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Strategic planning methodology of the center for promoting peasant culture in güines cuba

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The proposal reveals the need for a strategic attitude to the changes that are taking place in Cuban society with regard to tastes, preferences and the creation of specialized cultural institutions with strategic planning requirements that respond to their particularities, defined strategies are proposed on the basis of a scientific methodology that, due to its theoretical foundations, the components that make it up in a systemic way, the indicators and instruments and the way it is made explicit, allows the Culture Department itself at its level to determine the institutional development strategy, to complete the corporate purpose within the regulatory frameworks of Management Science. The application will be made in aA newly created center for the development of Peasant Culture in the municipality of Güines.


The proposal indicates the need for a strategic attitude to changes that are taking place in Cuban society in terms of preferences and the need to create specialized cultural institutions with strategic planning requirements that meet their specific interests, defined strategies will be set out on the basis of a scientific methodology that for its theoretical support, the components that comprise it in a systemic way, the instrument, the indicators and the way it is explained, allows the Culture Directorate determine, at its level, the strategy of institutional development to accomplish the social function within the frameworks of the Directorate Science. The application shall be in a new creation center for the development of peasant culture in the town of Güines.


The management of cultural institutions as organizations that function open to their environment and fulfill the socializing mission of Culture is becoming increasingly complex, since they must be led along the correct paths in a world full of uncertainty, where material and ideological problems affect, hence a rigorous scientific management approach is needed and demanded.

Reality, which lasts for the rest, has conditioned the need for far-reaching changes and rigorous transformations of all kinds for cultural institutions, and thereby eradicate immobility and bureaucratic burdens, this implies demands on scientific management, ranging from a tight staff to the necessary, to a functionality in the normative, the organizational, the structural, the technological.

The interrelation with the environment and the work system itself constitutes an essential way for them to become institutions with a vision of the future, interactive and linked with credibility to the socio-productive and socio-cultural environment, in correspondence with the changes of time that derive from the development of a modern society, as a reflection of the social demands of a spiral world.

At the same time, each institution of the Ministry of Culture has to recognize its own corporate purpose and fulfill it through the recurrence of strategies based on science, such as: management improvement strategy, ideological political preparation, training, methodologies, learning and strategies according to the tastes and preferences of the population. The corporate purpose is very difficult to achieve without an integrative institutional development strategy. The factors expressed significantly influence new requirements to the Institutional Cultural Directorate so as not to confuse recreation with cultural work. The starting budget for this thesis is:

What type of planning to propose to respond to these demands? Is there an effective model applicable to cultural institutions?

Culture, although it starts from a common trunk, takes visible roots in the different territories, provinces and regions, hence the need to have an effective foundation based on a serious diagnosis that allows to channel strategic planning according to the scope of scope of the institution.

National models do not always bear good fruit in the particularities of a location defined by a cultural environment with historical cultural traditions. The stable operation of an Institution that looks to the future regardless of the circumstances that arise in the environment is based on strategic planning to ensure the concrete historical strategic approach to articulate the processes of integration to the environment and institutional stability.

It is to mean that the historical journey of theoretical thought proven in practice shows that cultural traditions live in the population, and are nourished by transmission from family to family and from man to man as a faithful exponent of Cuban culture, then: The mission of the cultural institution will be to draw up long-term organizational development strategies where human and financial resources are used in their proper measure with a maximum of cultural product.

In the author's opinion, proven in the qualitative and quantitative analyzes carried out by the Ministry of Culture, there is a contradiction between the need for a viable and reliable strategic projection for the development of cultural institutions and the insufficient positive disposition towards transformation and change., coupled with the absence of a process for determining strategic objectives that is participatory and scientific.

The author assumes the idea that any attempt to carry out strategies in cultural institutions must start from the study and solution of this essential problem; element that allows to declare the following scientific problem:

How to determine the strategic planning of development in a newly created cultural institution to respond to the current transformations of Cuban society determined by its social purpose?

Object of study: Strategic planning of cultural institutions.

Study objective: To propose a methodology with a view to determining the strategy for the future development of the Center for the Promotion of Peasant Culture in Güines, to develop the organizational structure through the definition and assembly of the strategic organizational scheme.

After specifying elements, rereading the design, the objective and subjective conditions, we are in a position to ask ourselves the following scientific questions.

  1. What are the theoretical references of the strategic planning of cultural institutions that allow the study of the process of determining the institutional strategy? What are the elements that characterize development planning in cultural institutions? What characteristics should the process have determination of work strategies for the development of newly created cultural institutions with a specific development framework? What is the feasibility of applying the proposed methodology for determining the development strategy of a cultural institution with the objective of defined job?

Research tasks.

  1. Determination of the existing theoretical references for the strategic planning of cultural institutions that allow the study of the process of determining the institutional strategy Determination of the elements used to characterize development planning in cultural institutions Determination of the methodological procedure to be considered for the strategic planning in a newly created cultural institution with a specific development framework Assessment of the feasibility of the experimental application of the methodology in a newly created cultural institution with a specific development framework in order to be subject to evaluation in the course of one year.

The methodological strategy used in the research process is summarized as follows:

The theoretical basis was the dialectical and historical materialism, a guide for the construction of the theoretical methodological design which allowed the analysis of the peculiarities and dynamics of the current situation of the object of study in its high degree of complexity.

From the theoretical level:

  • The historical - logical: the historical was used for the study of the indicators and their ranking, as well as to take a position with respect to the theories assumed in the research. While logic was useful for determining the relationships established between the variables studied for the foundation of cultural work. Analysis - synthesis: the analysis allowed the study of each of the variables, their importance, as well as combining each one of these variables and the influence on the sociocultural development of the locality. The needs of community management grouped synthetically allowed the analysis by areas of the participation and satisfaction of the target subjects. Inductive - deductive:the inductive provided the study of the data system of the experimental unit assumed in the research through the empirical material collected and thus reach conclusions about how said system was structured; the deductive thing facilitated, from the general study carried out, to particularize these assumptions to the field of study of the local culture.

From the empirical level:

  • The participant observation: allowed to directly perceive the sociocultural behavior in the locality. Documentary analysis: constituted an important and essential source of information, among which are, statistics, reports of compliance with the programming, reports of events carried out at the community, municipal, provincial, national and others related to the development of Traditional Popular Culture.


  • Descriptive statistics: the frequency analysis to specify the inferences of the applied instruments and make, as precisely as possible, the evaluations of the study carried out, the data is also grouped into different classes, different qualitative (nominal and ordinary) and quantitative scales are used (interval and reason).

Bibliography of pedagogues who have successfully addressed the tasks of strategies in the field of Education was consulted, among them are Bringas Linares (1999), Alonso Rodríguez (2002), Valle Lima (2003 and 2007), Reyes Peña (2005), Torres Pérez (2004), Pérez Viera (2006), García Felipe (2006) and Arango Hoyos (2006) among others.

In all of them the pedagogical nature of the same is recognized, and implicitly or explicitly the institutional development as an end. The development of Cultural Institutions is a process and an end, it has been studied with great interest by specialists from the Ministry of Culture.

The limited availability of these valuable works is regrettable, an element that led to the evaluation of the opinions about the models and different approaches of authors such as: R. Shirley (1997), J. Goldsmith and k Cloke (1998), Masson (1997), E. Yánez (1992), Torseten (1997), FO Rodríguez González and S. Alemany Ramos (1998), F. Mello and Grinnel (1998), AL Portuondo Vélez (1998), C. Díaz Llorca (1998), S. Shein (1990), José Luís Almunias (1994), as well as classics such as Steiner, Marlon, Goddard, Porter, Kay, Mintzberg, Meguzzato and Miesing.

It was necessary to start from a reference model of strategic planning and it was chosen by the author himself to apply as Direction by objectives in the House of Culture of Güines with the mechanical extrapolations necessary to contextualize it to the system of tastes and preferences of the Peasant Culture and that the previous one serve as a starting point in the construction of a methodological proposal to determine the development strategy of the promotional center of Peasant Culture.

Based on these studies, the researcher considers that strategic planning in a center for the promotion of Peasant Culture should have the vision of the present and the future of the Institution, determine objectives to achieve the desired state and the structuring process of a group of activities that not only reinforce the presentation of sudden shows, but also search for other areas of this that can range from crafts and other multiple variants of music and rural oral literature, to converting the center into a teaching unit.

Novelty and topicality of the investigation:

The possibility of applying a strategic planning with scientific basis as a methodological way to determine development strategies in an Institution whose mission is the development and promotion of Peasant Culture and which at the same time will have no equal in the Province and It responds to the transformations required by the social purpose of Traditional Popular Culture in Socialism.

The proposal reveals the need for a strategic attitude towards changes, the aspects that hinder its planning, pose scientific requirements in this type of Institution given its particularities and offers a methodology so that the Peasant Culture does not have a break in Cuban society and does continue in the new generations of Cubans.

The components of this methodology integrate, in a systemic way, the indicators, instruments and the way of making it explicit, which allows the center's management to determine the institutional development strategy and fulfill the corporate purpose within the normative frameworks of the cultural policy of the Cuban Revolution.

Its current character is explicit in the need to apply to the peasant culture, always seen as empirical, the scientific foundation and propose a methodology with a contextualized character, systemic approach, affordability, legitimacy. In addition to an operational definition of the term, the Directorate of this type of institution is offered a tool to organize the institutional development of a center that is not represented in other municipalities.

The methodology allows through the evaluations an adjustment of the changes through the strategic objectives of the target subjects that participate, the Technical Advisory Council and the main artists, the elaboration of an operational tactical plan for the year and an organizational management system that allows the implementation of the Strategic direction.

The report is made up of: Introduction, two Chapters, Conclusions, Recommendations, Bibliography and Annexes. The first chapter is dedicated to the systematization of the theoretical references of strategic planning in the Ministry of Culture that allows the study of the determinative process of the development strategy in an Institution that promotes Peasant Culture.

In the second chapter, the investigative process and the results obtained are presented, the requirements and the methodological proposal for strategic planning are presented, all its components are reflected to allow its implementation.


Theoretical and methodological references on strategic planning with an emphasis on cultural institutions

1.1 The organization as a unit or social entity

The Organization is important because it brings together social institutions that reflect certain values ​​and certain culturally correct needs, allows us to live together in a civilized way and achieve objectives as a society. It fulfills this essential function: overcoming limitations as an individual ensures achieving goals that would otherwise be much more difficult or even impossible to achieve.

The Organization as an administrative function and an integral part of the administrative cycle; It means the act of organizing, structuring and integrating the resources and the bodies that fall under its administration and establishing relationships between them and the attributions of each one, without it there is no good organization, it is necessary to mention facts that support the assertion.

1.3 Systems Approach:

Theoretical methods, in the case of properly theoretical investigations, can be applied as the general focus of the investigation, that is, as a strategy to approach and study the research object (Capó, 2008).

In this sense, the current development of the Administration allows to have a general perspective of what future generations will study. With it, it is possible to identify additional perspectives such as the use of the Systems Approach.

The Systems Approach conceives the organization as a unitary and intentional system composed of interrelated parts, which instead of dealing separately with the parts, groups them as a whole, and as a part of the broader external environment, in this way, any part of an organization affects the others.

Experience has shown that organizations are neither self-sufficient nor closed, they exchange resources with the environment and depend on it, they take inputs, such as raw materials, money, workforce and energy, returning them transformed into products or services.

In the cultural environment, it is exchanged with the environment through people, tastes and preferences, and the artist - public - leaders relationship, framed in the local and national culture, thus a cultural product is returned, aesthetically adjusted to the conceptions of the Socialist Society.

The Administration is a unified system directed by interrelated parties, it conceives the organization as a unitary and international system composed of interrelated parties. She does not deal with the parts separately, but sees them as a whole and as part of a larger external environment.

Other fundamental concepts:

Subsystems: Parts that make up the entire system.

Synergy: A situation in which the whole is greater than its parts. In organizational terms, synergy means that departments that act cooperatively are more productive than if they acted independently.

Open system: a system that interacts with its environment.

Closed system: a system that does not act with its environment.

Boundaries of a system: the boundary that separates each system from its environment. The closed is rigid in the open is flexible.

Flows: components such as information, material and energy that act and leave a system.

Feedback: (based on work). The part of the control of the system in which the results of the action return to the individual which allows to analyze and correct the work systems. These concepts were raised by Seymour Tilles in "The manager's Job-A Systems". Harvard Bussines Review 41 January-February 1963 issue.

1.3.2 Concept of the management system.

To correctly understand any phenomenon, it is necessary to consider it in connection with other phenomena, to know its origin and its subsequent development. (Murgezia, 1986).

Many knowledge systems are integrated into Management. Society is a large complex system made up of many subsystems. Engels pointed out: "All nature extends among us as a certain system of relations and processes."

Despite the importance of this concept for contemporary science, there is currently no general and unique definition of it.

The academic VG Afanasiev, (1978): Expresses that, "an integral system is understood to be the set of components whose interaction generates new qualities (the result of integration, of the system) that the component elements do not possess."

Stafford Beer, (1965): He defines it as follows: "system is any cohesive collection of things that are dynamically related", and then makes an interesting observation: "The universe seems to be made up of sets of systems, each one contained within of someone older than him, like a game of hollow construction cubes that children play with ”.

For the purposes of study and practice, systems are subdivided into parts (one could be one of the component elements), these parts are called subsystems. The area that comprises a system or subsystem is a conventional question, and will depend on the interest of the observer or researcher.

System theory draws attention to the dynamic and interrelated nature of organizations and administrative activity. It provides a frame of reference within which we can plan actions and anticipate immediate and long-range consequences, as well as allowing us to understand the unforeseen consequences that may arise.

The management system is a set of stages joined in a continuous process, which allows an idea to be worked in an orderly manner until improvements and continuity are achieved. If it is applied in a participatory way, it is the essence to be able to carry out a systemic, creative process, capable of managing social and environmental risks, it allows to reorganize its objectives and strategies.

1.4 The contemporary Administration.

It is an administrative approach, based on principles formulated by Frederick W. Taylor, Henry L. Gantt and the spouses Frank and Lillian Gilberth that determines in scientific ways the best methods to perform any task and select capabilities, it has been developed and refined with evolution of science, technology, the scientific development of humanity, plus the possibilities of exchange and communication between men.

Society needs it because it allows us to achieve goals that individuals individually cannot achieve. It is necessary to develop a long-term vision of the Organization and its place in the world, it is necessary to make decisions, take into account ethics and values, all with talent through formal education and daily practice.

1.4.1 Importance of contemporary Administration

It is a discipline to which practical results are concerned, its study must begin with the theory because it contributes to the understanding of the underlying processes and on the basis of it the action to be followed is chosen. The theory is a group of assumptions structured to explain the relationship between two observable facts. Administrative theory shows where our ideas about organizations and the people who form come from.

Taking Henry Ford's assembly line as an example, this is a practical application of the scientific theory of Management, the concept that managers can scientifically determine the best way to perform any task.

Each theory is the result of its environment and a product of the social, economic, and technological factors present at a particular time and place. This knowledge will help to understand why certain theories are suitable for different circumstances.

1.5 Participatory management.

According to Díaz Pontones and Ramírez Reyes, (2005) the following is understood by participatory nature in the Management:

Participatory management systems are not only an economic but also a social requirement. They allow workers to feel responsible and share the results of their organizations where they do their work. Participatory management systems are alternative ways to obtain competitive advantages.

In 1999 Stoner in his book "Administration", Edit. McGraw Hill, Mexico, defines participatory management: Management style that encourages employees to assume more important roles, with more powers.

The authoritative opinion of Fuentes M, Agote AL and Albacete, (2002) defines the characteristics of participatory systems as follows:

  • They give power to influence decisions They have information on the performance of the organization They understand the activity they carry out They are based on training to control their behavior.

Bowen, (1995), highlights the elements necessary for the functioning of participation, emphasizing that: when these elements are dissonant, efficiency is lost, when they are not present, participation is canceled.

The following elements are necessary for participation in management to be manifested: (Agote and Albacete, 2002).

  1. Power to act and make decisions about work in all aspects Information about processes, quality, customer feedback, performance of the organizational unit and competition Knowledge of the work and activity of the company by enhancing skills to analyze business results and group work. Rewards based on business results and growth in capacity and individual and group contributions.

The importance of these basic aspects for participation in the management system is that they constitute the directions on which the actions that will allow their manifestation must be exercised.

An important aspect is to consider it as a process of change, which is why it requires establishing the management style that allows establishing the appropriate relationships between the managers-members of the organization and the external stakeholders.

1.6 Cultural direction as a system

It is not possible to put aside the relationship that is established between Management and people, which places it in the cultural sphere in a feedback between recipients and the Institution and thus the Management is located as Science and as a process.

This research takes these points of view into account and emphasizes Management fundamentally as an activity in the form of a system, without denying its character as a process or the reasons that justify it as Science. These aspects are explained later when reference is made to the Cultural Direction as a relationship with the tastes and preferences of the target subjects.

The need to study the nature of the Directorate system as an activity is due to the interrelation that must be achieved between cultural activities, the Institution's cultural components and the target subjects.

The Management of cultural institutions becomes extremely complex due to the necessary feedback relationship of three fundamental components: Management - Artist - Public. It is important to achieve the development of human resources and that the councilors feel governed by the tastes and preferences of the population and at the same time ensure the fulfillment of the mission of the cultural institution, projecting the institutional vision into the future. This can only be achieved with proper Strategic Management and proper management.

To analyze strategies, three fundamental aspects cannot be forgotten:

  • Vision of the present and future of the organization. Specific objectives to achieve the short, medium and long budget. Resources and actions forming a unitary set in favor of the strategic objectives.

Peter Druker (1964) proposes the performance of the terms effectiveness as the ability to do concrete things, and efficiency the ability to do them correctly. In his opinion, effectiveness is the most important thing because even the highest possible degree of efficiency will not overcome the wrong selections of the goals.

Thus, in planning, efficiency must be seen as the ability to determine appropriate objectives, and efficiency as the ability to minimize the use of resources in achieving organizational objectives. All this based on the achievement of goals.

Goals provide a sense of direction, allow us to focus our efforts, guide our plans and decisions, help us evaluate our process. The importance of planning lies in being the essential function of the administration. A simile and planning can be compared with a locomotive capable of pulling many cars in a straight line.

Hater and Schendel (1962) after analyzing different literatures defined strategic management and based it on the principle that the general design of an organization can be described if the achievement of objectives contributes to policies and strategies as one of the factors. keys to the strategic management process.

For the aforementioned authors, the key factors are political processes and internal individual reactions that can force the revision of the strategy, that is, the interrelation that must exist between them.

1.6.1 Planning in the cultural institution

Strategic planning is a process where the current situation of the institution and its environment is evaluated, the future is visualized, goals and objectives are set, methods and procedures to be followed are standardized, strategies are developed and modes, deadlines and forms of control. Strategic planning can be seen as the method used by the Strategic Direction to integrate all the functions of the management cycle and achieve the fulfillment of predetermined objectives in the cultural institution (Arias, 2000).

For a cultural center with marked work requirements in a specific area to respond to its social mission, it must have a systems approach in its strategic planning. Actions on any of the subsystems that compose it modify or affect the others, only in this way can the potential of the cultural center be assessed as a starting point for the community social strategy that the Center for the Promotion of Peasant Culture has as its mission.

We must see these formulations from three points of view:

a) Creative act of projection. (understand formulation).

b) Administrative act of organization and execution (understand implementation).

c) Control as a systematic act of evaluation and feedback.

All of them are comprehensive and valid in the sphere of cultural administration, only the institution's management should assess which ones would be most useful to its organization, in our case we will take the strategic direction as a pattern, but we will not disassociate ourselves from the other directions.

The author maintains that the institution to achieve autonomy requires a strategic attitude that starts from a diagnosis where the target subjects have a prominent role, this will allow to visualize the desired future state, the mediate possibilities and thus know how far to go in the fulfillment of policies and objectives; This possibility is provided by strategic planning when working in a measured way.

The analysis of the resolution on the current methodological work for the Directorate by objectives in Houses of Culture and works of its authorship awarded in the Forum of Science and Technology and events of Culture and Development, served as a reference to understand that the essence is applicable, but Being the sui generis center within the province, the strategic direction must take more specific molds within its field of action.

1.7 Management System for Local Development appropriate to the Center for the Promotion of Peasant Culture in Güines.

In this development process, the correct application of these theories and techniques in the field of management sciences is important. This constitutes a fundamental pillar for the achievement of the set objectives, for which the most advanced and positive of the world contribution in this field must be assimilated, at the same time that their own ideas and experiences are developed in a creative way, for the proposal of strategic planning through the development management system.

In terms of systems, an organization, in this case the Centro Promotor de la Cultura Campesina in Güines is:

A set of elements in dynamic interaction, located within the limits of a specific physical space, organized according to an end (Padillas, 2006).

The local space, as a system, is made up of a set of subsystems in dynamic interaction with each other and with their environment, the purpose of which is to satisfy the needs… not only of the people who live and / or work in this locality, but rather the needs and interests of the different subsystems that are part of the local system. (Padillas, 2006).

For the author, the system in the promoting center is established from the promotion and development that takes into account the role of all the necessary factors to convert the potentialities that can be identified when examining a delimited socio-cultural unit into dynamics.

The challenge facing humanity is to adopt new ways of thinking, acting and organizing in society; in short, new ways of living. It also consists of promoting different development paths, informed by the recognition of how cultural factors shape the way societies conceive their own futures and choose the means to achieve them. And organizations play an important role in these forms of development, as a scale for the construction of local development, where there is a more intimate contact between the State and society. (Revello, 2000).

The management system for Local Development was designed through a process of research and data processing. It is conceived as an integrated system of five stages, following an order. Each one constitutes by itself a primordial link, but at the same time, it is the fundamental basis for the next one and all of them are related to each other. (Tejeda, 2008).

The stages that are related are part of the system, made up of a set of components where information is stored, processed and distributed; it also feeds on the environment and pays tribute to the environment, thus responding to its demands. The system must have, therefore, solid links with the environment, since vital elements will be found in it to ensure the existence of the promoter center and its critical factors for success.

Its stages are as follows:

  1. Conceptualization stage Diagnostic stage Proposal stage for development Execution stage Evaluation, monitoring and control stage

In the strategic proposal for the Promoter Center in the management system, several subsystems come into operation, such as: the information subsystem, in which multiple elements or components interact with attributes that may vary (people, a group, the institution) and where information management encompasses different activities (collection, storage, retrieval, dissemination to the indicated places and people)

For Muñoz Cruz, (2010):… the information system is a set of elements or components related to information that interact with each other to achieve a goal: to facilitate and / or retrieve information.

This information subsystem is very important when installing the promoter center within a larger environment. The information that is received has value because it will contribute to reduce the uncertainty of the future; by decreasing this, decision-making can be more effective.

It is a resource that must be used, it is an essential factor in terms of the possession or not of the opportune information, it will be a determining element of the quality of the decisions that are adopted and, consequently, of the strategy that may be possible at any given time. determined to be designed and subsequently put into practice.

The information, Museum Glossaries, (2005), is not only generated, but must be distributed and disseminated; that is, the input information (collected) and the output information (distributed and disseminated) are established through the communication system, which is nothing more than the transfer of said information.

Internal communication acts as a motivating factor and mobilization of efforts, in this case of the managing group and the groups that are created in the proposal of the management system for the promoter center. In the communication system it has two main tasks:

1) the effectiveness of the language used, that is, the informational content of the messages transmitted, the clarity in their formulation.

2) the effectiveness of the network, in the sense of the behavior and training of the members of the organization, with respect to their role as receivers and transmitters of information.

1.7.1 Stage I: Conceptualization

At this stage the following aspects are taken into account:

a) Analysis of the historical background of the town.

• Defined by the study of documents and the popular heritage on the history of culture, its development, its traditions and beliefs.

• Identification of the problems that exist.

b) Compilation of opinions, ideas and proposals on the activities and work to be done.

c) Cultural dimension. Agenda 21, (2004), in its chapter 36.

From the proposals of dimensions, the cultural dimension is selected by the author because it constitutes the patrimonial base that every society possesses, it is proposed that the rest of the cultural management strategies are based on these, aimed at their conservation, dissemination, tutelage, research.

d) Sensitization of local authorities, interest groups and the population

It is important to exchange with local authorities and other entities because they have an important impact, they are the competent actors in making strategic decisions. In addition, this exchange seeks to obtain their approval and support in the development of the work, as well as practical facilities to collect data of interest for the research.

This step requires that sincere and frank communication be established between researchers and authorities in order to instill in the latter an appropriate motivation for the strategic proposal.

In addition, an exchange must be established with the different actors that are related to work, for example: Presidents of Popular Councils, Delegates, Population, Workers, Directors of the centers that are located in the selected locality or community, among others, Because everyone can provide great information for the development of research and actively incorporate them into it.

a) Creation of the management group

This group is made up of people who are coordinated to carry out the management process, they must participate: beneficiaries, the population, government and administrative instances of the municipality, institutions and support organizations, as well as external agencies.

The members of the group are selected in order to develop capacities, knowledge and skills necessary to face the challenge of the transformation of reality, in addition, it must create qualities that identify it as a leader and promote the participation of the population around the improvement of their living conditions, and in raising their local resources with a strategic vision. Its main objective will be to act as a dynamic element in society, and to make it manifest itself sensitized to change.

b) Training and preparation

Among other aspects that are extremely important, we can mention the adequate and correct training of the human resources inserted in one way or another in the process, all of which guarantees the preparation of the man and that they in turn are carriers of the knowledge that receive. As stated in Agenda 21 chapter 36: Education is of critical importance to promote sustainable development and increase the capacity of populations to address environmental and development issues.

Different techniques are used to carry out the training, Rivera, (2000), this allows people to feel an integral part of the whole process by having direct participation. Community training and education is characterized by respect for the diversity of cultural traditions and their autonomy.

1.7.2 Stage II: Diagnosis

The diagnosis, according to Cruz, (2004), provides the necessary information for the elaboration of strategies and is a fundamental mechanism for participatory education and for the integration of the community in the development effort.

Likewise, the information collected in the diagnosis constitutes the starting point of the evaluation of the results, so a correct choice of the aspects to be diagnosed and accuracy in the measurement of the indicators is required.

General features

The diagnosis must be carefully planned, differentiate stages and define the objectives in each one, so that the results contribute effectively to the elaboration of development strategies.

It is the moment in which the inventory, explanation and interpretation of the current situation of culture in the municipality is carried out, in terms of its reality, social and economic, to know the reality from an integral perspective.

In the management system, the strategic and / or operational diagnosis is recommended, Reyes, (2008), its results serve as support to establish the shared vision of the future, the strategic objectives and the set of programming actions on which the decision-making and management work, with the participation of grassroots social organizations, in the idea of ​​promoting essential changes in given time horizons.

Consequently, it implies establishing the directionality that is given to certain actions and measures to achieve the objectives related to the improvement of the population's quality of life, sustained cultural growth, proper management of cultural resources, environmental quality and the efficient organization of the promoter center.

It constitutes the initial process of the diagnosis to cement the adequate knowledge, which will later support the set of proposed actions. In accordance with Reyes Echeverría in his “Methodology for the construction and analysis of the SWOT matrix”.

In this case, a strategic diagnosis will be made, Reyes, (2008), in real time that is as reliable and feasible as possible based on the external and internal analysis of the center that promotes peasant culture.

For the strategic diagnosis different tools of proven effectiveness are used, one of them is the Matrix of Balance of Forces known by its acronym SWOT or SWOT, Astorga and Van Der Bill, (2005), whose use allows enriching said diagnosis, but by itself It alone does not provide any benefit, if a logical procedure is not incorporated for its construction and analysis, due to the high degree of uncertainty that the environment contributes today and the high content of subjectivity it contains.

There is a very effective way to formalize and enrich the Strategic Diagnosis, and it is by intertwining the results of the internal and external analysis to weigh the importance of both. (Weaknesses, Threats, Strengths, Opportunities).

To carry out the external analysis, they must link the environment to the interest groups, legislative, demographic and political aspects. This is nothing other than taking into account the strategic factors of the environment, such as interest groups, legal political, cultural sociological, technological and finally the one that it is impossible not to consider environmental ecological ones due to their long-term social impact.

What functions should be considered for the analysis of the balance of forces in an organization? All functions must be taken into account, including: the philosophy of senior management, strategic orientation, administration and organization, organizational culture, system of values ​​that accompany the mission, organizational climate, operations, finances, human capital management, system of research and innovation, technological system and impact.

All of the above presupposes firstly that the preparation of the organization's profile is very necessary, so that the SWOT matrix can really be effective and the diagnosis is as real as possible. This stage, according to Horejs, (2002), has two basic activities: collect information and reflect.

In the first, the data needed to better understand the problem are collected: how it manifests itself, what is its extent and intensity, where and since when does it occur, what people do and say, the analysis by themselves is taken into account beneficiaries. It is a joint work of the technical team with the community to obtain the most realistic image possible.

They reflect to fully understand a problem, go beyond the mere collection of information. From the data obtained, the problem is analyzed and discussed, trying to explain its development, its origin, its relationships, its consequences.

In addition, it is carried out to evaluate, taking Carew-Reid, (1995) as a reference, the trends, relevant characteristics, needs and restrictions of the promoting center and to identify the potentialities and resources that exist. To carry out the diagnosis, a group of people previously trained and oriented in the objectives of the work to be carried out must be created, this constitutes one of the prioritized actions, because only in this way can the quality and effectiveness of participatory-action-research be guaranteed.

Diagnosing reality involves making an effort to search for information, order and analyze it, it must be precise, timely and have a very clear objective. The execution requires permanent feeding and feedback from all those involved (González, 2004).

It is a process that helps to know the reality or economic, social and cultural situation of the locality, it is like a photograph, it allows to identify its strengths and weaknesses, as well as the threats and opportunities that the environment offers.

The information compiled must comply with the following requirement: be comprehensive, that is, it includes all aspects of human, natural and cultural resources that are identified in the territory and be relevant, the information must correspond to the existing reality and with the desired transformation.

For this, the following requirements are also taken into account:

  • Create a multidisciplinary temporary technical work group. Train the members of the temporary group on the methodology and purpose of the diagnosis. The first phase is an analysis of the task to be carried out, it involves adjusting the methods to be applied Prepare the guide for the diagnosis Make reconnaissance visits to the town Carry out the documentary and testimonial study of the culture in the territory The information is collected taking into account aspects related to geographical characteristics, the environment, economic aspects, social life, the results of different statistical analyzes, among others, achieving a comprehensive view of the problems and their ranking, and also delimiting the issues that are of the local scope and those that have a national or provincial scope, in correspondence with Pimentel, (1999).

When the results of the entire process are obtained, a table work is then carried out, with the participation of the managing group and other invited people from the town. Thus it is possible to determine the strategic lines and areas of development.

To carry out the investigation, two fundamental steps are carried out:

a) Carry out an exchange with local authorities to publicize the results of the investigation based on the diagnosis and achieve consensus on the application of the management system.

b) Define the institutions that will participate directly, which allows broadening the spectrum, knowing more about all the development alternatives, as well as having their support in the preparation, execution and control of strategic planning.

The diagnosis stage is carried out constantly, in order to have knowledge of the promoter center and to be able to incorporate in successive phases other variables that were not incorporated in the initial stage. In this step, the participants can know the reality of the environment, decide on it, create and shape their present and their future.

This stage is important because it consists of thinking creatively and innovatively with a participatory approach. It provides the information necessary for the forecast through which the future is predicted from the present; you try to see further. Projecting the future is the vision of what you want, how you want and how it can be achieved.

A clear idea is reached of what is intended and how the formation of shared values ​​among all the artists, recipients and the promoting center will be achieved.

1.7.3 Stage III: Proposal for development

Figure 1 shows the Porter forces that control industrial competition (Porter, 1979). They can be applied to the Cultural Directorate for the management of participatory processes (See Annex 1).

Based on the conciliation work of the Management Group and the technical group created for this purpose, the strategic planning or a development program is conceived or proposed, as a product of the results obtained from the diagnosis, in order to carry out the identified lines of action..

At this time, it is in a position to develop Strategic Planning, Núñez, (2004), this process occurs on the basis of the General System Theory, consisting of a set organized by integrated elements that are logically ordered among themselves, tend towards the same end, suppose the existence of a series of interconnected processes, whose overall result is greater than the result of each one of them isolated.

The sole fact, demonstrated by many studies, Núñez, (2004), of establishing a vision, defining the mission, planning and determining objectives, positively influences the performance of the institution. Strategic planning allows us to think about the future, visualize new opportunities and threats, focus the mission of the organization and effectively guide the direction of an organization, facilitating innovative action of direction and leadership.

Good strategic planning requires knowing more about the organization, improving communication and coordination between different levels and programs, and improving management skills. Strategic planning generates forces of change, preventing organizations from being carried away by changes, it helps them to take control over themselves and not only to react to external rules and stimuli.

Being able to count on Strategic Planning, UN, (1998), is talking about designing the future and having the ability to propose those general objectives that, once achieved, modify the reality from which one starts. And that without getting lost along the way, despite the changes or variants that occur along the way during the planned time.

Strategic Planning has a certain time to achieve what is desired is part of the mission and the dialectical interpretation of the reality itself (of the context) to intervene, the vision of the future and the shared values ​​in the promoter center, of there strategies and objectives are outlined. For this reason, it is preferred to speak of the analysis of the “social formation”, not only with data or concrete realities, but also the historical and cultural determinations from which the reality to be interpreted becomes.

The selection of the strategic lines of development is established by consensus of the Management Group as a result of the diagnosis; subsequently, the action plan to be executed is drawn up, which will be determined by the elaboration of specific actions for each line of development.

In this regard, it is necessary to bear in mind that to carry out these actions it is necessary to define the design of the objectives and work strategies, and propose (as an indispensable premise) the optimal use of all potentialities. To carry out this work, the participation of all interested parties in the proposals and in the execution of the actions is very important.

1.7.4 Stage IV: Execution.

At this stage it is necessary to make the best use of the human, financial and material resources available to achieve the objectives within the established time, quality and cost limits.

The proper management of a set of interdependent variables constitutes the basic framework of the process, Guide to 21, (2010), they are: strategy, structure, systems, knowledge, human resources, leadership and organizational culture:

  • The strategy is the preparation and execution of the action plan, it is a document that integrates and plans, for each Strategic Line, the fulfillment of the proposed objectives, the generic action programs to be developed and the specific actions to be executed, according to the degree of Priority, (Agenda 21, 2004) The structure is determined by the definition and assembly of the organizational scheme to execute the action plan and define the work groups The knowledge system concerns the training of personnel and the definition of competencies, the technologies that must be mobilized for the efficient and effective execution The selection of human resources, mainly women and young people The Management Group requires an open, flexible and communicative attitude and behavior,that seeks consensus in teamwork, that encourages initiative, delegation of responsibilities and participation in the decision-making process Organizational culture is the promotion of shared values ​​and a work environment that inspires people, commitment with work, professionalism, spirit of innovation, creativity, search for excellence, loyalty, cooperation and respect.

The Action Plan, Gómez, (2005), is eminently a document of a strategic nature, which defines the main lines of a long-term process of continuous and ascending improvement towards sustainable development. In it, a series of programs, plans and actions are articulated, in some cases totally designed from the Plan, in others referred to a later development, based on a firm commitment, others constituting incorporations of ongoing actions, however, This should not exhaust the capacity of the Plan, which, from the strategic lines indicated, should allow the incorporation of new programs, plans and actions within the continuous improvement process initiated.

Constant verification of the different programs is vital to ensure success and control harmful side effects and unforeseen environmental impacts. The large subject areas include cultural heritage, tourism and leisure.

1.7.5 Stage V: Evaluation, monitoring and control

Once the development of the strategic action plan is concluded, Tejeda, (2005), and its approval, the main stage for which it has been working begins: implementation, which is what leads to the achievement of changes in efficiency and effectiveness of the promoter center.

In order to implement or put into practice the actions, it is necessary to bear in mind elements of various kinds, grouped around the following three categories:

  • Organizational: There must be full correspondence and total coherence between the strategy chosen by the promoting center and the structure it uses to put it into practice. Direction and leadership. There is a need to match the management style to the strategy and vice versa. Successful strategy requires a participatory management style and a high degree of freedom in decision-making Business culture. It is determined by the existence of values, symbols and beliefs that are shared by a group and that condition its behavior.

Evaluation, control and feedback, Arias, (2000),: together with the strategic planning, the system for evaluating the results and the relevant information must be established to follow-up, especially the elements that allow determining the real causes of non-compliance or on compliance to be able to work on potential solutions. This facilitates its implementation, internal and external control, as well as self-control.

To evaluate is to issue a judgment, appreciation or assessment of the merit, value or quality of certain actions, tasks, objectives or individual and collective performances. This makes it articulate with the control. (Martín, 2010).

Control focuses on evaluating and correcting the performance of the activities of subordinates to ensure that the objectives and plans of the organization are being carried out. (González, 2010).

The control subsystem is defined and guided by the strategic objectives of an organization, thus giving it an eminently strategic character, as it will be designed to control the behavior of the different parts of the system based on the fulfillment of those objectives and at the same time it will contribute information for strategic decision making. (Guide to 21, 2010).

Each objective must be properly shaped and adjusted to the characteristics of the environment and the objective and subjective needs of the organization. Monitoring the evolution of the environment makes it possible to react, and readjust if necessary, the way in which these proposed goals will be achieved and even partially or totally rethink them. For this it is necessary that the control subsystem works correctly to obtain the necessary information at the precise moment.

From here the great importance of control can be deduced, since it is only through this function that it is possible to determine if what has been carried out conforms to what was planned, in case of deviations, identify those responsible and correct said errors, however it is convenient to remember that there should not be only a posteriori control, the correct thing, it must be, a work of foresight.

This stage is of great importance because it is the one that will allow knowing the status of the proposed activities, an activity carried out by the specialists who will make up the Management Group; In this way, the fulfillment of the activities, their quality, and also the correspondence between the execution and the objectives set is analyzed.

The monitoring and evaluation of each of the proposed actions corresponds, it is a continuous process of analysis and comparison of the state of execution of the action plan, for which it is proposed. Castillo, (2010):

1. Creation of a system of indicators:

a) Prepare a list of indicators that are capable of measuring, as effectively and efficiently as possible, the environmental status of the organization, the community, the territory, such as whether or not the objectives are met. These indicators can be extracted from the results of the diagnosis made.

b) Create mechanisms for obtaining information quickly and efficiently.

c) Identify the predominant interests with a comprehensive vision

2. Monitoring plan

a) Follow up on the achievement of scheduled activities and tasks, and on the evolution of the indicators, which measure both the degree of success and the status of a specific variable.

b) Carry out a transversal process from the first stage and throughout the process, to execute it. Different forms and methods of verifying the results can be used in each of the stages; In this way, what is planned and executed is monitored, it is also possible to determine and evaluate changes in any of the activities of strategic planning or the closure of operations, among others.

3. Evaluation process. Through this you can:

a) Validate or reorient the design and its focus of action

b) Evaluate the degree of success in achieving objectives.

c) Detect the management trend of the organization, community or territory towards local sustainability.

d) Determine the degree of commitment and involvement of all participants in the process and development of the project.

e) Conceive work as a periodic and systematic process.

f) Define whether the impacts on the beneficiaries and the environment have been relevant.

g) Delimit if the programming and execution process is effective.

h) Conclude if important lessons have been learned.

The methods, techniques and tools used for control and evaluation must be conceived with the active participation of groups, executors and the criteria of the population.

This requires a flexible feedback process that allows the promoter center to have an efficient work tool, fundamentally due to its sense of continuity and enrichment, through this there is a feedback of the results, experiences, successes and failures, also inquires about the fulfillment or not of the objectives, incorporating new sectors if necessary and making quick decisions

The analysis of the theory allowed the researcher to organize the proposed methodology, which will be new within the peasant culture, always seen as an empirical form of the national culture, even qualified as homemade art, so any determination must be correct. argued to overcome resistance to change.

The systematization presented allows us to understand the theoretical support of the proposal and the positions assumed by the researcher when constructing it, however, it is important to specify the terms used when defining its components and to make the methodology explicit in order to apply it, aspects that will be addressed in the next chapter.


  • The study and analysis of the theoretical conceptions on Public Administration and Administration served as the basis to argue the creation of the Center for the Promotion of Peasant Culture in Güines. It was demonstrated that planning for the development of cultural institutions should start from the Strategic Diagnosis, as basis for the proposed methodology. The analysis showed that the determinative process of the strategies for the development of cultural institutions must be participatory and active among officials, target subjects and artists. It was demonstrated, from the General Evaluation Coefficient of the indicators, with values ​​of 1.6 (between very good and good), that the application of the Methodology for the strategic planning of the center for promoting peasant culture in Güines is viable.

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Appendix 1

Figure 1: Porter's forces controlling industrial competition.

Strategic planning methodology of the center for promoting peasant culture in güines cuba