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Siperi methodology for industrial risk assessment

Table of contents:


With the designed procedure of this system for the evaluation of industrial risks, SIPERI, the author, manages to evaluate the risk indicator of companies. The proposed methodology requires that companies comply with the essential steps of management control in terms of planning, organizing, directing and controlling industrial risks. The decrease in the industrial risk indicator (IRI) is an economic incentive for entities.


"SIPERI" is a methodology for the evaluation of the risks existing in the industry that allows determining the indicator of industrial risks in companies, the result of research work in order to comply with the provisions of the Organic Law on Prevention, Condition and Work Environment, LOPCYMAT, Venezuelan. This Law contemplates a tax to be paid by companies, depending on the industrial risks that each one of them has, destined to cover the worker's social security for illnesses and / or occupational accidents. Its application is novel, demanding the continuous improvement of safety at work from the systematic control of working conditions.


The general objective of the research was to design a scientifically based methodology and procedures that allowed determining the risks and that led to the quantification of the indicator of industrial risks in Venezuela and specifically in the area of ​​reduction of Primary Aluminum of the company CVG Aluminios del Caroni, SA, ALCASA.

To contribute to the achievement of the general objective, the specific objectives that were established were to design the methodology to carry out the evaluation of industrial risks based on the Venezuelan Standards (COVENIN), the determination of the industrial risk indicator and the validation of the methodology to obtain the industrial risk indicator through its experimental application in CVG ALCASA.


To use the following program, it is not necessary to use powerful microcomputers. The application development systems used in the elaboration of the project are: Borland Delphi 7, being necessary in the development of the Data Input / Output interfaces the powerful, flexible and efficient Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with ServiPack 3 in control management and database administration.

The SQL server contains a database "Company", where the set of tables that will store the relational data. The technology used was the Borland database engine (BDE), therefore its components within the Delphi palette. SQL supports in its design and offers tools for referential integrity as well as other mechanisms for the development of database and security applications. Constraints or constraints are widely used in system design. The use of stored procedures, functions and triggers or triggers strengthen and guarantee a very efficient mechanism in terms of application development. The mechanism used for the security of the systems is guaranteed by the data manager or SQL server itself,Authenticity is used Integrated with Windows for groups and users, this ensures true integrity between Microsoft systems.

1. Requirements

1.1 Software requirements:

Both the workstation and the server require the WindowsNT 4.0 operating system, preferably Windows 2000 Professional. The server also requires Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as a database management system.

1.2 Hardware requirements:

The need for a computer network, since the system requires information from the companies, which is found in the Company database, it also maintains constant communication between the different users and the Database that is located on the server.

The workstation must have a computer with a 400Mhz or higher micro, with a minimum of 64 MB memory, and 40 MB hard disk space.

The data server must have a computer with a micro 500Mhz or higher, with a minimum of 256 MB recommended for large databases and replicas. In addition, with a minimum of 1 GB hard disk space for Server installation without administration tools.

1.3 Directory structure

The location of the software files in its directory structure is as follows:

2. User manual

The first step that we will have to take in order to work with the SIPERI software will be to familiarize ourselves with its environment, which consists of a window containing options and buttons. This window cannot be resized but it can be minimized and repositioned like any other Windows window.

2.1 Main window

When executing SIPERI, the main system window appears on the screen, containing the name of the project in the upper left corner.

Company data

The software consists of a main menu in the form of a task bar which contains the quick action buttons which execute a set of commands, organized by criteria of orders or activities that must be applied in that sequence, allowing first to fill a series nomenclators, which prepare the system so that it can present and perform data calculations later according to user demands, a data display and management panel, a database browser and a status bar.

2.1.1 Title bar

Displays the name of the software as well as the name of the active system window.

2.1.2 Status bar

This bar is composed of several panels which show the descriptions of the objects over which the mouse slides, the date and the system time, which will then be used when a new company is created.

2.1.3 Task bar

This bar is made up of four buttons which launch the windows that their name indicates.

2.2 Company button

Launches the window in which the existing companies in the database are displayed.

2.2.1 Company data window

In this window you can add a new company as well as delete an existing one. It also consists of a browser which allows us to browse the database looking for the company we want to evaluate.

2.2.2 Database browser

This object, as its name indicates, allows us to go through the database as well as add or delete an existing one. Add button

Add a new article to the database. By selecting this option the fields of the input window are enabled for the new input to be made. At the same time, the navigation options are disabled and the cancel button is displayed with which to cancel this action.

Once the data entry has been completed, the "Evaluation" button on the task bar will be selected, which will launch a window where the risk lists are selected with which the software will make the list for the evaluation of the newly entered company. In the drop-down field "Degree of risk" you select the degree of risk with which you want to perform the evaluation, low, average or high, depending on the industrial activity. Once the selection is made with the "General" button, we can generate the final list with which the subsequent evaluation will be carried out.

2.3 Evaluation button

Launches the window in which the data referring to the evaluation of the company previously selected in the "Company data" window is displayed.

2.3.1 List data window

Items evaluated

This window is made up of the panels "Listings to show" and "Evaluation". It also has a browser which allows us to go through the database from list to list or by conditions of the displayed list. This result can be: Yes, No and Not Applicable.

2.3.2 List panel to display

Indicates the way in which the list of conditions to be evaluated will be displayed and printed. It also shows through a label the list to which the selected condition belongs in the "Evaluation" panel. General listing option

When selecting this option, a list with all the conditions to be evaluated in the selected company is displayed in the "Evaluation" panel; Condition that is fulfilled in the same way in the report that will be generated when selecting the print option. This also disables the "Previous List" and "Next List" navigation buttons. Option listed by risk list

By selecting this option, the system displays the listings separately in the "Evaluation" panel, that is, the conditions to be evaluated in the company selected by risk lists are shown; Condition that is fulfilled in the same way in the report that will be generated when selecting the print option. This option enables the navigation buttons "Previous list" and "Next list" that allow us to navigate between the different lists of conditions. Risk list label

This label indicates the list to which the selected condition belongs in the "Evaluation" panel.

2.3 Assessment panel navigator

This object, as its name indicates, allows us to go through the conditions shown in the "Evaluation" panel as well as print the list of conditions or the result of the evaluation.

2.4 System output reports

Selecting the "Print" or "Result" options launches a dialog with the options to print (Printer), view (Preview) and File (File).


  • The proposed methodology requires that companies comply with the essential steps of management control when applying the industrial risk assessment to obtain the IRI in favor of an improvement in industrial safety and hygiene. The SIPERI program is feasible to apply in Venezuela now which is based on the Venezuelan industrial safety and hygiene standards and the LOPCYMAT. The proposed methodology for determining the industrial risk indicator is a proactive and inductive method. The decrease in IRI is an economic incentive for entities.


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Siperi methodology for industrial risk assessment