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Measure management with the dashboard


Is it important to know how my company is doing? Of course.

The manager who does not look at the results of his company is walking blind. One day you may wake up and find that your business simply… went bankrupt!

Now, how do entrepreneurs in general measure the performance of their company? Some do the following: they look at how much they sold, how much what they sold cost them and more or less how much it costs them to maintain the company (structure costs). But is this an efficient way to measure?

Measurements are to make decisions and, basically, these indicators only allow us to decide to "spend less" or "sell more"

We already know that making money is not enough in a company.

Why? Because, for example, you can be making money (even more and more) but at the same time losing market share (with which you earn money, but not by working well). Ultimately, the company needs to be efficient. And, we add, in each of its areas.

The question is: how do I know if I am efficient or not?

To begin, the first thing we have to do is define what will give us the guideline of whether we are efficient or not.

We have to determine what we call “indicators”. What can we consider as an indicator? A, for example, the number of complaints received per week. With this index (along with others) we could estimate the level of satisfaction of our clients.

Once this is done we must determine what the variations of the indicator will represent for us.

How? We could define, for example, that, for us, more than 8 complaints per week represent something "negative", between 8 and 2 complaints something "normal" and less than 2 complaints a week something "positive".

In this way, if we find that in the week our clients have sent us 10 emails with negative comments, we can infer that we must work around the satisfaction of our clients.

Finally, we should implement a process to obtain this information (determine those responsible, who uploads the information, if it is manual or automatic, etc.)

This is basically the way to start measuring the efficiency of our companies. But there are 2 issues of relevance.

On the one hand, it is not easy to detect which are the ideal indicators to measure the management of our company in particular (because each type of company has different indicators -although some common to all-). You must have a certain "expertise", so that important indicators are not overlooked or an excessive measurement is made that only brings complications at the operational level.

On the other hand, all this information should be available in one place.

To do this, the ideal is to build a Dashboard.

What is a Dashboard? To summarize, we will say that it is a computer tool used by company directors to control the general operation of the company and thus make decisions.

In it you can see, at a glance, the state of “health” of the entire company.

It is true that those who use it tend to be much more effective in their management because they have information on which to base themselves when making decisions. The interesting thing is that it does not require expensive software, but can be built with Excel spreadsheets. In addition, it is not only for senior executives, but it is also useful for middle managers. Ideally, each manager has a Dashboard to measure the indicators related to their area.

It is very important to understand that, without an efficient management measurement, the decisions that are made are based on intuition more in reality.

Summary: In conclusion, let's stay with the following ideas:

  • we need to measure the efficiency of our companies (if not, they go "blindly", making decisions on assumptions or intuitions) measuring is not "looking at the balance": we have to find the indicators of our business that will give us the guideline of whether we are on the right track or not in each area. The ideal? Build a Dashboard Finally, with this tool in place, we must guide our decisions to improve each area of ​​our company, mainly in those points where we are being weakest (as indicated by the Dashboard)
Measure management with the dashboard