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Katz and Kahn's model of organization from decidophobia

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Every social organization requires a system to be functional, therefore, the need has come to classify them (open and closed, abstract and concrete, passive, active and reactive, static, dynamic, deterministic, dependent, independent and interdependent) and the need to create models that facilitate the study of the organization in order to see its usefulness, therefore I have taken the model of KATZ and KAHN under the open system organizational system: importance of energy, processing, the product, cyclical functioning, negative entropy, information, negative feedback and the encoding process are inputs of an open system, stable state and dynamic homeostasis, differentiation, equifinality. And they are made up of internal subsystems which are: production subsystem, support subsystem, maintenance subsystem, adaptation subsystem and managerial subsystem. (the degree of interaction with other systems) under the approach of decidophobia.

Development of the topic

The problem that some organizations represent under the open system approach I will approach it from a decidophobia perspective, where I will first analyze the 9 characteristics of the open system as an organizational system, then the 5 internal subsystems for good organizational functioning.

9 characteristics of the open system as an organizational system:

  1. Importation of energy: Open systems take energy in the form of inputs that come from the external environment, since social structures are not self-sufficient. Processing: The inputs received are transformed internally by the system, that is, work is carried out within it. The product: The result of the transformation of inputs through work is a product or series of products that the open system contributes to the external environment (exports) Cyclical operation: The products that open systems contribute to the environment provide inputs that will enter again the process of the system, while giving the character of a continuous cycle to the exchanges between the system and its environment.Negative entropy: Social organizations need, to survive, control entropy,by importing more energy than it uses and storing the surplus Information, negative feedback and the coding process are inputs of an open system: The information allows the system to understand its environment and whether its own operation is adequate with respect to of that.Negative information points out its failures and deviations to the organization, so that it can correct them. Just as the inputs are received selectively, the organization will receive only that information that is relevant to its operation, that is, it will accept or reject the information that does not serve it by means of its coding. Stable state and dynamic homeostasis: Inputs and inputs selected provide stability and homeostasis to the system in relation to the products of your process. However, as a consequence of the growth or expansion dynamics of open systems, they require some adjustment mechanism to give them growth or programmed expansion.Differentiation: As a consequence of its growth or expansion, each open system has specific characteristics that make it different. other systems or structures Equifinality: This principle, also emerged by Bertalanffy,indicates that a system can achieve the same final state by different paths and from different initial states.

Another characteristic of the system is that social systems are artificial, since they are created by man and his bases: attitudes, perceptions, beliefs, motivations, views and expectations of human beings are elements of psychological types. Thus the sociological roles that determine the behavior of the members, the established norms that regulate said behavior and the values ​​on which it is based are the interrelated bases of the construction of social systems, that is, the functions, norms and values ​​are, basic components of these systems.

Katz and Kahn point out 5 internal subsystems for good organizational functioning:

  1. Production subsystem: Through which the transformation of inputs and information into products is carried out Support subsystem: It allows favorable conditions for the operation of the system to be given, giving support in its transactions with the environment Maintenance subsystems: Preserves the system. Basically, it is responsible for linking the human element with its objectives. The reward and sanction systems are maintenance substructures that need to be within a homeostasis Adaptation subsystem: Its purpose is to adjust the system to changes in the environment, helping to avoid interrupting the receipt of inputs and the export of products Management subsystem: Composed of the cycle of activities necessary to coordinate,control and direct the other subsystems through administrative, regulatory and security structures.

The term decidophobia was introduced by the thinker Walter Kaufmann who said that the outcome of decisions depends on the qualities of the leader, who must have vision, ethics and drive.

Decidophobia is the fear of making alternative decisions or ways to solve different situations in our daily life, on a personal, family, or sentimental level. That is to say, decisions are made at all times, deciding is something that all human beings do naturally in different situations, this seems to be an action of the simplest and simplest to do, but nevertheless we see people, who we face the inability to make our own decisions this causes us not to trust ourselves. The cause is not the lack of reason but the lack of resolution and courage to lose fear; to make our own decisions and thus no longer fall into this approach of decidophobia. This approach teaches us to make decisions and lose our fear at the same time,As a metaphor says "taking the bull by the horns" means that the problems that result in our daily life must be faced from the moment we do not have to wait if they are done or not.

Who is not afraid to make decisions?

Most of us have ever been afraid to make decisions, but to lose fear we must believe in ourselves, in our values ​​and principles. Above all to value ourselves and give us the necessary importance.

When one is going to make a decision there is always fear of losing, it is generally thought that a loss will make us feel very bad, but it has been analyzed that when a person makes a decision and for whatever reason it goes wrong, that loss does not being as bad as was supposed, on the contrary it is thought that he becomes a better person because he accepts his mistakes and at the same time makes important decisions for the next proposal.

Example: a company as soon as its turn is to generate products and services so that they do not fall into decidophobia, first of all they do a market study in it, it is analyzed that what is going to be put on sale is successful (product or service), This study is based on surveys made to the consumer if we are talking about product or customers if we are referring to service. Most companies do this analysis before putting their products on sale, so they never fall into fear to launch their products or services.


Every social organization makes decisions that fall on the human resources that constitute a company in terms of the obligation to generate products and services of the highest quality, therefore there are organizations that are based on the open system approach of the kast and kahn model. It is important that in the personnel selection processes, the individual's emotional health is carefully examined to detect in time if she has an emotional health disorder such as decidophobia that prevents her from making decisions in the work area that she is going to perform, causing poor.


  • Administration Thought, strategy process and avant-garde.Sergio Hernández y Rodríguez.
Katz and Kahn's model of organization from decidophobia