.

Basic concepts


According to the Royal Spanish Academy, the term “map” means “to locate and graphically represent the relative distribution of the parts of a whole; like genes on chromosomes. Transfer conceptual systems or structures to a map ”(Real Academia Española, nd)

Mapping refers to the "realization of a map or set of elements of the same type or category that have a specific spatial distribution." (Oxford Dictionaries, nd)

Based on the previous definitions, the term mapping can be interpreted as a way to graphically represent components, activities, structures, among others.


"Processing or set of operations to which a thing is subjected to elaborate or transform it" (Oxford Dictionaries, nd)

"Set of the successive phases of a natural phenomenon or an artificial operation." (Royal Spanish Academy, nd)

The execution of a business process consumes material and / or human resources to add value to its result. The inputs are the raw materials, products or services from internal and external suppliers that feed the process. Outputs are products or services that meet the needs of internal and external customers. (Drive your company, yes)

A process is understood to be the set of activities and / or operations carried out to transform a resource into a product. This process can be natural or artificial, that is, created for a specific purpose.

Process mapping

A process mapping is a set of graphs, useful to give clarity to the operation of an organization, which improves communication at the three levels (managerial, tactical, operational) and establishes roles and responsibilities to execute activities in line with the strategic objectives. (Brieño, 2013)

Illustration 1 Communication on three levels.

Communication on three levels

Based on the previous definition, process mapping is an activity that allows to represent and graphically describe the processes carried out in organizations, as well as the operational flow and its interrelation with other processes.

One of the main objectives of process mapping is to identify all activities, roles and the transformation of inputs into products or results.

In addition to being able to detect the activities that are involved within each process, the mapping allows to measure through indicators the performance of each process in relation to the activities and tasks involved. In this way, it is possible to estimate the designated resource and the costs involved in its execution, in addition to reducing risks.

Process mapping function

The main function of process mapping is that organizations can standardize their work, clearly identifying the responsibilities of the roles that participate in the company.

As there is a control in the operation and improving the way in which value is generated, it is guaranteed that the tasks and activities are carried out efficiently in accordance with the company's rules to achieve the objectives pursued.

Among the main functions of process mapping are:

Illustration 2 Main functions of process mapping.

Main functions of process mapping

In addition to the main functions mentioned, process mapping serves to:

  • Detect current and future needs of consumers Involve company staff and know their responsibilities Manage resources and tasks as processes Detect competitive advantages Provide unity and direction.

Information gathering for process mapping

Among the most common options for carrying out process mapping are:

Illustration 3 Options for the collection of information in the mapping of processes.

Options for the collection of information in the mapping of processes.

Mapping, analysis and process improvement techniques

There are a large number of techniques to carry out the mapping of processes, however there are three essential techniques to be able to detect the elements that make up each process, as well as the improvements that can be implemented in the short, medium and long term.

Mapping, analysis and process improvement techniques

5W1H Technique

The 5W1H technique is one of the most used to detect the components that participate in the process, the initials of the word refer to words in English:

  1. What (What) Where (Where) Who (Who) When (When) Why (Why) How (How)

This technique is based on answering a series of questions, which can vary according to the specifications of the process. Once the process is known and problems have been detected, be it activities, critical times or relationship between roles, the next point is to formulate strategies to solve the problem.

GUT Matrix Technique

It is a technique used to assign priorities to the problems identified in the processes, each initial has a meaning:

  • G ravity: The degree of loss if letters are not taken in the matter. U rgencia: That would happen if action is not taken immediately. T rends: projection represents that deterioration if solutions are postponed.

Classification of processes

In order to carry out the mapping of processes, it is essential to detect the total number of processes in the organization, as well as their type in order to show the relationship in each of them.

Illustration 4 Classification of processes.

Process classification

Key processes

They are those main processes in which the primary tasks of the business are carried out, that is, those that have the greatest impact on customer satisfaction.

The key processes are characterized by being directly related to the mission of the company. The activities carried out consume a large part of the resources since the fulfillment of the needs and requirements of the consumers depends on them. The optimization and improvement of these processes is crucial for the organization to be competitive and can contribute to the achievement of strategic objectives, as well as the organizational mission and vision.

In order to detect the key processes, it is necessary to determine and understand the needs of consumers through direct contact or through satisfaction surveys.

Support processes

Support processes are those that provide resources and support to key processes, that is, within this classification are most of the internal processes of the organization that do not belong to other groups.

Although the results of this type of process are not obtained directly by consumers, they are essential for the key processes to function correctly, in such a way that they are also very important for the achievement of common objectives.

Strategic processes

In this classification are those processes in charge of managing the relationship of the organization with its environment, as well as the way in which decisions about improvements and company planning are determined.

These types of processes are carried out by the management and will be documented together with diagrams and detailed description of the tasks that make them up to take control actions and continuous improvement based on this.

Process representation

Once the processes have been identified and classified, it is important to represent them appropriately, for this there are some tools that allow a simple view of the processes, as well as the activities that comprise them.

Turtle diagram

It is a diagram widely used in internal and external audits, since they describe the inputs, outputs and the means to measure the process, the diagram is based on the shape of a turtle, in which four legs are used to capture four key questions:

  • With whom? With what? How? How many?

The head and tail of the turtle are used to shape questions regarding process inputs (to be received) and process outputs (what to deliver to meet expectations), finally, the shell is used to shape the name of the process.

The turtle diagram is commonly used in the automotive (ISO / TS 16949), food (ISO 22000), aerospace (AS9100C) and general (ISO 9001) industries.

The tool has the ability to detect six key aspects:

Key Aspects Turtle Diagram

  • Inputs: Represents internal and external customer requirements Outputs: Process results (data, final product, statistical data, satisfaction of customer needs) What: Represents those non-human resources essential for the function of the processes Who: Those human resources necessary to complete each process How: Those necessary operational controls Measures: Represents the performance indicators that modem the success or failure of the processes.

Illustration 5

Turtle diagram

SIPOC diagram

It is a tool used in the field of 6sigma and in process management, which allows to visualize the processes in an easy way while identifying each of the parts that participate in said process, its name comes from the acronym in English S upplier - I nputs - P rocess - O utputs - C ustomers.

Illustration 6 Components of the SIPOC Diagram.

Components of the SIPOC Diagram

  • Suppliers: Those people who grant a resource to the process Input (inputs, resources): Everything that is necessary to carry out the process (human resources, material, information) Process (Processes): Task group that transform inputs into outputs, providing them with added value. Output (Output, product): Final product, that is, what is delivered according to the requested order. Customer (client): They represent those people who receive the final result of the process, It is important to emphasize that the goal is customer satisfaction.

The SIPOC diagram is of great help to be able to graphically capture the following aspects:

  • Quality included in the process (raw materials, external information, among others). Quality of what is done in the process (result of each of the tasks, as well as the relationship with the others).

Symbols used to make a process map

In process mapping, various symbols are used to represent connections, processes, interactions, among other actions, these symbols must be compatible with the context and the message to be transmitted.

Symbol Name Description

Block arrow

It is also used in the value chain and is used to represent processes or groupings of processes. It can be used in various positions to collect processes of all kinds, but above all, strategic and auxiliary.

Rectangle or box

It is used to define processes. Its use is frequent in linear maps and in the deployment of processes.


Its function is the same as that of the rectangle which is to symbolize a process.


It is used to indicate connection or relationship between processes. It denotes the existing links between two or more processes, indicating the direction of advance.

Dotted arrow

It is used to denote a conditional connection of processes. It is commonly used when the link between processes is not immediate (one process does not necessarily lead to another) as the relationship is subject to the fulfillment of certain circumstances. (These conditions can be marked in parallel with the arrow).

Distributor box

It is commonly used to simplify the number of lines, avoid crossings, or mark all possible relationships. A table with arrows is used to help in relational distribution and its use is discretionary.

Key elements in process mapping

Illustration 7 Key elements in process mapping.

Key elements in process mapping

  • Supplier: It is the person or organization that delivers an input, it can be internal or external to the company Input: These are all inputs or products of other processes, whether internal or external, which are necessary to carry out the activities and tasks of a current process. Activity: It is the set of tasks which are related and interrelated, its execution contributes to the fulfillment of a certain function. Output: It is the product or service resulting from the activities carried out in the process that is directed to customers. Client: Represented by that organization or person who receives the product, it can be internal or external to the organization.

Process maps

A process map is defined as a graphical representation of the processes carried out in a company. It is important to mention that it is a global representation of the processes, not individual of each one of them. The process maps are classified into:

Conventional process map

The most common, since it is made up of strategic, operational and auxiliary processes. The strategic processes are located at the top, the operational ones in the center where the value chain is also represented and the support processes at the bottom.

On the left side are the customer requirements that represent those inputs of those products and services that are intended to be generated and on the right side is customer satisfaction, which represents those goals to be achieved by the company.

Illustration 8 Conventional process map.

Conventional process map

Formal process map

This type of process map arises as a consequence of the classification suggested by ISO, since it is usually used in organizations certified with ISO 9001.

  • Processes for management activities For the realization of the product Resource provision processes Measurement Analysis and improvement

On the map, the processes must be ordered in a spatial and logical arrangement, aligned with the fundamental principles of the standard.

Illustration 9 Formal process map.

Formal process map

Linear process map

This type of map is based on flow diagrams to be able to represent each of the processes in the company, each rectangle represents a process and unlike the flow diagram, it generally lacks the rhombus that represents decision making.

Illustration 10 Example of a linear process map in shoe manufacturing.

Linear process map

Example of a linear process map in shoe manufacturing

Benefits of process mapping

The implementation of process mapping in organizations, in addition to allowing each of the processes that are carried out in the company to be detected and being able to view them in a simple way, brings great benefits since, in addition to capturing the total actions that are carried out, it is possible to visualize the relationships between them.

Among the main benefits are:

Illustration 11 Main benefits of process mapping.

Main benefits of process mapping

  • Align the company towards its strategic objectives: It allows the organization to have a transparent process operation model in its operations, in addition to having a business model that generates reliable information for decision-making and measuring the performance of each process and responsible for it to ensure compliance with the established goals. Effective organizational structure: Allows the organization to have well-defined functions and processes in a value chain with suppliers and customers. Alignment of roles and responsibilities: Better control in the processes of the organization as there is an improvement in the flow of information on the main functions of the company, as well as the correct identification of roles and responsibilities Communication of objectives and scope of each process:There is clear communication of goals and objectives. Establishment of operating policies.Effective operating flow: Establishment of service levels between customers, suppliers, as well as performance indicators of each of the processes, in the same way, opportunities for improvement and corrections are identified.Operation control to effectively manage the organization: It generates opportunities for the organization by detecting areas for improvement through new projects or through corrections, in addition to giving rise to continuous improvement.Similarly, opportunities for improvement and corrections are identified. Operational control to effectively direct the organization: It generates opportunities for the organization by detecting areas for improvement through new projects or through corrections, in addition to giving rise to continuous improvement.Similarly, opportunities for improvement and corrections are identified. Operational control to effectively direct the organization: It generates opportunities for the organization by detecting areas for improvement through new projects or through corrections, in addition to giving rise to continuous improvement.


Process mapping is a very important tool for organizations. In addition to detecting the processes that are carried out daily in your operations, with process mapping it is possible to determine the roles that are involved in each process and the responsibilities of each role for the fulfillment of the established goals.

Having a detailed overview of the processes allows the organization to standardize so that all personnel know and understand the guidelines that must be followed for common objectives. Similarly, it is possible to detect areas of opportunity and continuous improvement in the organization.


  • Alteco. (sf). Alteco consultants development and management. Obtained from Process Map. Manage the Processes: https://www.aiteco.com/origen-del-mapa-de-procesos/Brieño, M. (March 30, 2013). SlideShare. Obtained from Process mapping: https://es.slideshare.net/mabrieno/mapeo-de-procesos-curso-1Conduce your company. (October 09, 2018). Drive your business. Obtained from What is a process mapping? - Benefits of process mapping: https://blog.conducetuempresa.com/2018/10/que-es-un-mapeo-de-procesos.html Conduct your company. (sf). Drive your business. Obtained from What is a process mapping? - Benefits of process mapping: https://blog.conducetuempresa.com/2018/10/que-es-un-mapeo-de-procesos.html Herrera, W. (February 20, 2009). Slideshare. Obtained from Process Management: https: //es.slideshare.net / Willy256 / mapping-of-processes-1052895 Oliveira, W. (June 28, 2017). Heflo. Obtained from What is process mapping? Learn about the benefits: https://www.heflo.com/es/blog/mapeo-procesos/que-es-el-mapeo-de-procesos/Oxford Dictionaries. (sf). Spanish Oxford Dictionaries. Obtained from Process: https://es.oxforddictionaries.com/definicion/procesoOxford Dictionaries. (sf). Spanish Oxford Living Dictionaries. Obtained from Mapeo: https://es.oxforddictionaries.com/definicion/mapeoPacheco, J. (December 8, 2017). Heflo. Obtained from How to map processes step by step in 11 simple steps: https://www.heflo.com/es/blog/mapeo-procesos/mapear-procesos-paso-a-paso/Pacheco, J. (November 29, 2017). Heflo. Obtained from 3 mapping, analysis and process improvement techniques: https: //www.heflo.com / es / blog / mapping-processes / techniques-mapping-analysis-improvement-processes / Royal Spanish Academy. (sf). Dictionary of the Spanish Language. Obtained from Process: https://dle.rae.es/?id=UFbxsxzReal Academia Española. (sf). Dictionary of the Spanish Language. Obtained from Mapear: https://dle.rae.es/?id=OJv1tf7Rincón, A. (June 16, 2017). Gestiopolis. Obtained from Definition and phases of the Process Scope Mapping: https://www.gestiopolis.com/definicion-fases-del-mapeo-alcance-procesos/Softgrade. (sf). Softgrade. Obtained from How to do a process mapping? Retrieved from: https://softgrade.mx/como-hacer-un-mapeo-de-procesos/Vázquez, Y. (June 6, 2014). University Column. Obtained from What is a process mapping and what is it for ?: http://yeux.com.mx/ColumnaUniversitaria/que-es-y-para-que-sirve-un-mapeo-de-procesos/Vázquez, Y.(June 6, 2014). University column. Obtained from What is a process mapping and what is it for ?:
Process mapping and its impact