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Dofa matrix, methodology for its construction and analysis


This article puts in your hands a methodology that helps you build and analyze a SWOT matrix in an organization to carry out a strategic diagnosis at the time of carrying out a strategic exercise or improving its strategic position, showing you the way It is logical to follow in order to obtain reliable information that supports decision-making, in addition to minimizing the margin of error when defining the strategic positioning and describes some behaviors that organizations follow when passing through each quadrant.


Given the importance for society that the Socialist State Enterprise achieves its highest performance in fulfilling its corporate purpose for which it was designed through its administrative management process and being able to satisfy the social needs and aspirations that will lead to raising the quality of life of the Cuban nation in its highest performance.


This entire process will have its maximum expression when the effectiveness of the administrative functions of each of the organizations is reached, so it is necessary that the planning and strategic direction of the same become the central axis of said management processes, Now, for this to happen and to become a true model of success that leads to the fulfillment of the entrusted corporate purpose, a Strategic Diagnosis in real time is required that is as reliable and probable as possible from the external and internal analysis of the organization.

For the strategic diagnosis, different tools of proven effectiveness are used, one of them is the Force Balance Matrix known by its acronym SWOT or SWOT, whose use allows to enrich said diagnosis, but by itself it does not provide any benefit, if it is not incorporated a logical procedure for its construction and analysis, due to the high degree of uncertainty that the environment contributes today and the high content of subjectivity it contains.

They say that as a tool it is as good as the person who uses it, if we do it justice we will say in particular that it has been trivialized to the extent that many managers do not want to know about it, but it still retains its original benefits as long as it is developed with the highest possible efficiency and effectiveness.

As the main antecedents, it has to be absolutized by itself to issue organizational diagnostic criteria, in most cases they only indicate whether or not there is interaction between the forces that intervene in the process, the criteria for the use of scales for the evaluation of The impacts limit the possibilities of other criteria that the panelists have, they do not take into account the magnitude of the associated risk and its probability of occurrence.

For all the aforementioned, the purpose is to minimize these reasons and for this it is proposed to solve the following scientific problem:

How to contribute to the construction and analysis of a SWOT Matrix that provides the most reliable and probable information possible, which helps the decision-making of senior management to achieve the vision of an organization?

To solve this problem, the following objective is proposed :

Scope of the study:

It will make it possible to cover for-profit or non-profit organizations of any sector of society, religious and non-religious, in order to make decision-making more effective.

Study object:

Matrix of Balance of Forces in an organization.

Field of study:

The logic for the construction and analysis of the Balance of Force Matrix in an organization.


The matrix that we will study here called the SWOT or situational matrix analysis, as well as the variables of this are nothing new since they date back to the end of the 60s.

There are several authors who refer to the importance of using strengths to take advantage of opportunities, but sometimes the significance of the challenge of overcoming weaknesses in the organization in order to properly exploit opportunities is ignored. If you go deep, a weakness is the absence of strength and to overcome or overcome that real weakness, organizational development can become a positive strategy within the organization.

The SWOT matrix forces the entity's leaders to systematically analyze the situation of their organization and therefore to plan strategies, tactics and actions to achieve the desired effectiveness.

It is not sensible to think that the design of the SWOT matrix is ​​a matter of a formal step in a single process, where once this is finished it does not return to it, no, the dynamics of this work forces us to constantly have to work with new versions and updated, so we will have matrices in the past, present, future and in turn the present updated repeatedly; let's see:

We see in the SWOT matrix a magnificent work tool, provided it is properly manipulated by wise hands.

The SWOT analysis offers us exit data to know the real situation in which the company is, as well as the risk and opportunities that exist in the market and that directly affect the operation of the business.

There is a very effective way to formalize and enrich the Strategic Diagnosis. In fact, it is the most "appropriate and appropriate" way. intertwine the results of internal and external analysis to weigh the importance of both.

This technique is known as the Balance of Force Matrix, or more popularly, the SWOT Matrix (Weaknesses, Threats, Strengths, Opportunities)

According to this technique, once we have a good definition of our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, a coordinate axis is constructed in which four quadrants are shown.

The practical development of the matrix is ​​completed by analyzing each of these quadrants in isolation. For this, some authors recommend the formulation of questions that allow a better analysis and interpretation, whose questions they pose do not differ much from one author to another, so their use can be considered valid.

The SWOT analysis is carried out by observing and describing (it is a qualitative analysis) the characteristics of the business and the market in which the organization is located, the SWOT analysis allows to detect the Strengths of the organization, the Market Opportunities, the Internal Weaknesses of the company and threats in the environment .

Internal analysis of the organization includes:

Strengths: Describes the resources and skills that the company has acquired. How are we different from the competition? What do we know how to do better?

Weaknesses: Describe the factors in which we have an unfavorable position with respect to the competition.

To carry out the internal analysis, the analysis of resources, activities and risks must be considered

External analysis of the organization includes:

Opportunities: They describe possible markets, business niches… that are visible to all, but if they are not recognized in time it means a loss of competitive advantage.

Threats: They describe the factors that can endanger the survival of the organization, if these threats are recognized in time they can be avoided or turned into opportunities.

In order to carry out the external analysis, legislative, demographic and political aspects must be considered in the analysis of the environment..

This is nothing other than taking into account the strategic factors of the environment, such as general economic, legal political, cultural sociological, technological, competitive economic and finally the one that it is impossible not to consider ecological factors due to their long-term social impact. environmental

Once the threats, opportunities, strengths and weaknesses of the organization have been described, the SWOT Matrix can be built, a matrix that allows to visualize and summarize the current situation of the company.

With the SWOT analysis, a global vision of the real situation of the company is obtained, allowing to maximize and take advantage of the Opportunities and Strengths, and minimize or eliminate the Threats and weaknesses of the company.

Which can be represented by means of four quadrants which can be located on a coordinate axis representing positive and negative aspects for the organization which must be followed closely, as illustrated below in the following figure.

Fig. 1.1. Simplified diagram of a SWOT Matrix.

What functions should be considered for the analysis of the balance of forces in an organization? All the functions must be taken into account, including the philosophy of the top management, strategic orientation, administration and organization, organizational culture, system of values ​​that accompany the mission, structure, organizational climate, operations, finances, human capital management , research and innovation system and technological system.

All of the above presupposes firstly that the preparation of the organization's profile is very necessary., so that the SWOT matrix can really be effective and the diagnosis is as real as possible.


To solve the deficiencies consulted in the antecedents that still persist on the use of the Balance of Forces Matrix in an organization, the following hypothesis is proposed :

For the validation of this hypothesis, it is necessary to operationalize the following variables:

Methodology for construction and analysis

More reliable and probable information

Type of study designed:

For the execution of the study, hundreds of articles, writings and strategic diagnostic documents of organizations were selected in a simple random way, carried out and published on different websites, mainly the fishing and oil sector.

To find the values ​​of each of the aforementioned variables, the documentary analysis and registration is used as a measuring instrument, which allows the review of all secondary sources of information consulted in this regard in order to collect the necessary data for its processing and subsequent analysis.

The procedure followed to access the data necessary for the validation of the hypothesis is described as follows, first a work schedule is conceived which includes the preparation of the experts who collaborated in the study to achieve greater efficiency of the results, the collaboration of the organizations to review their analysis carried out during the construction and analysis of the force balance matrix and once these steps have been completed, procedures are used for data processing and analysis.


3.1. Methodology for construction and analysis.

  • To build a force balance matrix, first you have to select a group of people, trained to work as a team, knowledgeable in the activity with vast experience in the sector or with a high level of information, requiring a facilitator or driver of the exercise with experience in the field of strategic planning and direction with skills in the application of techniques and procedures to solve problems in decision-making, which will refer to the essential questions of the diagnosis and the purpose that is pursued, build and analyze a SWOT matrix, where The person interested in the diagnosis will be represented or informed of the results and give their approval For the preparation of the general profile of the organization,a representative of the same is required to carry out a brief but deep historical analysis that he has had to face in the last three or five years, in such a way as to allow the panelists to acquire as much information as possible to carry out the diagnosis. If there are enough people for group work, it is advisable to divide it into four teams applying the principle of affinity and suitability for a more in-depth analysis of each quadrant, if it cannot be divided, it is recommended to start with the external analysis, threats and opportunities, and finally the internal analysis of strengths and weaknesses.Once decided how to proceed:in such a way as to allow the panelists to acquire as much information as possible to carry out the diagnosis.If there are enough people for group work, it is advisable to divide it into four teams applying the principle of affinity and suitability for an analysis In the deepest part of each quadrant, if it cannot be divided, it is recommended to start with the external analysis, threats and opportunities, and finally the internal analysis of strengths and weaknesses. Once decided how to proceed:in such a way as to allow the panelists to acquire as much information as possible to carry out the diagnosis.If there are enough people for group work, it is advisable to divide it into four teams applying the principle of affinity and suitability for an analysis In the deepest part of each quadrant, if it cannot be divided, it is recommended to start with the external analysis, threats and opportunities, and finally the internal analysis of strengths and weaknesses.Once decided how to proceed:and finally the internal analysis of strengths and weaknesses.Once decided how to proceed:and finally the internal analysis of strengths and weaknesses.Once decided how to proceed:

Group 1

Begin by carrying out an analysis of the strategic factors of the environment one by one so that it can be understood how it will impact, in what magnitude it will do it and what will be its probability of occurrence, so that this analysis of the strategic factors can be better understood, the author would like share his work experience with you:

  1. General Economic Factors.
  • High level of indebtedness Rising oil prices Global financial crisis Global energy crisis Global food crisis Fall in global consumption indices Uncertainty in financial markets Variable exchange rates in relatively short periods of time Increase in the costs of fundamental raw materials to guarantee production Centralization of the convertible currency through the single account Prioritized commercial and financial business relationships with China and Venezuela as main partners Creation of new associated companies Contracts with PEDEVSA, PETROVIENTNAN, PETROBRAS AND GASPRON Creation of commercial economic blocks in Latin America Attempt to create a single currency for the Americas Attempt to create the Bank of the South
  1. Legal Political Factors.
  • Recruitment of the blockade policy, which does not allow us to put our productions in the North American market Systemic crisis of imperialism Elimination of travel restrictions for Cuban-American citizens Election of black president in the United States Organization of a world forum on energy, ecological and Incorporation of other countries into ALBA Creation of ALBA and PETROCARIBE Insertion of Cuba into UNASUR Support of the majority of the peoples of America for the suspension of the economic embargo Globalization and neoliberalism coexist but are weakened Tariff barriers Provisions legal (MTSS, MFP, CTMA and MEP). Requirements of central organizations for the implementation of integrated management systems of Human Capital.Legal and normative documents for the regulation of the impact and abuse on non-renewable resources.
  1. Sociological and cultural factors.
  • Consumers' expectations shift from quantity to quality to more complete and reliable information due to psychological changes There are no fishing communities, which hinders the historical continuity of the activity Creation of circles of interests in the oil sector that guarantees continuity High competition in the labor market, fostered by more attractive offers in incentives, conditions and social recognition High level of demand from our clients for the Certification of our products and processes Sufficient options of recreation in the surroundings of the company. Fluctuation of the work force. Close to the developing tourist center Varadero and Playa Girón. Area with a high degree of population growth ♦ Population with a high educational and cultural level.Change in the consumption levels of the middle and lower classes in the US Change in lifestyle and consumption patterns worldwide High unemployment rates in the main world economies.
  1. Technological factors.
  • Technological crisis (technological system close to its limits) Technological innovation escapes the domain of the majority of companies and becomes an imperative for the growth and survival of companies. Development of information technology and communications. Difficult access to cutting-edge industrial, naval and fishing technology that brings with it the technological disparity International sector with high rates of research and technological innovation Organizations that consume technology Development of new technologies that use other energy carriers New technologies are in hands of large transnational companies that dominate hydrocarbons Technology-dependent services Obstacle to technology transfer
  1. Competitive Economic Factors.
  • The commercialization of the company is directed, fundamentally towards CARIBEX.SA, GRUPO DEL CARIBE, PESCARIBE, INDIPES. There is a stable relationship with the suppliers of inputs for production. (PROPES, MINBAS, HIDROLOGIA, COMUNICACIONES) The possibility of companies such as Caibarien, Coloma and Batabanó entering the fresh market sector of Varadero will bring their costs to rise and the quality of their products to decrease with the loss of prestige of The possibility for aquaculture companies with their possible evolution and development to place fresh products (red Tilapia) and Claria fillet on the market, would depend on the acceptance of customers, in turn it would be difficult but not impossible for the loyalty of customers to our products.Our main client Pesca Caribe enjoys prestige and strength on a national and international scale. The suppliers are the same as those of our competitors. The discovery and exploitation of the deposits grows much less than the rate of consumption does. Market penetration by companies that provide tourism services with products at a very low price compared to ours Presence of foreign companies that provide the same service Presence of clients who demand our services Clients who demand new services.Market penetration by companies that provide tourism services with products at a very low price compared to ours Presence of foreign companies that provide the same service Presence of clients who demand our services Clients who demand new services.Market penetration by companies that provide tourism services with products at a very low price compared to ours Presence of foreign companies that provide the same service Presence of clients who demand our services Clients who demand new services.
  1. Environmental Factors.
  • Environmental crisis (increase in temperature, CO2 emissions and growth of the world population) Local and international regulations of strict compliance Very aggressive sectors of the environment The main raw material constitutes a non-renewable natural resource Exponential decrease of the Main hydrocarbon reserves Transition to an increasingly decarbonized economy Sustainability of non-renewable energies Environmental recognition by CITMA Environmental management systems

Once the strategic factors of the environment that interact with the organization have been analyzed, the main threats are identified using the group brainstorming technique, for which we recommend selecting between 5 and 7 threats and opportunities that can impact within three to five years.

  • Threats: events, variables and characteristics of the social, economic, political, legislative, cultural, technological, environmental, territorial or international context whose impact may reduce or limit the current capacity or volume of activity and / or level of competitiveness in the framework that it belongs to the company. Opportunities: events, variables and characteristics of the social, economic, political, legislative, cultural, environmental, territorial or international context that produce an impact, facilitating and / or increasing the current success of the response within the framework that is specific to the company.

The factors that are identified must meet the following criteria:

  1. Check that the factor can be measured with data and concrete facts that prove its existence (avoid simply issuing opinions) Check that each identified factor can be applied to the whole of Cuba, Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America (avoid reflecting only particularities of local territories) Ensure that each factor identified exerts its influence on at least a three to five year time cycle Ask members to rank by degree of importance using a scale of one (most important) to ten (least important). Agree that the factor is selected by consensus technique with a large majority of its group members for W> =. 5 or Cc> =. 6.
Item Factors E1 E2,…, In ai Δ = Δ²
K = n
Item Factors E1 E2,…, In ai Δ = Δ²
K = n

List the internal factors of the organization, idem to the previous procedure for the external balance:

  • Strengths: Those distinctive capabilities on which it relies to base growth, development and create a source of competitive advantage to face competition, facilitating its current response capacity within its own framework. Weaknesses: Those non-enhanced capacities that, if maintained or attenuated, hinder and / or reduce the growth, development and potential for change of the organization, weakening it in the face of competition in its own framework.
Item Factors E1 E2,…, In ai Δ = Δ²
K = n

The factors that are identified must meet the criteria that were established for the external analysis and the following scheme can be used:

Item Factors E1 E2,…, In ai Δ = Δ²
K = n

Once the experts have fully listed the elements that make up each quadrant, they proceed to order them according to importance, using the scale in Annex 1, then apply Kendall's method to obtain T and W following the steps for it:

  1. Concordance factor, it is one of the statistical mathematical tools that is obtained after applying the Kendall method that supports the expert method widely used during the filtering process when it is necessary to have a certain degree of reliability to decide which few factors are the highest importance that decide the fate of the organization at this time and situation that validate the hypothesis.

Τ = Σ Σ aij / K eq.1.1

i = nj = 1

  1. Variable Property


  1. Concordance coefficient, a statistical mathematical tool obtained after applying the Kendall and Delphi methods during the validation of how much reliability information with high subjective content contains, dependent on the empirical knowledge of the experts for decision making.

12 ∑∆²

W ═ ------- ≥0.5 eq.1.2; Cc≥0.6 ec.1.3

M² (K³─K)

After the result work with the values ​​<= T and these will be the most important factors, as long as the condition that W> = 0.5 is met.

  • The analysis of the external variables culminates in the assessment of their probability of occurrence for threats and the probability of success for opportunities, for which it is recommended to perform an analysis of the behavior of these variables in the past, present and future. For which we return to the threats and opportunities that were already filtered in the previous step, in the case of threats, a value of probability of occurrence (p) and severity of the impact (S) associated with each factor will be assigned for the opportunities They will be assigned a value of probability of success (p) and importance (W) associated with each factor, where p can take values ​​ranging from 0.1; 0.2; 0.3; ….; 1 and S, W go from 1 least severe and important to 10 most severe and important respectively, dear reader this allows not only to evaluate if it impacts or not,If not, how often does it do it and what will be its consequence on the organization, a drop of water, no matter how little weight it may have, if it falls repeatedly on a rock, ends up drilling it, when opportunities are analyzed it allows it to go into the background which is to know if it will have or not success for it.
Item Factor p S
A1 0.2 9

The product of (p * S) ≥7 allows obtaining the most critical threats for the organization and that actions can be traced to minimize their effects.

Item Factor p W
O1 0.2 9

The product of (p * W) ≥7 allows obtaining the opportunities that will be successful for the organization and actions for their optimization can be traced.

  • Once the external variables have been clarified, it is possible to proceed to the SWOT analysis, for which we recommend the following matrix scheme.

For the analysis of the quadrants, it is necessary to weight the answers of the experts, for which it is recommended to use the ordinal scale from 1 to 7, where:

  • 7 very high6 high5 slightly high4 medium3 slightly low2 low1 very low

What is the advantage over the one commonly used from 1 to 3, is that it allows greater amplitude in the evaluation interval, this prevents all the quadrants from having practically the same value, which tends to confusion and reduces the margin of error. in the information provided by the SWOT.

Remember that in all cases, consensus must be achieved among the experts and this is obtained when W> = 0.5, now how to proceed to weight each quadrant:

Example Quadrant I Maxi- Maxi (FO), where it is required to maximize the strengths to take full advantage of the opportunities, we recommend answering the related questions for each quadrant, answering the first question allows knowing specifically if the internal capacities of the organization have potential to take advantage of the opportunities that have been identified and if they have a chance of success.

If I maximize F1 as I maximize O1, O2,…, On ?, the following questions allow its clarification.

Does this strength allow you to concretely seize this opportunity? Yes or no, then what is the magnitude of the harvest?

For Quadrant II Maxi-Mini (FA), where it is required to maximize strengths to minimize or mitigate the effect of threats and for the organization to protect itself from impacts.

If I maximize F1, how do I protect A1, A2,…, An ?, the following questions allow its clarification.

Does this fortress protect against this specific threat? Yes or no, then how much does it protect?

For Quadrant III Mini-Maxi (DO), where it is required to minimize the weaknesses that the organization drags that prevent it from taking advantage of or maximizing the opportunities offered by the environment.

If I weaken D1 how do I maximize O1, O2,…, On ?, the following questions allow its clarification.

Does this weakness affect the use of the corresponding opportunity? Yes or no, then how much does the use of the opportunity affect?

For Quadrant IV Mini-Mini (DA), where the organization is required to minimize this deficiency as much as possible, until it is invulnerable and thus can protect itself from the impact of threats.

If I weaken D1, how do I protect myself, do I decrease A1, A2,…, An ?, the following questions allow its clarification.

Does this weakness make the organization vulnerable to the threat in question? Yes or no, then, how vulnerable does this weakness make the system to this threat?

The maximum number of points and the actual number of points for each quadrant are then determined.

Example in quadrant I:

  • Calculate the number of maximum points in the quadrant: multiply the (Strengths) X (Opportunities) X (7) Maximum possible points) = (2 * 2 * 7) = 28 Calculate the number of real points: sum of the points of the quadrant = 4 * (28) = 112, below is an example already tabulated for a specific case where it is possible to understand how to proceed and which should be the quadrant that gives the position of the organization at that moment of the diagnosis.
O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 A1 A2 A3 A4 TO 5
F1 QUADRANT I (4 X 4 X 7) = 82.1%)


QUADRANT II (4 X 4 X 7) =



D1 QUADRANT III (4 X 4 X 7) = (89.2%)


QUADRANT IV (4 X 4 X 7) =




Then the percentage for each quadrant is searched by dividing the actual number of points by the maximum number of points multiplying it by 100, the result is the quadrant with the highest score, obtaining the Strategic Business Positioning, with the corresponding strategic problem, strategic solution and the type of strategy that the organization manifests at that moment of the OFFENSIVE, DEFENSIVE, ADAPTIVE, SURVIVAL diagnosis.

QUADRANT I 92 112 82.1%
QUADRANT II 65 112 58%
QUADRANT III 100 112 89.2%
QUADRANT IV 85 112 75.8%

All the statistical mathematical treatment that has been described is very simple and easy to understand, but there are issues of interpretation that require a deep analysis of a matrix of activities in order to yield the optimal information for decision-making in an organization that has been I have been insisting since the beginning of the work.

What is the significance of the organization being in quadrant I?

Quadrant I: Maxi-Maxi, attitude of the Offensive organization, the companies that show this positioning are the leaders in the sector or make movements to reach that position, main characteristics: they concentrate the largest market share, unique products or services difficult to copy, create new customer demands, allocate 90% of the budget to Research and Innovation, people and customers as the center of their business, continuous process improvements, personalized contact with the customer, practices of values ​​such as change, knowledge and differentiation, firm decision to attack and defend a market, as competitive strategies the diversified concentric and horizontal growth.

What does it mean that the organization is in quadrant II?

Quadrant II: Maxi-Mini, attitude of the Defensive organization, the companies that show this positioning are determined to reduce the effects of the changes, political, social, economic, technological and environmental instead of taking advantage of these external variations to turn them into opportunities, see the environment as constant threats and not just another challenge, they begin to give way to the competition, seek new market niches instead of defending existing ones at all costs, invest considerable sums in base-type technologies instead of investing in key technology, reduction in their production and sales volumes showing stable growth and they are more pleased to share market share than to attack the leader.

What does it mean that the organization is in quadrant III?

Quadrant III: Mini-Maxi, attitude of the organization in an adaptive state, they are companies that operate in an environment of declining demand or excess supply capacity, seek profitable segments or niches, they are going through a difficult financial situation, indebtedness, limited credit capacity, reduction of advertising and promotion expenses, unbalanced labor market, high staff fluctuation, adverse work environment, disinvestment in some lines and opening of others, withdrawal in some areas or products and growth in others until managing to couple its internal forces to the environment of the organization with the corresponding reorientation of its strategies.

What does it mean that the organization is in quadrant III?

Quadrant IV: Mini-Mini, attitude of the organization in a state of survival as its name indicates, this organization lacks financial health with the consequent problems of indebtedness, deterioration of the liquidity and solvency index, inability to pay, negotiation of goods with the state, bad economic results, frequent changes in the command of directors, dismissal of personnel, freezing of workforce, sales of assets, reduction and elimination of processes, high operations in accounts receivable, divestment or sales of part of the business until liquidation or totally sell the project.

In addition to knowing the type of behavior that organizations show in each quadrant, the SWOT matrix allows us to know what the general strategic problem is and the possible strategic solutions, let's see the following case an organization that is in the third Mini-Maxi quadrant (DO) With an adaptive attitude, your general strategic problem could be, ¨If the threats in the environment grow and continue and the deficiencies that constitute weaknesses are not overcome, even if they have certain strengths, the opportunities offered by the environment cannot be taken advantage of. environment

The strategic solution ¨the organization must be based on its main strengths, make the most of the opportunities offered by the environment, reduce its weaknesses in order to mitigate the effects of threats¨


  • The activities matrix or SWOT as it has been called, can contribute to the strategic diagnosis of an organization and provide useful information for decision-making as long as the methodological steps proposed in said article are followed. The SWOT matrix by itself does not provide the information necessary for decision-making in an organization, this must be complemented with other tools used by business sciences for their study.


  • Use the proposed methodology to make the construction and analysis of a SWOT matrix effective to diagnose an organization.


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(Strategic analysis of PESCANOVA, 2008)

(Quinn Robert, 1998)

(Morrise George, 1998)

(Weihrich Heinz; University of San Francisco, 1986)

(Weihrich Heinz; University of San Francisco, 1986)

(Stoner James & Freemand Edward, 2004)

(Stoner James & Freemand Edward, 2004)

(Llorca, 2000)

(The SWOT Matrix in Time)

(SWOT analysis in PESCANOVA, 2008)

(SWOT analysis, 2009)

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Dofa matrix, methodology for its construction and analysis