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Theoretical framework of organizational change

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Organizational Change is defined as: the ability of organizations to adapt to the different transformations suffered by the internal or external environment, through learning. Another definition would be: the set of structural order variations that organizations suffer and that translate into a new organizational behavior.

Changes originate from the interaction of forces, these are classified as:

  • Endogenous: are those that come from within the organization, arise from the analysis of organizational behavior and are presented as alternative solutions, representing equilibrium conditions, creating the need for structural change; An example of these is technological adaptations, change in methodological strategies, changes in directives, etc. Exogenous: those that come from outside the organization, creating the need for internal order changes, are signs of this force: Government decrees, quality standards, limitations in the environment (both physical and economic).

Many of the alterations that are translated into forces do not always result in a change of structural order, for example the change of paint in the factory, the exchange of offices, when this happens we are in the presence of Generic Changes. Another factor to consider is that if the changes originate a new behavior, it must have a permanent character, otherwise it could be in the presence of a reflex act, the above is expressed to bring up learning, all changes must go hand in hand with the learning, such is the relationship that many of the authors consider that change and learning are synonymous words, we are of the opinion that learning is any permanent change in behavior that occurs as a product of the interaction of experiences,It is important in our opinion to synthesize this paragraph with the following sentences:

  • Learning involves changes. There is learning when behavior changes are observed. The changes must be permanent, otherwise it could have been originated by an instinct.

Organizational Changes arise from the need to break with the existing balance, to transform it into another much more profitable financially speaking, in this transformation process at first as already said, the forces must break with the balance, interacting with other forces that They try to oppose, (Resistance to Change) that is why when an organization considers a change, it must involve a set of tasks to try to minimize this interaction of forces, within these we could list the following:

  • Make the members of the organization participate democratically in the planning process Have suitable staff Train staff or in many cases encourage them to prepare Raise awareness among the members of the organization about the impact of change and the negative consequences of not implementing them.

Development and Identification of the Situation of Change

In relation to the Casa de la Cultura »Héctor Guillermo Villalobos», we have as a relevant fact the receipt of an official letter from the Directorate of Culture of the Bolívar State, where the change of parameters of the evaluation of training activities is reported, such changes were:

  • Presentation of at least 4 shows during the year. Formation of Groups belonging to the House and that serve as consideration for the contributions made by the Government. Accountability to the Department of Decentralization. Consolidation of the headquarters.

As an immediate consequence of this correspondence, an organizational conflict occurs, based on the following judgments:

  • The House of Culture «HGV», has been working under a premise of Formative Culture in opposition to the Culture of the Show, it is for them that it is emphasized in the research processes; In the different courses, for example, music, it is designed to be attended by a considerable number of participants, it is not charged, nor are entrance exams presented, it does not include that the participants are virtuous, only that they have a solid training and that deprives the criterion that the young person is separated from leisure. The activities that take place have as their north the delivery of accounts for the development of two major acts, one in July and the other in December, that is, the painting course exposes their works In these two acts, the Government usually only subsidizes a single program.Delivering accounts on the contribution to the Directorate of Decentralization implies keeping a considerable set of precautions that were already understood by the Directorate of Culture. One of the north that had been raised by the Directive of the House of Culture was: «… that of being an institution without doors, or windows,…… but rather a traveling institution… »having a headquarters would only help to be like a location reference, that is why many of the workshops were held outside of the headquarters.but rather an itinerant institution… »having a headquarters would only help to be a reference of location, that is why many of the workshops were held outside the headquarters.but rather an itinerant institution… »having a headquarters would only help to be a reference of location, that is why many of the workshops were held outside the headquarters.

Once, aware of the changes in the guidelines, and encountered resistance, the Board decrees the realization of a day of Reflection on where you want to go, in which most of the partners, the entire board, instructors and friends of the House, in this Conference all the edges of these new guidelines were visualized and the following agreements were reached:

  • A headquarters should not be just a management site, on the contrary it should be a space solid enough to become an obligatory reference when undertaking the search for cultural action, for this reason it was undertaken to give free advice on Regional History, Action Research, etc., a set of dates should be included in the calendar of festivities that, although not closely linked to cultural action, are present in the idiosyncrasy of the Venezuelan (Mother's Day, Father's Day, Father's Day). the Virgin Coromoto, Children's Day, etc.) but also to celebrate with acts the days of Poetry, Plastic Artist, Birth of the Poet, etc. Finally, you can plan the Celebration of more than the four acts requested by the GEB. Proceed to hire a musical advisor to stimulate this area,in order to form a string ensemble called Jagüey and encourage the Voices Choir to have more presentations. One of the partners undertook to collaborate in the administrative part to design the necessary forms for the control and filing of the collections for accountability.All if not most of the workshops were designed to be given at headquarters.Activities should be planned to give quantifiable sub-products, so that they can be adapted to the new guidelines of the Directorate of Culture.All, if not most, of the workshops were designed to be given at the headquarters. Activities should be planned to give quantifiable sub-products, so that they can be adapted to the new guidelines of the Directorate of Culture.All, if not most, of the workshops were designed to be given at the headquarters. Activities should be planned to give quantifiable sub-products, so that they can be adapted to the new guidelines of the Directorate of Culture.

As can be seen, in the proposed situation there are all the characteristics that make us presume that we are in the presence of a situation of Change, also observing that learning occurs, the characteristics are:

  • The interaction of forces occurred, it is important to express that the force that originates the Change can be considered exogenous, it was broken with the balance, with the appearance of that exogenous force, it faces that of the Resistance, represented in that of The values, beliefs of the members of the House of Culture. It is reasoned, analyzed and concluded, this characteristic is personalized in the Day of Reflection. A new behavior is presented.

Another situation that resembles a situation of Organizational Change, is the one that occurred when the Federation of Athenaeums of Venezuela, sent them a correspondence where they were urged to implement WEB Pages and the use of E-Mail, despite that a resistance force personalized by the values ​​and beliefs of the Board was also observed, but what I deprived was the fact that implementing this measure represented a very expensive investment.

Theoretical framework of organizational change