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Methodology of successful companies

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A successful company must be constant in what it is doing well, focus on its customers, its employees and above all on the product, unique characteristics that will identify it from the wide market, use your imagination to be different from the competition, form a Exemplary work team and assume your responsibilities, be creative, proactive, take the attitude of a leader and make sure your collaborators have objectives, goals, do not lose the floor when the organization achieves profits, always worry about your employees they are the ones who will help you to get to the top. Your examples should be those life stories of large companies for example Coca-Cola, which has managed to stay in the market for a long time.


This document was developed with the objective of supporting companies by implementing an analysis in which it was concluded which have been the most relevant changes that large organizations have had to make to be great competitors and leaders in their market. The characteristics focus on innovation, leadership, decision-making, creativity, and many more aspects, all important in the management of a business which must focus on financing, producing and selling, companies are competitive as long as the leader is believe what it does, the business world is wide and we will run into many barriers since the tests never end, do not worry. Take care to define the objectives or expected results,results that have to be favorable for you and all those who contribute to the achievement of the results of the organization, it is important that we analyze what we are doing wrong and improve it and continue with what we do well in order to reach the expected goals and continue with the example of those big competitors.

II. Background

SMEs are those companies that are beginning to be realized in the business world, which is broad in Mexico, an organization is very important since it generates more employment for our country and especially for Mexicans, but many times these do not achieve the goal for which they are carried out since for some reason they stagnate in points such as creativity, innovation, leadership and many other things, sometimes we have heard that these are factors for which they are closed and it is true on the street we see small companies closed or that only last a couple of months in the market, therefore I took the task of analyzing the factors that have led large organizations to be leaders in the business world but these are not all there are many more factors that we will learn about throughout our experience as entrepreneurs.

Creative plagiarism: "Creative plagiarism, understood as rewriting the same story from another perspective and with other intentions, constitutes one of the most valuable and powerful tools of artistic creation." (Juan Alberto Vargas Téllez, 2008)

III. Development

"Methodology of successful companies"

In this text we will learn about the methods that large companies have considered to become successful throughout their growth.A successful company is one that has been able to remain in the market despite the changes that have arisen in the world. of bussiness.

The success of large companies has been due to many factors that continue from day to day, but it has not always been possible to be like that as they have reached the bottom, they have fallen from there, for example "General Motors" that reached the peak of success and in early 2006 it was a downhill climb due to its great financial problems, and so we could mention others. Success refers to getting out of others, our presence being noticed and others talking about us, it is the achievement of a goal, be it small or large and with great repercussion.

Entrepreneurship is a great task, a great responsibility and we have to educate ourselves to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful.

The first thing that we must bear in mind is that the things that we are doing well from the beginning are done automatically, consecutively the work comes back from day to day, first we have to think where are we going? We always have to innovate to be able to reach new sets of customers and expand our markets, this has to be constant, successful companies invest heavily in new technology, they are constantly updated to keep up with new trends, the objective of an organization has to be in First, the growth in market share and second, the growth of profits. Let's not forget that the best tool to stand out is the internet that is used every minute and thus take advantage of the advantages of the internet such as social networks, etc.,Something important that large companies like Coca-Cola recommend to us is to spend on a permanent basis what is necessary to be constantly updated with technology and customer service.

Observing the work of another industry often sparks creative ideas about using these same methods in your own industry. (Robert. J. Herbold, 2001)

An important point is to observe what happens outside the company, which we can observe is how the competition works, how it carries out its production systems, storage, etc. the best ideas tend to arise in the least thought of places, these ideas could improve the methods we are using and correct their mistakes so as not to commit them, use creative plagiarism, this refers to studying your industry and other companies to know that it is working correctly, Here we have to mix the staff so that they improve their processes and explore areas such as sales channels and product supplies, it is also called this way to the products that are renewed to generate a new impact this is to take the product of another company and look for things new and creative that generate another impact on the consumer,This practice will help us to give rise to new business models.

Now the products that you must develop must be extraordinary with unique and distinctive characteristics and this will lead us to constantly update and stay fresh in the face of market demand, innovation must always be in our vocabulary for this we must have two factors imagination and direction in the business world, what is important or what survives the most is the creation of unique and distinctive products, with updated and attractive characteristics, if our products are capable of achieving this, we will be able to be leaders unlike the competition and the most important thing is attract more customers create enthusiasm and high interest in them, the goal of every organization should be to have products superior to those of the competition.

For the most important products, the goal will always be to make them better, cheaper and higher in their category. (Robert. J. Herbold, 2001)

Another tip from large industries is that once one of the products goes on the market and achieves some success, the tendency is to leave it on its own, and start doing new and different things but without losing focus on the main products and being constantly improving them, using creativity to ensure they have unique qualities and advantages that the competition cannot offer, always think ahead.

We reached the point of creating our brand, the brand must be clear, concise but above all different, advertising as it is an important factor for the client or the main consumer to believe in the product, it must be consistent and must clearly transmit the benefits of the product and the reasons why the customer must believe in it, as well as the packaging must be consistent with the brand and point out the aforementioned, these are a factor of all are oneself.

The key to everything is to specify what one wants the brand to symbolize in any detail related to the product, packaging and advertising, after finding our brand, focus on customer service, this must be friendly, with enthusiasm and that the staff is at ease with what they will do.

Now let's talk about the staff, always think in which area you need it, what requirements you need the participant to meet, first that they be prepared for the place they will be part of, that they like what they do, that they be a leader and always have goals and objectives that Meet a good employee must be characterized by leadership, enthusiasm, values, attitude and in love with his profession.

Form a work team, join them and treat them as you would like to be treated, once you should have been an employee and you gained experience of those days in which they will have treated you well or badly, do the best you can with them, give the opportunity for them to give their opinion and take those opinions into account remember two heads think better than one of you depends on the productivity they will have, motivate them in their work, reward those who are known for doing their job well according to the established objectives, correct the one you think has problems but in a correct way always with respect.

Your work within the organization is very important never lose the floor, think about your employees, their families, your company, a good leader does not focus on the fact that the resources they will earn do not think that they are only yours, it is a set of all the benefits have to be of all, thinks that a good direction is the capacity to understand, direct and control a company in the best possible way.

Your qualities must be focused on the attitude with which we face problems and overcome them has a lot to do with the profile of the winner, it is also necessary to print effort and a lot of dedication for what we do and most importantly “constant work will open doors anywhere ”.

Perseverance to achieve success, work, dedication, quality and the warmth that we put into what we do. In addition to daily learning, where we always look for new and better ways of doing things.

The values ​​that we grant to each place or person have to do so that we are true winners.

Never lose respect for our peers, the environment and beliefs must be marked from the beginning, since in this way we live in a climate of tolerance to work successfully as a team.

A company reaches success with perseverance, we must never lose enthusiasm, nor the desire to develop it, the market is wide and we can all fit inside, we just have to be sure of what we want to create, carry out and generate a good team of work, in order to achieve our goals, challenge yourself every day. Your company is like a son, they conceived it, saw it born, cared for it since childhood and for which they strive. It will make us proud if it prospers and it will make you feel devastated if it dies. And this must be far beyond simple monetary interest.

IV. conclusion

Organizations are a fundamental space in the lives of human beings since they generate benefits for both the employer and society, for example jobs and family welfare.

Nowadays the change of organizations is important, it is important to generate communication between collaborators, leadership, creativity. Sometimes we ignore the best ideas, take them into account even if they seem very absurd.

In this analysis, large companies have taught us that it is important to be in line with the times in which we live, our products and services have to be innovative, with attractive characteristics that satisfy and generate impact on consumers, create communication with your customers, knows their needs to be able to differentiate ourselves from the competition, if we take care of human potential development, we will also be promoting the development of organizations, as long as the entrepreneur considers that his reason for existing is not only to generate profits, if not, above all, welfare to society as a whole.

An organization is very important but by taking it with patience and responsibility, setting goals to achieve what we want is essential to intertwine our objectives, goals, product or service, brand, collaborators and entrepreneur, they are all a set of everything, if something were to be missing The company would not be complete and we fall over the precipice, success is achieved based on related factors, two of the most important and that come from the monkey are leadership and direction, these are your responsibility, not because you are the leader, you will work less, it is work of all meet the objectives, it is in your hands that the collaborators see you as an example inspire them to do their work, how? Do yours with enthusiasm, motivate them, reward the most hard-working, have meetings in which you can count on their opinions,That you generate trust so that they will have an opinion, that they know that you will take it into account and that it is a point of improvement for both you and the organization.

Large companies were not achieved overnight, but you have already seen that it is not impossible, the market is wide and great ideas are to be known not to save them, if you do not do it, nobody will do it for you.

V. References

  • Juan Alberto Vargas Téllez. (2008). "Human development". Mexico: trillas.Robert. J. Herbold. (2001). "Seduced by Success". Mexico: Mc Graw Hill.
Methodology of successful companies