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Business model for the implementation of an environmental management unit


The creation of an environmental management unit (UMA) in a rural environment aims to develop four basic aspects included in the business model to be implemented through the canvas tool, which are intended to generate profits for the company, environmental benefits for the environment and biodiversity and social benefits to the population.


At present, environmental education is a branch that has been growing and gaining relevance as the human being is impacting more and more and in a more damaging way to its environment, this includes both the habitat and the species that interact there. In recent years, the environmental impact has exerted great pressure on ecosystems to be able to satisfy the demands and needs of the human population. In this context, the environmental management units (UMA) emerge as an alternative proposal to be able to contribute to the preservation and care of biodiversity, so that it can be a source of production and sustainable socioeconomic development.

An environmental management unit is defined as a management unit for the conservation and sustainable use of wildlife. The management units for the conservation of wildlife (UMA) are spaces for the promotion of alternative production schemes compatible with the conservation of wildlife.

The creation of an environmental management unit (UMA) in a rural environment aims to develop four basic aspects included in the business model to be implemented through the canvas tool, which are intended to generate profits for the company, environmental benefits for the environment and biodiversity and social benefits to the population, below are presented:

1.- To be a trigger in the socioeconomic development of the population that lives in the town of the slope.

2.- Offer of courses and workshops on environmental issues for the preservation of the habitat.

3.- Recreational activities for the dissemination and promotion of the environmental management unit.

4.- Marketing and use of products from the region.

Keywords: Environmental management unit, conservation and sustainable use, business model through canvas.


At present environmental education is a branch that has grown and taking relevance as the human being is going to impact more and more fashion in its environment, this includes both the habitat and the species that exist interact. In recent years, this environmental impact has put great pressure on ecosystems to meet the demands and needs of the human population. In this context, environmental management units (UMA) as an alternative proposal for power contribute to the preservation and care of biodiversity in a way that can be a source of production and sustainable socioeconomic development.

An environmental management unit defines a management unit for the conservation and sustainable use of wildlife. Wildlife Management Units (UMAs) are spaces for the promotion of alternative production schemes compatible with wildlife conservation.

The creation of an environmental management unit (UMA) in a rural environment that encompasses four elements included in the business model through canvases, which are the fundamental «pillars» of the project:

1. - To be a trigger in the socio-economic development of the population that lives in the locality of the slope.

2. - Offer of courses and workshops on environmental issues for habitat conservation.

3. - Recreational activities for the dissemination and promotion of the environmental management unit.

4. - Marketing and use of own products from the region.


Environmental management unit, conservation and sustainable use, canvas business model


Business model for the creation and development of an environmental management unit (uma) in a rural setting.

1. Line of generation and application of knowledge in business development management.


Throughout history, the planet has undergone the transformations imposed by the social and productive use that civilizations and cultures have given to the resources available in their natural environment. The effects derived from this have generated an environmental problem that also translates into social conflicts, economic, political, ecological, technological problems, etc.

In the rural area of ​​Cd. Mendoza, Veracruz, and more specifically in the community of La Cuesta (the place where the development of this project will focus) there are neither the resources nor the necessary conditions to achieve a preservation of biodiversity, this due to mainly because there is no evidence of the establishment of an environmental culture that allows the inhabitants to take care and preservation actions to achieve the necessary balance that must exist between the population and the local flora and fauna (species derived from the lack of actions may be threatened or in danger of extinction). These environmental problems are directly related to the high rates of poverty and marginalization of its inhabitants, and which causes the damage to increase over time to a greater and greater extent.

The general panorama that is presented in environmental matters not only in the region studied but in our entire country is very bad, this is projected in comparison with a global scale that is responsible for measuring the impact of pollution caused by humans towards the environment in several countries, Mexico is ranked 7th out of 100 in terms of the pollution index present in the environment. United Nations - Information Center. (2000). The 100 Most Polluted Countries in the World. 2017, from Bligoo.com Website:

This problem generated by the factors mentioned above, mainly derived from human actions, is defined as an imbalance between the population and the capacity of the ecosystems present to meet human demands. In other words, the environmental imbalance that occurs in general in Mexico is defined as:

The total alteration of the ecosystem that can be caused by: natural causes and / or artificial causes. Some of the causes identified are the following:

Forest felling

Also called deforestation, it is the process of disappearance of forests or forest masses, mainly caused by human activity, accidental or provoked cutting or burning of trees.

Environmental pollution

This expression refers to the process and result of specific human actions that negatively affect the balance of the environment, as a consequence of the production of waste mainly from social activity.

Indiscriminate hunting

Indiscriminate hunting is the activity by which man exceeds the use of animal resources, causing them to run the risk of extinction.

Derived from these causes there are also a series of unsustainable environmental and social situations in the environment, some main ones such as: the lack of economic and social development, inequality and poverty.

Under these variables of conservation, environmental use and economic development through a business model for the development of this project, it is sought to create and implement an environmental management unit (UMA), known and proven as a sustainable means that allows to contribute to maintain the habitat and biodiversity of the local region and generate a series of resources that allow the generation of monetary gains derived from the activities carried out on the property.



Develop and implement a business model that allows the generation of environmental and economic benefits derived from the activities carried out in an environmental management unit (UMA) in the rural region of Cd. Mendoza, Veracruz, community “la Cuesta”. In such a way that it contributes to the sustainable conservation and development of the present environment and society.


1.- Identify the requirements and specifications necessary to create and manage an environmental management unit with the potential to remain in the environment.

2.- Manage the company effectively in such a way that it can achieve the objectives set through the implementation of an effective and adaptable business model.

3.- Apply actions that allow the restoration and recovery of the natural habitat of the region.

4.- Foster a culture of ecological balance between the population and the existing ecosystem.

5.- Detonating the social development of the region through the generation of economic resources from the sustainable use of the environmental management unit (UMA)


The town of the slope belonging to the municipality of Cd. Mendoza, is a rural community located in the region known as the "high mountains", this is located in the central part of the state of Veracruz and is characterized by its natural wealth and great biodiversity, in addition to the variety present in its imposing landscapes that make it unique in the entire Mexican Republic.

The central region consists of a total of 61 municipalities, with the following as the most important areas: Ixtaczoquitlan, Huatusco, Orizaba, Córdoba, Rio Blanco, Nogales and Cd. Mendoza.

However, currently in many parts of this region and mainly in the areas where the rural population has settled, there has been a growing trend that seriously impacts the environment, this derived from human actions such as immoderate hunting, deforestation, habitat destruction, pollution of rivers and lakes, etc. Alarming figures show that in recent years more than 90% of native plants and animals in the region are threatened or in danger of extinction.

Within the urgent context presented above, the proposal arises of establishing an environmental management unit (UMA) in the region, in such a way that it can contribute through actions that help in the search to solve the ecological and environmental imbalance. present, developing a business model that includes the improvement of own social and economic conditions and that of the population, and the conservation and sustainable development of the environment. It is expected that, derived from the actions of the environmental management unit (UMA), monetary gains will be generated in such a way that all parties involved: environment - society - company benefit.

Economic activities as sources of income:

• Sustainable commercialization of natural and artisan products typical of the region.

• Training courses and consultation workshops for individuals and groups with specific interests.

• Activities to promote the environment, ecotourism.

• Financing by the corresponding government secretaries for the establishment of the environmental management unit (UMA).

3.1 Social benefits: The creation of environmental management units at the regional level creates the conditions for community work, which generates various benefits such as alternative sources of employment, income for rural communities, generation of foreign exchange, and the maintenance of main environmental services provided to the place and its surrounding areas. It also promotes coexistence and the integral development of the community, generating support and resources to meet the basic needs of the population such as health, education and infrastructure.

3.2 Cultural benefits:With the creation of the environmental management unit and with the activities planned within it, environmental education workshops are included, so that all those interested in the subject can develop an environmental awareness, which generates a friendly climate with the environment, in addition activities such as ecotourism, observation of biodiversity in the high mountain region, hiking, photography, etc. It is intended to be fundamental activities to demonstrate the great importance of the balance of nature in the path and life of human beings.

3.3 Ecological benefits:Alternative production projects originate that are carried out in an environmentally friendly way. The environmental management units promote the conservation of biodiversity since they serve as spaces to be able to channel alternative production schemes compatible with the care of the environment.

3.4 Economic benefits:The use of natural resources within the environmental management unit, in a controlled and supervised manner, is a proven alternative to improve the standard of living and an important source of income. The use in extractive activities such as the reproduction and commercialization of local species and the restoration and recovery of the natural environment and non-extractive ones such as ecotourism and the workshops that will be given on environmental education will bring economic resources from the different niches market to which you will have access.

3.5 Technological benefits: With the business model to be implemented through the canvas tool for the development and management of the environmental management unit, it is intended that all the factors involved in the project can serve as a guide and general model, so that those interested On the subject of the project, they can base the development of their own project on it, adapting it to the characteristics of their region, but having the tools to be able to carry out this task based on the data and processes applied during the execution of this project.

3.6 Hypothesis:

It is handled in a correlational way since it is related to various variables.

The business model to be applied through the canvas tool will be useful for the design and management of the environmental management unit (UMA) in the rural environment of the slope, since it will serve as a management and control guide to be able to give immediate response to the needs that arise over time.

The implementation of the environmental management unit (UMA) in the rural town of La Cuesta, will mark a precedent in the development of the society of this town, since through the activities to be carried out, tools will be provided that promote economic development and of the region, also contributing greatly to the preservation of biodiversity in the high mountain area.


In this section, the trace over time and the knowledge that the subject has had and the theoretical and scientific elements that have been used in solving the problem to be solved up to its current state will be described below.

4.1.- The role of environmental management units in the conservation of the vegetation types of Coahuila, Mexico. Faculty of Forestry Sciences, UANL. June 2015.

It was determined with the method of analysis of gaps and omissions of conservation (GAP), how the 289 management units for the conservation of wild life (UMA) of Coahuila contribute to the conservation of the types of natural vegetation.

Through an analysis of main components, the relationship between the types of vegetation of Coahuila was defined, with respect to their representativeness in protected areas (PA). UMAs in the state cover 1,546,778 hectares, of which 72.6% are located, mainly, in sites with four types of primary vegetation, which in order of coverage are: rosetophilic desert scrub, Tamaulipas thorny scrub, microphilous desert scrub and natural grassland.

If UMAs are considered as elements equivalent to PAs in biodiversity conservation, they would cover all types of vegetation that are conservation omissions in the PA network. The UMA comprise more than 25% of the extension of the Tamaulipas thorn scrub and 4 primary mezquital of Coahuila, currently under-represented in the PA network of the entity, so they could contribute to the conservation of biodiversity, if managed sustainably, and of the natural cover of the ground.

Currently, Coahuila has nine decreed PAs, seven of which are under federal jurisdiction, one state and one municipal, which add up to a total of 2,328,673 ha, which represents 15.3% of its territory. Likewise, there are 833 UMA that comprise 4 300 063 ha, that is, 28.4% of the state's surface; although, only 289 UMA are digitally mapped in the database of the General Directorate of Wildlife of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (DGVS-SEMARNAT, 2008)

4.2.- Environmental Management Unit of the University of Quintana Roo, Mexico. University of Quintana Roo, Division of Sciences and Engineering. August 2009

Creation of an environmental management unit (nursery) at the University of Quintana Roo that serves as a support space in the educational programs of Environmental Engineering and Natural Resource Management.

The general strategy followed to carry out the project includes the following activities: Site adaptation, selection of species to be propagated (native plants of the tropical region for their propagation by seeds and cuttings: Chaya, siricote and oak). Obtaining substrate and analysis: Compost, soil bought in a nursery, agrolite, soil with high content of organic matter (manure), and analysis of N, P, K, humidity, salinity and micronutrients). Species propagation and data recording. Integration of data and results (2). Design of a management plan for registration with the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT).

The results show that the creation of the space is useful for the students of the educational programs of Environmental Engineering, Natural Resource Management and Associate Professional in Alternative Tourism. There are currently 46 species registered, compared to the three initially chosen species. With regard to pests, in general it can be said that the nursery works well, there are few pests, which are controllable. The project donated part of the propagated plants to reforest the university gardens, which suffered great impact from the passage of Hurricane "Dean". The students had the opportunity to know, compare and work with different substrates and plant species.

The nursery, and the activities carried out in it, have captured the interest of the students to put into practice the knowledge acquired in the classrooms. The nursery is a suitable place that allows students to integrate knowledge learned in various subjects, as well as interact with peers trained in different educational programs (with other application approaches), which gives them the opportunity to broaden their perspective on the management of these kinds of resources. The development of the project allowed the connection with other projects that intend to be registered as UMA and demonstrated its relevance by offering species to mitigate the impact of Hurricane "Dean" somewhat. Currently the project is generating its own resources from the sale of ornamental species.

4.3.- Conservation and sustainable use of the white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) in temperate and tropical climates of Mexico, extensive and captive breeding. Jan 2010

For approximately 10 years, in Mexico the installation of hatcheries for the use of the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) has been a common practice among people, communities, ACs, NGOs and companies interested in the sustainable use of wildlife.; An example of the above is that according to the evaluation project of the management units for the conservation of wildlife (UMA) 2006-2016, of the Commission for the use and exploitation of biodiversity (CONABIO) in Mexico there are 4,968 UMA's registered that manage and take advantage of this species in free life and 160 that do so in intensive management, that is, a total of 5,128 UMA's that manage and take advantage of this species. Thus, it can be said that 42.73% of the UMAS in Mexico are dedicated to the use of this species and the vast majority of them do so through hunting activities or services, that is to say, in summary, the business model of the white-tailed deer is confined in its vast majority to the hunting.

Despite the fact that in Mexico hunting white-tailed deer is the dominant activity, other business models also operate, at least three more:

• Ecotourism and / or nature tourism

• The manufacture of parts and derivatives

• The commercialization of the activities and products from the management unit

• The focus on the production of breeding stock

Annex: Carabias, J., Sarukhán, J., Galindo, C.. (2010). Natural Heritage of Mexico. One hundred success stories. May 11, 2017, from the National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity http://www.biodiversidad.gob.mx/pais/cien_ Cases/pdf/Cien%20 Cases.pdf


5.1 Business model

In recent years the concept of the business model is being used more and more frequently within the industrial world and the world of business management.

Although there is no definite definition between all parties, there is a general agreement on the main elements that must be contained within the business model. Various authors over time have presented their own versions that the concept contains.

An example of this are those presented below by means of some definitions by various authors who stand out mainly for their simplicity and effectiveness when defining the business model:

• The business model is the one that defines a series of blocks and their existing interconnection. Consequently, the business model tends to describe the existing relationships that exist in the company's resources with each other such as financial, material and human relationships with external resources. Its purpose is to seek to find the optimal mode of operation ideal to achieve the creation of value. The business model evolves with the changing environment and with the opportunities that this environment offers within the social, technological, and infrastructure sectors, etc. Mansfield, Fourie. (2004). Strategy and business models. South African journal of business management, 35, pp. 35-44.

• The business model expresses the content, structure and management of the most important transactions within the organization, it is designed to create value by taking advantage of the opportunities the business has. A business model includes both the design, the structure and the management of all the resources that the company has. Zott, Amit. (2012). The business model: Theoretical roots, recent developments, and future research. Journal of management, 37, pp. 1019-1042.

• The business model is the method by which organizations create and promote the use of all their available resources. The organization model consists of the components that exist and their links and dynamics that exist between all of them. Afuah, Tucci. (2006). Internet business models and strategies: Text and cases. New York. Ed. McGraw-Hill / Irwin. 5, pp. 25-36.

• Finally, for Timmers, a business model tends to represent the basic architecture for the product, for the service and for the flow of information, this is the one that must be included in a description of the different “actors” business and with all its functions. The business models have to include an explanation of the potential benefits for the different business actors involved in the process. In addition, the sources of income that are going to have must be identified. Timmers, P. (2003). Lessons from e-business models. Zfb - die zukunft des electronic business. 1, pp. 121-140.

5.2 Business model through canvas

“A business model is a tool that conceptually contains a set of elements associated with their existing relationships that allow expressing the business logic in a specific company.

The business model through canvas is also a description of the value that a company must offer to one or more customer segments, and the architecture of the company and its partner networks with a purpose for creation, commercialization and delivery. of this added value with capital and relationships, to generate profitable and sustainable income streams ”. Osterwalder, A., Pigneur. Y. (2010). Business model generation. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

For Osterwalder and Pigneur described in their book "Business Model Generation", a business model describes all the fundamentals related to how a specific organization creates, delivers and captures value.

The business model is like a blueprint or project that serves to implement a specific strategy through the organization's structures, processes, and systems. Osterwalder, A., Pigneur. Y. (2010). Business model generation. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

The canvas canvas consists of a graphic tool that consists of 9 blocks that, related to each other, develop the four main areas of any business that is about to start or is already consolidated, these four blocks are defined through the following concepts, which are: The clients, the existing offer, the infrastructure available and the financial viability.

Although the structure of the canvas canvas is easy to understand, the way in which these elements are related to each other forms a complex system of interdependence between the different blocks. A variation of an element present on the canvas can affect or impact the rest or the whole of the model both positively and negatively depending on the issues considered during its design and implementation. Zott, C., Amit, R. (2001). Value creation in e-business. Strategic management journal, 22, pp. 493-520.

5.2.1 Business model blocks through canvas

As mentioned above, the structure used for the realization of the canvas for the development of a business model consists of 9 key factors related to each other, which will create an interconnection system that allows this addition of value within a company. The blocks of the business model of which it consists are described below and consist of:

1.- Market segments: This first block is the one that defines each and every one of the different groups of people or organizations that the company intends to reach and involve in its activities. To achieve this first objective, these people or organizations that have common characteristics must be grouped together. The best-known market segments are: The mass market, market niches, segments, and diversified, in addition to those platforms or markets that are multi-lateral, that is, they serve two or more customer segments in a way. interdependent.

2.- The value propositions: This block is responsible for describing the entire package of products or services that in some way will create value for each of the specific customer segments. This segment is the reason why customers will choose one company or another, as they will solve and satisfy those market needs. The elements shown below are those that mainly contribute to the creation of added value for all those customers: The novelty of the product or service, the performance, the personalization, the design, the brand and the status and price that the product or service will have.

3.- The distribution channels: This third block for the canvas design is the one that will describe how our company communicates and reaches each of the market segments that it wants to reach, this in order to deliver and make them participate in our value proposition. The right mix of channels must be found to be able to reach all customers, so that they can hear from us. You can choose between reaching customers through your own channels, third-party partner channels, or a mix of both.

4.- Customer relations: The customer relations block is the one that is directly involved with each and every one of the specific market segments to be reached. This is where the company must clarify the type of relationship that it wishes to establish with each segment. These relationships can range from personal to automated with larger organizations that impact large numbers of individuals. Among the most outstanding activities within customer relations are those associated with personal assistance, dedicated personal assistance, automated services and self-service, and co-creation where customers are invited to get involved with the company activities.

5.- The sources of income: It is here in this block where the money that the company will generate in each of the different market segments is represented. This is where the company can involve two different sources of monetary income: The first source is related to transactions resulting from a single payment by the customer; while the second source is that resulting from continuous payments derived from the delivery of value to a customer so that he or she stays or returns to the company's system or advisory or post-sales services.

6.- Key resources: The key resource block is in charge of the most important assets that are required for the business model within a company to function properly. These assets are what allow us to create and offer to the market a value proposition that reaches the various segments in which we are focused, maintain a relationship with our clients, generate income, etc. These resources can be physical, intellectual, human or financial, in the same way they can be owned or from strategic partners, so these key resources must be fully identified.

7.- The key activities: The key activities are those that describe the way in which the company must do so that the business model works in the best way. Each business model consists of these key activities since these are the most important that the company can not stop doing to continue being successful. Key activities may be subject to production, troubleshooting, network or resource platforms, etc.

8.- Key companies: This eighth block is where reference is made to the entire network of partners or suppliers in charge of making our business model work. Four different societies are identified that can be key when it comes to interacting with them, which are: The strategic alliances between non-competing companies, the strategic alliances that we can form between the different competitors in the market, the associations that can be formed between companies for the development and creation of new businesses and finally to those buyer-seller relationships that make it possible to secure the necessary materials within the system.

9.- The cost structure: This last segment is the reference to all those costs involved in the operation of our business model. That is, the most important costs incurred under which our system operates. Naturally, these costs must be minimized through activities such as: the impulse of costs, the impulse through value, the reduction of our fixed costs and our variable costs, and the economy of amplitude.

5.3 Market study:

The market study is a way by which information can be collected whose purpose will be to serve to solve and avoid problems in the marketing of products or services. The market study will be responsible for providing all the necessary data to be able to develop an effective marketing plan.

A market study in turn helps to choose the best geographical location that will serve to start a business. It is a fundamental task that before starting with the market study, time is given to the task of seeking advice or consulting an expert on the subject of our interest on which to develop our products or services. This will serve in the first instance to know exactly what information it is that we must collect.

As a general rule, according to Geoffrey, the market study should contain a broad vision of three specific areas which are presented below: Geoffrey R. (2003). Marketing Principles. United States: Sapin Editors.

1.- Market data: When starting with the first task regarding the search for information, it is necessary to always inquire into what the latest market trends are. This task is necessary to carry out by comparing the statistics and the growth of the market in the sector in which we want to be involved.

Some key questions that serve as a reference to be able to collect this market data are the following:

What technological developments are currently influencing the market? How can you use this collected information to our advantage? A stable and prosperous market will always be the key to our questions posed.

2.- The data on the public: For this phase it is first necessary to focus on a study about the depth of the market. Carrying out a study on the depth of the market will give us a deeper knowledge about how the market will help us to have a real estimate of sales. Once the purchasing power of the location has been estimated, it will be necessary to order the data obtained according to the profitability per capita that was obtained, the average level of income that one has, the population involved and some other demographic factors that could influence the the process. All of the above with the final objective of determining the total sales volume that can be obtained from the data collected on the public.

3.- The data on the competition: The study carried out together with the data obtained from the market and the public is how finally it is possible to obtain a clearer vision about our competition. It should not be underestimated and it must always be taken into account, since it will matter to observe both current competition and future competition.

Knowing both local and national competition that we face will help us to analyze what our strategies and our operations should be to carry out in order to take into account a clear panorama of the possible threats, opportunities, weaknesses and competencies to which we must face to be successful in the commercialization of our service or product.

5.4 Service protocols:

The service protocols, as its name indicates, refers to those necessary guidelines that a company must provide to its clients, generally defined as the unbreakable statutes of formality and cordiality that must exist in the client-company relationship. Every company must have a protocol of services that serves as a guide to be able to attend to the needs regarding the development of its activities, events and any other type of relationship.

Service protocols are essential for the company to be able to retain consumers since this activity is an integral part that guarantees the company viability and profitability. On the other hand, the service protocols will do the job of always staying above and dealing with all eventualities, concerns and complaints that our clients may have before time, so that in this way we can improve the experience they have with the business. Its main characteristics are given in function of the handling of the information that comes from the client, complaints, doubts, etc. and how they are channeled and responded to by the due department of the company in the shortest and possible time so as to avoid loss of customers and therefore of monetary capital.Arismendi A. (2010). Customer support protocol. May 10, 2017, from Customer Service Manual Website: http://www.fad.es /files/Manualdeservicios.pdf

5.5 Environmental management unit (UMA):

Environmental management units are broadly defined as those established spaces dedicated primarily to the conservation, promotion, management and sustainable use of wildlife.

The environmental management units (UMA) are organized by means of extensive and intensive wildlife nurseries, buildings, nurseries and greenhouses. In the same way, reference is also made to all those viable alternatives that allow individuals the propagation of flora and fauna species and the elaboration of products and by-products derived from these that could be incorporated into the legal wildlife market for the use of Mexican society.

Environmental management units by their acronym UMA's are all those properties and facilities that operate in accordance with an approved management plan, and within which it is possible to monitor them to remain in a state of conservation of the habitat and populations or specimens. that are located in the areas where the UMAs will be established.

With the environmental management units, the main objective sought is to promote all those alternative production schemes that are compatible with caring for the environment, this being achieved through the rational, orderly and planned use of natural resources, becoming also responsible for stopping or reversing the processes of environmental deterioration.

The environmental management units as such try to create opportunities for exploitation within the locality where they are located, which are complementary activities of other conventional production, such as agriculture or livestock. This is, in other words, promoting the development of alternative sources of income for the majority of rural communities, giving value to biological diversity to promote its conservation throughout the national territory. Undersecretariat of Management for Environmental Protection, General Directorate of Wildlife, Mexico. (2007). Characteristics of management units for the conservation of wildlife (UMA). May 08, 2017, from the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) Website: http://aplicaciones.semarnat.gob.mx/estadisticas/compendio2010/ / ibi_apps / WFServletca40.html

5.5.1 Establishment of the environmental management unit:

The bases for establishing an environmental management unit are few and very simple and are based mainly on the fact that any citizen who is the owner or the legitimate possessor of a property, regardless of whether it is ejidal, communal or small property, can become the owner of an environmental management unit.

The Mexican Federal Government, through the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) and the National Forestry Commission (CONAFOR), must grant the holders of the management units the right to use and the responsibility for preservation of the habitat and the local species that live there. All this is achieved through compliance with the so-called Management Plan, which is prepared by a technical manager and the authorization of Semarnat to start its operation.

If what the owner of the property and his work team intend is to manipulate exotic wild species, it is also necessary to have the registration of the management unit; This is why the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) requires that the specimens be handled, solely and exclusively, in strict confinement.

In order to obtain approval for its handling in these conditions, a contingency plan must be included, which has as its main objective to contain all those security measures, both preventive and emergent, to be able to face incidents that could displace other local species. By keeping the exotic species that are required in captivity, they will not have the opportunity to compete with the native species of the region, so that the natural habitat is not affected or modified, thus allowing effective habitat conservation. National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity. (2011). Wildlife management units. April 20, 2017, from the National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity Website: http: //www.conafor.gob.mx / library / wildlife-management.pdf

5.5.2 Basic specifications for the establishment of an environmental management unit:

Firstly, all those owners interested in the implementation of an environmental management unit within their properties or facilities should go to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), this is to be able to fill out all those necessary forms of corresponding notices with their personal data, such as your name or business name, your address and your telephone number, among others, and also deliver the documents that prove the property rights or legitimate possession of the property, land or facility.

Also in the same way, the type of management that is intended to be carried out in the environmental management unit must be included, attaching the description with the physical and biological characteristics of the corresponding property and its state of conservation in which it is located; as well as the facilities that are considered relevant for the management and use of natural biodiversity.

Finally, in order to successfully obtain all the necessary permits, the interested party must submit a plan as a topographic letter from INEGI, where the polygon of the management unit is traced, and also the boundaries that exist, the layout of the roads. Access routes and structures that the interested party considers important for their location must also be present and attached to the documents delivered.

1. The location and legitimate property of the property in order to verify the possession of the land and avoid transposing them.

2. The surface area available for the development of the management unit must be sufficient, according to the interests that are had on the use and the type of species to be used by the owner and his work team.

3. The management of species to obtain the registration, since it is essential to guarantee the proper management of the ecosystems and the different species, which will be used in the exploitation. (This through the Management Plan)

4. The supervision and monitoring of the species is essential for the proper use of the available resources and for the conservation of the units, in addition to providing all the information regarding progress and problems that arise throughout the development of the project

5 The endorsement of the records must be delivered for an indefinite period of time, but at any time this referendum may be revoked for not complying with any of the requirements indicated above.

The operation of the Environmental Management Units, have shown, so far, with conclusive results, that it is a good mechanism to follow, since it not only develops ecological conservation, but also social awareness. Under this scheme until 2015, 10,844 UMA have been incorporated, representing an area of ​​36.08 million hectares (18.36% of the national territory)


The following shows visually the development of the methodology applied to the research project pertinent to the business model based on the canvas tool applicable to the environmental management unit, in the same way the logic followed by means of which the The company will be in charge of covering the items pertaining to the creation of value to establish and operate the unit effectively. Once these steps are completed, the canvas of the business model will be shown through canvas in a general and specific way according to the elements and segments it encompasses, which are expected to meet the objective as a fundamental pillar within the organization.

The following nine blocks will be in charge of covering the four main areas of our business which are:

• Offer

• Infrastructure

• Potential clients

• Financial viability

All of them in turn will be seen and will serve as a series of plans to create a strategy to be implemented through the organization's existing structures, the processes that are in place. and the systems that make up the company.

6.1 Direct processes:

Within the direct processes with which the environmental management unit is proposed so that it can operate in the best way, there are those associated with the "from office" aspects, this is the warmth with which the service will be promoted towards the potential customers. This is how we speak about those processes related to the implementation of creative ideas to be able to face the needs and expectations that people have.

In order to identify direct processes, all those associated with the human and emotional part of people and how the company-client relationship is transmitted will be analyzed; That is why among the most important, those related to the follow-up given to the attendees of courses and workshops present in the value offer and the relationship of support given to the community of the slope, through training, are taken into account. and joint work to be able to achieve all the stipulated objectives within the management unit.

Thus, the aim is to offer a series of processes that work in an interconnected way, which are responsible for generating a series of benefits to the company and a pleasant experience for consumers of the activities and products from the management unit. environmental.

6.2 Indirect processes:

For indirect processes, those related to the participation of those attending the activities and the impact generated around the concept of the environmental management unit (UMA) will be taken into account, it is here where the results of the specific objectives will be reflected raised at the beginning of this document, in accordance with the expected expectations regarding the benefits and impacts on society and the company, regarding the proposed investment project.

Among the indirect processes that the environmental management unit has are those related to the processes called "back office", this referring to all those engineering and administrative engineering techniques that are needed to be able to operate the management unit of the best possible way.

In the same way, it is expected that derived from the implementation of some other tools related to administrative engineering such as:

• Internal evaluation and analysis of the environment: to identify the internal and external situation of the organization.

• Human Resource Management: To highlight the immense importance of human resources in organizations.

• Marketing: As a business management philosophy, which becomes the starting point of managerial work.

• Project Evaluation: Analysis of the investment process and its financing, the project cycle, the flow of funds, calculation of the working capital, costs that are part of the project, etc.

As well as some other branches of engineering that support the development and conclusion of the project, such as some natural sciences such as biology and agronomy, the sciences associated with economic engineering to determine fixed and variable costs, marketing, etc.

6.3 Market niches:

First, a global segment that involves the municipalities made up of the metropolitan area of ​​Orizaba was taken into consideration, due to the fact that the distances are very short from municipality to municipality and there are relatively few or no services such as the one presented that operate in the region.

After having carried out a first global analysis, we proceeded to define each of the market segments to which it would be more feasible to reach the environmental management unit, which will be detailed below:

1. Internal and external organizations of the region focused on activities of environmental or ecological themes.

2. Academic institutions of the upper and upper secondary levels that have in their academic offer specialized areas in natural subjects or themes

3. Groups or individuals with a taste for the realization of recreational activities and learning outdoors

4. Individuals interested in acquiring products or services from rural and indigenous regions of the high mountains

6.4 Investment project:

According to the support granted by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), an economic amount is expected in the first instance for the construction of some facilities and promotion in the amount of $ 288,570 (two hundred and eighty-eight thousand five hundred seventy pesos 00 / 100 mn) not verifiable, being able to improve the inflow of money each period based on the results obtained.

In this way, the first stage of this investment project will be fully financed. Up to $ 2, 000,000 (two million pesos 00/100 mn) can be obtained periodically according to the results obtained in the proposed phases.

6.5 Key indicators:

Definition of key indicators to measure social development

Traditional indicators - Social indicators

Before Human development index (HDI) Unemployment rate Quality of life index

Income and poverty


Definition of key indicators to measure environmental development

Alternative indicators - Indicators of environmental development

Before Ecological footprint Availability of natural areas Recovery (quantity) of species: threatened and endangered flora and fauna


Definition of key indicators to measure economic development

Before Investment index Profit and loss index Financial value of the company


For the canvas model in general, the decision was made to focus the detection of all the elements that generate or add value to the company, it is for them that the nine blocks completed with the necessary information to generate the business model are defined in order to evaluate each of the pillars that compose them.

In addition to the creative and strategic proposal to which it is intended to arrive, the business model through the canvas tool provides a more complete diagnosis, whose usefulness is to know where and in what way to direct the company, it is thus that the Information conglomerate is simplified to make the task of carrying out the proposed activities easier.

Below is the canvas made for the implementation of the business model to be used in the company:


This section will show the way and the steps to follow in which all activities will be carried out before, during and after the implementation of the establishment, for this, the tool known as Gantt chart will be used, it is worth mentioning These activities may vary over time, due to some setback or some special situation that may arise, but it will be sought to adhere to the planning of activities and stipulated times as best as possible.

The following Gantt charts consist of three phases developed throughout the life of this research project:

1.- Phase 1: Project planning

2.- Phase 2: Project development

3.- Phase 3: Project implementation


It is divided into three phases divided into blocks of two months each, giving a total of six months to achieve the development and implementation as a pilot test of the proposed investment project.

Once the implementation of the project is completed, the results will be analyzed to restructure the methodology and proposed actions, in such a way that the proposed objectives can be achieved and economic gains derived from the environmental management unit (UMA) are generated.

No. Activities to be carried out

End of January February

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

1 Project planning

2 Formation of the work team

3 Choosing the area to establish the management unit

4 First tour of the property

5 Exposure of the project to key partners

6 Approach with the inhabitants of the town

7 Exposure of the project to the inhabitants of the town

8 Determination of the activities of the management unit

9 Carrying out the work plan between the parties involved


Activities to be carried out End of March April

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

1 Delimitation of the area to be occupied

2 Design of the distribution plan of the facilities

3 Exposure of the project to government agencies

4 Management plan

5 Definitive list of activities to offer to clients

6 Activities for environmental care and development

7 Promotion activities between sectors involved

8 Ways of easy access to the future establishment

9 Building facilities


Activities to be carried out End of May June

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

1 Expansion and care of natural areas

2 Tours for ecotourism activities

3 Evaluation of the project in terms of investment

4 Selection and training of personnel

5 Work plan

6 Support groups in the region and external

7 Realization of the offer of workshops and courses

8 Establishment of promotional activities

9 Opening and offering of products and services typical of the region


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Business model for the implementation of an environmental management unit