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Organizational development program modeling

Table of contents:


The modeling is part of the Organizational Development Program for the training of Management Skills in the State Directorate of Commerce Villa Clara.

The research work constitutes a proposal, hence, in the program, in the organization in the State Directorate of Commerce of Villa Clara, an understanding of the problem has been achieved in the organization's board of directors and progress is made in the determination to undertake a training process that provides better performance for cadres and specialists.

It is concluded that the program is associated with two areas of intervention:

  • Intervention Area 1: Communication Intervention Area 2: Leadership

The work has been assisted by specialists from the Center for Management Studies of the Marta Abreu de Las Villas Central University, and with the definition of the areas of intervention it has been possible to develop a proposal for a system of activities and a support instrument (manual of activities) for the DO as well as the conception of training tools being as follows:

  • System of activities that will allow the implementation of the program, through the integration of the selected forms of professional improvement (Annex 1) Manual self-improvement activities that contains readings, self-study activities, exercises and self-evaluation of the relational competence of managers (Annex 2). Conception of training moments and tools.

The program is also developed in work teams to strengthen the integration between cadres and reserves. Table 1 shows the group dynamics to develop skills.

Directive Ability Group dynamics
Communication Smart Picture

Develop your language

Leadership Photograph of my resume

Group magic to find the leader

Table 1: Compendium of group dynamics to develop skills in DO programs.

Source: self made.

Basically, the implementation of the DO program will be carried out through 5 forms of organization of training: socio-psychological training, workshops, self-improvement, tutoring and consultation, among others. The use of these training tools will be marked by the development of three important moments: starting point; formative moment and consolidation moment. Figure 2 shows the general graphic conception of the activity program.

Figure. 2: Conception of moments and tools for the formation of the strategy. Source: self made.

Conception of moments and tools for the formation of the strategy

Forms of organization of training activities

Sociopsychological training

Denomination that receives the set of active group methods that are used to stimulate communication processes in a group and achieve the participation of its members in the cognitive, creative or corrective tasks that are carried out through self-confrontation and confrontation between its members. Although it includes participatory techniques, it is more comprehensive when contemplating a corrective psycho-pedagogical function.

It is a requirement of this type of training that the programs and procedures that are designed are in accordance with the demands of the practical activity of those people to whom it is intended (González Suárez, 2006). This is a form of group work and learning that has a long tradition in psychology and management theories. It is based on the effect of group interaction and on the principle of the activity, constituting an original variant of teaching by models. It refers to the forms of influence in the intensive communication process in a group, aimed at increasing the communicative competence of the participants (Aparicio Venegas and Galbán Cruz (2008), cited by González Morell (2012).

The workshop

Form of organization of group work to achieve the strengthening of interpersonal relationships that are consistent with the problem and the developer nature of education and training of adults. This form of professional improvement is assumed in accordance with the methodological particularities raised by De la Rúa Batista 2001 (cited by Travieso Suárez, (2008). The workshop encourages dialogue and reflection through the participation of the subjects of the training. towards the elaboration of true knowledge, in the solution of real problems. In it, knowledge is not taken as absolute truths. It creates situations through which the group can produce theoretical knowledge about the same experience.


It is used at all times, its mission being to guarantee in a non-face-to-face way the appropriation of the theoretical and methodological tools to strengthen and deepen the knowledge and skills acquired; acting at the same time on the levels of motivation of the participant. This modality is used so that they expand their knowledge, of performance typical of a performance based on relational competences and self-assess the development they are achieving. The knowledge acquired or systematized here constitutes the basis for interacting in the group and with the trainer. To facilitate self-improvement, the Activities Manual was created, which may be used by the cadres themselves and reserves for professional self-improvement.


According to Sánchez (1979), cited in Google Scholar, it is the need for help individually or in a group that the teacher can exercise in parallel and also as their own action as a teacher.

Another fundamental pillar is the moment of evaluation, which is why a set of indicators is proposed, which are grouped as follows:

  • Efficiency: Optimal use of financial and human resources; Therefore, they will be indicators that allow the program process to be measured. Efficacy: Fulfillment of the goals and favorable results of the organization; Therefore, they will be indicators that allow measuring the outputs of the program. Effectiveness: It is the sum of efficiency and effectiveness; so it will be a global indicator that determines it.

Validation of the proposed program based on the criteria of specialists.

After designing the OD program and before carrying out its practical implementation, it is empirically validated through the application of the specialist method.

This method seeks the opinion of a group of specialists who, for the specific case of this research, worked with the board of directors as it appears in the table, which, being the main agents of change and taking into account practical experiences, are able to to confirm if the design of the OD program is feasible and applicable to the organization, but also, it is the space where these issues are discussed and approved.

Not. Names and surnames Position Years of experience School level
one Eyipsy Cueto Ruiz Director twenty-one academic
two Gustavo Pérez Bermúdez Vice principal 31 academic
3 Odalis Pénate Morales Economic Deputy Director 30 academic
4 Andy Moya Espinosa González 27 academic
5 Madelin Espinosa González 18 TM
6 Salin Hernandez Bello Ramal School Director 17 academic
7 Mercedes Garcia Valle 18 TM

Table.2: Members of the Board of Directors.

Source: self made.

To check if the proposed program meets the objective of the research, it was considered to take values ​​from 1 to 5, where the value of 1 corresponds as in total disagreement and 5 as in total agreement. In Table 3 a matrix rank is presented with the evaluation result given by specialists.

With the result of the evaluation, the reliability was determined, using Kendall's coefficient of agreement:

W = 12 Λ 2

M 2 (K 3 - K)

W must be between 1 and 0. In this range it is stated:

1.0 ≥ W ≥ 0.5 Reliable

0.49 ≥ W ≥ 0.0 Not reliable


M = Number of experts.

K = Number of properties or index to evaluate.

Λ = Deviation from the mean value of the judgments made. Value that is determined in the formula by the following expression:


Aij = judgment of importance of index i of expert j.

λ = Comparison factor (Average value of the ranges).

  • Hypothesis Statement.

Ho: There is no agreement between the opinions expressed by the experts.

H1: There is agreement between the opinions expressed by the experts.

If k ≤7 the value of S = ΣΛ 2 is compared with the value of S TAB in Friedman's table.

Critical Region Compliance:

RC: If C calculatedS TAB, the null hypothesis is rejected.

As C alculated (464)> S TAB (182.7). The null hypothesis is rejected; therefore there is agreement in the opinions expressed by the experts.

The Kendall coefficient of concordance expresses the degree of association between specialists. For this case, the calculated value was 0.94, concluding that the criteria of the specialists is reliable and since the critical region is met, there is agreement in the opinions issued by the specialists. In this case, as the group's criteria for the program were favorable, it can be said that the program will contribute to solving the deficiencies detected in the diagnosis.

Expert Features











Λ 2

Adaptation of the program to the subject under study.












Feasibility of the actions proposed in the program. 4 4 5 5 4 5 3 30 twenty-one 9 81
The program allows raising the effectiveness (efficiency and efficacy) of cadres and specialists.












The ordering of activities has the character












Facility provided by the program to adapt according to needs. 5 3 4 5 4 5 4 30 twenty-one 9 81

Table 9: Matrix of ranges with the result of the evaluation.

Source: self made.

Partial conclusions.

  1. The modeling of the DO program allowed defining training activities such as: self-preparation, workshop, tutoring, etc. The modeling of the program was validated by the criteria of specialists.
  • Bibliography.Argyris, Ch (1960): Organization Development. Yale University Press Above Á. JM (2007) Educational change and school improvement. Innovation and training magazine, 1, spring; p. 33-34. Available at http://www.doredin.mec.es/documentos/01420093004777.pdf Accessed: December 12, 2014 Batista Vázquez (2006): Chronological reflections on Organizational Development. Available at http: //www.monogramas.com/ Consulted: December 12, 2014 Cordero Vázquez. AG (2010): Action Systems for the conception of the Communication System in the Provincial Directorate of BPA Villa Clara. Diploma work. UCLV. Santa Clara.González Fernández, V (2012): Intervention program to enhance the communication of the directors of the BPA Branch 4312 in Santa Clara. Master's Thesis in Management. Center for Business Management Studies.Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas. Cuba Grinberg J. (1999): Challenges and possibilities for the future of education. The role of the teacher leader. First Colloquium Universidad Torcuato Di Tella - The University of New Mexico: The role of the teacher in the school of the new millennium October. 1999. Guzmán Pérez, DM (2012): Organizational development program to improve the climate in the Provincial Directorate of BPA Villa Clara. Master's thesis in management. Center for Business Management Studies. Central University "Marta Abreu" de las Villas.Hall, S. (2006) Administration. Mexico: Prentice HallHellriegel, D and Slocum, JW (1998): Management. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co, USA.First Colloquium Universidad Torcuato Di Tella - The University of New Mexico: The role of the teacher in the school of the new millennium October. 1999. Guzmán Pérez, DM (2012): Organizational development program to improve the climate in the Provincial Directorate of BPA Villa Clara. Master's thesis in management. Center for Business Management Studies. Central University "Marta Abreu" de las Villas.Hall, S. (2006) Administration. Mexico: Prentice HallHellriegel, D and Slocum, JW (1998): Management. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co, USA.First Colloquium Universidad Torcuato Di Tella - The University of New Mexico: The role of the teacher in the school of the new millennium October. 1999. Guzmán Pérez, DM (2012): Organizational development program to improve the climate in the Provincial Directorate of BPA Villa Clara. Master's thesis in management. Center for Business Management Studies. Central University "Marta Abreu" de las Villas.Hall, S. (2006) Administration. Mexico: Prentice HallHellriegel, D and Slocum, JW (1998): Management. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co, USA.Center for Business Management Studies. Central University "Marta Abreu" de las Villas.Hall, S. (2006) Administration. Mexico: Prentice HallHellriegel, D and Slocum, JW (1998): Management. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co, USA.Center for Business Management Studies. Central University "Marta Abreu" de las Villas.Hall, S. (2006) Administration. Mexico: Prentice HallHellriegel, D and Slocum, JW (1998): Management. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co, USA.


objective Shape Content Method and


Media Evaluation
Explain the general fundamentals of effective communication Group / Class Learning Effective Communication Joint Elaboration, Technique The same may be different Cards with texts that express feelings and relational behaviors

Parable The Crumpled Paper

Co-evaluation of levels of Participation
Deepen the knowledge of premises for the development of effective interpersonal communication skills

Exercise effective interpersonal communication skills with the management team

Self improvement


Reading and reflection of the parable "What is yours and what is mine".

Reading documents on effective communication

Self-assessment exercise, goal setting and communication with the management team

Independent work Activity Manual Performance self-assessment

Presentation of results in the workshop

Facilitate knowledge of tools for the development of interpersonal communication with team members


Group / Class

Tools of





Cards with


of communication-

interpersonal relationship.

Parable: The Crumpled Paper

Co-evaluation of

participation levels

in exercise

Deepen the knowledge of the tools for interpersonal communication Exercise the interpersonal communication skill



Reading and reflection on how you use the communication tools in your Team. Set self-transformation goals Independent work Activity Manual Performance self-assessment
Explain the importance of supportive communication for strengthening relationships with the management team Group / Class Learning Supportive communication: A skill that validates individuals Joint elaboration, dramatization Cards with recommendations for behavior.

Parable "Yours and mine

Co-evaluation of levels of participation in the activity
Delve into the fundamentals of supportive communication.

Self-diagnosis of support communication.

Exercise supportive communication

Self-improvement (6) Topic study reading: Supportive communication.

Self appraisal

Setting goals for self-transformation.

Support communication exercise with the management team

Independent work Activity Manual Performance self-evaluation.

Presentation of results in the workshop

Reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the support communication skill Exchange experiences and experiences of support communication Group Learning / Workshop

Interpersonal and supportive communication

Reflective-evaluative practice, Technique: "I confess myself"

Parable "A cracked vessel

Co-evaluation of participation levels in the year

Deepen knowledge of the Leadership skill

Self-assess the presence of negative traits that may limit leadership

Self-improvement (3) Reading of the text “Leadership deficiencies”, Self-assessment exercise

Goal setting

Independent work Activity Manual Performance self-assessment
Reflect on relational behaviors that affect the leader's role within the team and the need to build interpersonal leadership Group / Class Learning The way of the Leader (Leadership Joint Elaboration

Stories about leadership

Parable "Push the cow

Co-evaluation of participation levels in the exercise

Annex 2: M



Deepen the knowledge of premises for the development of effective interpersonal communication skills.

Exercise effective interpersonal communication skills with the management team.

A ctivities:

  1. Read the parable “Yours and Mine” and answer:
  1. What message does this parable convey? How does the relationship between the forms of communication used and the feelings of each of the characters materialize? Is what is observed related to the experiences acquired when communicating with your management team?
  1. Delves into the knowledge of the fundamentals of effective communication for interpersonal relationships, on listening and verbal and non-verbal language. Accurate in the recommendations that make it possible to practice it effectively.
  1. Self-assess the state of your skills and attitudes for effective communication. If you detect limitations in your performance, set goals for self-transformation.
  1. Exercise with your management team the implementation of the goals set.

Digital bibliography:

  • Effective communication for interpersonal relationships. (Slide presentation) sa, sfLaura Trinidad. Communication styles. (Slide show) sfDuBrin Andrew J. Human Relations (2008). Human behavior at work (PDF). People education. Mexico. ISBN: 978-970-26-1080-9.Rubio Domínguez Pedro. Introduction to Business Management. European Institute of Business Management.ISBN-10: 84-689-7602-4. (PDF)



Deepen the knowledge of the tools for interpersonal communication with the team.

Exercise effective interpersonal communication skills.

A ctivities:

  1. Read the consolidation of the topic: Interpersonal communication tools. It focuses on those related to: how to give orders and the messages I - messages you.
  1. Answer back:
  1. Investigate what informal learning consists of and how to apply it as a tool in the development of skills for interpersonal communication. Reflect on how you apply the tools studied in your performance as a leader. If you find some deficiencies, set goals for the self-transformation of interpersonal communication.
  1. Practice interpersonal communication with your team with new tools.

Record some of the results achieved to present them to the group.

Digital bibliography:

  • Luis Puchol, María José Martín, et al. The book of managerial skills. 3rd. Edition. (9788479789756. PDF) SA.DuBrin Andrew J. Human relations (2008). Human behavior at work. (PDF). People education. Mexico. ISBN: 978-970-26-1080-9.



Deepen the knowledge of the fundamentals of support communication.

Self-diagnosis of support communication.

Exercise supportive communication

A ctivities:

  1. Perform study reading on the topic: Supportive communication: an interpersonal competence. Focus attention on guidelines for behavior; They will help you practice supportive communication with the management team and the questionnaire for your self-assessment. Self-diagnose the development of supportive communication skills using the questionnaire. Analyze your strengths and weaknesses using the indicators proposed in the text read. If you detected weaknesses in the performance of the support communication with your management team, set goals of self-transformation applying the recommended. Practice support communication with your team. Record examples to share in the next breakout session.

Digital bibliography:

  • Whetten David A, Kim S. Cameron. Development of management skills. (Part 2) 8va. Ed. Pearson Education, Mexico, 2011. ISBN: 978-607-32-0580-1



Delve into the fundamentals of interpersonal relationships at work.

Take ownership of a model to acquire or improve interpersonal skills

A ctivities:

  1. Delve into the fundamentals of human relationships. Focus attention on: Importance of interpersonal relationships at work, types of relationships of greatest significance for work (Respect, understanding, cooperation, communication, courtesy, solidarity, mutual trust) and the recommendations expressed in the Decalogue of Human Relationships Make a study reading of the Model for the Improvement of Interpersonal Skills. It concludes with the preparation of a file with the steps of this model. Analyze the proposed case of a worker with limited development of skills and the action plan drawn up for the development of the skill. Compare his performance with that of the worker and Determine strengths and weaknesses.Create an improvement plan to improve your interpersonal relationships with the management team, considering what is recommended. Record the ways you use to strengthen interpersonal relationships with your team and within the team itself. Be prepared to exemplify them through digital pictures, skits, reading, or other ways that make it possible.


  • DuBrin Andrew J. Human Relations (2008). Human behavior at work (PDF). People education. Mexico. ISBN: 978-970-26-1080-9.



Deepen knowledge of interpersonal leadership skill.

Self-assess the presence of negative traits that can limit your leadership.


  1. Read and consolidate basic ideas about leadership. Focus on:
  • Personal challenges for those who exercise it. Elements that interact in this dynamic process. Importance of being clear about the objectives and goals to be achieved and how to involve their followers in them.
  1. Make a card with the basic skills for leadership: leadership skills, teamwork skills, delegation and planning skills. This allows you to have them in the center of attention and exercise them to achieve or perfect them.
  1. It focuses attention on the behaviors of interpersonal leadership and on some negative traits that tend to characterize them and that have been declared as "The 10 fatal flaws that derail leaders."

Here's a message for you!

The leadership challenge is to be strong, but not tough; be kind, but not weak; be daring, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not shy; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor without being silly »Jim Rohn

4. Based on what has been learned, solve the following activities:

  1. Self-assess the presence of negative traits in your performance using as a guide the 10 defects that derail the leader. This will help you to know how your performance and image as a leader is doing. If you found flaws in your performance as a leader of the management team, set goals for professional self-transformation. Prepare to share your new experiences with the group of managers and the facilitator.

Bibliography: Digital

  • Aubert Gilbert. Reflections on leadership (2014). Leadership Development Program. Human Development Group. Digital book Patricia Guerrero M. Leadership and gender. Reflections to achieve effective leadership Luis Puchol, María José Martín, et al. The book of managerial skills. 3rd. Edition. (9788479789756. PDF) SA.
Organizational development program modeling