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Strategic goals. tips to get them aiming high


“If you want to obtain results above the rest, focus your Strategic Plan on doing what nobody does” Stop thinking about fighting your competitors, and become together with your team a unique model, difficult to imitate and consequently, unattainable for its competitors.

It is time to do what no one dares!

"It is time to do what no one dares." So drop the stuff and aim for the sky so you can reach it. Enough of doing the same old thing!

Needless to repeat, the world economic model is in decline and market complications are being more than evident. Today is not the time to stop and think about the reasons why we did not achieve the objectives we set ourselves during the previous year, or in the best of cases what led us to succeed during the year that is ending. It is time to design a new strategy, unique and different from that of others, that gives us the possibility of not wearing ourselves out while competing, but that makes us win against those who compete against us.

I am talking about the FOCUS, yes, of its objectives for the year that has just started. "You can't get to the sky if you don't point up." Please consider this statement when defining your business strategy, because by doing the same as always, you will surely obtain similar results compared to your competitors.

In order for you to design an approach with these characteristics, you must be willing to abandon what you have done so far, and even to separate in some cases from members of your team who have not shown the required commitment to the dream you intend to achieve. Do not let the feeling for the people or processes that have previously accompanied you win, it is time to move forward even when this means facing a duel (if you want to see it that way), because it is the only way to protect your Plan and consequently your dream..

Nothing then, above your dreams. Take this seriously!

I do not doubt that the strategic planning model has already been completed when you are reading these lines, because in the analysis of the environment it has been done for months and has allowed him to "visualize the future" and have been able to make certain predictions about the behavior that the market in which it participates. However, consider that you have time to make adjustments before taking the first steps in the year.

Consider these questions:

Is the dream you are trying to achieve unique in your environment? Are you still doing what everyone else is doing, or are you planning to do what no one else does?

What is it that will GUARANTEE you a greater share in the market, even in times of economic difficulties?

"If you do not pursue a different dream from the others, think seriously about the possibility of achieving the same thing that everyone can achieve" That is competing and does not assure you that you will be the future winner in the market.

If you have decided to aim high, then I recommend that you follow these steps:

1. Aim for the sky: The goal you design must be ambitious enough that no one can follow in your footsteps. Make sure that in each area of ​​your organization things are done that have not been done in the past. Spend time generating ideas and innovating.

2. Involve everyone on your team in your dream. Make everyone on your team clearly aware of where you are going and what your intentions are in doing so. If you convince them of it, they will surely commit themselves with enthusiasm to fight for the challenge that you present.

3. If necessary, change players. You cannot always play with the same team if you aspire to be above the rest, adjust your lines, especially in those where you detect a lack of commitment or lack of technical and leadership skills. Everything that weighs on you on the way to the summit, it is important to leave it on the way. You cannot play with players who do not want to commit with you to achieve your dream.

4. Play with a team of leaders, not just infantry. Make sure you have true leaders on all fronts in your army, as you need the character of your team members to get you through when you face difficulties along the way.

5. Change weapons. You cannot compete in the market with the same tools of the past, because the battle will be different from the previous ones. Update yourself technologically, re-train your people in new management models, make sure that innovation will be the topic of every day in each area of ​​the company, systematize everything possible to simplify work and thus obtain savings from beginning to end.

6. Encourage your collaborators. It is necessary to design the necessary support and motivation plan that allows you to keep the morale of all employees high. Don't skimp on rewards plans, support plans, etc. Battles are not easy, and you need to maintain the enthusiasm of all of them permanently if you want to win the war.

7. The requirement is the maximum of performance. Teach your team members that goals are not only to be met, but to be exceeded. Do not justify anything that is not aligned with this statement, because the level of performance of your people will depend on the business purpose and vision. His dream!.

So make sure that their level of technical and leadership skills are at peak so that they can be empowered to make decisions related to their level of responsibility. You cannot make all the decisions in the middle of the battle, many of them will be made by each of your collaborators during the fight and the only way to make them assertive is by trusting in their abilities and skills. There is no other way!

"If you think you deserve different results than what you have obtained right now, aim high and make the decision to change what is necessary at the level of your 360º."

Accept nothing but excellence!

"The great battles are won by solvent teams, those who aim for the same objective and those who look up to the sky as the maximum of their limits."

Achieving this dream depends on the leader who leads them.

"Continuous learning"

The only sustainable competitive advantage you have is in your people, and that is why you have to keep constantly changing.

Leaders make sure of this because they are open to change. They are aware that change is the only thing that guarantees their success, and in this sense they keep learning all the time.

They focus on what's new, welcome innovation every day, and make sure all team members collaborate on creative ideas all the time. They reward good ideas and make this process a constant practice. They are lovers of diversity and triumph.

They accept no less than this!

The companies with continuous learning models will be the ones that remain above their competitors in the future, so consider this variable in your global strategy, as it will be the one that gives you the opportunity to always be ahead of others.

Income, costs and operating expenses are merely indicators of the overall management of your company. They are the result of the actions of all the members of your team, therefore, they must be sufficiently prepared to perform the best role of their lives, ensuring the effectiveness of the processes, the productivity of their departments and the expected profitability.

This is why keeping your enthusiasm high is vital to the entire organization. You must personally see to it that this happens!

Do not accept less than success, do not get used to finding the reasons why you do not achieve the expected results, do not give room to justifications, do not give up on the environment. Change it! through changing your mental model and that of your collaborators. Dare to be different every day of your life and give customers what no one else gives them. They are waiting for years for a different level of results, even if they do not tell them.

As long as you obtain a high perceived value from them, they will not abandon you.

Be a different leader and train your employees so that they can also display their leadership. Unleash their potential, don't limit them. Therein lies the competitive advantage that I have been talking about.

Welcome the beginning of this 2012 with constant renewal towards Excellence.

Final thoughts:

"If the new year brings you the opportunity to change, do not miss it and make this a reality" The reasons? You will be able to achieve your dream on the one hand, and on the other, your clients will be grateful to you for a lifetime!

Strategic goals. tips to get them aiming high