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Management model for the evaluation of hotel sustainability


The design of this management model has as its main background the works referring to the Model for the management of sustainability in the Caribbean of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) (2004) and the Management Model for sustainable tourism in destinations of sol y playa de Márquez, L., Cuétara, L. and Frías, R. (2006). It also integrates the proposals for the implementation of other management systems, indicators and certification for sustainable management in tourist destinations and hotel facilities.


Analysis of the preceding models for the management of sustainable tourism.

The rapid growth of tourism activity has demanded the need to develop a set of instruments and mechanisms of a scientific nature, proposed by governments, organizations and researchers in the international arena at different levels that address the problem of sustainability in tourist destinations and in few cases in hotels. Currently there are a large number of models for the sustainable management of tourist destinations, but in the author's consideration, the Model proposed by the AEC and the Management Model for Sustainable Tourism, constitute the theoretical-methodological basis of main reference for the conceptual and operational foundation of the proposed management model.

ACS Model for Sustainability Management in the Caribbean (2004).

This model exposes the methodology to manage sustainable tourism, essentially through a process of organizing work, gathering the necessary information, carrying out a diagnosis of the territory, definition and evaluation of indicators, monitoring and self-evaluation of the sustainability of the destination (Díaz, G. and Norman, A., 2004, p.1).

According to the author, among the strengths of this model is a set of common normative indicators for all destinations and agreed in the agreement for the establishment of the Sustainable Tourism Zone of the Caribbean (ZTSC), and a set of local indicators. Also the implementation of Local Agenda 21 as a territorial strategy, which constitutes an unquestionable strength for local development (Márquez, L., Frías, R., and Cuétara, L., 2006).

This proposal presents a comprehensive approach and incorporates the heritage, social, economic and ethical dimensions, the latter being recommended at the local level. Among the weaknesses identified by the author, the lack of indicators to measure the management of companies and institutions in the planning and management of tourism development for sustainability is appreciated, the non-evaluation of the degree of satisfaction of residents regarding development and the impact of tourist activity on the economic and social aspect. From a quantitative point of view, it lacks the definition of a global and local index for measuring sustainable development for tourist destinations.

Management model for the development of sustainable tourism in sun and beach destinations by Márquez, L., Cuétara, L. and Frías, R (2006).

In this model, validated in the tourist destination of Patanemo, Venezuela, the analysis of the tourist destination predominates with a systemic, multidimensional and multi-criteria approach for the evaluation of sustainability.

The model comprises, on the one hand, an adaptation of each of the phases of the Local Agenda 21 process, and on the other hand, the outline of the process for managing the sustainability of the ACS. This model includes the following dimensions: environmental, economic, cultural, social and political-institutional. In addition, the model has seven phases, conceived as part of a continuous improvement process that directs the destination towards sustainability.

The scientific novelty that this model presents is that it allows the calculation of the Global Sustainable Development Index for the Patanemo destination and also determines the competitive positioning of the Patanemo destination, in relation to one or more destinations and whose tourist characteristics are similar..

Proposal of a management model for the evaluation of hotel sustainability.

The analysis carried out in the previous section allows the design of a management model for the evaluation of sustainability in hotel facilities located in sun and beach destinations. In its content it incorporates the objectives of sustainable development; the definition of a set of dimensions of sustainability; the selection of the processes that take place in a hotel, associated with each dimension; the identification of key areas, corresponding to the processes; as well as the proposal and identification of a group of indicators derived from the analysis of the different problems of the hotel installation.

The proposed management model is conceived with a systemic, multi-criteria, multidimensional and process approach. The systemic approach of this model is determined because the hotel entity demands a flow of inputs (natural, human, equipment and financial resources), necessary to produce the tourist services offered to its clients. Likewise, it generates a flow of outputs (impacts) towards the environment. We can consider the hotel installation as a system with a set of elements that interact with each other, conceived as a study unit to understand the structure and dynamics of the components that make it up.

Now it is necessary to explain the multi - criteria approach of the proposed model, which is associated with the different criteria (dimensions, processes, key areas and indicators) as components of the object of study within the problem raised.

The author incorporates the multi-criteria approach, by interrelating dimensions, processes, key areas and indicators for the evaluation of sustainability by proposing the calculation of a Hotel Sustainability Index that encompasses the key dimensions, processes and areas and the determination of preference values expressed in priorities, which requires the implementation of techniques and multi-criteria methods to achieve the scientific result.

On the other hand, the multidimensional approachcontained in the proposed model, is found in the relationship of their dimensions to each other, a relationship that develops and changes information flows and elements (processes, key areas and indicators), which are endowed with structural and procedural functioning, which also has a dynamic internal and an external one, which changes flows of information with its environment, which has the possibility of achieving the same ends in different ways or the virtue of the whole (the change of one dimension affects the whole) and that integrated in an active environment dynamic, influence and are mutually influenced. However, it is recognized that each dimension has its own characteristics and, at the same time, is conditioned and conditions the other dimensions. In this sense, it is necessary to point out that the management model,It is conceived from a multidimensional approach to the evaluation of hotel sustainability.

In Figure 1.1 the multidimensional approach of this model can be appreciated.

Figure 1.1: Multidimensionality of sustainable development.

Source: self made.

The six basic dimensions proposed for the assessment of sustainability are detailed below, demonstrating the applicability of sustainable development. The dimensions are:

The Patrimonial Dimension : the inclusion of this dimension arises, because the future of sustainable tourism development depends on the ability of managers and economic agents to know and manage, according to a long-term perspective, their stock of renewable natural resources and their environment. In this dimension, special attention is paid to resources such as energy, water, soil, climate and the natural environment (beaches).

The Social Dimension : this dimension must satisfy the needs of the internal client, such as food, working conditions, motivation and training; that is to say, it is obliged to consider the facilitating aspects of the quality of life to achieve its own well-being. This dimension is closely related to the political-institutional dimension.

The Economic Dimension : this dimension is based on the fact that sustainable tourism development must be economically efficient, that is, the ability to dispose of the resources in order to develop the hotel and also serve future generations.

The Cultural Dimension : the importance of this dimension lies in the need to analyze man in a much more complex environment than the natural environment; in an environment that also integrates their customs, beliefs and habits. In other words, the sustainable development of tourism must guarantee the preservation of culture, traditions and national identity for future generations.

The Ethical Dimension: in this dimension it is reflected that the host community must direct its own development process; In other words, to achieve sustainability, training and information for all citizens is essential so that everyone participates, more or less actively, in the process of sustainable development within their geographical area, as well as the different actors (suppliers, artisans, shops, tourism bureau, TTOO, AAVV, carriers, among others) that support the hotel business.

The Political-Institutional Dimension : this dimension demonstrates the functioning of the hotel chain's policy and strategy system; Likewise, it is the point where the volume of resources assigned to various programs and specific works is negotiated and this dimension must be present, as the main guide in the concept and operation of the other dimensions of sustainability referred to (social, economic, environmental, local and cultural).

The process approach of this proposal is based on the fact that the success of any hotel organization depends on its business processes being aligned with its strategy, mission and objectives; behind the fulfillment of these objectives, there is the realization of a set of activities that, in turn, form part of a process. That is why the main point of analysis to achieve sustainability in a hotel facility is precisely the management of the company based on the processes it carries out.

Within this framework, the ISO 9001: 2000 quality standard states that: "the company must define and manage multiple interrelated processes leading to the provision of services"; defining processes as: "any activity that receives inputs and transforms them into outputs."

The Management or Process Approach consists, therefore, in comprehensively managing and planning each of the processes that the company carries out in such a way that they all contribute to achieving a correct sustainable performance of the hotel and with it, achieving better results.

All the analysis and description made in this section of the proposed management model structure is graphically represented in Figure 1.2, which shows the conceptual basis proposed by the author on the model:

Figure 1.2: Management model for the evaluation of hotel sustainability.

Source: own elaboration based on Márquez, L., Cuétara, L. and Frías, R (2006).

The Management Model for the evaluation of sustainability was structured in five phases, articulated and conceived as part of a process of continuous improvement, in addition, it allows to address and identify in an integrated way the components of sustainability in the hotel installation and its subsequent evaluation using a table of indicators.

Next, the operating model is shown schematically in Figure 1.3, which is derived from the previously proposed conceptual model.

Figure 1.3: Operating model of the methodological procedure.

Source: own elaboration based on Márquez, L., Cuétara, L. and Frías, R (2006).

This model is not only aimed at mitigating environmental impacts, but in particular, it must create a new threshold for tourism development, in which, beyond pursuing the viability of tourist activity in hotels, it seeks to satisfy the needs of its customers. clients, the local community and those who operationalize tourism services with sustainability criteria.

Methodological procedure for the validation of the management model for the evaluation of hotel sustainability.

The proposed procedure is distinguished from the analyzed models and has originality and scientific novelty, due to the following contributions:

  • In its conception, the analysis of the hotel installation predominates with a systemic, multidimensional, multi-criteria and process approach for the evaluation of hotel sustainability, It presents a working procedure with expert judgments for the identification of processes, key areas and indicators, associated with each dimension. For the diagnosis of hotel sustainability, a measurement instrument has been designed supported by a LIKERT-type scale questionnaire, recommended by different authors in evaluation studies of tourist destinations and customer satisfaction, through which capture the necessary information from the subjective assessment of the indicators defined for the comprehensive evaluation of sustainability in the hotel activity, as a theoretical contribution to the designed procedure,The value designated as the Hotel Sustainability Index (ISH) is obtained for the hotel company, as a result of applying the multi-attribute method of the weighted sum, It addresses sustainability within the hotel facilities with a comprehensive concept, It proposes a model with a hierarchical structure (Figure 1.4) for the evaluation of hotel sustainability with five decision levels: which includes the multidimensional approach to sustainability analysis, the selection of processes, incorporates the evaluation of key areas and indicators with their measurement elements.

Figure 1.4: Scheme with hierarchical structure.

Source: own elaboration.

  • Introduces the Radial Ideogram of Hotel Sustainability at the author's proposal, as an important instrument for the implementation process of the Final Phase: Evaluation and Monitoring.

The structure of the methodological procedure of the proposed management model is described below:

Phase I: Bibliographic review on sustainable management in tourist destinations and in the hotel business.

This phase addresses the origin and evolution of the concept of sustainable development, and its specific application for the tourism sector. The current state of management in tourist destinations is analyzed in a general way, and within these, the hotel installation as a global tourist product, in order to facilitate, through the operation of the model to be proposed, the socioeconomic development, the conservation of nature and the preservation of culture in hotel facilities.

Stage 1: Contextualize and characterize the evolution of sustainable development and sustainable tourism.

Through the main approaches described in the consulted literature, indicator systems and environmental management and certification systems implemented in sun and beach tourist destinations and hotel facilities respectively, the theoretical-referential framework of the research is built.

Phase II: Design of a management model for the evaluation of sustainability in hotel facilities.

Based on the study and analysis of the identified models, the design of a management model for the evaluation of sustainability in hotel facilities is proposed, conceived with a systemic, multidimensional, multi-criteria and process approach.

Stage 1: Analysis of the preceding management models.

In this stage, the following models are analyzed: the ACS Model for the management of sustainability in tourist destinations in the Caribbean and the Management Model for the development of sustainable tourism in sun and beach destinations by Márquez L., Frías R., and Cuétara L.; constituting these, the theoretical-methodological basis of main reference for the conceptual and operational foundation of the proposed management model.

Stage 2: Form the work team with qualified experts and specialists.

The work team is formed with experts and specialists who know the operation of the hotel process in question, and the sustainable action policies for the exchange of information and experiences. At this stage, a technical sheet is prepared for each of these experts in each process, as detailed in Annex 7. Subsequently, the competence coefficient (k) (Annex 8) is calculated through the questionnaire designed for this purpose., Annex 9, which allows gathering information on the experience and knowledge of the team of people involved with the purpose of the investigation, as well as assessing the ways or sources that have allowed them to obtain their professional and investigative training.

Stage 3: Definition of the dimensions of sustainability in the hotel facility.

At this stage, we proceed to define the dimensions of sustainability incorporated into the design of the proposed management model. The definition of these must start from the three main dimensions of sustainability, until now well known and defended by many, which are the economic, social and environmental dimension and from these others such as cultural and local can be added. The multidimensional treatment of this model favors the relationship of the dimensions with each other, endowed with structural and procedural functioning, which exchange information flows with their environment, and which, integrated in a dynamic active environment, influence and are mutually influenced.

Stage 4: Identification of the fundamental hotel processes, and their corresponding key areas, taking as a starting point the Strategic Planning of the facility.

This stage corresponds to the identification of the processes that occur in a hotel facility.

The processes carried out in sun and beach hotels are described below (in an approximation to Marrero, Y., 2003).

  • Accommodation: it is one of the main processes carried out in a hotel company. Includes Reception, Floor Management and Laundry. Several activities are carried out in it, such as: check-in and check-out; provide financial and credit arrangements and provide information about the hotel, the community, and any interesting attractions or events. He also takes care of all the cleaning of the hotel, as well as the order of the guest rooms. Security and Protection: this process is responsible for the physical protection of both clients and the hotel; computer security and protection of classified information. Technical services:performs extremely important functions, as it has to do with the daily maintenance of rooms and technical equipment. Serves electricity, plumbing, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, refrigeration, landscaping, and swimming pools. Food and Drinks: it is a very important process that includes cooking (food) and drinks and is in charge of preparing and offering food, offering drinks, personalized customer service, preparing the daily menus and themed nights program. Human Resources: its functions include: recruiting, selecting, training and serving the internal client. In addition, it has the most important task for the best operation of the hotel, the motivation of internal customers. Administration:controls all income, losses, gains, costs, discounts, bills, cash, etc. of the entire hotel. It controls the products sold and in inventory, that is, it carries all the existing financial activity. Marketing: in charge of advertising, customer complaints, management of commitments, evaluation of tour operator satisfaction and sales management together with tour operators and travel agencies. Commissary: this process has the mission of acquiring in the necessary time and adequate storage of all the supplies necessary for the operation of the hotel. In addition to identifying and selecting suppliers and receiving purchase requests from departments. This process includes Purchases and Warehouses. Animation:aims to take care of all recreational activity. It has to be able to provide the client with the greatest enjoyment and entertainment so that they feel comfortable during their stay. It is dedicated to putting on shows, making programs for dances, gymnastics classes, giving information and offering material insurance in beach areas, sports, swimming pools. Direction: it is the guiding process of all the aforementioned, it is in charge of planning, directing and ensuring that everything flows correctly in the installation.

After having a list of the selected processes, the key areas of each of these processes are identified.

Stage 5: Tourism diagnosis for the integral evaluation of the hotel installation.

It is intended to carry out the diagnosis, with a participatory, exploratory and evaluation nature, in order to obtain accurate and real information on the object of study at the time of the investigation to assess the fulfillment of its functions and fundamental components. The diagnosis is divided by processes and is filled out by those responsible for each process on a Likert scale from Very Unsatisfactory (MI = 1) to Very Satisfactory (MS = 5). After filling in the diagnosis, all aspects are averaged by process and subsequently, with the value of each process, it is averaged again to find a single value of the diagnosis made and it is located on the same Likert scale. The structure of the instrument to be used is described in Annex 10.

Stage 6: Selection of the system of indicators related to the hotel processes and key areas identified.

At this stage, a rigorous selection of indicators is carried out that allow us to measure the sustainable performance of the facility in each of the defined sustainability dimensions. The rigorous selection corresponded to the experts and specialists selected in Stage 2, from the questionnaire designed for each of them according to the hotel process to which they belong. Each process has its own questionnaire, as shown in Annexes 11-20, each one consists of two parts: in the first, the specialist or expert indicates their degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction on a Likert-type scale from Very Unsatisfactory (MI = 1) up to Very Satisfactory (MS = 5) with that key area and the indicators initially emerged from the extensive literature review and brainstorming; and in the second, the final selection is made,when deciding whether the indicators meet the attributes of scientific validity, representativeness, sensitivity to changes, data reliability, relevance, understandability, goals, and comparability, as established in Chapter I.

Stage 7: Design and preparation of the technical sheet for each indicator.

At this stage, the design and preparation of the technical sheet for each selected indicator is also carried out to collect important and necessary information about it. In Annex 21, its design is shown.

Stage 8: Design of the instruments (questionnaires) for the collection of preliminary information.

The pertinent information for the work to be carried out does not always consist of numerical data that is easy to find or calculate, but rather on many occasions depends on the design of questionnaires, Annexes 22-29, with their subsequent application and compilation.

Stage 9: Preparation of the technical file of the investigation.

The research data sheet is intended to determine the following aspects: universe, geographic scope, sample size, sampling points, level of representativeness, sample design, date of fieldwork and information collected that allows determining the hotel sustainability index.

Phase III: Calculation of the Hotel Sustainability Index. (ISH)

Stage 1: Evaluation of the sustainability indicators and their key areas .

This stage corresponds to the calculation of each indicator based on the measurement criteria and the established measurement scale. After having processed the indicators, the scales of all the indicators are homogenized on the same Likert-type scale from Very Unsatisfactory (MI = 1) to Very Satisfactory (MS = 5) and the key areas are quantitatively calculated by averaging the value of the indicators of these from the mentioned scale.

Stage 2: Calculation of the multidimensional index for sustainable management in hotels.

At this stage, the Sustainability Index is calculated for each dimension with its corresponding processes. This calculation is made with the value of the previous stage of the calculated key areas. If a given process has two or more key areas, these values ​​are averaged. After having a value for each process, the priorities of each process are found in terms of each of the dimensions by the Hierarchical Analytical Process (PAJ) method (Saaty, 1980) (See Annex 30) and the formula would be as follows form applying the Weighted Sum Multi-criteria Method (Annex 31):



IMS D: Multidimensional index for sustainable management in hotels for D = 1 …… D.

W p: value of the priorities of each process in each dimension assigned by Saaty, for p = 1 …….P.

AC p: average value of the key areas in each process for p = 1 …….P.

Stage 3: Calculation of the Hotel Sustainability Index.

In this stage, the Hotel Sustainability Index is calculated, this index will show us how the hotel facility is evaluated in terms of sustainable performance. The calculation is carried out with the value of the ISL d found in the previous stage and the calculation of the priorities of each dimension by the Hierarchical Analytical Process method. The formula is as shown below applying the Weighted Sum Multicriteria Method:



ISH: Hotel Sustainability Index.

W d: value of the priorities of each dimension assigned by Saaty, for d = 1 …….D.

IMS D: Multidimensional index for sustainable management in hotels for d = 1 …… D.

Stage 4: Representation of the obtained values.

At this stage, we proceed to integrate the values ​​of the indicators, key areas, processes and dimensions in the graph called Biogram "whose meaning is based on the concept of image of the state of a system" (Sepúlveda, S., et al, 2005, p. 25).

The Biogram is used at this stage because it allows:

  • Generate a diagnosis of the situation of the dimensions, processes, key areas and indicators in the hotel, within the framework of the multidimensionality of sustainable development Carry out a comparative analysis between indicators, key areas, processes and dimensions and of the hotel facility in general at various times. Visualize in a graphic indicator, the needs and imbalances of the hotel's dimensions, processes, key areas and indicators, and therefore, be able to define in which dimensions it is necessary to implement specific policies and corrective instruments.

At this stage, in addition to the Biogram graph, the Hotel Sustainability Radial Ideogram for the dimensions is introduced, at the author's proposal, as an important instrument for the implementation process of Phase V: Evaluation and Monitoring, with the objective of evaluating and systematically monitor compliance with the action plan and the behavior of the dimensions.

The Radial Ideogram has the practical utility of graphically representing the gaps or gaps of the score awarded to each of the dimensions for the evaluation of hotel sustainability and contributes in the same way to the proposal of an action plan that responds to the principles contained in the management model that is proposed, allowing planning for the future with programs aimed at strengthening sustainability.

Phase IV: Action plan for the hotel installation.

The action plan represents the implementation of the principles contained in the proposed management model, allowing planning for the future with actions aimed at strengthening sustainability and with clearly defined responsibilities. This phase synthesizes in operational terms the implementation of the proposed management model for the evaluation of hotel sustainability in sun and beach destinations.

Stage 1: Formulation of the general objective.

At this stage, the general objective, the set of strategies and actions for each of the key processes and areas that contribute to the sustainable development of tourism are formulated.

Stage 2: Initial Presentation and discussion of the Action Plan proposal.

A proposed action plan is presented to the work team to be discussed. After the collective analysis, action files are drawn up to facilitate their execution. For the preparation of these files, those described by Díaz and Norman (2004) are taken as a reference. This file contains the following strategic information:

Table 2.1: Form for the development of an action plan.
-Corresponding strategy
-Level of urgency
-Description of the action
-Responsible for its compliance
-Modes of execution
-Provisional schedule (execution phases)
- Expected cost
-Potential and declared partners (financial and technical)
-Evaluation device (refer to the table of indicators: process, key areas, indicator, measurement element).

Source: adapted from Díaz and Norman (2004).

Phase V: Evaluation and monitoring.

In this phase, an evaluation of the sustainability of the tourist facility is proposed, which is conceived as a local process and where the work team systematically monitors and evaluates the level of compliance with the action plan and the performance of the indicator system. Monitoring is defined as a systematic review process with a critical approach to the indicators, the action plan and each of the strategies defined from the comprehensive diagnosis of the hotel processes and their identified key areas.

Stage 1: Systematically evaluate and monitor compliance with the action plan and the performance of the indicator system based on the integral sustainability of the hotel facility.

Finally, it should be specified that the methodological procedure for the implementation of the proposed management model is conceived as a planning process, starting from the reality of each hotel facility, allowing all areas to be studied in an integrated manner and enabling socioeconomic development and respect for the local, natural and cultural environment.

The model should be conceived as a tool for debate and information in order to improve the quality of life of present and future generations. That is to say, that it is considered as an instrument to facilitate the evolution and improvement of the installation, since a static balance is not sought and stopped in time, but rather dynamic and efficient towards the continuous improvement of the quality of services.


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Management model for the evaluation of hotel sustainability