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Competitive intelligence model


Competitive Intelligence as a new business model. Currently, the dynamics and saturation of the markets are leading to the failure of many organizations that do not have methodologies and tools to analyze their environment.

Market leadership can only be achieved if new spaces or niches are created for which intelligent innovation is carried out, and this is based on anticipatory strategies in tune with current and potential demand.

The first question, and which surely has as many answers as professionals who have dedicated a few lines to Competitive Intelligence, is to answer the question WHAT IS COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE ?.

The most elementary concepts maintain that Competitive Intelligence (CI) is a tool, the most theoretical and experienced present it as a process. My position, also outlined in recent articles and news that I have read on the subject, after long days immersed in providing solutions from the perspective of Competitive Intelligence, this "recently implemented" is a discipline of management and direction of organizations. A new Business Model.

It is a mistake to confuse the parts with the whole. Of course analysis and / or surveillance tools can be used, but this is not Intelligence.

If we limit it only to the world of data, IC is a process that is normally associated with the search, identification, analysis and distribution of information. But if we restrict the potential of CI to these areas, tools and information, we would be underestimating it.

CI has and should be understood as a source of competitive advantage to lead the market. Its sporadic, timid use and only by some members of the organization is not enough. Competitive Intelligence must start from the people, to be integrated in the work groups, the tactical / operational departments, and fundamentally in the management spheres. CI is strategic.

SYNERGY and EMPATHY are the conjunction of concepts that best define it. Information + People + Company + Market, all aligned towards a single objective: leadership. It is useless to access the best information if those who write the destiny of the company are not effective in anticipating the market. In short, if they are not capable of innovating.

WHAT IS THE COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE MODEL LIKE? is the second questioning of this proposal. As I mentioned before, the different articles on HF are limited to the description of what is called the HF process, which corresponds to the information cycle and according to authors, it is described between 5 and 12 phases that are They could be summarized in planning, searching, gathering, analyzing and distributing information.

Although this theory has been universally accepted, for those of us who face daily conflict resolution from the CI we need a more complex approach and more in tune with reality.

In this sense, CI should be understood as a Cyclical Model with the capacity to create value in the market to which it is directed. For this, it is necessary to approach it from an empathic approach that provides intelligence of the environment and from a synergistic approach that has its resources, capacities and values ​​aligned that guarantees the organization such flexibility, that combined with the ability to anticipate, position the organization in the highest on the market.

Finally, WHY COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE? The world has long had to abandon the idea of ​​a stable and predictable future. The continuous appearance of surprising and radical high-impact changes puts companies in all sectors in check. Today there is no room for error, much less for conformism and passivity.

How apocalyptic! An increasingly uncertain, diffuse and turbulent future faced with an increasingly reduced margin of maneuver. In this scenario, many companies are faced with the dilemma of risking innovating or, on the contrary, remaining in the shadow of the visionaries who trace the paths of success or worse, seeing how their dreams are diluted with the future of new businesses that do not have been able to identify.

But it is also true that there is no single future, but that there are a diversity of possible scenarios and of course, as many opportunities as scenarios we are able to imagine and anticipate. Here CI comes into play to reduce uncertainty and provide light to outline those market spaces not yet served by supply. In other words, minimize the risk of innovation.

Some theories such as Disruptive Innovation (Clayton Christensen) and Blue Oceans (W. Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne) are already struggling to explain techniques for identifying market niches. And all of them share as a common factor the importance of information and market surveillance systems to be able to innovate successfully.

It is time for companies, and especially SMEs that do not have the critical mass to dominate large markets, begin to understand that innovation should not follow a push model often associated with strategic myopia. In reality, Intelligence lies in doing the opposite, innovating following the pull of the market, intimate with it. There are the real opportunities.

And only an Intelligent Business Model that breaks the axioms of traditional market techniques will allow companies to innovate more successfully in a world where excess supply and information has positioned the consumer as king of the market. A Model that replaces MARKETing with CONSUMERing, as Professor Javier Rovira calls his book.

Differentiate or die was pronounced 8 years ago by Jack Trout. And that differentiation cannot come by imposition but rather by a combination of market involvement with the coupling capabilities of an Intelligent Model. The anticipation derived from early warning systems that turn market white noise into innovation makes the difference, today more than ever, between business success or failure.

Competitive intelligence model