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Management strategy model for sports schools in the province of sancti spirits, cuba


The present work aims to apply a strategy modelDirectorate for the Community Schools of Sport, Physical Education and Recreation (ECDER) of the province of Sancti Spíritus. For this, a sample of 11 ECDER was selected intentionally for 42.3%, in addition to 466 people who work in these institutions, the logical history, the systemic approach, the analysis of documents, the survey, the Interview were used as research methods and techniques Semi-standardized and the brainstorming teamwork technique, which allowed us to determine the mission, carry out the diagnosis, define shared values, vision and key results areas, as well as formulate the strategic objectives with their respective measurement criteria, the action plan and measurement and control. The conclusions were reached that:The bibliographic analysis allowed to base theoretically what refers to Strategic Management and the management strategy models, the model for the ECDER was designed taking into account the particularities of this type of institution and the application of the model brings with it a series of benefits that lead toraise the efficiency and effectiveness of the Community Schools of sport, Physical Education and Recreation of the Province of Sancti Spíritus. Therefore, we recommend continuing with the application of the strategic management model in the investigated ECDERs and recommending to the rest of the community schools in the province that they apply the management strategy model due to the benefits it brings.


Society undergoes a profound evolution in its mentalities, values, norms and lifestyles are transformed, while playing a more leading role for organizations.

It is a concrete fact that it is no longer possible to direct with a short-term vision, or what is the same, with strategic myopia, you need the ability to foresee the future, adapt and respond to it.

Strategic management is called to play this role, becoming a managerial process that leads to change in ways of thinking and acting. Therefore, it is undeniable that to achieve sustained efficiency, effectiveness and competitiveness, it is required, among other aspects, a projection and strategic direction that enhances creativity, flexibility, dynamism, speed and aggressiveness with a previously defined and shared clear vision of the future. by all its members.

It is affirmed that strategic management is the process through which an organization formulates objectives and is directed to obtaining them. The Strategy is the means, the way to obtain the objectives of the organization. It is the art (skill) of intermingling the internal analysis and the wisdom used by the leaders to create values ​​of the resources and abilities that they control. Analysis and action are embedded in strategic direction.

Every institution, regardless of its size, type of sector, business segment or country, must have a process that allows it to ensure that it has a methodology to formulate the Strategy.

It is evident that the strategic planning process is going to be different in each organization, due to the fact that it deals with different realities, with tasks, users, specialists and officials of particular characteristics, depending on the processes and organizations given.

Therefore, today it is essential to have a strategic Plan that sets the direction of the management, guides the efforts of the organization in the same direction as well as that allows it to control its resources and the management of different processes.

Hence, Strategic Management has been a topic widely researched and treated in the business world; However, it was not until the collapse of the Socialist Camp that Cuba was inserted in this process, an element that was not used equally in all the Ministries, with INDER being one of the furthest behind in entering into the use of the Strategic Directorate.

The Community Schools of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation (ECDER) like any other organization, must be aware that the future is no longer the prolongation of the present, they need to anticipate the impact of the forces that interact in their environment, creating and innovating their own management instruments and implementing strategies that allow them to ensure the results that they have set out to achieve institutionally. And thus continue to improve and develop as the base institution of the Cuban Sports System, corresponding to the territorial demarcation of the Popular Council and with an open pedagogical model that encourages the gradual incorporation of the entire population, according to their needs and interests in activities. physical, sports and recreational.

Currently the National Institute of Sports, Physical Culture and Recreation, has been taking significant steps in this regard at the central level, but it is still insufficient in its grassroots organizations, such as the ECDER that do not have a Management Strategy Model that allows them better planning, organization, command and control of all their processes related to recreation, community sports, physical culture and physical education, hence the need to apply management tools that allow them to reach higher levels of management.

Therefore, taking into account the above, the following Scientific Problem is formulated:

How to contribute to the improvement of the management process of the Community Schools of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation of the Province of Sancti Spíritus?

General objective:

Apply a model of Management Strategy for the Community Schools of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation of the Province of Sancti Spíritus.

Scientific Questions:

1. What theoretical and methodological foundations support Strategic Management and management strategy models for ECDERs?

2. How to design a Management Strategy Model for the Community Schools of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation of the Province of Sancti Spíritus?

3. What organizational benefits does the application of the management strategy model for the ECDER in the province of Sancti Spíritus bring?

III. Investigation methodology.

Population and sample.

From a population of 26 Community Schools of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation (ECDER) in the province of Sancti Spíritus, a total of 11 were selected through an intentional sampling for 42.3%, since the indispensable conditions existed in them, that is, the entire management team, the stability of its cadres, the interest of the managers, and the availability of students to carry out the research.

Community Schools of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation studied:

• Renán Turiño. Trinidad 2006

• Alberto García Lavandero. Sancti Spíritus. 2007

• Julio A Mella. Sancti Spíritus. 2007

• José Mendoza. Trinidad 2007

• Daniel Alberto Calderón. Promotion 2007

• Marcelo Salado. Sancti Spíritus 2008

• Martyrs of Barbado. Sancti Spíritus 2008

• Iguará. Yaguajay 2008

• Venegas. Yaguajay 2088

• Alfredo Tomás Calzada. La Sierpe 2008

• Caracusey. Trinidad 2009

In addition, a total of 466 people who work in these institutions constitute a sample of the research with an average age of 32.3 years, of which 189 are women and 348 are male. And they are divided as follows:

• 129 People on the Extended Board of Directors.

• 408 Workers: Technicians, activist and service personnel.

3.2 Methods and techniques used in the investigation.

The following research methods and techniques were used to carry out the research.

Theoretical level methods:

- Historical - logical: It is used for the analysis of the evolution of the subject under study and the background of the research.

- Systemic analysis: To conceive the dialectical interrelation of all the steps to take into account when developing the model or procedure for the management strategy.

Methods and techniques of empirical level:

- Document Analysis: It allows the study of official documents such as the INDER President's Indications for the school years 2006-2007, 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 and the analytical program of the Physical Culture Direction subject.

- The survey: Carried out to managers and workers in order to collect the necessary information for the preparation of the management strategy.

- The Semi-standardized interview: To the Directors of the ECDER to determine the benefits achieved in the institution with the application of the management strategy model.

- Group work technique: It consists of provoking an exchange of ideas, opinions and experiences verbally, in a group of people on a specific problem to achieve certain objectives and reach conclusions, for which the brainstorming or Brainstorming.

IV. Analysis of the results

4.1 Proposal of the model to be used in the Community Schools of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation (ECDER) of the province of Sancti Spíritus.

After an exhaustive analysis of the different models presented in the previous chapter, given by different authors, both national and foreign, we conclude that none fits the institutions under study.

Therefore, taking into account that Community Schools belong to the Services sector, specifically sports and that their fundamental action falls on physical education, participatory sports, quality of life and recreation, the following model is made:

Management Strategy Model for them (ECDER).

4.2 Results of the application of the Management Strategy model in the investigated ECDERs.

It is noteworthy that the results shown constitute a generalization of the application of the model in the 11 institutions studied and that despite showing only one result, during the investigation the strategy of each School was developed, which is a tailored suit because it depends on the individual characteristics of each institution.

In order to achieve greater objectivity and depth in the analysis, a brief characterization of the Institutions was carried out.

Among the investigated ECDERs, there are 8 that are between 15 and 30 years old, excluding Daniel Alberto Calderón de Fomento, José Mendoza and Caracusey de Trinidad with 6, 5 and 3 years of foundation respectively. In general, these institutions radiate their actions to a total of 19 Popular Councils of the Province divided as follows: 6 from the Municipality of Trinidad, 1 in Development, 2 in Yaguajay, 4 in La Sierpe and 6 in the municipality of Sancti Spíritus.

Sports practiced in the investigated ECDER:

- Ball Sports: Baseball, Handball, Basketball, Soccer, Handball, Volleyball, Field Tennis, Table Tennis and Softball.

- Time and Brand Sports: Athletics, Sports Shooting, Archery, Weight, Skating, Swimming and Cycling.

- Combat Sports: Taekwondo, Boxing, Wrestling, Wrestling Greco Romana, Karate Do, and Fencing.

- Competitive Art Sports; Rhythmic Gymnastics and Artistic Gymnastics.


The mission of the Community Schools is to promote and promote the practice of recreational and sports activities, physical culture and physical education through its technical force in the sports facilities and centers created by the Revolution using the advances of science and technique, the systematic training of human resources to satisfy the training needs, recovery of physical and mental capacities, the adequate use of free time as well as raising the quality of life of the population, committed to the work of the Revolution, representing the ideals and values ​​of revolutionary sport.



Stable Board of Directors with good relations with the workers, they have the staff of the technical force covered, a good pool of activism and They provide a culture of use of free time and improve the quality of life of the community.


Lack of material and technological resources, poor preparation of those qualified, insufficient sports areas and insufficient improvement of the technicians.


The presence of Schools near the institution, the existence of the Faculty of Physical Culture and the Municipal Headquarters, the existence of sports areas of the schools and the existence of other social areas such as squares and parks near the ECDER.


The hours of educational schools, sale of alcoholic beverages near institutions, the Economic Blockade and other recreational options such as Young Club, Video Rooms, etc.

Definition of values

In the workers of the investigated Community Schools, the following values ​​predominate: Patriotism, Honesty, Responsibility and Solidarity.


- We will maintain the condition of sports power.

- We will deepen the education and comprehensive training of quality and efficiency athletes in the preparation systems and the improvement of human resources.

- We will increase the obtaining and generalization of the results and impacts of Science and technological innovation.

Definition of key result areas

The key outcome areas of the Community Schools of sport, physical education and recreation:

1. Physical Education and Student Participatory Sports.

2. Participatory sports and health promotion.

3. Physical Recreation.

4. Material technical assurance and sports services.

Strategic objectives and measurement criteria by key result areas

After carrying out all the previous process, the formulation of the strategic objectives with their corresponding criteria of measures by key results areas began.

Action plan:

The action plan is particular to each institution as it depends on the human, material and technological resources available to the Community School and is also prepared for a period of one year.

Measurement and Process Control

The measurement and control of the process will be carried out through: The constant diagnosis, the monthly analysis by ARC, the quarterly rendering in the Boards of Directors of the Heads of the Key Results Areas and the Annual Strategy Evaluation meeting with all employees of the entity to assess its results.

4.3 Assessment of the directors of the ECDER on the application of the Management Strategy model, through the interview.

The assessment of the directors of the ECDER on the novelty of the application of the Strategic Management model and its contribution in solving the deficiencies detected in each institution, resulting in that 92.3% of the interviewees stated that if the application of the model is novel, Well, until the moment of the investigation, they had never worked in this way, they also reported that they worked for objectives and despite knowing some of the strategic factors that are included in it, they had not conceived it correctly.

Regarding whether the application of the Strategic Management model contributed to solving the deficiencies detected during the diagnosis of each institution, 83.2% stated that it did contribute, since firstly with the application of the same, said deficiencies were clearly defined and focused, secondly allowed to work in that sense and finally follow up during measurement and control.

Benefits of applying the management strategy model in the ECDER

Organizes the management process within the ECDER, optimizes the work of the managers, all workers have a clear Mission, the strengths are well defined to take advantage of the opportunities in the environment, the key results areas are well defined, shows a precise image of the current situation and to which it is expected to arrive in the future, the fundamental actions and initiatives that will eliminate the disparity between the current situation and the future one to which it is aspired are defined, It achieves the perfect fusion between theory and practice, creates On the basis of strategic thinking, the Community School gains efficiency by using a model appropriate to the characteristics of the organization and creates a culture of measurement and control.


1. The bibliographic analysis allowed to base theoretically what refers to Strategic Management and management strategy models.

2. The model for the ECDER was designed taking into account the particularities of this type of institution, that is, Mission, Diagnosis, Shared Values, Vision, Key Results Areas, Strategic Objectives, Measurement Criteria, Action and Measurement Plan and control, which according to the indications of the President turned out to be a good anticipation.

3. The application of the model brings with it a series of benefits that lead to increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the Community Schools of sport, Physical Education and Recreation of the Province of Sancti Spíritus.


1. Continue with the application of the strategic management model in the investigated ECDERs.

2. Recommend to the rest of the community schools in the province that they apply the management strategy model due to the benefits it brings.

Management strategy model for sports schools in the province of sancti spirits, cuba