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Integrative methodology of business processes mipe


The Integrating Business Processes methodology (MIPE) is a new methodology that can be applied to any investigation of Information Systems and Technologies (IS and IT) for structured, semi-structured or unstructured problems related to Business Management and based on Management of knowledge. The objective is to integrate business processes at the strategic, tactical and operational levels with a holistic approach aimed at creating value in business processes , applying performance measurement framed in the management of the company's knowledge. MIPE tries to enhance the value creation inducers such as: strategic relationships with suppliers and customers, critical internal processes, human resources, etc. MIPE is the leverage to increase the response capacity and innovation of workers within business processes with the support of IS and IT.


This methodology has 5 - phase systems , the Phase 1 applies the Knowledge Management with organizational modeling, task modeling, modeling agents, modeling communication, knowledge modeling, design modeling; the Phase 2 applied to the strategic level with Business Intelligence and Dynamic to propose strategies according to the requirements of the organization, which means it can be used as appropriate: E-CRM, E-SCM, E-Marketing, E- Commerce, E-Learning, E-PRM, E-BRM, E-GRM, TQM, ABCM, ERP, BSC, JIT with KM, MRPII with KM, Kanban with KM, MicroStrategy, or any method or tool that supports the Strategic level. The Phase 3 applied to the Tactical Level with Business Intelligence and Dynamic and Datawarehouse to improve business decision making. The Phase 4 applied to the operational level that: Integrates transactional processes by applying RUP and Extreme Programing or Métrica etc. Phase 5 applied to the control of the strategic and operational levels, tactical using a dashboard Integrated with measurement indicators for business processes (Balanced ScoreCard). The depth of the strategic and / or tactical level depends on the type of investigation that is being developed.


MIPE is a new methodology that can be applied to nobody investigation of Systems and Technologies of Information (IS and IT) for problems as much structured, semistructured or not structured related to the Management enterprise and based on the Management of the Knowledge. The objective is to integrate the enterprise processes in the strategic, tactical and operational levels with a holistic approach oriented to the creation of the value in the enterprise processes, applying measurement of performance framed in the management of the knowledge of the company. MIPE tries to heighten the inducers of value creation as they are: the strategic relations with the critical suppliers and clients, internal processes, the human resources etc.MIPE is the leverage to increase to the capacity of answer and innovation of the workers within the enterprise processes with the support of IS and IT.

This methodology of systems has 5 phases , Phase 1 applies the Management of the Knowledge with the organizational Modeled one, modeled of tasks, modeled of agents, modeled of communication, modeled of knowledge, modeled of design; phase 2 applied at the Level Strategic with Business Intelligence and Dynamic to raise strategies in function to the requirements of the organization, which means that it is possible to be used according to is the case: E-CRM, E-SCM, And-Marketing, E-Commerce, E-Learning, E-PRM, E-BRM, E-GRM, TQM, ABCM, ERP, BSC, JIT with kM, MRPII with kM, Kanban with kM, MicroStrategy, or any method or tool that serve like support the Strategic Level. Phase 3 applied at the Tactical Level with Business Intelligence and Dynamic and Datawarehouse to improve the enterprise decision makings. Phase 4 applied to the Operational Level that: Integra the transactional Processes applying RUP or Carries far Programing or Metrica etc applied Phase 5 to the Control of the strategic, tactical and operational levels using a Control panel Integrated with indicators of measurement for the enterprise processes (Balanced ScoreCard). The depth of the strategic and / or tactical level depends on the type of investigation that is being developed.


  1. Introduction Phases of the Business Process Integrative Methodology (MIPE) Results Discussion Bibliographic References


This article is intended to give a general overview of the importance of the application of the Business Process Integrating Methodology (MIPE) for the integration of the information converted into the knowledge of a company that wants to position itself and remain strongly in the market. Companies are currently evaluated not only by the quality of their products or services they provide, but also by the degree or level at which they share information with their suppliers, customers, employees, etc. I can affirm, without fear of being wrong, that the vast majority of organizations have a large amount of data, but very poor in the way or form they process the information they need to convert it into the knowledge they require for good business management.That is why the concept of Business Intelligence under Knowledge Management arises, which is a concept that tries to integrate all the information systems of an organization to obtain from them the information and knowledge that is needed and that will give the company organization a competitive advantage over its competitors. This is where the Business Process Integrating Methodology (MIPE) intervenes, which proposes five phases or steps to be able to implement Business Intelligence (BI). MIPE is a new methodological alternative that handles various concepts such as Knowledge Management, Data Warehouse, Datamining, RUP, Balanced Scorecard with emerging technologies applied as the case may be, with or without the use of Web technologies.MIPE can be used as a useful methodology for the development and implementation of Information Systems whether at a transactional, tactical and / or strategic level. The more integrated an organization is, it is easier for any member of it to obtain the information that is needed, so any worker is more empowered to make a better decision.


Companies seeking competitiveness try to integrate the strategic, tactical and operational levels, and this is really the main problem for the development of companies. The integration of strategic, tactical and operational levels based on the Integrative Methodology of Business Processes (MIPE) with performance measurement and value creation, is aimed at helping Companies to solve the aforementioned problem.

MIPE seeks to integrate the three levels by applying performance measurement framed in the management of the company's knowledge to better manage the creation of value. MIPE Seeks to enhance the non-financial drivers of value creation such as: strategic relationships with suppliers and customers, critical internal processes, human resources and business growth. MIPE is the leverage to increase the capacity for response and innovation within companies. MIPE helps innovation that is the knowledge base of the company that lies in business processes. MIPE integrates business processes at the strategic, tactical and operational levels with a systemic approach aimed at creating value. MIPE can work with a strategic objective of an area of ​​the company,with the entire area or with the entire company. It adjusts to whatever Systems research is being conducted.

This methodology has 5 phases:

Phase 1: Application of Knowledge Engineering: Organizational modeling, task modeling, agent modeling, communication modeling, knowledge modeling, design artifact modeling.

Phase 2: Strategic Level with Business Intelligence: Application of strategies according to the requirements of the organization. Emerging technologies are used as the case may be, in: e-crm, e-scm, e-marketing, e-commerce, e-learning, e-prm, e-brm, e-grm, TQM, ABCM, ERP, BSC, JIT with KM, MRPII with KM, Kanban with KM, use of MicroStrategy.

Phase 3: Tactical Level to meet the requirements of Decision Making with Business Intelligence and Dynamic, Data Warehouse and Datamining, Multidimensional Modeling, OLAP Tools

Phase 4: Operational Level: Integration of transactional processes applying RUP with Web support when required.

Phase 5: Control of the Integration of the strategic, tactical and operational levels through indicators of measurement of results with integrated control panel of the Balanced ScoreCard


Phase 1 Application of knowledge management to the research area . It is applied to the organizational model in which the main problems at the operational, tactical and strategic level in the research area are identified, in addition the SWOT of the study area is applied, the current organizational culture is identified as well as the main decision-making requirements that is to say, the functional requirements of decision making of the system that is being developed. Also in the context of the organization, the external and internal factors as well as the main processes of the study area are identified, the personnel involved in the application area are identified, the hardware and software resources are analyzed and the respective improvements are proposed, the business rules in the respective area are identified,as well as the evaluation criteria, that is, the indicators that will measure the efficiency and effectiveness of the IS and IT to be implemented.

In addition, the organizational model for each task involved in the application area identifies the personnel who perform it, the location, the means of knowledge, the intensity and importance of the main tasks at an operational, tactical and strategic level, in the same way to Each task is identified if it is being processed in the appropriate way, in the appropriate place, at the correct time and appropriate quality. Finally, in the organizational model, the viability of the project is estimated, in which the commercial, technical, operational and economic viability are considered.



  • Agglomeration of information documents such as registration forms (Bad Management in the monitoring and control of the registration form). Delay in data entry on registration cards. Delay in obtaining data that already exists in the educational center (In the registration forms and in the enrollment notebook). Teachers delay in obtaining data from the list of students by section due to the fact that the enrollment process is manual with poor management. Operational data management is missing in the registration process. The secretary takes 2 to 3 weeks to report the lists of students creating a problem in the students enrolled per classroom. Lack of implementation of registration via the Web

PROBLEMS: TACTICAL LEVEL: Regarding problems at the tactical level we have the lack of analytical Consolidated historical information for decision making:

  • There is a lack of historical data for making decisions about enrolled by grade, section and levels. There is a lack of historical data for making decisions about dropping out by grade, section and levels. Historical Data for taking Transfers by destination school Lack of strategy to apply Knowledge Management Lack of Implementing strategies for Relations with parents (CRM) Lack of implementing strategies to monitor and control the dropout indicators of students by level, grade and section Lack of implementing indicators to monitor and control the enrollment process


  • Lack of implementation of Benchmarking Lack of implementation of a historical data warehouse for the registration process Lack of strategies to manage the relationship with customers via the web. Lack Implement strategies with indicators for measuring enrollment via the web and the decision-making process that is carried out in the enrollment process Lack of a strategy to apply Knowledge Management Lack of Implementing strategies for Relations with parents (CRM) Lack of implementing strategies to monitor and control with measurement indicators the desertion of students by level, grade and section Lack of implementing indicators to monitor and control the enrollment process


  • Taking advantage of the new existing technologies, they will be used for the development and implementation of this research project, for which there are sufficient economic means in the company "Private Educational Institution José Antonio Encinas" in the district of Mochumi. Use CRM technology. Make Enrollments via web. Implement an analytical basis for decision-making support. Support from the director for the implementation of the project Personnel suitable for change and thus improve the attention to the main client (the Parent)


ORGANIZATIONAL MODEL Problems and Opportunities - Worksheet OM-1
PROBLEMS AND OPPORTUNITIES Make a list of perceived problems and opportunities, based on interviews, brainstorming in meetings, discussions with project and knowledge managers
CONTEXT OF THE ORGANIZATION Make a list of key features:
  • Mission and Vision of the area and objectives of the organization External and internal factors of the research area Organizational strategies
SOLUTIONS List the possible solutions for the problems and opportunities perceived, suggested in the interviews and discussions held and also considering the characteristics of the context of the organization

Fig. 06: List of the six models of the Commonkads of Knowledge Management

Strengths Weaknesses
- Use of new teaching methodologies that improve the study plan given by the government.

- The staff is proactive.

- Responsibility of the people involved in the process.

- Registration period of 2 months.

- Enrollment is done with deficiency

- Delay in attention to registration

- There is a lack of timely historical information for decision making.

- Web registration is not used.

- Bad Management in the monitoring and control of the registration form

- Need to implement CRM strategies

Opportunities Threats
- High Educational Demand

- Investment to expand and improve the enrollment area both technologically and in infrastructure.

- Services provided by the educational institution of the competition

- Best Infrastructure of the competition.

- Complaints from parents.

Requirements at the Operational Level:

§ Improve Management in the monitoring and control of the registration form.

§ Avoid delays in entering data in registration forms.

§ Avoid the delay in obtaining data that already exist in the educational center (In the registration forms and in the enrollment notebook).

§ Obtaining the lists of students by section in a fast and timely manner.

§ Implement Operational Data Management in the registration process.

§ Implementation of registration via Web

Tactical Level Requirements:

§ Historical data for decision-making of enrollees by grade, section and levels.

§ Historical data for making dropout decisions by grade, section and levels.

§ Historical Data of Enrolled by school of origin.

§ Historical Data of Transfers by destination school.

Strategic Level Requirements:

· Implement strategies for Relations with parents (CRM) Via Web

· Implement strategies to monitor and control with indicators for measuring student dropout by level, grade and section

· Implement indicators to monitor and control the enrollment process

Implement Benchmarking

· Implement a historical data warehouse for the license plate process

· Training opportunities for parents (Positive FE).

· Application of New Technologies. (Positive FE).

External investments that come to the school to expand its infrastructure and support projects that arise (Positive FE)

Internal factors:

· Lack of personnel in the Registration area. (FI Negative).

Non-automated processes (Negative FI)

Help from other areas in the registration process (Positive FI)

· Student growth in acceptable proportions from one year to the next (IF Positive)

· Acceptance of existing personnel to the new change (Positive FI)


l Implement a registration module for the registration form via the web to reduce the agglomeration of these documents.

l Implement a module via the web where, according to those enrolled, we obtain lists of students by section.

l Training of personnel in the registration system via the web

l Training for parents to use enrollment via the web

l Implement a transactional system via the web that supports the entire registration process


l Implement the OLAP tool to support decision-making in the Institution's Enrollment area.

l Carry out analytical consolidations with historical information in

l Enrolled by grade, section and levels.

l Attrition by grade, section and levels.

l Enrolled by school of origin.

l Transferred by destination school.


l Apply CRM to improve relationships with parents.

l Apply indicators to monitor and control the enrollment process.

l Apply Benchmarking

l Create a historical data warehouse for the registration process

A class diagram can be used to describe this.

TIME AND CONTROL Describe the frequency and duration of the task

Describes the relationship of control with other tasks (A state or activity diagram can be used)

Describe control constraints:

Preconditions: to be considered before executing the task.

Pos Conditions: which should be considered as a result of the execution of the task.

AGENTS The staff members and / or the information systems (see OM-2 and OM-3) who are responsible for carrying out the task.
KNOWLEDGE AND COMPETENCES Competence required for the successful completion of the task.

For the knowledge items involved, there is a separate TM-2 sheet. List other skills and competencies. Indicate which elements of the task are knowledge intensive. Some tasks that can deliver competencies to the organization and it may be possible to indicate them here.

MEANS Describe and if possible quantify the resources consumed by the task. The description is a refinement of OM-2's resources.
EFFICIENCY AND QUALITY Describe the quality and “performance” measures that are used by the organization to determine the successful execution of the task.

In the knowledge management agent model, the impact and changes in the organization that each agent will have in the research area are identified.

NAME Agent name
ORGANIZATION Indicate the agent's position in the organization, as described in the organization model worksheets
INVOLVED IN Task list (see TM-1)
KNOWLEDGE List of knowledge items owned by the agent
OTHER COMPETENCES List of elements of other competencies required or represented in the agent
RESPONSIBILITIES AND RESTRICTIONS List of responsibilities that the agent has in the execution of the tasks and restrictions in this regard. Restrictions may refer to limitations on authority and also to legal professional standards.
Impacts and Changes in the Organization
  • The new computerized system on the Web will allow: Improving attention times and acceptance of parents Decreasing complaints Registration via Web Improving decision-making Historical data.
Specific Tasks / Agents in impacts and changes
  • The secretary will be more qualified and competent in the performance of her duties. The director will have a historical data with an analytical base and will be able to implement strategies to develop and be able to use the web to communicate with parents. on the Web; will allow the development of computer systems implemented on the Web.
Attitude and Commitment The commitment of all those who make up the educational institution to carry out the culmination of this project; and the commitment to carry out training for the parent, secretary and director for the use of the datawarehouse.
Proposed actions
  • Propose the implementation of CRM and DataWareHouse Train staff Implement and condition the equipment necessary for operation.
HOMEWORK Evaluation of the registration process on the Web
OBJECT OF INFORMATION The development of the registration process must be verified with the implementation of the new systems and, in this way, evaluate if the system complies with the requirements and functionalities for which it was developed.
CONTAINMENT • Security Level (Parents enter with their login) on the Web.

• Database level (Backup of the transactional data is taken and then the cubes are made and the base is used again)

INFORMATION EXCHANGE SPECIFICATION • Information at the Operational level: Data from parents, students, enrollment and withdrawals are requested.

• Information at the Tactical level: Consolidated from parents, students, enrolled and retired.

• Information at a strategic level: CRM strategies for the Web and to improve the relationship with parents.

Fig. 09 Represents the security level of access to the Web:

Example of the Knowledge Model:

TASK: Family Registration Process on the Web;

DOMAIN_NAME: Evaluate Processing time to register the family registry, Satisfaction of parents with the family registry, Number of complaints in the family registry process.

GOAL: Goal of the task, to lower the processing time to record family data from 5 to 3 minutes; increase the level of satisfaction of parents, reduce the number of complaints from 20% to 3%; Consult Family Registry via Web.



Case_description: “Processing time to record data from the parent of

family; the goal is equivalent to going down from 5 to 3 minutes "

Case_specific_requeriment: “Evaluate BLUE traffic lights if the time of

reg processing. of the relative is <3 minutes

Case_description: “Degree of satisfaction of the father of the family; the goal is for it to be excellent "

Case_specific_requeriment: “Evaluate BLUE traffic lights if the degree of satisfaction of the parent is

excellent, currently there are 59% dissatisfied (RED) "

Case_description: “Number of complaints in the student registration process; the goal is to eliminate complaints (BLUE), less than 3% of total complaints (Green), currently it is 36% (RED) "

Case_specific_requeriment: "Evaluate BLUE traffic lights if the Number of complaints is 3%"

Case_description: "Consult records via Web,> = 90%"

Case_specific_requeriment: "Evaluate BLUE traffic light if it is greater than 90%, this query does not currently exist"

OUTPUT: decision:

"Processing time <3 minutes equals blue"

"Processing time> = 3 and <4 equals green"

"Processing time = 4 minutes equals amber"

"Processing time> = 5 minutes equals red"

"Excellent degree of satisfaction equals blue"

"Good satisfaction level equals Green"

"Degree of satisfaction Regular equals amber"

"Bad satisfaction level equals red"

"Number of complaints <3% equals blue"

"Number of complaints> = 3% and <= 6% equals green"

"Number of complaints> 10% and <= 14 equals amber"

"Number of complaints> = 20% equals red"

"Consult family records via the Web> = 90% is equivalent to blue"

"Consult family records via the Web <90% and> = 80% is equivalent to green"

"Consult family records via the Web <80% and> = 70% is equivalent to amber"

"Consult family records via the Web <70% is equivalent to red"


KNOWLEDGE-BASE Family Registration Process on the Web;



-Evaluation of processing times to register FROM Table_TiempoProcessamiento.

-Evaluation of Degree of satisfaction of the father of the family FROM Table _ father satisfaction

-Evaluation of the number of complaints in the family registration process FROM Table_NumeroQuejas.



Evaluate processing time. application.time-less-3-semaphore = BLUE

Evaluate processing time. application.time-greater-3and less than 4-semaphore = GREEN

Evaluate processing time. application.time-equal-4-semaphore = AMBER

Evaluate processing time. application.time-greater-5-semaphore = red

Evaluate Degree of satisfaction.application.satisfaccion = Excellent equals blue

Evaluate Degree of satisfaction.application.satisfaccion = Good equals green

Evaluate Degree of satisfaction.application.satisfaction = Fair equals amber

Evaluate Degree of satisfaction.application.satisfaction = bad equals red

Evaluate Number of Complaints. application.Complaints-minor-3% -semaphore = BLUE

Evaluate Number of Complaints. application.Complaints-greater-3% and less than 6% -semáforo = GREEN

Eva luar Number of Complaints. application.Quejas-greater-10% and less than 14% - -semáforo = AMBER

Evaluate Number of Complaints. application.time-greater-20-semaphore = red

END KNOWLEDGE-BASE system-description

PHASE 2: Strategic level, a strategic map is drawn up from the perspective of learning and growth and internal processes in the application area, with the main strategic objectives. In addition, in this phase, Business Intelligence and Dynamic strategies are applied for decision-making, strategies of emerging technologies are applied according to the requirement, that is, if E-CRM is being used, for example, the strategies of said emerging technology are applied.

PHASE 3: Tactical Level, the main decision-making requirements are identified, a star or snowflake diagram is elaborated with multidimensional cubes with tables of facts and measurements that will allow showing the historical analytical information with tables and statistical graphics necessary for making of decisions.

PHASE 4: Operational Level, the main diagrams in the analysis and design flow are modeled with RUP according to the requirements of the Information System for the main processes including Web modeling as the case may be. In addition, the programming is developed in a three-layer architecture, obtaining the final version

PHASE 5: Applies the indicators with the traffic lights in each process of the area where the Information System has been developed with new emerging technologies, being the indicators those that will contrast the efficiency and effectiveness of the Information System and its competitive advantage in the area of ​​application.

The results of having applied the Business Process Integration Methodology are shown below, taking into account some of the applications:

  • MIPE applied to the Management of the San Jorge Mill, Chiclayo MIPE applied to the Management of the La Campiña Mill, ChiclayoMIPE applied to the Management of the San Nicolás Mill, ChiclayoMIPE applied to the Admission Management of the Lambayeque SA Clinic, ChiclayoMIPE applied to the Administrative Management of the CEN Juan Pablo Vizcardo Guzmán Gonzáles ZEA, ChiclayoMIPE applied to the Production Management of the Consorcio Bander Distribuidora de Néctares Walon, ChiclayoMIPE applied to the Marketing Management of the Consorcio Hotelero del Norte Gran Hotel, ChiclayoMIPE applied to the Commercial Management of the Distribuidora Pakatnamú.IRL, ChiclayoMIPE applied to the Production Management of PROMENESTRAS of the Lambayeque Region MIPE applied to the Administration Management of the Hotel América, ChiclayoMIPE applied to the Academic Management of IE Tupac Amaruc, ChiclayoMIPE applied to the Administrative Management of the INCA HOTEL,ChiclayoMIPE to be able to evaluate the interpreter of algorithms in the university educational area in the engineering career. Of systems in the USATMIPE applied to the Decision Support System to improve the Administrative Management of the Inca Hotel Implementation of the MIPE with New Technologies in Business Intelligence for the improvement of the Admission area in the SACMipe Metropolitan Private Hospital to improve the Administration of Relations with The Clients in Tourism Costa del Sol SA Hotel Costa del Sol - Chiclayo using the new e-marketing technology Implementation of MIPE with Business Intelligense to improve Strategic Planning in the Admission Area of ​​the SINA Medical Center Implementation of the MIPE with New Technologies in Business Intelligence for the improvement of the Administration area at the Hospital Privado Metropolitano S.ACImplementation of MIPE with new technologies to improve decision-making in the Academic Management of the ISATEC Institute of Lambayeque MIPE to Evaluate New Technologies for the Appointment and Medical Records Assignment System of the Nuestra Señora de la Misericordia Clinic MIPE with New Technologies to Improve Management Administrative of the District Municipality of Motupe Implementation of MIPE using New Technologies to improve the Production Management of the Company «Procesadora Rioja EIRLMipe with New Technologies to improve the management of the Documentary Processing Process in the DREMIPE applied to the Center's Medical Appointment Reservation System of Health of the NoriaMIPE applied to the Accounting System of the Colegio San MateoMIPE applied to the Warehouse Control System of La Torre Contractors SACMIPE applied to the System ofControl of Attendance of Personnel of the Colegio ModeloMIPE applied to the System of Accounts Receivable and Payable of DEMACOMIPE applied to the System of Enrollment and Notes of the ISPP Santo Tomas de AquinoMIPE applied to the System of Enrollments and Notes of the Colegio Mariano Santos MateosMIPE applied to the System of Enrollments and Notes in the CEP Juan XXIIIMIPE applied to the CEP San SilvestreMIPE Notes and Enrollment System applied to the CORELIBMIPE Personnel System applied to the VOROMIPE Investment Human Resources System applied to the Registration System of Enrollments and CE notes Gabriel Garcia MarquezMIPE with CRM for improve customer service through the OUTSOURCING of the Bco de CréditoMIPE with E-Commerce applied to the UCVMIPE Language Center to improve service in the area of ​​Technical Support DANPER TrujilloMIPE to improvedecisions of the HR area - SEDALIBAREA COMERCIAL DE AGROINDUSTRIAS SAN JACINTOMIPE APPLIED TO THE SUPERVISION SYSTEM OF THE FOOD PROGRAMS OF PRONAA CHIMBOTE

Discussion: It is observed, from the research work carried out, that the Integrative Methodology of Business Processes - MIPE - is a methodology that can be used to develop Information Systems proposing systemically viable solutions to the Management of the area where said methodology is applied and that They are related to the system to be developed, with a holistic approach, applying performance measurement framed in the knowledge management of the area of ​​the company under study.

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  • Balanced Scorecard: qpr.com Business Process Integration Methodology: mipe.zoomblog.com
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Integrative methodology of business processes mipe