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Myths about people's creativity


A very widespread idea in our environment is one that assumes creativity as a skill that is only typical of a minority of the privileged for little known reasons.

Let us now examine some widely held myths and the reality responses to these about creativity.

Myth 1: Creative people are always those of far superior intelligence.

Reality: The most creative people are not always the highest intelligence. While a certain level of intelligence is essential to be creative, the facts show that a good number of people of average normal intelligence display ingenious and creative ideas. Although it seems curious, there are also intelligent and very uncreative people.

Myth 2: Creativity is inherited and cannot be learned.

Reality: This is not entirely true. For decades, a series of methods and techniques have been circulating in Europe and the US –based on well-known psychological research- that offer to develop creativity and the production of ideas. This leads us to conclude that creativity can be learned, cultivated and, given certain conditions, we can be trained for its mastery.

Myth 3: Inventors and creatives are always eccentric and difficult people.

Reality: There is no single type of character for creative people, therefore any generalization in this regard is excessive. Some creatives are gentle, reserved, and introverted people; others are expansive, temperamental, and very sociable. One of its distinctive characteristics does seem to be a unique way of capturing and processing reality, a particular way of interpreting it.

Myth 4: Exercises that stimulate creativity are complicated and require a special level of instruction.

Reality: Almost anyone of average normal intelligence can appropriate, properly guided, techniques that stimulate creativity. These exercises have variable difficulty and are of various types. As if that were not enough, they are not all of a theoretical or intellectual nature. There are exercises that include physical activity and eating habits. Likewise, there is music that spurs our flow of ideas.

Myth 5: Only the very young can develop their creativity.

Reality: Contrary to what is generally accepted, creativity can develop at almost any age if the person is reasonably healthy. In any case, mastering creativity is the result of a set of habits that preserve mental and physical health.

Myths about people's creativity