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Management myths


The 12 "LQPs" (What I Think)

LQP # 1.- They say that you have to lead change. I say that we have to act as transformation operators, with a high degree of adaptability.

LQP # 2.- There are those who propose that it should be profitable. My opinion is that we must first manage the risks and then generate the wealth that underlies those risks.

LQP # 3.- Others talk about getting new ideas. I act in order to discover the new knowledge that remains invisible or imperceptible before us.

LQP # 4.- Others do experiments from time to time. I suggest that organizations always be mired in low cost experimentation.

LQP # 5.- While others sell products and services. I insist that you have to sell experiences.

LQP # 6.- Others think that they will achieve success by being the most adaptable. I say that adaptability without daring is insufficient.

LQP # 7.- Some managers worry about guessing the future. I worry about imagining the future and from there then creating the present.

LQP # 8.- There are managers who prefer stability. I prefer to be mobilized on that fine line between the ecstasy of order and the randomness of chaos.

LQP # 9.- In a world of contradictions, there are managers who prefer to manage what is logical. I recommend managing the absurd in order to eliminate paradoxes.

LQP # 10.- There are those who think that managers should dignify the appeased. I think managers should promote the passionate and passionate.

LQP # 11.- There are many managers who adhere to the classic common sense. I say that common sense, as it was conceived before, is useless since it is embedded in "linearity", while the current world is immersed in non-linear discontinuities.

LQP # 12.- Many who manage worry about having a shared vision, even without first knowing what their current mission is. I say that the sense of direction that is derived from the sense of vision occurs when a bridge has been created between the present present and the imagined future.

I think about this

"The hereafter is not the hereafter but the hereafter in the world of the still unknown to us as we still cannot access the vast scientific knowledge that comes from the universal laws that govern us." AEAD, Friday, May 27, 2005.

There are many beliefs rooted in managers and entrepreneurs that I do not necessarily share, although I respect all points of view, no matter where they come from and who they come from. I assume the first person of my opinions to be consistent and consistent.

The vast majority of these managers and entrepreneurs are great talents. Sometimes, the daily life of management does not allow them to accept or access new ideas. Whoever manages and who undertakes can always be documented or request professional help.

Next, “what I think” (LQP):

LQP # 13

There are those who hate change. I say that it is not enough to embrace change, but that we must continue to forge it.

LQP # 14

Given the enormous complexity of today's world, there are many who say that it is not worth learning. I think that, without learning, it would be impossible to survive in these current times.

LQP # 15

There are managers and entrepreneurs who only navigate the tide of change. I think that it is essential to anticipate changes in order to significantly reduce the time and cost involved in capturing, from said changes, the value inherent to them (new knowledge).

LQP # 16

There are many managers and entrepreneurs who do not want to expand the use of their minds. I propose that your minds should not only act more quickly, but with greater discernment power.

LQP # 17

There are many managers and entrepreneurs who continue to implement the same actions of the past. I have every certainty that the actions necessary for a feasible now are not those of before. I believe, with certainty, that the density of today's actions changed in a more than exponential proportion, complicating (unprecedented) goals and objectives when trying to specify these goals and objectives in the realm of success.

LQP # 18

Many managers when they see a project with huge prospects are suspicious. I think that, sometimes, what looks very good at the beginning is so good that it becomes a great success.

LQP # 19

In their marketing strategies, many managers prefer to use harmonization tactics. I think that in this New Era, and precisely due to the complex nature of markets, destabilization strategies are now imposed instead.

LQP # 20

For the vast majority of managers and entrepreneurs, adapting means instituting an adjustment to change. I think the word "adaptation" describes the evolutionary interaction between an organism and its environment.

LQP # 21

For the vast majority of managers and entrepreneurs, evolution is a straight line. Being multiple and diverse driving forces currently under development, I think that these will not progress in several straight lines, each one at its own pace and tenor. In fact, these driving forces (science and technology, society, economics, politics, and the environment) will interact (with each other) in chaotic ways, creating unpredictable changes.

LQP # 22

While many get their ideas from their competitors, mimicking even more their Unique Selling Proposition with that of the competitors in the market, I think that what proceeds is to cross-pollinate ideas, fixedly observing Nature, and then create e implement the correct strategies.

LQP # 23

Others take whatever is from Nature. I propose to take the best of Nature itself and then evolve it with great haste, thus achieving maximum differentiation with respect to competitors in the industry.

LQP # 24

Others seek to create the greatest return on a tangible estate. I propose to obtain the maximum return based on a heritage of intangibles.

LQP # 25

While many managers and entrepreneurs seek to steer clear of failure, I believe it is highly recommended to make, at full speed, many small errors. Clearly, then it is essential to learn forever from the aforementioned mistakes. Learning from mistakes is a great first step towards a first success.

LQP # 26

Many managers and entrepreneurs change and adapt from the patterns set by Frederick Winslow Taylor. I believe that we must learn from the changes and adaptations of the last 4 billion years of Nature.

Another aspect that I think

The adaptation to the changes in itself generates greater changes and adaptations. And so it goes on in an infinite cycle. - AEAD, 12:47 pm, Friday, October 07, 2005.

What does the mean between change and consequent adaptation?

Answer: More and more change; more and more adaptation.

An eloquent quote to share

"The free man is the one who is not afraid to go to the end of his thoughts." - Unknown author.

Everyone is responsible

Whoever applies some of these recommendations is solely responsible for what they do. The purpose of this writing is to comment on some of my own ideas and make them accessible to interested parties. The subscriber is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for the actions of the reader.

Intellectual property Intellectual property is the exclusive property of andrés eloy agostini d., With the express exception of the citations mentioned in this work, mostly taken from the works listed in the "bibliographic source" section. All rights reserved. It is prohibited to copy, partially or totally, through any means, electronic or not, without the prior written and express authorization of the author. This material does not have, in whole or in part, profit-making purposes, express or otherwise, neither directly nor indirectly.

Contributed by:

Andres Eloy Agostini Durand

[email protected]

The author is mr. andrés eloy agostini d., who is an administrator with a mention in "insurance management" and a specialist in "insurance careers", graduated in the United States, has 25 years of practical experience, dedicated to consulting with important institutions, as well as research and development of new management practices to seek (i) business innovation, (ii) managerial transformation and (iii) advanced risk management. Some of his publications include: 1.- "transforming morality into a managerial tool to control health risks." 2.- "the mathematics that support the decision-making process." 3.- restrictions in the application of the systems methodology in socio-economic challenges ». 4.- «Who exaggerates in the evaluation of the risks»?- "managing the risk of commercial aircraft", or.- "management and environment".

During more than 25 years of professional experience, I have provided managerial and technical consulting services, among other institutions and companies, to petróleos de venezuela and all the following affiliated companies: pdvsa-filial, lagoven, maraven, corpoven, intevep, bariven, carbozulia, palmaven, interven and pequiven (through superoctans), as well as for the world bank (venezuelan delegation), general electric (head office in usa), abbott laboratories (head office in usa), gmac (general motor acceptance corporation - usa), lloyd's of london (london, united kingdom), pdv europe (european subsidiary of pdvsa, london, united kingdom), toyota, mitsubishi, ameriven, petrozuata, williams & company, high-tech mining, impsat telecommunications (group Pescarmona from Argentina),Impsa of Venezuela (Pescarmona Group of Argentina), Seguros la Seguridad (Mapfre Company), Caracas Insurance, New World Insurance, Pan American Insurance, Orinoco Insurance, Consolidated Insurance Group (Gac), Federal District Government, Portuguese State Governments and miranda.

Management myths