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Methods for measuring ideas for innovation

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Transform ideas into numbers and know the characteristics of the Ideal Ideia (0.00 iur) and as a term to search for and know or carry ideas safely, to where we converge minimum cliffs. Mathematically identify the idéias unseen by user hair, extracted from simplified formulas, é or Santo Graal that eliminates the uncertainties and disagreeable discussions, you enter the escort of idéias.

When he was young, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646 - 1716) had a dream: discovering a calculation that could associate numbers with any idea in the world. Such universal calculations will place finer divergences between academics (and corporations) that could be quickly solved by unpaired calculations. Meanwhile, none, Leibniz, even now, found the Holy Grail, explains Gerd Gigerenzer, director of the Max Planck Institute.

Lord Kelvin also explains: “I frequently say that, when we can measure how we fail and express it in numbers, we know something about it, but when we cannot express it in numbers, our knowledge is scarce and insane in nature. tisfatória ”.

Avaliação de Ideias para Inovação

Qualify ideias is necessary, but insufficient and inefficient. Studies and research confirm that between 50% - 96% of qualified ideas are "managers" (to facilitate reading and eliminating repetitions "manager (s)" will mean, where applicable: innovators, entrepreneurs, managers / directors of innovation, responsible for investments, investors

- angels, researchers, scientists, inventors, “policy-makers”, creative groups and all professionals that lead initiatives for innovation, those who are located in some division of Hélice Tripla (public and private companies and corporações globais / go - See us in all the snows and NGOs / universities, research centers and research centers), for wonderful, excellent, geniuses, useful, boas,…, raising losses of all kinds including billions of dollars, motivation, trust, etc. as quais são attributed to or "risk and uncertainty" characteristic of innovation.

More such characteristics are essentially due to the methodology used. By moving to methodology, we minimize the uncertainty of ideas and consequently, we reduce the risks and uncertainties for innovative results.

Uncertainty and high risk are not inherent to innovation. So nenhum! The high risk and uncertainty are based on a methodology based not on its own and on subjective qualifications.

For example, you want to give a present for your girlfriend and purchase an object of "your convenience" (ridge 1) and do "seu gosto" (ridge 2) or the result can only be high ridge. At this present, it becomes “high risk and uncertainty” as a methodology that concentrates on subjective qualification and preferences of the presenter's own umbigo.

Only "by luck" your lover will be present.

Conversely, we will procure a present convenience and do gosto da namorada (to user of benefit), the risks and uncertainties practically disappear. There is no such thing as a cliff, in the end, I tied to go to the corner of the cliff, Peter Drucker would say.

The most admissible cliff in innovation cannot be high.

We are moving to the ideia methodology, or risco (da inovação) can be very low.

To reduce the cliffs and uncertainties, we created five ways of calculating ideas mathematically, from the user's point of view, as they are taught in MBA's courses in São Paulo, Brazil, for more than 10 years.

Important and Clarifying Notes

1- It is common to see that it is “impossible” to measure ideas, but we measure all the ideas that are proposed to us instinctively. This theory traced the light or spontaneous process that we would practice naturally.

2- Quantify an idea means “to calculate through a mathematical formulation or numerical value of the idea with its respective unit of measure” that is being chosen to be transformed into innovation.

3- IUR® © is a unit of measure that quantifies each idea, as they must be calculated mathematically.

4- We treat innovations as derived from ideias, isto é, no innovation exists sem that has had a corresponding ideia. I know creative people do not devise, do not buy, sell, teach, study, discuss,… No nothing! Confucius explained that maximum 2,500 years ago, reaffirmed in 2009 in the European Year of Inovação.

5- Let us avoid confusing “measurement of an ideia” with “enumeração de ideias” obtained in Brainstorming, Open Innovation, Co-creation or any other method of production of ideas, nem also with Taxes of Returns of Inovação - ROI.

We need to measure, not count. Peter F. Drucker (1993)

6- A ideia must be qualitatively and quantitatively assessed. The set of these properties minimizes the uncertainty of the ideas for innovation, it is submitted to be carried out from the point of view of the user, those who always decide which innovation they want to use to carry out their actions and achieve their objectives.

7- Or point of view of the ideas “what do you see as the user for products and services”, initially it considers three elements (physical / mathematical) inseparable, required of the user to perform the task.

Consumption of your personal energy (Kcal) - Energy efforts;

Consumption of seu tempo pessoal (hours, min., Sec.) - Tempo efforts;

Consumption of individual movements / dislocations (km, meters, centimeters) - Movement efforts.

With these three physical elements, we can mathematically calculate any idea from the user's point of view, through the consumption of efforts, required by the idea.

8 - O nome da teoria é "Teoria das Ideias Autocomparadas - TIA © ®", once the user "is compared using ideia antiga (transformed into innovation not passed) and ideia nova, (still in projeto / concepção ou na sala do brainstorming). Apos to self-comparison or user instinctively chooses ideia (velha ou nova) that requires less physical effort (kcal), less tempos (min.) And less movements / dislocations (cm).

9- A quantification of ideias can only be made as they are presented, but we can foresee the path for the future of the ideia (Ideal Ideia = 0.00 iur® ©).

Example: I did not initiate the correios for a great failure because it was or was a recipient that had to pay by letter, which, by not knowing or knowing, did not have any interest in paying it. To ideia faliu! But when the issuer passed to pay or send, as ocorre page, or event arose. A quantification of efforts of the "user (recipient / recipient)" gives letter to zero (0.00 iur) and the pass to open and take knowledge of the content.

Assim, it is only possible to QUANTIFY IDEIAS the way they are presented. A simple investment model of business can change everything or result of the idea.

10- We develop five methods of ideias measurement. A summary of the first method is presented here, not which, the mathematical formulations to calculate ideas are shown and uncovered a mushroom called “Universal Sense of Direction of Ideas for Inovação - Unique and Millennial” that guides us to Porto Seguro das ideas for innovation.

11- The methodology facilitates decisions - mathematically - about ideas to be used for innovation. Managers são freed gives dependence on subjective methods, as they lead us to high cliffs, heavy losses and uncertainties that can be avoided. These practices are supported by several principles, among the four: Energy Conservation, Minimum Action (Maupertuis), Principle of the Economy of Efforts © ®, Navalha de Occam, as well as the concepts and ancient practices included, not our DNA.

First Method of Medição de Ideias para Inovação.

"Know what to measure and how to measure face or world less complicated" - Freakonomics.

The First Method presents the concepts of Self-Compared Ideias Theory - TIA © ® that allows a numerical (quantitative) calculation of each idea accompanied by its unit of measure - IUR © ®, created together with a mathematical formulation for such. The method further identifies and clarifies the existence of a “Universal Sense of Direção de Ideias para Inovação © ®” that from always, leads as ideias for those destitute hair users.

To QUANTIFY IDEIAS not first method we use five phases:

1- Definition of the point of reference for the idea.

To calculate ideas and essentials, consider a pattern to be used as a reference for all the mathematical calculations of all the ideas of each product / service or what for. Either point is considered naturally or human, or user body.

Last year, the user who really uses the idea transformed into innovation, material or material. Assim, is in relation to the user body - "or focus, to reference" - that these ideas are QUANTIFIED.

Or homeme to measure all sorts - Protagoras of Abdera, axiom, 480BC.

Either I strive to preserve myself as the first and only foundation of virtue - Spinosa.

For Foucault, the human body is the last possible reduction. We can add the studies of Frederick Taylor em Administração Cientifica, or which also leads the human body in the production of bens, typically taught in O&M courses.

Conclusion: A first condition to quantify ideas and referrals to the human body of the user.

2- Popular method of quantitative assessment of ideias, user reference and their preferences.

From the beginning two times, at the decision of use, two objects belong to the user, who choose products and services that are more comfortable, fast, practical and / or easy to use. Consider that it was or your own user who built his own objects and fazia so to be more "economical in efforts" for himself. From home to the caves I attached to the industrial revolution, each face had its own bow and arrow, its sword, its coat and its fogueira. This is an atavistic concept, which remains in the soul of a human being. For this reason, it can be said that it was always like this, it was never different. When the user appreciates an object, he instinctively “quantifies” it is more economical for whether to perform or service, how such object is chosen.

A user's perception is very acute on the economics of effort aspect, considering “a single additional effort as equivalent to three other efforts”, according to Daniel Kahneman and Tversky - Nobel Prize in Economics / 2002, presented at Gourville.

During the last 10 years, MBA students have drawn objects and services that, despite appearing to be more economical, from fato não são, have ended up in armories in the new state of folha, they are used and sketched forever.

Examples: iogurteira elétrica, churrasqueira que não fumaça, steam cleaning equipment, escova de dente a pilha, etc.

In popular language these objects fall short because they are not more economical (more convenient, faster, more practical and / or easier), but they seem to be..

Assim, we have two points of reference.

- O first é o own human body of the user.

- Or second level of effort that the product / service that we know (ideia velha) requires us to achieve the desired results, which are used for comparison with new products / services (ideia nova).

The reference points are decisive to understand this methodology.

3- Equivalence between the methods practiced by the users of the physical-mathematical method, presented by TIA © ®.

Products and services that are more economical to use are called "custodial", which means "own for that user (tall / short, fat / lean, young / velho, homem / mulher, forte / fraco, etc.).

This characteristic can also be understood as "effort saving" for that user.

Also, we can transform typical (subjective) expressions into physical-mathematical (objective) linguagem.

Important Note - Figure number 2:

  1. There are, hair less, two ways to prove these relationships: through physics and through daily examples such as file downloads, smartphones and others where we can find the three elements together (energy, time and movement). We can find a mathematical formulation using a physical representation that can be proved through geometric methods.

Mathematical formulation for the measurement of ideas.

Mathematically, and simplifying this article, all isso reduced to:

4- Definição da Ideia Ideal = 0.00 iur.

A vermelha mushroom indicating the ideias direction and equivalent to the simplification of the mathematical formula- ção, as Navalha de Occam is applied to the formula, isto, simplifi- cally you can follow the mushroom. Also, the mathematical formulation can be reduced to a mushroom indicating “Universal Sense of Direction for Produção de Ideias Destined a Inovação® ©, Único e Milenar”, Or preferential user ideias 0.00 iur because, as Spinoza said, "it is first and only base of virtue".

By definition, the ideia and ideal are worth two efforts required by the user and 0.00 iur, isto é, são ideias that deliver benefits if the user consumes any kind of effort, no matter how minor. O concept of Ideal Ideia = 0.00 iur and extracted from the mathematical formulation. The creative process should seek ideias in the Ideal Ideia direction (0.00 iur) to reduce risks and avoid losses. Or I put 0.00 iur age as a "safe port", an attractor element for where the ideas discarded by the user, convergem.

Na tabela acima, a Bateria Selada and Geladeira Frost Free is not Universal Sense of Direção da Ideia Ideal = 0.00 iur, enquanto o Segway Scooter is not opposite sense (>>> 1.00 iur) and by isso was rejetado usuário hair.

Less is more, but nothing is you!

Products and services that require less effort are more valued, but those that do not require any effort from the user only!

5- Innovação "manager" dilemma - SOLVED!

It's not enough to be a boa idea, useful, great, wonderful and similar adjectives! These ideas are excellent to feed the caldeiras do inferno, whose stock does not stop growing, abundantly.

Traditionally, the dilemma of the "manager" arises at no time to escort between various ideias that are subjectively qualified and selected from the point of view of facilities for a corporation. As a escort between useful ideas, genius, excellent, fantastic, etc.?

This is the moment that uncertainty manifests itself to the “manager” with great intensity and extreme acuity. Our traditional methods are the moment that the “manager” assumes a high cliff! This is also the moment that brigades and disagreements occur between the authors of ideas that infect the creative environment.

As a German philosopher Leibniz used only a mathematical method to solve these brigas e paixões. This method gains maximum importance for establishing certainty in the idea of ​​innovation, quantified mathematically.

Fim do risco and uncertainty, hair less not that refers to ideias.

Furthermore, this methodology solves the “manager” dilemma, mathematically selecting the idea with the highest potential for user oil - the one that always decides based on the economy of its efforts, or which it will use to obtain the desired results.

Fim do Primeiro Method - Basic Concepts.

The basic concepts presented in the first method are maintained in all the methods, this is:

1- Thus ideas must necessarily be raised and referred to the user body.

2- A measurement was made by the user, through self-comparison between a velha ideia bem conhecida e nova ideia, en projeto.

3- A mathematical formulation® © é based on our physical efforts (physical / energies, times and movements / dislocations) used to calculate or number, em iur, da ideia. That is heading for 0.00 iur - or safe porto das ideias, expected user hairs.

5- A Ideia é Ideal® © (= 0.00 iur) the benefits are delivered without requiring any effort of the user.

You other four methods.

Three methods are based on shared resources. Price and human values ​​are used as "Prova dos Nove" of the idea, tested from the user's point of view. Or the fourth method is a "Balança da Inovação" - or the first instrument created to validate ideas, through three pratices, comparing efforts, prices and human values.

Methods for measuring ideas for innovation