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Effective onboarding model for organizational analysis


This article reviews the main components that make up the effective incorporation model. The objective is that the model serves to bring a broad vision of how different events develop in the organizational reality, the model is arranged for the analysis of organizations from the relationship that exists between the different parts that make up the organization as are the operational human, strategic human, work content and organizational structure. Likewise, the processes that arise from the interrelation of them and the different indicators that constitute them are described. The meaning of parameters that are criteria that guide and influence the actions of the system are included,the influence of the corporate vision on the system and the generation of the corporate mission; the bridge of action for both would be strategic planning, which must be understood as the natural step for the system to achieve its objectives. The feedback of the system is constituted by the corporate social image that the organization assumes for the purposes of competitiveness in the market.

Keywords: Organizational analysis, organizational parts, analysis criteria, organizational processes.


Below we present a model of analysis of the events that happen in the organizational reality, it is based on the general theory of systems, this model arises based on the need to have a parameter that facilitates the interpretation of the different interacting variables within the organization; Thus, the foundation of this model will allow us to have a frame of reference that facilitates the analysis of organizations and the planning of actions with a view to managing change.

We believe that organizations, in this globalized world, are committed to being more effective and therefore competitive every day, although this phrase is widely disseminated, its use has not been worn out and for this reason there have never been so many reasons before like to express it again. The competitiveness of organizations is determining the future of nations, and it is an increasingly surprising reality how private companies have emerged, from small individual efforts to powerful institutions that finance and help the development of economic activity in countries.

Human resources, considered the most important asset of organizations, are the central focus of the presentation of this model. We consider that this important element has a privileged place within the development and evolution of organizations, since we understand that organizations are the people who make it up. The investigation of the culture and the organizational climate are fundamental points within the analysis model since the components of both are presented in order that the researcher or specialist can direct their efforts to those neuralgic points that need to be repowered and take advantage of those that drive change.

We therefore hope that this work can be a guide that guides the investigation of those interested in the matter and that they see in the model of effective incorporation a model that facilitates the interpretation of organizational events.

Effective Incorporation Model

  1. The organizational parts

We consider that organizations are a set of variables that are in continuous interaction, these have 4 fundamental parts that are the central engines or pillars of the organization, around which the central focus of the analysis of the organizations should be oriented. These elements are fundamental for the operation of organizations and their corresponding alignment is necessary for their development, these elements are the following:

  • The strategic human part The operational human part The content of the work The organizational structure

We will analyze each of them below.

  • The strategic human part (PHE)

Organizations need to be guided by visionary people who are in charge of guiding the direction they have to take, generally these tasks fall into the hands of the top managers or executives of the organizations, we want to extend this concept to use all the human potential that when inside organizations exists. Therefore, we consider that it is not only the responsibility of people who occupy high hierarchical positions to develop strategies that indicate the direction of the organization, we consider that people's talent is always on the rise and that strategic capacity is typical of seniors. executives and their collaborators, otherwise let's just imagine that companies neglect this promising potential,If so, there would be no renewal cycles within them and the race lines would be obstructed.

The strategic human part is the ability of human talent to generate strategies and plans that guide, guide and improve organizations, hence the importance of identifying which people are oriented to develop this potential and which are in hierarchical positions to fully develop it.. By identifying these people, an important step is being taken in the organizational analysis, since the strategic potential of the organization is identified, which will allow to see the need for renewal or change in hierarchical positions of strategic importance.

  • The human operating part (PHO)

Organizations, as well as people who are in charge of designing strategies to give direction and direction to organizations, also require people who are in charge of monitoring and executing the planned actions, these people are executors in the process and their ability to The fulfillment of the different tasks will result in the organization getting closer and closer to its programmed objectives.

We are not referring to a complete control and operation competence, as well as capacities to improve actions in the process, the Fordist production method can no longer be used as a performance paradigm within organizations since the negative consequences in job satisfaction and attitudes would be detrimental to organizational health.

So, we want to say that the operational human part is the ability of the organization's human talent to follow the plans, execute them, maintain control over the process as well as the ability to repower or improve these with a view to better performance based on the organizational goals.

The importance of identifying leaders who mobilize the groups and teams for the execution of the various activities, is fundamental therefore it allows to identify a driving force for the improvement of the organization, the same happens when identifying people who do not collaborate in this process, before which corrective actions must be prepared.

1.3 Work content (W)

The positions in the organizations have a common objective that is to contribute to the effectiveness of the organization, in turn it has differentiating mechanisms that are the responsibilities of each of the areas and the positions of which it is composed. It is important to note in this part that if the requirements of the different positions are not satisfied by the people who occupy them (position profile), then the efforts made by these people will not be up to the expectations of the organization.

For this, the personnel selection and evaluation processes play a fundamental role to cover the different positions within the organization, let's just imagine an organization has a budget area within its hierarchical structure but does not have the person in the position, the other areas would be damaged and stagnant since they would not have budgets to carry out the projects in which they are involved.

Then we understand that the content of the work are the objectives and tasks that the position must fulfill according to the organizational strategy, in turn it raises the requirements that people must meet for the functions they are going to develop. The identification of this part will allow the justification of the existence of the position within the organization, as well as the presence of the person in the position they occupy, in any case, if it favors or delays the fulfillment of objectives. An implicit aim in this part is the reduction of bureaucracy.

  • Organizational structure (EO)

Organizations channel collective efforts in the pursuit of a goal, imagine an organization in which it is not known who commands whom, without control mechanisms or supervision and without standardization of work, then we have as a consequence a disorder of greater proportions and potential Organizational disaster, it requires order to manage an organization and this is justified in that organizations base their efforts on a structure consistent with their strategy.

One of the researchers who made the greatest effort to study this part is Henry Minzbert, we consider that the analysis of the organizational structure is complementary to the other parts already explained, it gives a sense of order to the organization and channeling of efforts. To exemplify it, we propose the following analogy, imagine armies that march in disarray towards battle, we would have a total mess and nobody would know who and how to attack. The same is the case with the organization, if its efforts do not underlie a solidly established structure, then it is very unlikely that it will survive, especially when we talk about large organizations.

We define the organizational structure as the form that the organization acquires to order its different hierarchical positions to give order and make the different actions viable, it includes the formalization of work, standardization, and proportion of power within the organization. The analysis of this part is carried out by means of a careful reading of the organization chart, with which we will see, if we take it to military terms, the formation for the battle.

  1. Integrating variable: Organizational culture

On organizational culture, we could well expand a treatise on this concept, the forms of research and the main contributions of different authors; It should be noted that we consider culture as the way things are done in the organization, it includes the history of the organization, the norms, values ​​and patterns that govern the behavior of the group, whose fundamental characteristic is permanence over time.

But how important is culture within the effective incorporation model? It is an integrating variable of the different organizational parts. We consider that these four parts, despite having aspects in common, would be isolated efforts without an identity and a way of being. For this reason, the analysis of the organization's culture must include those aspects that serve as a mechanism for integrating the different organizational parts; as well as those mechanisms that make it difficult and dissociate the unification of these parts into a coherent whole.

The importance of culture in the actions of change is a matter of the first order, different authors have agreed on this statement, for the purposes of the model, culture explains the dynamics that occur within the organization, and its analysis has a meaning integrator as we have already pointed out.

  1. Organizational processes

Organizational processes are those that arise from the interaction of the parts of the organization described above, if we take into account that the definition of systems is a set of parts in constant interaction, what the model seeks when presenting these processes is to highlight the dynamic characteristic of organizations. These processes are six:

  • Management processes Administrative process Organic processes Production process Criteria for action Identification process

Each of these processes is composed of five indicators, which we will touch on below:

  • Management process

Sticking to the term management means that we consider the interaction between superior and subordinate as an important part of organizational work, the word direction takes different meaning for us, since it directs things but manages with people.

The management process is born from the interaction between the operational human and strategic human parts, we formulate it as follows: PHO + PHE; it has to do with the strategic connotation of the organization.

We define the management process as the process that is characterized by the interaction of human talent, and allows directing the actions of people to the strategic directions programmed for the organization; Likewise, this process is characterized by having five indicators:

3.1.1 Leadership

Leadership is the action that takes place on the part of managers or superior personnel on subordinates that is characterized by the establishment of trust, learning and motivation to achieve organizational objectives. It is essential that the leader be a person who maintains coherence in different aspects of his organizational activity, both in his decisions and in the delegation of authority.

  • Conflict resolution

Conflict resolution refers to the strategies that senior managers or senior personnel take to overcome the demands of the various areas of which the organization is composed, and that arise from the interaction between people. It has to do with the speed and effectiveness in the search for solutions.

  • Communication with managers

It is the accessibility that staff have to establish formal communication with senior managers and that allows maintaining an open channel to express both the ideas of subordinates and the decisions of managers. The analysis of this part will allow us to take into account the central characteristics of how the nucleus of the management process occurs within the organization.

  • Decision making

Decision-making is the prior action carried out by managers or senior personnel to direct the efforts of people based on the main needs of the organization. Strategies and the way decisions are made must be carefully analyzed.

  • Supervision and control

We consider supervision and control as the actions taken by managers or senior personnel to maintain control and verify the progress of projects and activities carried out in the organization. This indicator allows managers by area to know how their subordinates perceive their control strategies.

  • Administrative process

The administrative processes arise from the interaction between the strategic human parts and the organizational structure, its formulation is: PHO + EO; and are the activities directed by the management or senior staff to take care of the interests of the organization. This process allows the actions of people within the organizational structure to have a sense of order and distribution of equanimity.

This process is made up of the following indicators:

  • Organizational policy

It refers to the power relations within the organization as well as the main characteristics of the use of this to coordinate the efforts of people. Organizational policy must be understood in this sense as the cornerstone within the administrative process.

  • Organizational structure

As we have already explained, it is the form that the organization acquires to organize its different hierarchical positions, give order and make the different actions viable. It must be analyzed in what sense the structure favors compliance with the organization's strategy

  • Social reinforcements

They are the actions that seek to increase the frequency of occurrence of a socially acceptable behavior, such as productivity. This indicator is a quality of organizational policy but it is necessary to analyze them separately in order to have a better diagnosis.

  • Sanctions

These are actions that seek to reduce the frequency of occurrence of a behavior that is not socially acceptable, such as calls for attention. The mechanisms used for this purpose and the consequences it produces must be analyzed, in addition to the proportion of the sanction based on the action committed.

  • Goal setting

When referring to the establishment of objectives, we want to imply the coherence that exists between the formulation of the objectives and the true capacity of the area to be able to fulfill them based on the established requirements. The way in which the area's objectives are defined and the action plans to meet them should be the focus of analysis in this part.

  • Organic processes

This process arises from the interaction between the content parts of the work and the organizational structure, therefore, the formulation is: W + EO; These processes are characterized by maintaining the internal balance of the organization, in addition it allows the organization to measure its flexibility to be able to adapt to the characteristics of a constantly changing environment.

We define this process as the interaction of the purely organizational area, which is characterized by the establishment of relationships of mutual trust, a clear delimitation of functions and flexibility of the organization to adapt to the environment.

This process is made up of the following indicators:

  • Delimitation of functions

It refers to the specificity of the functions and their fulfillment, avoiding ambiguity or functions that are repeated in different positions without productive need for it. The correct delimitation of the functions allows the different positions to have complementary meaning and thus avoids the agglomeration of the functions in a single position.

3.3.2 Information system

It is defined as the accessibility to the information necessary to fulfill the objectives already determined. Without the evaluation of this indicator, it would not be clear where the information comes from to meet the objectives and what unnecessary efforts people should make to obtain said information.

3.3.3 Shared control

This indicator is defined as the establishment of a relationship between the superior and the subordinate to share control and supervision over the actions to be carried out in order to fulfill a task. This indicator will provide information on the level of responsibility that the subordinate has to also be a manager of control of their own actions.

  • Work environment

The work environment is defined as characteristics of the social context in which daily tasks are carried out. In other words, the human environment. This indicator refers to a social environment in which the person is immersed and their position in relation to it.

  • Flexibility

We understand flexibility as the degree to which organizational characteristics adapt to the environment based on changing situations. The evaluation of this indicator will allow us to find out what position the organization is in to implement changes.

  • Productive process

The organization is the space where the conjunction of different human efforts takes place to achieve a common goal, people are the ones who make organizations and they are in charge of achieving their effectiveness. We understand that for this it is necessary to assign roles and responsibilities so that the efforts are complementary and dynamic to each other.

The production process is the conjunction of the human operating parts and the work content, so its formulation is: PHO + W; In short, the process is the conjunction of human and organizational efforts to provide a service or a production system. In this way, it is understood that responsibilities in production processes are shared by both people and the organizational system itself.

This process is made up of the following indicators:

  • Training

Training and staff training are the basis of this process, so we consider that the other indicators around it would not have an effective operation if there is not adequate training, we describe the training as the effort undertaken by the organization to improve the skills and qualities of the staff it has, in order for them to perform better. The analysis of this part should lead us to identify which people and areas are the objectives of the training activities; as well as the recurring themes in the trainings.

  • Technology

In these times of modernity, it is necessary for companies to have the most advanced technological equipment in order to streamline the actions of employees, without them, the organization would be at a clear disadvantage compared to its competitors. We define the technology indicator as the hardware that organizations have and that are entrusted to people to carry out their different functions. The analysis must be focused on the correct use of technological resources and the applicability for organizational effectiveness.

  • Coordination of activities

Organizations are networks of interaction between people, therefore the constant coordination of activities is necessary to unite the different efforts of the different areas. We consider that the coordination of activities is the communication for productive purposes that occurs between two or more people within the organization who share different functions and who maintain their independence from each other. The quality of the coordination and its effectiveness are the focus of the analysis in this indicator.

  • Production and services

The final result of the actions of the people within the organizations results in a product or a service, which is made available to the internal or external client, this indicator is defined as characteristics of the final delivery of services and production, as well as time, quality and speed of delivery, review and final presentation.

  • Logistics

What would the production process be if you did not have the materials or resources to create a product or a service? Therefore, logistics becomes a key piece for the analysis of the production process. We understand logistics as the effort made by the organization to provide raw material or production resources to people in order for them to transform it into a good or service.

  • Action criteria

This process is characterized by being strongly influenced, to a greater extent compared to other processes, by the organizational culture, we have already defined it as the way things are done in the organization, therefore culture is considered by specialists in the organizational development as the key point of intervention to achieve significant changes that improve the development of people and the very course of the organization.

The action criteria process establishes parameters of organizational behavior, in which the indicators of cooperation and participation in the processes that the people who make up the organization are focused as main focuses of analysis, the generation of a climate that allows constant motivation for innovate in tasks, and aspirations consistent with their performance and productivity shown.

The action criteria arise from the interaction between the strategic human part and the work content, its formulation is: PHE + W; and we understand it as the parameters that guide the development of people within organizations, in turn, differentiate the management plans with respect to the objectives programmed for the people who are part of the organization.

This process is characterized by the following indicators:

  • Cooperation

Cooperation is an important element in the formation of human groups, It allows people to establish relationships of mutual trust and predisposes them to effective action by joining together the best efforts of human potential, for this reason we define cooperation as the degree to which the members of the organization collaborate with each other to meet the objectives in relationships that they do not necessarily occur within the functions of each position.

  • Participation

Feeling part of a process or a system makes people motivated and their degree of participation grows, unlike cooperation, participation is the degree to which the members of the organization seek to integrate into the different processes within the organization. The analysis of this indicator will make it possible to know which people the senior management has to carry out the execution of the organizational strategies.

  • Motivation

Much has been said about motivation as a key factor in the performance of the task, the truth is that a person works better when he is motivated to do what he does, than to do it out of obligation, in the latter, a series of feelings converge characteristic of the natural rebellion of man. We consider that motivation is the driving force of people to perform their functions and achieve the objectives.

  • Innovation and creativity

We consider that routine is one of the main causes of wear and tear in organizations, in the words of experts in systemic theories, it is the trigger for entropy, to break this entropic process it is necessary to innovate in products and services, as well as create new systems that streamline work, we consider this indicator as the degree to which the organization allows creativity and innovation in procedures, products or services. It is a key indicator to initiate change processes.

  • Race line

This indicator is very close to that of motivation. Once people enter the organization and feel that they are part of a system, they have expectations of growth, in order to be more important pieces within that system. The career line is the possibility that people have within the organization to climb hierarchical positions of greater relevance that allow them to satisfy their expectations.

  • Identification or membership process

This process is the second process in which the culture of the organization most influences, it arises from the interaction between the operating human parts and the organizational structure, therefore its formulation is: PHO + EO; We also consider that one of the driving forces of change that organizations have is this process, since the worker who loves his company and feels part of it, will gladly do what is necessary to change and improve it, this process is of Necessary analysis for change awareness interventions.

This process is defined within the framework of the model as the feeling that people experience of being part of an organization, for which a psychological contract has been established that allows them to achieve personal goals in exchange for effort and dedication at work.

This process is composed of the following indicators:

  • Common project

This indicator is the fundamental piece within this process since it is the indicator that indicates which project people share and which makes them part of a whole. Therefore, we define this indicator as a shared feeling that one is part of a project where personal and group effort is valued to meet organizational objectives.

  • Shared values

Talking about values, is to go directly to the subject of organizational culture, this indicator indicates how culture is taking place in the organization, therefore we define this indicator as the degree to which the members of the organization share the values ​​or if they identify them within the culture of the organization. The analysis of this indicator could well be the first step in analyzing the culture of the organization.

  • Self realisation

Belonging to an organization leads to the satisfaction of personal expectations, Maslow in his well-known theory of motivation indicated that self-realization is the highest level to which the person can aspire in the satisfaction of their needs, for the purposes of the model we understand by self-realization the feeling that work in the organization allows people to meet their professional development and goals, thereby ensuring their continuity and productivity in the organization. This indicator is the main basis of this process.

  • Job expectation

This indicator has an evaluative nature of the different activities that make up the work area and the characteristics of the organization. Therefore, we consider that job satisfaction is the evaluation that the individual makes of their work and organization, and expresses the level of satisfaction they feel for doing their job and belonging to the organization.

  • Goal alignment

This indicator highlights the quality that personal objectives and organizational objectives must be aligned so that in this way the organization is more productive and the staff in turn is more identified with it, therefore we define this indicator as the degree to which the objectives Personal and organizational are aligned to meet a common goal which is the effectiveness of the organization.

  1. The organizational climate

Much has been said, debated and theorized regarding the organizational climate, some defend the positions that the organizational climate maintains differences with the organizational culture, others that the climate and culture are particular characteristics of the organization that maintain similarities, or that the climate is the reflection in the praxis of culture, the truth is that the organizational climate shapes people's attitudes and has a direct influence on the individual performance of people in organizations.

As there is a debate about culture and climate, there is also a debate about the definition of the latter, without mentioning the importance that the concept can have for the establishment of organizational strategies, what the authors do agree is that the organizational climate is characterized by the perceptions of people; Then, we define the organizational climate as the set of perceptions that workers have about the functioning of the organization defined by the processes that are developed within it to ensure the proper functioning of the organizational dynamics. The difference we make with the term culture is that while in practice culture is the way in which the organization is made,The climate defines how people perceive the ways in which organization is made, they involve different cognitive mechanisms but share the same genesis, so we consider that organizational climate and organizational culture are concepts that complement each other.

Another fundamental difference is that the culture is defined and planned by the top management of the company, therefore, the culture belongs to the decision-making and organizational reflection system, otherwise it happens with the organizational climate, which is only part of this Once top management knows the characteristics of how it is taking place and takes the pertinent and necessary measures to intervene in it, it is in this process that the climate becomes an integral part of the decision-making and organizational reflection system.

Many researchers consider that the diagnosis of the organizational climate is the diagnosis of the organization, personally we consider that the climate is an important part of the diagnosis of the organization, plus the concept of climate is far from being extended to the category of diagnosis of the organization, for purposes From the model we consider that the climate is a part of the diagnosis of the organization that must be complemented with the study of the organizational culture.

On the other hand, we have the variables that must be taken into account for the study and investigation of the organizational climate, in this regard, we consider that the organizational climate within the effective incorporation model must be understood from the organizational processes considering; likewise, the indicators that make up each organizational process. In this way, the diagnosis of the climate can help to identify the neuralgic points that have a greater importance in the operation of the organization as a system, with which it is possible to direct intervention efforts by focusing on the processes that must be improved.

  1. Organizational parameters

The organizational parameters are the factors that influence and guide the actions of the organizational system, in this part, we speak of the organization as an integrated whole and whose development occurs as a unit as a whole, the influence and guidance of these parameters is given by The same for all the processes of the organization, although its central focus of action is the organizational parts, including the integrating mechanism that is the organizational culture.

These parameters are two, we have:

  • The influence of the organizational vision on the system Generating the mission of the organizational system

Next we will proceed to explain how each one of them works.

  • Influence of the organizational vision in the system

The vision has been defined as a horizon, what the organization wants to become, organizational visions are generally proposed by members of senior management and it is expected that these are part of the organizational philosophy, some authors consider that the Vision is part of the culture of the organization, but for the purposes of the model we have considered the vision as the reason for the existence of the organization with a view to the future, it must be separated from the culture itself, to verify the process and facilitate the Analysis of how the vision of the organization is given, as well as the way in which the organizational system is adapted to this purpose in its elementary components such as the operational human part, strategic human, work content and organizational structure.

The influence that the vision of the organization exerts on these elements must be clearly defined according to the expectations that senior management have of them, that is, how senior managers see the vision process and the reality of how it is occurring, This contrast will be an important feedback factor that will help managers to redefine the process of generating the organizational vision and to have the participation of the people who collaborate in the organization and are its main resource. The human element.

  • Generation of the organizational mission

Just as you have a vision for the future of the organization, this in turn has activities in its day to day, actions that determine its present and are the reason for being in the here and now. We are not referring to the argumentation of a mission by the management, if not the true dimension that it has in the activities of the worker, what the human resource thinks with respect to what the organization does.

In this part we refer to what the components of the organizational system do, that is, what the operational human part does, and the strategic human part, as well as the content parts of the work and how the organizational structure is predisposed to generate an organizational mission whose base is the reason for being in the present of the organization.

The analysis of this part leads to the question, are we meeting the requirements of a competitive company? How are we doing it? The organizational processes described above must aim at the effective resolution of organizational problems.

  1. Mechanism for Action: Strategic Planning

We understand that the natural mechanism to get from the structuring of an organizational vision towards the generation of a mission that occurs in practice and that leads to the alignment of the different organizational components is strategic planning, which we define as the set of actions developed by top management to determine the course of future actions of the organization; as well as the actions to foresee future scenarios in which the organization will have to function. It is necessary to mention that planning is not anticipating the future, it is preparing the organization to respond to the demands of the environment.

The way in which the entire planning process occurs should be the focus of the analysis in this part; As well as the identification of the main areas and the main actors in this process, the effectiveness of the plans will depend, in many cases, on the control strategies for their execution. Therefore, we consider that both the strategic human and operational human part have a fundamental value.

As we have pointed out, the strategic planning process is the natural step to get from the vision to the organizational mission, this process has acquired important connotation especially during the last decades. Its development is necessary in every sense of the word. It may be that the plans and actions themselves suffer failures or that they may not have the expected results, but the essential thing, in our opinion, is the development of the ability to plan.

  1. Feedback from the system: Corporate social image

Every system, by definition and by characteristic, needs a feedback mechanism that allows it to measure its impact on the environment in which it operates, which is again filtered as information within the input process. This mechanism for the model that we postulate is the image of the organization in the society in which it develops and has action, before its clients and competitors.

The corporate social image is the perception that the external environment has about the operation and final results of the organization, which reflects the internal mechanisms of the organization for such purposes. Therefore, the measurement of the impact of the organization will allow senior management to have knowledge about the influence that the organization exerts on the social system and the respective contrast with the perceptions of the managers regarding the function of the organization.

Improvement and effectiveness is a continuous process that never stops, from which the dynamic character of the organization is derived, the model by postulating the corporate social image aims to make the organization aware of this dynamic character in its interaction with the environment In this way, every time the relevant information is available regarding the operation of the organization, senior management will have information that will be added to the parameters of strategic planning, we are not referring to marketing and advertising information but to social responsibility., which the organization must incorporate into its internal processes.

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Effective onboarding model for organizational analysis