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Minimize the risks of your investment through a good business plan


Before starting a business, it is essential to put the project idea in an orderly manner so that the person invests without risk.

The path of entrepreneurship has its starting point when a person sees an opportunity, wants to generate extra money or his vocation motivates him to create a new fruitful activity. It is important to clarify that the concept of an entrepreneur is not only reduced to the action of establishing a new business.

Whatever the case, immediately after being convinced of the idea, the entrepreneur must explore the terrain before venturing, that includes the need to translate his idea into a business plan, since it is easy to think about what to do but difficult to know how.. The business plan is something that works as a guide for the entrepreneur to describe his business proposal and plan the strategy to follow. It is also advisable to prepare it when the business is already underway, to evaluate the possibility of launching a new product or entering a different market among other things.

An employee who wishes to present to his superiors a proposal to implement a new project in the company where he works should use this valuable tool to give credibility to his idea. The importance of developing a business plan is critical, according to experts and entrepreneurs. The plan can be used for different purposes, and hence there is no recipe for making it. It can take different forms and its extension varies according to each project.

It is important to know who you are targeting. If the objective is to get money, the plan must be very robust in the financial part. In the same way, the length of the document varies depending on the line of business. The length of the business plan will depend on the complexity of the project. If, for example, you want to establish a cafeteria, it will be understandable if it is written in a simple way, whereas in the case of wanting to implement a new technology, you will have to go into more detail.


The plan reminds business entrepreneurs and managers not only of how, but also why, of their daily business work. The key to business success is having a clear business vision and strategy that is appropriate to the business climate in which the company operates. Adherence to a well-founded business plan is essential in this process.

What is the perception of investors and financial institutions regarding investment plans?

The importance of the document is critical. The entity or the investor reads it carefully and studies the way in which the person requesting the loan intends to pay the debt, or how the project that is being developed is going to be viable. Reading a good business idea with a well-established structure gives confidence.

It is also important to consider good writing in the document as there is a high probability that investors will be willing to back those projects that have a well-supported business plan.


The points that stand out in the content of a business plan are the product or service, the segment to which it is incorporated, the distribution channels, the competitors. Sources of income and cost structure. Experts agree that financial aspects are the ones that present the greatest errors in a business plan.

How to make a business plan attached to reality?

Despite the fact that the formula is never perfect and the environment is very changeable, the formula is composed of three variables: dreaming, asking for advice and going to the market. For example: I can dream of being the most important fried chicken chain in the country. However, I need advice, so I should reach out to people who know about the industry. Finally, it is essential to go to the market with a small sample of the market to know how much the public is willing to pay and their acceptance of the product.

Developing a business plan is expensive and time consuming, but it is much more expensive not to plan. In the end, the process of making the plan is the most valuable, because there are many answers.

Every entrepreneur must dream big but run small, grow as the market allows and thus avoid unnecessary losses.

One of the ways to do business is, dreaming big but running small, without risking large amounts of money, are the facilities that the web allows you to do business.

Minimize the risks of your investment through a good business plan