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Strategic matrices of the communal property police station of san pedro huamelula mexico


The San Pedro Huamelula Communal Property Commissioner is a local government institution to direct and control the rights and obligations of the community members of the 14 communities belonging to the Commissioner, in addition to being in charge of safeguarding the communal lands of the region.

The analysis of the internal factors of the communal property commissioner of San Pedro Huamelula are important, since from these it is possible to analyze the threats, opportunities, weaknesses and strengths with which those of the general assembly of community members are involved to generate your market and can be carried out by means of a matrix, since it is a very useful tool for analysis, and allows you to compare all those elements that may influence it and at the same time allows you to take improvement strategies.

In the following work the analysis of the communal property commissioner of San Pedro Huamelula was carried out, by means of different tools for the analysis of internal and external factors such as the MEFI, MEFE, SWOT, MCPE matrices, these tools will allow us to see the weaknesses and strengths of the commissary system, in terms of internal and external factors of the sustainable development of the community producing and marketing.

This activity allows to strengthen the research work for the communal property commissioner, for the development of investment projects, allowing at the same time that the knowledge acquired in the subject Administration Seminar is applied in the development of an integrative consulting project.

It remains at the disposal of criticism for improvement and suggestions that can strengthen the team integrating project by the professor and that allows us a better understanding for the benefit of the same.

1.- Description of the matrices

Information on the general description of all input matrices, adequacy matrices and decision matrix is ​​presented below.

1.1.- Input matrices

Stage one called inputs summarizes the basic information you must have to formulate strategies. The formulation framework is composed of a matrix MEFE, MEFI, MPC.

Internal factor evaluation matrix (MEFI)

It is an instrument for formulating strategies, summarizes and evaluates the most important strengths and weaknesses within the functional areas of a business and also offers a basis for identifying and evaluating the relationships between these areas.

  1. Identify the most important SWOT strengths and weaknesses of the organization and with them make a clear list of the detailed procedure Assign a weight ranging from 0.0 (not important) to 1.0 (of great importance) to each factor, and take into account that the The sum of these weights should add up to 1.0 this to be more certain and offer a coherent percentage figure Make a classification from one to four to indicate if said variable presents: an important weakness (one), A minor weakness (two), A minor strength (three), An Important Strength (4). Multiply the weight of each factor by its ranking to establish the weighted result for each variable. Add the weighted results for each variable to determine the weighted result for an organization.Regardless of the number of factors to be included, the total weighted result can range from a low result of 1.0 to a high result of 4.0, with 2.5 being the average result. Results greater than 2.5 indicate an organization with an internal position source, while those below 2.5 indicate an organization with internal weaknesses.

External factors evaluation matrix (MEFE)

External Factors Assessment Matrix (EFE) The External Factors Assessment Matrix (EFE) enables strategists to summarize and evaluate economic, social, cultural, demographic, environmental, political, governmental, legal, technological, and competitive information.

Steps for the construction of an EFE matrix

  1. Make a list of critical or determining factors for success identified in the external audit process. Cover a total of between ten and twenty factors, including both opportunities and threats that affect the company and its industry. On this list, list the opportunities first, then the threats. Be as specific as possible, using percentages, ratios, and comparative figures where possible. Weight indicates the relative importance of that factor in achieving success in the company's industry. Opportunities tend to carry higher weights than threats, but threats, in turn, can carry higher weights if they are especially serious or threatening.Appropriate weights can be determined by comparing competitors who are successful with those who are not, or by looking at the factor as a group and reaching a consensus. The sum of all the weights assigned to the factors should add up to 1.0 Assign a rating of 1 to 4 to each of the determining factors for success in order to indicate whether the present strategies of the company are responding effectively to the factor, where 4 = a superior answer, 3 = an above-average answer, 2 = a medium answer, and 1 = a bad answer. Ratings are based on the effectiveness of the company's strategies. Thus, the ratings are company-based, while the weights in Step 2 are industry-based. Multiply the weight of each factor by its rating to get a weighted rating.Add the weighted scores for each of the variables to determine the weighted total for the organization.

Regardless of the number of key threats and opportunities included in the EFE matrix, the highest weighted total that the organization can achieve is 4.0 and the lowest possible weighted total is 1.0. The weighted average value is 2.5. A weighted average of 4.0 indicates that the organization is responding excellently to opportunities and threats in its industry. In other words, the company's strategies are effectively taking advantage of existing opportunities and minimizing the potential negative effects of external threats. A weighted average of 1.0 indicates that the company's strategies are not capitalizing on opportunities or avoiding external threats.

Competitive Profile Matrix (MPC)

It is a tool that identifies the most important competitors of a company and reports on their particular strengths and weaknesses. The results of these should be used cautiously to aid in the decision-making process.

It is characterized by Identifying the main competitors of the company, as well as their particular strengths and weaknesses, in relation to a sample of the strategic position of the company.


  1. Identify the decisive success factors of the industry as well as the most representative competitors in the market. Add your company to the list. Assign a weight to each success factor to indicate the relative importance of that factor to the success of the industry.


Note: The sum must be equal to 1.0

The highest weighted total will indicate the most threatening competitor while the lowest will reveal perhaps the weakest

Weighted totals can vary, from 1.0 the lowest to 4.0 the highest.

1.2.- Adequacy Matrices

This focuses on generating viable alternative strategies by aligning key internal and external factors. Stage two techniques include the SWOT matrix, PEYEA, BCG, IE, and MGE.

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Matrix (SWOT)

It is a viable instrument for conducting organizational analysis in relation to the factors that determine success in meeting goals.

  • Strengths

They are the special capabilities that the company has, and that allows it to have a privileged position against the competition. Resources that are controlled, capacities and abilities that are possessed, activities that are developed positively, etc.

  • Opportunities

They are those factors that are positive, favorable, exploitable, that must be discovered in the environment in which the company operates, and that allow obtaining competitive advantages.

  • Weaknesses

They are those factors that cause an unfavorable position in the face of competition, resources that are lacking, skills that are not possessed, activities that are not developed positively, etc.

  • Threats

They are those situations that come from the environment and that can even threaten the permanence of the organization.

Steps for the construction of the SWOT matrix

  1. Make a list of key internal strengths Make a list of critical internal weaknesses Make a list of important external opportunities Make a list of key threats v Steps to follow
  • Then compare internal strengths with external opportunities and record the resulting FO strategies in the appropriate box Compare internal weaknesses with external responsibilities and record the resulting DO strategies Compare internal strengths with external threats and record FA strategies Compare internal weaknesses with external threats and record the resulting AD strategies.

Internal-external matrix (IE)

This technique represents a tool to evaluate an organization, taking into account its Internal Factors (Strengths and Weaknesses) and its External Factors (Opportunities and Threats), quantifying an index that can be plotted and located in one of the 9 quadrants of said matrix..

Internal and External Audits are carried out in order to collect the key factors of success, internal and external. The indices obtained in the previous matrices are graphed in the External Internal Matrix, which consists of 9 quadrants.

Strategic position matrix and stock assessment (PEYEA)

The "PEYEA" matrix aims to determine which are the most appropriate strategies for an organization, once its internal and external strategic positions have been defined (David, 2003).

Steps for building a PEYEA matrix

  1. Select a series of variables that include financial strengths (FF), competitive advantages (CV), environmental stability (EA) and industry strength (FI). Assign a numerical value from +1 (worst) to + 6 (best) to each of the variables that make up dimensions FF and FI. Assign a numerical value of –1 (best) –6 (worst) to each of the variables that make up the dimensions VC, EA. Calculate the average score of FF, VC, EA, and FI by adding the values ​​given to the variables of each dimension dividing them by the number of variables included in the respective dimension. Enter the average scores of FF, VC, EA, and FI on the corresponding axis of the PEYEA matrix. Add the two scores on the “x” axis and note the resulting point in X.Add the two qualifications of the “y” axis and write down the resulting point in Y. Write down the intersection of the new “xy” point. Draw the directional vector of the PEYEA matrix according to the point of intersection of the axes. This vector will reveal the type of strategy recommended for the organization; aggressive, competitive, defensive, or conservative

Parent of Boston Consuiting Group (BCG)

It is used to perform the analysis of the position of a product / business within the market, or of the business portfolio of a company or organization in the event that these are diversified. Thanks to this tool, the company chooses whether it is better to invest or withdraw from the market.

Origin of acronyms

Developed in the 70s Its name comes from the abbreviations of Boston Consulting Group (a leading global company in strategic consulting for senior management), it is also known as a growth or participation matrix, investment matrix and helps companies to position their products or business units in the market (UEN: Strategic Business Units). The idea is to help make the best decisions at the level of business approach and, above all, investments.


It has a vertical axis that corresponds to the growth rate of the market and a horizontal axis that illustrates the market share.

Steps to create a BCG matrix

  • Identification of the strategic business units Calculation of the dynamics and structure of sales for the selected year Preparation of the table with the data Design of the matrix for the company Data interpretation

BCG matrix

Grand Strategy Matrix (MGE)

This technique provides knowledge related to the grand strategy matrix, its concept, utility, procedure and example of how it should be done in an organization for decision-making regarding the implementation of new strategies.

Quadrant I: When an organization is located in this quadrant, it is committed to only one product, but they can also take advantage of all external opportunities, taking risks when necessary.

Quadrant II: Companies that are in a market characterized by rapid growth, but face a weak competitive position.

Quadrant III: They are in the most vulnerable part of the womb

Quadrant IV: Organizations with a strong competitive position are located, but unfortunately in a very slow growing market .

1.3.- Decision matrices

It includes a single technique that is the quantitative matrix of MCPE strategic planning. This matrix uses the information obtained from stage one to evaluate the identified viable alternative strategies offering an objective basis for selecting specific strategies.

Quantitative Matrix of Strategic Planning (MCPE)

This matrix uses the information obtained in stage one to objectively evaluate the viable alternative strategies identified in stage two. An MCPE reveals the relative attractiveness of alternative strategies, and therefore offers an objective basis for selecting specific strategies. The following figure describes the basic format of the MCPE. The left column of an MCPE consists of key internal and external factors (from inputs) and the top row consists of viable alternative strategies (from adequacy). Specifically, the left column of an MCPE consists of information obtained directly from the EFE matrix and the EFI matrix. In a column adjacent to the critical success factors, the respective weights assigned to each of the factors of the EFE matrix and the EFI matrix are recorded (David, 2003).

The top row of an MCPE consists of the alternative strategies derived from the SWOT matrix, the PEYEA matrix, the BCG matrix, the IE matrix, and the grand strategy matrix. These instruments of adjustment often generate similar viable alternatives. However, not all strategies suggested by adequacy techniques should be evaluated on an MCPE .

Quantitative matrix of strategic planning

2.- General Diagnosis

It was determined through the interview that it is required to train the representatives of the communal property commissioner in relation to the development of investment projects since they do not know how to carry it out, however it is important to highlight that they have the necessary knowledge about which institutions can support them to carry out their work plan, since it is important that they have the consultancy so that future they themselves can be the ones who train the community members.

After having analyzed the information from the survey, it is detected that the problem is that the community members are disoriented with respect to the generation of projects and how to start them, having little knowledge, they prevent them from having ideas of how to obtain resources so that they benefit their community, as they require training for project design.

This allows the AGROPROYECTOS Consulting company to provide the appropriate and specific services with respect to the needs of the community members in the San Pedro Huamelula communal property commission to which the Coyul Huamelula community belongs. Providing the appropriate training for them to obtain the benefits.

Most of the respondents are people between the ages of 31 and over, 2 women and 15 men, it is detected that of the community members they have difficulty in determining the size they want to produce, likewise they do not have knowledge of how to determine the places of sale of its product, as well as the preparation of financial statements of feasibility of the project and other aspects that have to be developed in an investment project.

The flow of information between them is important since if not everyone knows the general information of the project or characteristics, it creates confusion about marketing issues, and therefore it is important to start with the community members from the basic activities of the investment project by providing information make it feasible and safe for them.

The following is the development of the internal and external factor matrices that will be developed according to the final diagnosis obtained from the San Pedro Huamelula communal property commission.

2.1. Internal factor evaluation matrix

Also called the EFI Matrix, this instrument summarizes and assesses the most important strengths and weaknesses within the functional areas of a business and also provides a basis for identifying and evaluating the relationships between these areas.

  • Weaknesses
    • Community members do not know how to develop a project Community members have a low academic level Leaders are not trained There is little organization between representatives and community members
    • They know everything related to the field They know what type of project they want to carry out The presenters know the institutions that support the field They have 50% resources for project development


Key internal factor Weightings Classification Weighted results
The commoners do not know

how to develop a project

0.09 two


The community members have a low academic level 0.10 two 0.20
Leaders are not trained 0.20 4 0.80
There is little organization among representatives and


0.10 3 0.30
They know everything related to the field 0.15 4 0.60
They know what kind of project

they want to do

0.20 4 0.80
The presenters know the institutions that support the field 0..08 3 0.24
They have 50% resources for the development of projects 0..08 two 0.16
TOTAL MEFI one 3.28

2.1.1.- Analysis of the matrix

According to the qualification standards for the calculation of the MEFI result, internally the community of community members is stable since they have a score of 3.28, remaining in a good place with respect to their internal weaknesses, the commissioner has a variety of opportunities to continue to grow as an organization as well as overcome adversities and face new challenges.

2.2.- External factor evaluation matrix (MEFE)

The MEFE matrix is ​​a technique that allows strategists to summarize and evaluate information from the economic, social, cultural, demographic, environmental, political, governmental, legal, technological and competitive environments, for which a list of critical factors was made for the success.

  • Threats
    • Competitors Lack of knowledge of the use of ICTs Manipulation of resources by political programs
  • Opportunities
    • Proximity of the market for the development of the project They have the natural resources to develop the projects Support for the field in the state is the priority


Key external factor Weightings Classification Weighted results
Competitors 0.20 3 0.60
Manipulation of resources by programs


0.10 two 0.20
Lack of knowledge of the use of ICTs 0.20 4 0.80
Market proximity for the development of the project 0.10 two 0.20
They have the natural resources to develop the projects 0.25 4 one
Support for the field in the state are the priority 0.15 3 0.45
TOTAL MEFE one 3.25

2.2.1.- Analysis of the matrix

The result in the MEFE application is 3.25, being the average rating, which indicates that they have external factors that support the opportunities to develop projects that benefit the economy of the region and its economic flow, since they have the ideal conditions to develop projects, it is worth mentioning that the community members are living in a region that is highly supported by the government and accessible to markets.

2.3.- SWOT analysis of the consultancy

Identify and observe the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats that the communal property commissioner possesses, in the internal and external factors in order to have a better level in the development of projects.

"SWOT Matrix of the Community Property Commissioner of San Pedro Huamelula"

SWOT matrix of the Commissariat of Communal Assets of San Pedro Huamelula

2.3.1.- Analysis of the SWOT matrix

From the SWOT matrix, we determine that the San Pedro Huamelula Community Property Commissioner requires the implementation of strategies to develop government financing for the field, plan a training program to learn how to carry out a project of investment, likewise determine which institutions can support community members in its development.

2.4.- Quantitative matrix of strategic planning

To carry out the quantitative matrix, five alternatives were chosen, said alternatives were obtained from the SWOT matrix and alternatives one, two, three, four and five, these options will serve to select the most feasible and thus generate the fundamental strategies to achieve the commercialization of the product de Santa Ana SA de CV

The alternatives are as follows:

  • Alternative 1: Determine the institutions that provide support to the rural or agricultural sector. Alternative 2: Develop government financing for the field. Alternative 3: Planning a training program for project development learning Alternative 4: Make a revolution of the intuitions of support to the field in matters of rights and duties of the community members, taking into account the legal framework for the development of projects. Alternative 5: Develop courses focused on new technologies (ICTs).

Quantitative matrix of strategic planning



Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Alternative 4 Alternative 5
Market proximity for the development of the project .10 4 0.4 4 one 4 0.4 two 0.20 3 0.3
They have the natural resources to develop the projects 0.25 3 0.75 4 0.60 4 one 3 0.75 3 0.75
Support for the field in the state are the priority 0.15 3 0.45 4 0.60 3 0.45 4 0.60
THREATS 4 0.80
Competitors 0.20 3 0.60 3 0.30 4 0.80 3 0.60 two 0.40
Manipulation of resources by political programs 0.10 two 0.20 3 0.60 3 0.30 two 0.20 two 0.20
Lack of knowledge of the use of ICTs 0.20 3 0.60 3 0.60 3 0.60 one 0.20
They know everything related to the field 0.15 3 0.45 4 0.80 4 0.60 3 0.45 3 0.45
They know what type of project they want to carry out 0.20 3 0.60 4 0.32 4 0.80 3 0.60 3 0.60
The presenters know the

field support institutions

0.08 4 0.32 4 0.32 4 0.32 4 0.32 two 0.16
They have 50% resources for the

project development

0.08 3 0.24 4 0.32 3 0.24 two 0.16
The community members do not know how to develop a project 0.09 one 0..09 4 0.40 4 0.36 3 0.27 3 0.27
The commoners have an academic level


0.10 two 0.20 4 0.80 4 0.40 one 0.10 two 0.20
Leaders are not trained 0.20 3 0.60 4 0.40 4 0.80 4 0.80 4 0.80
There is little organization between representatives and community members 0.10 4 0.40 7.4 0.30 4 0.40 4 0.40 4 0.40
TOTAL 5.9 6.63 7.4 5.98 5.49

2.4.1.- Analysis of the MPCE Matrix

The following alternative was chosen for obtaining the highest value compared to the other alternatives and which is the following, Alternative 3: Planning a training program for learning the development of projects, it should be emphasized that this strategy coincides with the diagnosis final, since the diagnosis showed that leaders should be trained, such as community members in the development of investment projects since they do not know how to do it.

2.5.- Development of the alternative

Alternative 3: Planning a training program for project development learning.

It was determined that the communal property commissioner of San Pedro Huamelula requires training on the basis of the development of investment projects supported by various means of tools, which are:

  1. Schedules of training times: The activities to be carried out in the training and the times in which they will be carried out will be determined for the community members of the Coyul community, as well as those responsible for each of the activities. Training materials: The planning of the budget of the materials or tools that will be used for learning the development of projects for the community members will be carried out, the quantity, price and characteristics will be taken into account. A collective project for the benefit of the Coyul community, and in it the development of learning will be applied and the parts that make up an investment project will be worked on and are the following:
  • Preparation of protocol: Describes the objectives, design, methodology and considerations taken into account for the implementation and organization of a research or scientific experiment. It includes the design of the procedures to be used for the observation, analysis and interpretation of the results . In addition to the basic conditions to carry out the research described, a protocol provides the background and reasons why such research is being carried out and defines the parameters under which its results will be measured. Market study:It is a systematic process of collecting and analyzing data and information about customers, competitors and the market. Its uses include helping create a business plan, launching a new product or service, improving existing products or services, and expanding into new markets. Market research can be used to determine what portion of the population will buy a product or service, based on variables such as gender, age, location, and income level. Technical study: It simply consists of making an analysis of the production process of a product or service for the realization of an investment project. Economic study:is in charge of carrying out the economic evaluations of any investment project, to determine the feasibility or economic viability of a project. This must be conceived from a technical point of view and must meet the objectives expected of it.
  • Preparation of financial runs: it is a future projection of the income and expenses of a project or a business. Generally it is projected to 5 years, and they contain a series of diverse variables to consider in the project. Carrying out a financial run will depend on the level of knowledge that the entrepreneur has to be able to capture in a database the innumerable number of variables that he wishes to know. The most important recommendations within the variables to be known are: o The return on investment. The discount rate (which is the desired or expected return) o The cost structure.
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Strategic matrices of the communal property police station of san pedro huamelula mexico