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Internal control standard model and technical standard ntc gp 1000-2004



  • Technical and conceptual framework Legal foundations MECI principles Subsystems Components Elements General implementation guidelines


  • Technical and conceptual framework Legal foundations Principles of the technical standard The technical standard Elements for its implementation


Introduce the SGC and the MECI as tools that lead to the control and continuous improvement of the State institutions at the service of the citizen.


  • Changes in administrative theories, especially in matters of control. Emphasis on preventive, risk management:



  • External practice Supervision Punishment Prior control Police control By others

AFTER 1993

  • Process-based Self-control Proactive Real-time Participative - consultative


  • Article 1. Law 87/93: Internal control is understood as the system made up of the organization scheme and the set of plans, methods, principles, standards, procedures, and verification and evaluation mechanisms adopted by an entity, in order to ensure that all The activities, operations and actions, as well as the administration of information and resources, are carried out in accordance with the constitutional and legal norms in force within the policies drawn up by the management and in accordance with the goals or objectives set. internal control should consult the principles of equality, morality, efficiency, economy, speed, impartiality, publicity and valuation of environmental costs. In consecuense,It must be conceived and organized in such a way that its exercise is intrinsic to the development of the functions of all the existing positions in the entity, and in particular of those assigned to those who have command responsibility.


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The principles of the Internal Control System are framed, integrated, complemented and developed within the constitutional principles.

The following principles applicable to the Internal Control System have been identified:

  1. Self-control: It is the ability of each public servant to control their work, detect deviations and carry out corrections for the adequate fulfillment of the expected results in the exercise of their function, in such a way that the execution of processes, activities and / or or tasks under their responsibility, are developed based on the principles established in the Political Constitution. Self-regulation: It is the institutional capacity to apply in a participatory manner within the entities, the methods and procedures established in the regulations, which allow the development and implementation of the Internal Control System under an environment of integrity, efficiency and transparency in public action. Self-management:It is the institutional capacity of any public entity to interpret, coordinate, apply and evaluate in an effective, efficient and efficient manner the administrative function assigned to it by the Constitution, the Law and its Regulations.


  1. STRATEGIC CONTROL SUBSYSTEM: It is the Set of Control Components that, when interrelated with each other, allow compliance with the strategic and organizational orientation of the Public Entity. MANAGEMENT CONTROL SUBSYSTEM: Set of Control Components, which, when interrelated under the action of the corresponding levels of authority and / or responsibility, ensure control of the execution of the processes of the Public Entity, orienting it to the achievement of results and products necessary for the fulfillment of its Mission. EVALUATION SUBSYSTEMSet of Control Components that by acting interrelated, allow to permanently assess the effectiveness of the Internal Control of the Public Entity; the efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness of the processes; the level of execution of the plans and programs, the results of the management, detect deviations, establish trends and generate recommendations to guide the improvement actions of the Public Organization.


  • NUMERAL 6. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTERNAL CONTROL STANDARD MODEL. The Public Entity must establish, document, implement and maintain the Internal Control System, continuously improving its efficiency, efficiency and effectiveness in accordance with the requirements of this Standard Model. For this, the Entity must carry out the following stages and activities.

MECI: Implementation 6.1

6.1 STAGE 1: Planning the Design and Implementation of the Internal Control System.

  • Establish the Commitment of Senior Management Define the Organization of the Work Team Define the different levels of implementation or Adjustment of the current Internal Control System in terms of the Standard Model of Internal Control Prepare the Work Plan for Design and Implementation.
    • Define Operating Rules Define development and implementation activities Assign Responsibilities Define Schedule of Activities Establish resources that guarantee development and implementation Carry out Training for the Working Group Conduct Socialization to Entity executives.

MECI: Implementation 6.2

  • 6.2 STAGE 2: Design and Implementation of the Internal Control System. For the Design and implementation of the Standard Model of Internal Control, an evaluation must be carried out on the existence or status of development and implementation of each element of Control in the Public Entity and define the activity and those responsible for the design, adjustment or implementation using for This is the methodology, procedures and instruments that the Administrative Department of Public Function - DAFP defines for this purpose.

MECI: Implementation 6.3

  • 6.3. STAGE 3: Evaluation of the implementation of the Standard Model of Internal Control. The Internal Control Office, Internal Audit Unit or whoever takes its place in the Public Entity, will carry out a permanent evaluation of the processes of design, development and implementation of the Internal Control Model, thereby guaranteeing the effectiveness of the Control System Internal of the Entity.

MECI: Implementation 6.4

6.4. STAGE 4: Internal Control System Normogram

In order to guarantee compliance control, the Public Entity must prepare a Normogram with the constitutional, legal, regulatory and self-regulation standards that are applicable to it, verifying through the development of the Standard Model of Internal Control, compliance and all and each of these standards.



International Organization for Standardization, a world federation founded in 1947, to promote the development of international standards related to manufacturing, trade, services, and standardization bodies from more than 138 countries.

Standardization becomes a necessity to face the globalized world.

NTCGP 1000: 2004 - Technical and conceptual framework

Family of standards that have been developed by ISO in order to assist organizations of all types and sizes in the implementation and operation of effective “quality management systems”.

The ISO 9000: 2000 family of standards is made up of three basic standards, supplemented by other documents

  • ISO 9000: Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9001: Quality management systems - Requirements ISO 9004: Quality management systems - Guidelines for performance improvement


QUALITY: Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics meet the requirements.

  • The Colombian public sector is no stranger to this need. In order to respond to the demands, a series of norms and guidelines are issued to achieve the implementation of the QMS. Making special adjustments. Article 1. of Law 872 of 2003. “The Quality Management System of State entities is created as a systematic and transparent management tool that allows directing and evaluating institutional performance, in terms of quality and social satisfaction in the provision of services in charge of the entities and obligated agents, which will be framed in the strategic and development plans of such entities. The quality management system will adopt in each entity an approach based on the processes that are provided within it and on the expectations of the users, recipients and beneficiaries of its functions assigned by the current legal system "


  1. Customer focus: the raison d'être of the entities is to provide a service aimed at satisfying their customers; therefore, it is essential that entities understand what the current and future needs of customers are, that they meet their requirements and that they strive to exceed their expectations. Leadership: developing an awareness of quality implies that the top management of each entity is capable of achieving unity of purpose within it, generating and maintaining a favorable internal environment, in which public servants and / or individuals who perform public functions can become fully involved in achieving the entity's objectives. Active participation of public servants and / or individuals who exercise public functions:It is the commitment of public servants and / or individuals who exercise public functions, at all levels, which allows the achievement of the entity's objectives. Process-based approach: In the entities there is a network of processes, which by working together, allows generating value. A desired result is most efficiently achieved when the activities and related resources are managed as a process. Management system approach: The fact of identifying, understanding, maintaining, improving and, in general, managing the processes and their interrelations as a system contributes to the efficiency, efficiency and effectiveness of the entities in achieving their objectives. Continual improvement:It is always possible to implement more practical and better ways to deliver products or provide services in entities. It is essential that the continuous improvement of the global performance of the entities be a permanent objective to increase their efficiency, efficiency and effectiveness. Fact-based approach to decision-making: At all levels of the entity, effective decisions are based on data and information analysis, and not simply on intuition. Mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers of goods or services: Entities and their suppliers are interdependent; a beneficial relationship, based on contractual balance, increases the ability of both to create value. Coordination, cooperation and articulation:Teamwork, in and between entities is important for the development of relationships that benefit their clients and that allow the rational use of available resources. Transparency: The management of the processes is based on actions and clear decisions; therefore, it is important that entities guarantee access to relevant information on their processes, facilitating social control.



0- Introduction

1- General

  • Principles of Quality Management Compatibility with other systems: MECI; Sisteda

2- Objectives and fields of application

3- Terms and definitions

4- The Quality Management system

5- Responsibility of the Management

6- Resource management

7- Realization of the product and / or provision of the service

8- Measurement, analysis and improvement


To comply with the provisions of Law 872 of 2003, entities must at least:

NTC GP 1000: 2004 implementation a)

a) Identify which are its users, recipients or beneficiaries of the services it provides or the functions it performs; the suppliers of inputs for its operation; and clearly determine its internal structure, its employees and main functions;

NTC GP 1000: 2004 implementation b)

b) Obtain information from users, recipients or beneficiaries about the needs and expectations related to the provision of services or fulfillment of the functions in charge of the entity, and the quality thereof;

NTC GP 1000: 2004 implementation c)

c) Identify and prioritize those strategic and critical processes of the entity that are determinants of quality in the function assigned to them, their sequence and interaction, based on technical criteria previously defined by the System explicitly in each entity.

NTC GP 1000: 2004 implementation d)

d) Determine the criteria and methods necessary to ensure that these processes are effective both in their operation and in their control;

NTC GP 1000: 2004 implementation e)

e) Identify and design, with the participation of public servants involved in each of the processes and activities, the control points on the risks that are most likely to occur or that generate a considerable impact on meeting needs and expectations. quality of users or recipients, in the matters and functions that correspond to each entity;

NTC GP 1000: 2004 implementation f)

f) Document and describe in a clear, complete and operational way, the processes identified in the previous paragraphs, including all control points. Only what contributes to guaranteeing the quality of the service should be documented;

NTC GP 1000: 2004 implementation g)

g) Execute the processes of each entity in accordance with documented procedures;

NTC GP 1000: 2004 implementation h)

h) To monitor, analyze and measure these processes;

NTC GP 1000: 2004 implementation i)

i) Implement the necessary actions to achieve the planned results and the continuous improvement of these processes.

NTC GP 1000: 2004 implementation - PHVA Cycle

Additionally, the methodology known as "Plan-Do-Check-Act" (PDCA) can be applied to all processes. PHVA can be briefly described as:

  • Plan: Establish the objectives and processes necessary to achieve results in accordance with the client's requirements and the entity's policies. Do: Implement the processes. Verify: Monitor and measure processes and products and / or services against policies, objectives and requirements for the product and / or service, and report on the results. Act: Take actions to continually improve process performance.

NTC GP 1000: 2004 implementation - Process approach - measurement


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Internal control standard model and technical standard ntc gp 1000-2004