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Continuous improvement applied to bureaucratic processes


In a world of scarce resources and multiple needs, the optimal use of them is imperative. As economics is well defined, as the administration of scarce resources for the satisfaction of an infinite number of needs, it is necessary to achieve within this framework the full use of each and every one of these limited resources.

In the complex evolution of economic activities, not only have the development of productive systems, whether of goods or services, taken place, but also administrative-bureaucratic activities have been expanding as a basis for support. To a large extent, these are the product of the growth of tertiary activities, such as banks, insurance, real estate, consulting and advice, as well as all the office activities of manufacturing companies, either within their administrative sectors, or within the production areas. of added value.

The need for more information for decision-making in companies, the increase in state pressure on statistical information, procedures and tax collections, and the growth of the state apparatus have led to a disproportionate and unbalancing increase in administrative tasks. -bureaucratic with the consequent and high waste and waste of resources among which the resource time stands out.

It is for this reason that it is imperative to establish a system of continuous improvement that allows a disciplined method that includes everyone (managers and workers) and through the use of time and task analysis, planning, use of computer resources, diagnostic systems, restructuring organizational, teamwork, operations research and quality systems among others, to achieve increased quality, productivity and response speed in order to progressively and systematically reduce the waste produced by administrative tasks, which in its vast majority They are comprised between support activities without added value and those that do not generate any added value. The support ones should be reduced and the others eliminated.

Let's think that a large part of the budget of health and education organizations disappears in unproductive activities such as office work, and in private companies the growth and / or development of administrative activities consume a high level of resources without generating income at least proportional to that level of expenditures.

The administrative costs are very high; they can represent up to 30% of the total cost of a company or sometimes more. In a classic study by Booz, Allen & Hamilton in 1979, it was found that American companies spent about $ 800 billion on administrative functions. This was in 1979, by 1982 the estimated value rose to 1 trillion dollars, which represents about a third of the gross national product (GNP) of the United States.

The number of people busy with office tasks is continuously increasing. In the United States, between 1950 and 1960 the number of office workers increased by 28%, while the number of blue-collar workers grew by only 6%. On the other hand, the costs of the office in the United States have increased from 20-30% to 40-50% of the total.

You may think that companies pay too much attention to this huge source of costs. However, such an opinion is not correct. Until the advent of data processing systems in the 1960s and word processing systems in the 1970s, little was done to transform the administrative tasks of companies and improve their efficiency.

Businesses could not function without the functions of offices. All planning and control tasks are carried out in them. These are where sales are recorded and processed, raw materials are requested, staff are hired, trained, promoted and disciplined, and their needs met. There, research is conducted, analyzes and statistics are produced, legal and regulatory issues are reviewed, and transformed into business policies and procedures. In them, money is obtained to finance activities, accounting is kept, employees and suppliers are paid, customers are invoiced, checks issued are registered and received ones are deposited, cash flow is measured, profits are determined, claims are handled. These are, among many,some of the functions carried out in the offices.

The office does all the administrative work. Produces, reproduces, distributes, analyzes, annotates and records documents, the numbers and words that appear in them allow managers to make decisions. Precisely, the purpose of administrative work is decision-making, as well as recording and controlling what each one of them represents and how to put it into practice.

The office becomes the brain of the company. Most, if not all, managers and professionals control and influence, or are affected by, the way the office operates. So what is the office? It is any department in which transactions related to business activity take place. Decisions are made in the office, and information is acquired there, which is later analyzed, communicated, recorded, stored and retrieved. All administrative support functions of a company are performed in the office. They include the activities of the personnel, purchasing, financing, engineering, facilities, legal affairs and executive function departments. They also include the functions of secretariat, mail, reprography, text processing,management of records and communications. What is not part of the office? It does not include the production facilities, the warehouse, the dispatch and reception facilities, nor the sales facilities in a company or service establishment. Such are the fields where the main goods and services of the company are produced, stored and shipped. This gives us the key to a definition. The office carries out the administrative work of the company, in contrast to the departments that are in charge of the production of the company's goods and services.Such are the fields where the main goods and services of the company are produced, stored and shipped. This gives us the key to a definition. The office carries out the administrative work of the company, in contrast to the departments that are in charge of the production of the company's goods and services.Such are the fields where the main goods and services of the company are produced, stored and shipped. This gives us the key to a definition. The office carries out the administrative work of the company, in contrast to the departments that are in charge of the production of the company's goods and services.

The office is not a department or a series of departments. It is, rather, an activity. It is any part where the administrative or office work of the company is carried out. Such work can be carried out in a room with four walls, but it is also possible to do it in a shared space, in a “barrack” or even in a small corner within the warehouse or next to the production workshop.

Few companies calculate their office costs as such. Production control costs are currently charged to manufacturing overheads. Salespeople and technicians may spend 25% of their time reporting, but these costs disappear under costs of sale. The costs of public relations, market analysis, and other managerial functions that involve many administrative costs elude consideration as such. With management eager for more and more data and with the ever-increasing bureaucratic positions, it is essential for an organization to find out what is involved in office work and if this work is vital to overall productivity. It is necessary to analyze information processing systems, methods,its costs and its effectiveness, so that its relation to the total operations of the company can be determined. Once these things are known, the productivity of the office should increase.

2. Kaizen and administrative activities or processes

First of all, we must define what Kaizen is. Kaizen is a Japanese system that allows, through its application, a progressive improvement in processes, by improving Quality, Costs and Delivery times (QCD). Its philosophy emphasizes the need to carry out continuous improvements that allow higher levels of customer or user satisfaction, and higher levels of profitability.

2.1. Standardization

In order to carry out the QCD, the company must manage various resources properly on a daily basis. These resources include labor, information, equipment, and materials. Efficient daily resource management requires standards. Whenever problems or anomalies arise, the manager or senior officer must investigate, identify the root cause, and reconsider existing standards or implement new standards to prevent their recurrence.

Defining a standard is the best way to get the job done. If a standard means the best way, it follows that the employee must adhere to the same standard in the same way, all the time. If employees do not follow standards in repetitive work, the result will vary, leading to fluctuations in quality. Management must clearly specify standards for employees as the only way to ensure QCD for customer satisfaction.

The measurement of productivity and quality levels, and their corresponding graphing through Statistical Process Control, allows effective monitoring of variations, allowing the use of various management tools in order to standardize the process first, and subsequently improve it.

2.2. The 5 S

The 5 S have become indispensable for any company. A lack of 5 S indicates inefficiency, waste, insufficient self-discipline, low morale or low mood, poor quality, high costs, and an inability to meet deadlines.

Applying the 5 S in the office means first of all separating the necessary from what is not, in such a way useful elements are rescued for the sector that owned them or for another sector of the company, in addition important physical spaces are saved.

Placing each item in a certain place is the second item of the 5 S and this means avoiding wasting time looking for lost items, something very common in the case of stationery.

Third is the cleanliness of the sector or work area, which improves the level of employee satisfaction and contributes to a better harmony of the individual with the surrounding environment with what this implies in terms of productivity and safety.

The fourth element is personal hygiene and the use of the elements corresponding to the work carried out.

The fifth element is discipline in the continuous development of the four previous phases.

2.3. Eliminate the molt

Muda means waste in Japanese; however, the implications of the word include anything or any activity that does not add value. There are two types of activities in the company: those that add value or those that do not. Customers (or contributors) do not pay for activities that do not add value (but unfortunately this does happen). So why do so many people participate in activities that don't add value?

A factory manager once checked how far a worker walked in the business during a year and found that the worker walked a distance of 400 kilometers. Jogging to stay healthy should be done at the gym, not at the company! Ironically, some factories are staffed with gyms that feature trail tracks, but workers spend more time jogging at the workplace during work hours than at the gym during off-hours.

There is too much waste (mute) between moments that add value. We must try to execute series of steps that allow us to concentrate on each process that adds value and eliminate intermediate times.

Among the molts (waste) we have those produced by:

  1. OverproductionInventoryRepairs / rejects of defective productsMovesProcessingWaitingTransportation

Otro tipo de muda que se observa a diario es la pérdida de tiempo, aunque éste no se haya incluido en las siete categorías anteriores. La utilización ineficiente del tiempo da como resultado el estancamiento. En el área de producción, el muda temporal toma la forma de inventario. En el trabajo de oficina, esto sucede cuando un documento o segmento de información permanece en un escritorio o dentro de un computador esperando una decisión o una firma. Dondequiera que haya estancamiento, se produce muda. En la misma forma, las siete categorías de muda invariablemente conducen a la pérdida de tiempo. Este desperdicio es mucho más frecuente en el sector servicios. Mediante la eliminación de los ya mencionados cuellos de botella de tiempo que no agregan valor, el sector servicios debe tener la capacidad de lograr incrementos sustanciales, tanto en eficiencia como en satisfacción del cliente. Todo lo que debe hacerse es ir al lugar de trabajo, observar lo que está sucediendo allí, reconocer el muda (desperdicio / despilfarro) y emprender los pasos necesarios para su eliminación.

Now, these seven types of classical change, although they are applicable to administrative-bureaucratic activities and / or processes, are more applicable to manufacturing processes, being able to be observed in administrative-bureaucratic processes other substantial waste of nature that characterize.

We can thus mention the following types of administrative changes:

  1. Duplication of tasks, in part due to lack of shared information Excessive movements and transfers, in part as a result of poor physical arrangement Downtime of stationery (procedures that actually last 5 minutes have waiting times at desks or bins of hours to days or weeks Excessive subdivision of processes and / or activities. Lack of work in groups or work teams. Internal control inefficiency, which causes 4 types of problems:
  • possible external fraud against the company, possible internal fraud, unreliable or inaccurate information for decision-making purposes, and lack of compliance with regulations of official bodies
  1. Excessive number of forms, with duplication of information and / or unnecessary Poorly designed forms Excessive inventory / stock of forms Unnecessary tasks, processes and / or activities Complex activities or processes Lack of information, and exception administration Lists of counts: unnecessary and / or poorly designed Information out of time and / or inaccurate Over-organizational structure. This can be the result of excessive manual activities, too short control periods, lack of empowerment, lack of clearly defined organizational objectives or over-employment policy. Software: inadequate, not parameterizable, slow execution, not adapted to the characteristics of the company or the business Bottlenecks originated in: concentration or centralization of decisions and / or authorizations,Excessive number of authorizing signatures, quantity of scarce critical elements depending on the needs - call each other: computers, printers, photocopiers and computing processes Failures and lack of maintenance in computers, printers, lighting system, telephones Lack of protection of computer data Poor supervision, lack of leadership, and lack of motivation Poor staff training Excessive levels of standardization or internal regulations Excessive internal reports Excess internal meetings and / or external interruptions Unproductive activities due to over-specialization or division of labor Slow printers, photocopiers, or computer processes excess or default of work tools Lack of systematization in the documentary files,and the time required to locate documentation

Printed matter, work devices, procedures, records, calculations and communications constitute a field subscribed to all kinds of parasites; Unnecessary copies, useless movements, storage, excessive length, complicated routines. Systems analysis eliminates most of these unnecessary activities, but job simplification alone, applied tirelessly, can lead to an intelligent ordering of countless processes and forms.

The use of Just in Time for administrative activities and processes implies the elimination of changes or waste, reducing waiting times, eliminating the stock of forms and improving the quality of both the documents issued and the information provided.

Because Kaizen is a low-cost continuous improvement method, low-cost instruments, tools and arrangements tend to be used in order to increase quality, improve productivity, reduce costs and reduce waiting times, as opposed to office automation, in its version of full automation of tasks, to which it constitutes an innovative solution that takes a qualitative leap but at a high cost. This does not imply being against the most developed processes of office automation, something that, as in the case of robotics, is under what we could call the kaizen umbrella, what it is about is to apply these techniques to the extent that this is necessary and profitable depending on the investment.

2.4. Poka Yoke

This very useful work methodology in manufacturing and service activities or processes is also very useful in those corresponding to administrative or office activities and processes.

The functions performed by Poka-yoke systems and devices are:

  • Avoid oversights and human errors and thus the origins of the causes of defects Detect defects (when applied for this purpose) Guarantee a quality level of 100% Report the presence of oversights, errors and also defects when their purpose is informative.

Examples of poka-yoke applied to office tasks would be:

  • Forms in all or part of determined colors for easier identification and filing, avoiding filing in the wrong place and making it possible to quickly identify the error Automatic computer calculations, which avoids manual calculation errors, and the use of barcode reader to avoid data loading errors, be these amounts or codes. Desktop trays by topic, which implies an order of priorities in terms of reading and filing.
  1. Attributes of a good administrative system

A good administrative system is one that is in a position to process the operations of the company, fulfilling the following conditions:

  1. They are executed when they are needed They use the least amount of resources They are developed within a high degree of security They produce the necessary information so that the various levels of the organization can act against the course taken by economic events

The ideal administrative system is one that allows an organized operation without spectacular and sporadic interventions by providential people.

4. Quality of administrative work

Three interrelated factors determine the quality of administrative work:

  1. TrainingMotivationDirection

Training. It might seem axiomatic that employees who have not been properly trained are the ones who should make the most mistakes. However, due to the frequent absence of up-to-date procedures and inadequate methods used in the training of administrative staff (for example, employees often teach their colleagues what to do), the latter is a serious problem that leads to to quality deficiencies. Providing adequate training is, from both a quality and production standpoint, one of the best investments a company can make.

Motivation. It is a very broad subject and on which a lot has been written. There is no doubt that the lack of motivation is reflected in both productivity and quality.

Address. Management is a key element in ensuring that workers obtain good quality results. In addition to being responsible for the training and motivation of staff, the management sets standards by which the various operations are to be governed and controls the latter. The department director is the one who decides, basically, how it will work. If employees know that they are expected to do high-quality work, they will set their priorities according to this premise. But if not, there is no reason for staff to strive for quality that no one demands of them. Expectations should be clarified with examples, rather than simply exhortations to improve quality. Employees need to know that management cares.

The supervisor is the person most directly related to the preparation and motivation of the employees of a department. He is a key figure in the quality of administrative work. If the supervisor does not take an active role in processing the work, constantly monitoring and controlling the operation, the employees will have no incentive to worry about the quality of the results. It should be emphasized that the role of the supervisor is not to be on top of the employee, checking and verifying each of his actions, but to inspire, train and guide the employee within the new philosophy and methodology of empowerment, and administration participatory.

4.1. Mistakes. Causes and actions. How to treat them.

There are three fundamental causes of error. Once the cause has been identified, it will be possible to adopt a corrective measure. These three causes are:

  1. Interpretation Faults System Faults Operator Faults

Interpretation failures. When a supervisor discovers a mistake and reports it to the employee who made it, the employee often asks, "Isn't that what I had to do?" A question of this type indicates that the employee has not been taught how to do his job or that he has not understood it. The supervisor should therefore take this opportunity to explain the correct way to carry out the task in question. Training of this type is enormously effective.

System failure. Many of the errors that are discovered are not attributable to the employees, who lack control over them, but are system errors. They often occur intermittently and sometimes seem unimportant. They are failures of the equipment, forms or procedures used in the treatment of transactions. When the supervisor discovers them, they can correct them immediately or arrange for someone else to correct them.

Operator failure.The third possibility is an operator failure, a simple mistake. The treatment of this type of error is much more complex than that of errors produced by errors of interpretation or of the system, which can be corrected immediately by teaching the operator or modifying the system. To establish the existence of an operator failure, it is not enough to observe it just once. It is not the same that the failure observed is the first that the operator commits or that it represents the nth similar incident that occurs with the same person. These failures should be judged only in relation to the capacity of the system. Rather than correct it immediately and ensure there are no problems with operator training or the system,the supervisor should just record that sample for comparison with other process capability data.

  1. Office layout

In effective administrative management, the office plant as a whole and the environment surrounding each worker are carefully planned. A suitable plant, like good methods, saves time, effort and money. It directly affects the efficiency of the office and the activity of its management.

The layout of the office premises is a physical aspect that can help as well as impair the course of the system and paperwork procedures. A poor device encourages delays and slows down work. The layout of the office includes not only the functional arrangement of tables and equipment within a given space, but also includes provisions for private offices, conference rooms, wardrobes and toilets, appropriate location of the departments among themselves, plans for the expansion, and the use of lighting, heating, color, ventilation and maintenance.

The layout of offices is a dynamic technique that aims to optimize the distribution of the work areas of an organization and maximize the functionality of the location of equipment and furniture in each of them. The reason why this technique has a dynamic character is due to the continuous evolution of office furnishings and architectural techniques for office design (modular furniture, open spaces, etc.) and by the continuous appearance of office equipment that They revolutionize their activity and functionality.

We mention at the same time that one of the objectives is to maximize functionality. By functionality two aspects are understood:

  1. Operational functionality: consisting of the correct arrangement of equipment and furnishings, in order to reduce administrative management times. Personnel functionality: achieving the environmental and operational conditions that facilitate work and create a psychologically adequate work environment.

Based on the definition above, it can be inferred that this technique has the following purposes:

  • Reduce and streamline physical work travels Avoid excessive circumscriptions and cross-staffing Increase useful space for offices, archives and warehouses Optimize office functionality to achieve a comfortable work environment.

Even if space is not the largest item of office expenses, the cost of the office space, poorly used, can be significant. When the space available is excessive, the process lines can become so extensive that the work will not move efficiently. When the space is very limited the lines are crowded and confused. Poor location slows down work, complicates supervision, and is costly both through loss of efficiency and possible increased paperwork travel time.

Previously it was recommended to review the layout of the office floor every five years, but given the current demands of modern technology, new equipment, the greater and more pressing demands for information, and the speed of changes, it is more realistic to consider changes in the layout of the offices every time a situation changes in the company.

The main factors to take into account in any installation can be grouped under the following sections:

  1. Departmental relationships Work flow Number of private offices Use of partitions Space requirements for staff Use of field office space Elimination of contingencies Flexibility and expansion Special rooms Special equipment and machine requirements

A functional plant identifies the organic responsibilities of the personnel in a certain sector and the departmental relationships throughout the company. When departments are not clearly identified, job courses cannot be effectively established and delays, interruptions, repetitions, and extra paperwork appear everywhere. Each department should be located where the work can best be done and is most accessible to the departments with which it is related.

6. Work flow

A suitable plant provides a continuous progressive movement of work, similar to industrial operations in which it flows from raw materials to the finally finished product. The efforts and functions of personnel and machines must be coordinated to achieve prevailing routines with a minimum of loss of energy. Work should follow a progressive direction of advance and move from dispatch to dispatch with a minimum of movement and time. Layouts that make it possible to develop workflow lines with a minimum of back-and-forth obviously reduce the time required to complete a task, as well as the possibility of misplaced papers and delays and interruptions.In addition, the number of internal messenger services decreases and the possibility of using mechanical or electronic means of various kinds increases. The work should get to the employee rather than the employee having to fetch it; files have to be close to the employees who use them; the capacities and needs of the units or workplaces have to be determined, planning the adequate flow to eliminate blockages, interruptions and unnecessary delays.unnecessary interruptions and delays.unnecessary interruptions and delays.

A good layout facilitates the flow of people as well as paper. There should be no obstructions, to avoid clogging the outputs.

7. Private offices

All companies have private offices, their use is only recommended for reasons of confidential work and concentration. The current trend is to reduce the number of private offices. There are several reasons for this, on the one hand they occupy two to ten times more space per employee than general offices. Second, they complicate and increase the costs of heating, lighting and ventilation. They are less flexible and make distribution changes more costly, despite the fact that modern structures facilitate possible fixes and modifications. The main drawback of isolated dispatches is that they make supervision more difficult and also slow down work flow. The use of partitions provides a flexible substitute for isolated offices.

8. Considerations regarding comfort and efficiency

It is obvious that if a human group works in a comfortable environment, their performance will be superior, but this truth is not so obvious, since in many companies or public organizations it is observed that the work environment lacks functionality and comfort. It can be affirmed that the functionality and comfort provided to the staff will result in a return of efficiency, since it is proven that in optimal environmental conditions the staff shows a better work predisposition and, as a result, greater efficiency and identification with the company will be obtained.

Optimal environmental conditions are achieved by considering the following aspects:

  • Lighting: It must be adequate, that is, neither excessive nor insufficient, and specifically it must not be directly in the view of the personnel. Currently, the use of individual lights with adjustable intensity has spread. At the same time, the light must be graduated according to the color of the offices, since each color has a different reflection index. Color: Using appropriate colors not only improves appearance, but increases office efficiency, reduces fatigue, and boosts morale. Most people are aware of the general effect of color, but are hardly aware of its psychological effect. A dark, grayish or brownish office is not suitable; if the colors are dark it can be depressing. Conversely,a room with too bright colors can greatly stimulate employees. The effect of color on individuals is known as color dynamics. Colors influence emotions, depress or stimulate, and facilitate or delay mental activities. Color is linked to light. Light colors increase lighting efficiency by reflecting more light; dark colors reduce the light effect by absorbing light. Just as in industrial matters the SMED methods of preparation of machines and tools are little known, in the same way in administrative matters everything related to colors is little known and used in order to improve labor efficiency. Temperature and ventilation: The ambient temperature should be kept within the range of 21º to 23º.Lack of fresh air produces drowsy and dull conditions. Each employee needs about 2,000 cubic feet of fresh air per hour. To achieve this, there must be an air flow that prevents drafts and noise. The purity of the air is as important as its circulation. Noise: An attempt should be made to eliminate, as much as possible, external noises or those of the equipment used, in order to achieve a higher level of concentration and a better fatigue curve.in order to achieve a higher level of concentration and a better fatigue curve.in order to achieve a higher level of concentration and a better fatigue curve.
  • Isolation of work units that generate noise, creating closed rooms and with insulating material within the area in which said equipment or units are used. Incorporation of subdued functional music, which dilutes noises. Installation of acoustic panel and ceilings. Replacement of audible callers with indicator lights.

9. Waste from unnecessary movements

A study is needed in order to uncover office waste and thereby increase productivity without increasing effort. To achieve this, three groups of rules must be put into practice: rules of least effort, rules of rhythmic and symmetrical movements, and rules of use of space and tools.

Each sector of the activity has its own abbreviation formulas. Those used in clerical procedures are generally the result of liberal observation in a variety of situations; that is, they are not necessarily the result of a scientific analysis or a deliberate application of the principles of the economy of movements, but are based mainly on the experience that practice provides. Although these formulas are either 100% applicable or acceptable, their overall value should not be overlooked. No study of office production and job simplification would be complete without some consideration of these systems for short.

10. De-stratification

The management of a large number of companies looks for ways to accelerate the decision-making process, avoid bottlenecks caused by excess information, stimulate entrepreneurship, improve the way they run the company and extract the maximum performance from their managers and employees. To do so, they proceed in a methodical and systematic way to reduce the distance that separates the upper level from the lower levels, applying it to both the productive, commercial and administrative areas. This process is called delamination and has resulted in companies such as Douglas Aircraft Company, after applying the process in question, the managerial levels went from seven to five, limiting the 245 executive positions to 80.This revolutionary methodology of action is the product of trends that occur in today's business environment, among which it is worth mentioning:

  • Turbulence in demand Increased competition Reduced life cycles of products or services Mergers, acquisitions and strategic alliances Increased possibilities in the field of information technology Increased mobility and autonomy of employees

The advantages in the application of this process imply higher levels of efficiency, the expansion of the sphere of action of the employees, that is, of their satisfaction, the adaptation to the needs of the interest groups and the possibility of reacting more flexibly and competitive to external circumstances, and finally dynamic self-preservation.

Efficiency is about getting the most results with the least amount of means. It is indeed possible to reduce overhead costs through delamination as it reduces the number of well-paid executive positions. Saving can lead to lower prices, higher wages, or investment in human resources / talents. And in the long term it leads to increased competitiveness.

In addition, the delayed companies show a greater capacity to respond to the demands posed by the market, reducing by half the time used to develop new products among other issues. When executives are dispersed over a considerable number of levels, it is often impossible to act quickly. The management strata form a filter through which the flow of information passes, but if the number of strata is excessive, the filter is blocked, causing delays in the decision-making process.

The fact of modifying the structure by reducing the number of executive strata does not automatically cause an increase in the speed of decision-making, nor an increase in the energy that has to be concentrated on entrepreneurial initiative, nor does it cause greater lending attention to customer needs. To achieve a low hierarchical and highly efficient structure it is necessary to:

  • A strong cultural reorientation A new type of leadership Higher information performance A new incentive system Budget allocation Staffing

In the delamination process, cutting muscles rather than fat should be carefully avoided. Moreover, very often, downsizing does nothing more than engender another downsizing. “Successive rounds of cuts seem to be the fate of many companies in industrial branches such as computers, financial services and telecommunications. A consultant who studied the aftermath of corporate restructuring in more than 800 companies found that almost all of them found it necessary to replace some of the people they had laid off. 25% of these companies replaced 10% or more of said personnel. Avoid confusing delamination with staff re-adjustments and organizational restructuring.The functions to be developed in the company and who is going to fulfill them must be carefully analyzed, avoiding leaving gaps or muscle cuts ”. “In the successful renovation of a company there are three stages. Crisis measures are taken first to stop the bleeding. Then you have to make the company regain its profitability. Finally, a way must be found for the company to grow again. The first two stages usually involve a deep reduction in personnel and strict cost control. But these emergency tactics, if held for long, can impede the smart investments needed to get to stage three. This last stage requires a different mindset and perhaps management. Otherwise,the company that has suffered problems may find that it only serves one thing: make reductions. " What you really need to focus on is cutting unnecessary work and not putting all your effort into eliminating unnecessary jobs. “We cut the workforce, but we left all the work and the old ways of doing things in place.” This may seem contradictory depending on what was expressed at the beginning in relation to delamination, but precisely the issue is to concentrate not only in making the organization more agile by eliminating unproductive intermediate hierarchical filters, but also eliminating all those unproductive activities or processes. It is not just a question of cutting intermediate sections of unnecessary functions and leaving the lower level active,that level must also be eliminated. This is consistent with what was stated above in relation to the various types of activities based on the added value they generated, among which we had those that did not add any added value, which is why it was necessary to eliminate said processes or activities.

11. Cost reduction

When a company goes through a bad time, it always sometimes resorts to cutting down on overhead costs as a regular priority. Unfortunately, it often happens that overhead costs behave like hydra - when a part is cut out, it grows back. For there to be lasting changes in the administrative cost structures of a company, the basic structure must be rethought, and not just act on a portion of it. And often much of the effort goes into assigning an artificial value to each component of overhead, when what is really needed is a bottom-up examination of the work processes that drive the expense in the first place. general. General activities are the symptoms, not the disease.

The operating cost is compatible with the nature of the tasks and the benefit generated by their execution. From this point of view, the system that, while adequately fulfilling the other functions, requires less outlay for the organization is more efficient. There are certain examples that may be illustrative; the control of stocks of low unit cost elements, such as nails, washers, etc. it may require computerized processing due to its volume and diversity. The cost of this processing, referred to the movement and value of the items entered or left, may be higher than the item to be controlled.In these circumstances, the administrative system must seek skillful solutions to control inventory (for example, by large families and with daily summary of movements) and set aside the forms that are more expensive than the universe to be controlled. Without reaching the extreme alluded to in the previous example, it is possible to observe administrative systems that, with their exaggerated operating cost, seriously damage the economy of the company, causing the profits that are generated by the production and commercial placement of manufactured goods to be lost due to these inefficiencies. services provided.It is possible to observe administrative systems that, with their exaggerated operating cost, seriously damage the economy of the company, causing the profits generated by the production and commercial placement of the manufactured goods or services rendered to be lost due to these inefficiencies.It is possible to observe administrative systems that, with their exaggerated operating cost, seriously damage the economy of the company, causing the profits generated by the production and commercial placement of the manufactured goods or services rendered to be lost due to these inefficiencies.

12. Rethinking the administrative work

The work has to be rethought in a way that brings three qualities to the company:

  1. Simplicity, speed, balance

Simplicity. The workflow, the floor plan, the design of the tasks, the correction of the errors, should all be aimed at minimizing the complexity. One way to achieve significant productivity gains is to stop nonperforming activities. When managers stop wasting time on intractable problems, it is surprising how many opportunities they can find in their day-to-day tasks. Simplicity in the workplace is a virtue.

Speed.Just as the eliminable job search is a method of reexamining what the company is doing, a technique is also needed to consider how things are done. This technique requires the review of usable processes to convert raw material into products. A process is a set of interrelated tasks that perform this type of transformation. The process has a cycle, a sequence of activities necessary to carry a goal from the beginning to the end of the job. The expression "cycle duration" designates the temporal length of that sequence. It is therefore very important to reduce the duration of the cycle to achieve competitive success. "Time compression" allows for significant financial benefits. Like quality improvement,Time-based competition has become popular in companies around the world.

Time is a scarce resource, something whose consumption must be planned and controlled. We can say that speed is the best way to improve quality. “The quality and length of the cycle are like yin and yang. If you reduce the duration of the cycle, you lower the water level in your lake, and suddenly all the (silent) rocks come to light ”.

It should be noted that the orientation around time and cycle speed emphasizes that it is not so much about working faster, but with more intelligence, and collecting the best ideas about the improvement generated by all members of the organization.

Balance. In a business, overheads naturally occur to enable efficient operation. They play a key role in regulating the proper balance between the various activities of the company. Problems arise when excessive overhead is imposed on it from abroad. There are two types of overhead: the good and the bad. The good ones support their own weight, and something else; the bad guys just make a big deal. Widespread downsizing would be counterproductive. In one, necessary muscles could be damaged; in the other, the cut was probably not deep enough. When reorganizing, the quality of your overhead may be more important than the quantity.

On the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen the jobs through depth, versatility and self-control.

A job acquires depth when it has substance or content. In most cases, this means structuring task assignments so that they require brain as well as muscle. This is not only true for manufacturing activities, but also for service industries.

Strength is also added to the work by incorporating versatility (multiplicity of functions) to the design of the workplace. Related to depth, versatility allows the individual, through extensive transfunctional training, to regularly perform more than one task. Versatility is the key to high productivity. Trouble avoidance is an important benefit of investing in versatility.

If a job is given greater depth, and the person who occupies it is in a position to move from one task to another when the job or the client's needs demand it, (fundamental development of the JIT in terms of the versatility of workers and employees) what kind of supervision is required? Very little supervision, or at least very little supervision of the traditional one by the first level supervisor. In a growing number of companies, this traditional role is becoming an anachronism. These changes are part of a vast trend to suppress what was once the top tier of many organizational charts. Instead, everyone who contributes to the process is expected to take more responsibility for their own direction and control.The old first-level supervisory task must disappear, and its key elements must be transferred to the executor.

Kaizen requires from managers and employees a new approach focused on:

  • Coordination of work flow Work and worker scheduling Ensuring productivity and quality Continuous improvement of quality and continuous increase in productivity Guidance, training and constant improvement of skills Team work (work must be restructured in such a way that a team of three people produce the same results as five employees isolated from each other).

Composite teams and reinforced jobs reduce the number of managers needed in the company, this makes the method of delamination mentioned above.

13. Computerization

Several aspects concerning the computerization of administrative processes and activities should be highlighted:

First of all, analyze the processes or activities to be computerized under the cost-benefit analysis. Not all activities should be computerized if the volume of operations does not justify the cost of their implementation and use. Focusing on the activities and processes that have the greatest impact on productivity, quality, cost, and response times is critical. Computerizing more than necessary or in activities that do not justify it imply a waste or waste of resources.

Secondly, the existing processes should not be computerized without modifying them beforehand. It is not a matter of automating inefficient processes, but rather of previously improving processes and applying computerization to them, or making use of computerization to productively reform existing work processes.

Survey the needs of the different sectors of the organization is essential before proceeding to the design of the software.

Computer processes must be subjected to quality control and continuous improvement. For this, it is essential to design them in such a way as to make these prerogatives feasible. In an era of continuous and accelerated changes, those information and processing systems that allow, at a low cost, modifications or updates in their designs and / or data processing is essential and may determine in part who will be the organizations that survive and succeed from those. that they just survive and are constantly subjected to the upheavals of the market.

14. Teleworking

Teleworking has evolved from being strictly a method of transferring work to the worker, to becoming a broad concept that encompasses those who work at home, full or part time, those who work in a satellite office and those who work in workplaces of neighborhood. In recent years, teleworking has centered around the corporate employee who carries out his work mainly from an office located in his home. All this is possible thanks to the great development of information technology and telecommunications, both in power and quality, as well as in reducing costs.

Remote work is being implemented in both the public and private sectors. Given the solitary nature of most jobs that lend themselves to this type of management, there are abundant opportunities for implantation in certain key sectors. Insurance companies, companies related to the design, installation and application of computer programs, as well as companies that require the introduction of a large amount of data, such as financial institutions, credit management companies, publication subscription requests, orders, introduction of data on payments, transport and storage companies, business consultancies, accounting, legal and architectural and engineering firms,These are just some of the many companies or activities that do or could make use of this type of remote work service.

The benefits are multiple:

  • Saving time and travel expenses for the worker Possibility for the company to hire high quality and experienced agents located in distant places Saving fixed costs, due to less use of physical space, energy consumption, cafeteria services among other expenses Availability of the worker whatever they are climatic conditions The worker can count on the environment they like best, use their time in a more flexible way, have their libraries The worker can provide services while ill, or can perform household chores such as taking care of their children while providing service to the company at the same time Can serve disabled people It allows the company to have a very large number of bidders,They can also serve as representatives in various places The PC maintenance costs would be borne by the operator

All this contributes to greatly increase productivity levels for both the company and the worker, reducing costs and increasing satisfaction levels.

15. Use of the Internet and Intranet

It allows a very wide range of possibilities, for various types of companies. First of all, it has a direct relationship with teleworking. It allows the offer of products, the reception of orders, communications within the same company and between companies, providing or receiving various types of training courses, carrying out fund transfer operations, making reservations in hotels or aviation companies. These are just some of the many activities that can be developed through the use of Intranet - Internet services, which help to reduce costs, increase quality and productivity levels, improve delivery times and cycles. The use of the Internet / Intranet has become essential both for the application of Just in Time,and to improve customer service and satisfaction levels.

16. Outsourcing

System by which companies delegate specific functions or activities to providers external to the company, by hiring for long periods and with specified quality levels. This has not only become essential with the use of Just in Time, but it also contributes enormously to increasing the focus of companies, improving their productivity levels. Businesses that dedicate themselves exclusively to a job have in their favor not only a question of scale, but also the learning curve, which allows them to offer products or services of higher quality and at a lower price.

We have the most varied types of services, from the production of goods, to computer work, accounting, salary settlement, advertising, cleaning, cafeteria services, security, distribution, maintenance and marketing, among many others.

17. Diagnosis and improvement of the systems

Starting from the various aspects developed previously, it is feasible to build a list of concepts or points to be verified and analyzed. Based on this, establish on the basis of a score (with the inclusion of weightings based on priorities, restrictions or strategic importance) the levels of quality, productivity, user satisfaction -whether internal or external-, response times, and cost levels, that the administrative - bureaucratic processes have in the company or entity (be this public or private, with or without profit) to start a process of improvements based on the established priorities, corroborating from periodically the improvements made and thus reformulate the processes or activities to consistently improve response levels.

18. Ethics and culture

The continuous improvement represented by Kaizen requires a work ethic whose fundamental aspect is the vision of achieving the highest levels of satisfaction with the least use of resources. That is a joint obligation of owners, managers and employees. Making use of resources in the most efficient way is a duty for himself and for humanity. In a world with scarce resources and imperative needs, the waste of different inputs or resources is immoral. Making efficient use of resources is making the company or organization profitable and successful, allowing the continuity of income for workers, managers and owners, as well as for their families. Each company must be conceived as a competition team,to the extent that it is inefficient, it runs the risk of losing the battle to continue surviving.

Continuous improvement is also an obligation as a possibility for personal growth, and one grows personally by systematically exceeding objectives or levels. This need to continually challenge new levels is one of the greatest motivators of employees and managers in the company, it is what demands the maximum of their discipline and creativity.

An inefficient use of resources implies lower levels of income for system operators, but also lower levels of satisfaction for users; This is reflected in all its breadth when it comes to public health and education.

Continuous improvement and the discipline that this requires is also the cause and effect of a cultural framework where people are responsible for their actions, where they consider themselves to be the architects of both personal and social improvements. A revolution is needed, especially in Latin American countries, that leads to overcoming sloppiness and to implement a work ethic and a culture of quality and productivity that tend to make better use of scarce resources, eliminating waste from administrative processes. - bureaucratic both at the public and private levels that impede sustained and equitable growth in the standard of living of its population. It is not by chance that the countries with the highest standards of living and growth are those that have implemented systems of continuous improvement in terms of quality and productivity.These countries, on an iron social discipline based on education, research and work, have made productivity a fundamental point of reference in their state policies, due to the importance it has in their competitive capacities and therefore in the level of productivity. life of their populations.

19. Bibliography

  • Competitiveness through productivity. Eric Hörnell. Financial Times – Folio. 1994 The Power of Six Sigma. Climb Chowdhury. Prentice Hall. 2001. How to improve work methods. Marcial Pérez Gutiérrez. Deusto. 1984 The Hidden Power of Productivity. William Bohan. Rule. 2003.The solution to office productivity. Manuel Rodríguez Rivas. Diaz de Santos. 1993 Administrative systems. Fernando Magdalena. Macchi editions. 1992 Administrative Diagnosis. Victor Manuel Martínez Chávez. Threshing. 1995 Remote work. Phillip Mahfoodt. Ediciones S. 1995 Bureaucracy in public and private corporations. Jorge Etkin. Macchi editions. 1986 The Supervisor's Handbook. Mark Truitt. Panorama. 1993. The company around 2010. Ramón Costa. Alfaomega-Marcombo. 1995. Quality and productivity for banking and financial managers. W. Latzko.Díaz de Santos. 1986. Organization of Offices. Place - Hicks and Wilkinson. Hispanic European. 1980. Organizational techniques, systems and methods. Lardent - Gómez Echaren and Loro. Editorial Club de Estudio. 1984. Times and Tasks. Cardiel Mateos. Limusa. 1974. Theory Z. William Ouchi. Hyspamérica. 1982 Rethinking the company. Robert Tomasko. Paidos. 1996. Information system for decision making. Daniel Cohen. McGraw Hill. 1998. Managerial E-activity. Juan Fresco and Alvarez Roldán. Prentice Hall. 2000. How to make your company competitive. David Jacobs and Alfred Homburger. Diaz de Santos. 1992 Supervision with personal touch. Sawada. http: //216.2…/search%3Fq%3Dkaizen. 2001. Faster with color code. http: //216.2…/search%3Fq%3Dkaizen. 2001 Kaizen. The key to Japanese competitive advantage. Masaaki Imai.CECSA - 1999 How to implement Kaizen in the workplace. Masaaki Imai. Mc Graw Hill - 1998

Comment that appeared in an article published in the newspaper "La Nación", Argentine Republic, on September 16, 1981. Prepared by the architect Rafael Iglesia.

Robert M. Tomasko - Rethinking the Company - Editorial Piadós - 1996

Robert M. Tomasko - Idem.

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Continuous improvement applied to bureaucratic processes