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Strategic organizational model to optimize the operational management of a Venezuelan municipality


An organization is a pattern of relationships by means of which people, under the direction of managers, pursue organizational goals. These are the product of the decision-making processes called planning. The goals that managers develop due to planning are usually ambitious, long-range and without a fixed end, so managers want to be sure that their organizations will be able to survive for much longer. This is why the members of an organization need a stable and understandable framework in which they can work together to achieve the success of the organization.

An organizational role that has meaning for people should include verifiable objectives, the selection of the activities necessary to achieve them, the assignment of each group to a manager with the necessary authority to supervise them, and measures to coordinate horizontally and vertically in the organizational structure. The management process of the organization involves making decisions to create this type of framework, so that organizations can last from the present until it is established.

During the last decade there has been a great stir in the field of Business Administration, due to the novelties of applied psychology. These developments are aimed at promoting and facilitating the transformation of organizations; Taken either as a point of view or as a technology, they have been called organizational development. The pertinent procedures and techniques comprise a number of predominantly humanistic concepts, due in large part to the work of McGregor, Argyris, Maslow, and others.

These concepts of humanistic orientation conceive the organization as a means in which individuals will find encouragement in their work, to train, develop and be masters of themselves. This is why processes have now become key elements in organizational analysis, leaving aside the simple analysis of tasks and occupational positions. The processes constitute the dynamic aspects of the structure, through which the activities and tasks of the different positions flow. In general terms, there are processes such as: power, conflict, leadership, decision-making, communication and socialization, so these elements are found in every organization to a greater or lesser degree.

There are also other processes inherent to the economic activity of the company that can guide towards organizational change. It aims to change its structure, it usually occurs within the framework of strategic planning, since it will establish where you want to go through: vision, values, maneuvers and objectives.. In other words, strategy determines direction and indicators of success. Based on the above, it is necessary to evaluate the basic aspects of the business: why do you do what you do? Why do it the way it is being done? As a result, the question arises: how should it be organized ?, which implies reviewing both the structure and the processes. This can only be achieved through good communication, teamwork, and efficient leadership.

Members of an organization need a stable and understandable framework within which they can work together to achieve organizational goals. Organizational design is the process of deciding what is the appropriate way to divide and coordinate the activities of the organization in light of the goals and strategic plan of the company, as well as the circumstances of the environment in which it is put into operation. Practice such a plan.

Managers make decisions based on four factors: division of labor or job specialization, departmentalization, hierarchy of authority, and coordination. These factors are closely related, and their specificity depends on the characteristics of the company. Organizational design is known to involve trial and error and even political considerations, as this affects the distribution of power within the company. That is why in this special degree work a strategic organizational model was developed that allows the functional integration of management-technology in the Mayor's Office of the Autonomous Municipality Andrés Eloy Blanco.

This organizational model is composed of a strategic plan based on a new management philosophy that facilitates managerial and technological conditions, in order to optimize the quality of its internal management and its interaction with the citizen.

In addition, in this part, the organizational behavior model to be adopted by the institution was selected, the organizational philosophy and the necessary requirements for the new strategic model were determined, the organizational strategic model was designed and the model was developed in which the new organizational philosophy of the Mayor's Office is established as well as the organizational objectives. Culminating with the conclusions obtained in the development of this special degree work and the recommendations that the author proposes to the directors of the mayor's office, for the proper functioning of the proposed strategic organizational model. In addition, reference is made to the bibliographies that support the information.

Contextualization of the Problem

One of the most important social groupings are organizations, which are not formed accidentally or spontaneously, they are created by one or more individuals who are perceivers of the coordinated action of a number of people capable of achieving objectives that individual action does not allow. Organizations constitute "the planned coordination of the activities of a group of people to seek the achievement of a common objective or purpose, through the division of labor and functions, and through a hierarchy of authority and responsibility" (Schein, 1995).

Every social organization has its own culture that identifies it, characterizes it, differentiates it and gives it its own image, based on the need to know, expand and consolidate the culture of companies directed towards common goals. They constitute a guide in the carrying out of activities, the elaboration of norms and policies to establish guidelines, for which reason, the culture directs the global operation of the structure, indicating the global priorities and preferences that guide the organization's actions.

In this sense, it is of the utmost importance to address the study of an essential means to publicize that culture of each company. That medium is the Public Administration; which is the form of management used by the State to adequately channel social demands and satisfy them, through the transformation of public resources into actions that modify reality, through the production of goods, services and regulations; fundamental concepts that constitute the basis of a model within a general non-prescriptive framework: oriented to obtaining results, leadership and consistency in objectives, management by processes and facts, learning, innovation, continuous improvements, partnership development, identification of self-assessment in the public planning process,to the identification of the most relevant results indicators and to a new approach where the management of directional processes allows overcoming the traditional departmentalization.

The public administration model identifies the community as a key result area, a factor of special importance in municipal management, where it is used to promote the competitiveness of organizations, taking into account the uniqueness of each of them, which allow a self-assessment of the quality of your management, highlighting the achievements. All this is based on the satisfaction of the community and staff, producing a positive impact on society, through the leadership of managers in policy and strategy, as well as a good management of staff, resources and processes, which finally, is reflected in results that must be satisfactory.

Many authors assure that the application of organizational models with a view to excellence in municipal bodies constitute proof of the possibility of transforming public administration in depth, for this reason each one must choose their perspective based on their organizational circumstances, which are vital due to the need to support with measures and not only with opinions the effectiveness of the management system in all areas of organizational management, however it is essential to base on State policies to achieve conciliation of state and municipal public management with the lines national development strategies.

A benchmark is the Venezuelan mayoralties; service management organizations that focus almost exclusively on administrative procedures. Its main need is to adjust the principle of legality with that of effectiveness and efficiency, where the costs and benefits of political and social change can be shared by the different managers within institutional frameworks, facilitators of citizen participation, in whose procedures exist economic reforms that imply modifications in the development of political institutions and the transformation of the State.

Citizen participation in public management is one of the objectives of democratic governance. This gives rise to innovative mayoralties in Venezuela, especially the autonomous municipality Andrés Eloy Blanco, which among its multiple functions and responsibilities before the community and the state are: to comply with and enforce the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, state ordinances and other municipal legal instruments, direct the government and municipal administration, exercise the highest authority in personnel administration matters, and preside over the local council of public planning; in accordance with the legal system by virtue of the development of the new transformative national policies directed to the municipalities of each region.

This institution is in the beginning of a new government management which affects a lack of managerial strategies due to the innovative nature of the proposal, motivated by the action taken in the previous administration where a quality model based on ISO standards was applied. 9000 which was intended to guide the direction to be followed in the mayor's office as a development plan in order to satisfy the expectations of citizens where its application did not promote the spirit of continuous improvement such as the assurance of a certain level of quality and a sharpened margin of bureaucracy.

Within the model used by the mayor's office, the most relevant needs for improvements within the processes are considered interdepartmental, therefore inefficiency and inefficiency conditions arise, they required radical changes both in technological innovation, as in the performance of human resources and in the application of organizational strategies. The situation presented by the mayor's office is characterized in not suitable circumstances to establish expected achievements in the management and excellent conditions in the results of the processes of the entity in question.

Among the definitive characteristics of the teams of officials, there is a lack of knowledge of essential information, adding the ineffective management of the development of the processes, generating inconsistencies in the development and control of activities, which makes it impossible to fulfill the objectives set directed towards government goals and public service.

The necessary competence for job development is required by officials, by virtue of generating simplification conditions in the processes and in the same way avoiding repeating performance functions of the lines of action in each management process, through a standardization of functions that avoid the consequences produced by the incidence of the lack of progress and permanent improvements towards the quality of services

There is a low performance of the mayoral officials, due to their ignorance in reference to the goals set in the short, medium and long term, established in the strategic organizational planning of the new management period. Employees carry out their functions through inappropriate methods, therefore inconsistencies, disarticulations and lack of results have been originated in accordance with expectations, which should be overcome promptly, in order to comply with what is established by the municipal authorities that require to remain in constant development.

Lack of control regarding the monitoring of the operative activities of the mayor's office, as a consequence of the malfunction and misdirection in the handling of the procedures of the management and administration of the mayor's office, these reasons that indicate how immediate the standardization of substantial changes and innovations as this would produce higher levels of lack of control and non-compliance with the goals set.

Due to the aforementioned, the strategic model that was developed based on an organizational diagnosis constitutes the organizational essence that allows qualified performance, high-quality functions, effective and efficient management of all municipal management processes, based on the lines of the five (5) national development balances: sustainability, sustainability, innovation, governance and productivity; as stated by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT), in the Policies of Science and Technology and Innovation for Endogenous Development, in line with the characteristics of the area in question, which must respond to all the needs faced in the city Hall.

In view of the aforementioned problems, an Organizational Strategic Model was developed for the Mayor of the Autonomous Municipality Andrés Eloy Blanco, in Casanay Sucre state in order to optimize operational management, establish institutional objectives and goals, improve the processes executed by the human resource; creating managerial and technological conditions that facilitate the Institution the effective processing of the management, thus allowing to improve the performance of the various areas that make up the municipal body.

Research objectives

General objective

Develop a strategic organizational model for the mayor of the autonomous municipality Andrés Eloy Blanco, in Casanay, Sucre state in order to optimize operational management.

Specific objectives

  1. Describe the organizational model of the Mayor's Office of the Autonomous Municipality Andrés Eloy Blanco in order to know its essential characteristics Analyze the new modalities that must be applied to the Venezuelan mayors in order for them to function integrally, in line with the innovations in information technologies integrated into municipal management with the national and state policies related to organizational support Establish the organizational behavior model that must be implemented in the mayor's office, in order to improve its operation aimed at promoting solutions to their needs Determine the organizational philosophy of the strategic model, indicating both the specific characteristics their environment as their perspectives for innovation Determine the requirements of the new strategic model,that contribute to the excellence of the institutional parameters, notably influencing the facilitation of management results. Develop the strategic model that integrates the municipal management strategy with information technologies, framed in the Digital Mayor's Office project, as a sustainable and innovative alternative.


Every organization must have theoretical models in action that make it possible to develop its processes in an optimal way, since the function is established through the condition of knowing, applying and executing the guidelines already determined by established standards, in relation to the organizational structure is The innovative approach of the systems area is indispensable, which remains supported by significant strategies aimed at promoting and boosting the quality of the planning proposed.

Regarding the management of the municipal mayor's office, it was necessary to carry out a diagnosis whose result allowed to know the specific characteristics of the entity, in order to improve its conditions, update its technological, managerial, human resource situation and promote the innovations implemented by government policies at the national and state level. Regarding the design of coherent and effective organizational strategies, a model based on the efficiency and effectiveness of the management was structured, the result of which produced positive effects and generated expected conditions for continuous improvement, and in turn allowed the mayor to adapt to the guidelines established by the National Executive based on the five (5) balances that are included in the national endogenous development plan.

The model presented consists of an alternative that guarantees not only the innovative but the sustainable, by virtue of reaching optimal levels in the purposes of the mission, vision and organizational philosophy of the mentioned entity. These reasons allow to indicate the possible solution to the needs of change through the establishment of a strategic organizational model whose essence is manifested in the presence of the innovative, technological and human. Approaching essentially the political, financial and social terms that have to coordinate the actions of permanent life of the citizens.

In order to achieve the efficiency and harmony of an organizational system, it is necessary to first conceptualize its active behavior, detect the existing failures, allowing a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of its impact on the advance and productive growth, generating constant progress that contributes to achieving the main vision of the For these reasons, the Mayor of the Autonomous Municipality Andrés Eloy Blanco, considered it necessary to apply a strategic organizational study to its entire organizational structure, which allowed it to optimize operational management; It also agreed to an analysis of the mission, purposes, and strategies for the fulfillment of objectives and goals set by the mayor's office and to develop instruments to achieve them in the short, medium and long term.

For the organization, it allowed them to determine through an internal and external study the factors that may be affecting or benefiting them at a given time, if they are articulated in a dynamic and efficient way in terms of the political, economic, social and cultural changes that are coming. arousing in the country. For this reason, the application of this tool is of great importance for the mayor's office because it helped it in the realization of a strategic organizational model that allowed it to achieve the objectives pursued, as well as the most suitable way to achieve the goals set.

On the other hand, it prepares top management to take on new challenges, based on opportunities for the members of the organization to be successful at all times and create favorable circumstances where each one can develop their potential. In short, with the help of strategic planning, "the can be" is articulated with the operational plan "the will to do." It did not imply designing a rigid scheme of action to follow, but instilled a permanent concern for "where do you want to go" that allowed it to shape the philosophical aspect of the new organizational model.

Given the above, the need to carry out a study that allows the development of a strategic organizational model for the mayor of the Autonomous Municipality Andrés Eloy Blanco, Casanay Sucre state, is justified, due to the contributions that it provided to the institution, as well as to the researcher and the impact it produced on the quality of life of the citizens who are under the jurisdiction of this municipal entity, as well as representing a reference for other organizations.


This research was based on the strategic organizational analysis in the entire mayor's office of the autonomous municipality Andrés Eloy Blanco, in which its characteristics were determined, in order to know exactly where the radical changes and the necessary improvements should be made, which allow reaching new levels of development in management. In the analysis of the mayor's office in question, a study with a comprehensive vision was applied that considered the interrelation of the departments that constitute it, the influence of the environment, the governmental legal framework, the members of the same, among others; For this, strategic planning was used in order to configure the critical managerial areas of the environment, for which alternatives were applied that solve the existing problematic situation.

On the other hand, the study determined the weaknesses, strengths, threats and opportunities with the help of the SWOT matrix, an evaluation of internal and external factors was made through the External Factors Evaluation Matrix (EFE) and the Internal Factors Assessment Matrix (EFI); Everything related to organizational culture such as mission, vision and objectives was specified. This allowed establishing an organizational philosophy adapted to the characteristics of the mayor of the autonomous municipality Andrés Eloy Blanco.

An organizational strategic model was formulated that articulates all the aspects specified as a product of the systematic investigation that includes strategies that allow to greatly optimize the operational management of this municipal institution. It is based on the lines of progress created for government agencies in terms of restructuring actions relevant to the political, socio-cultural and financial development of the residents adjacent to the municipality. Therefore, an administrative structure was generated according to the needs of the mayor's office, where the roles and responsibilities of the organization's dependencies were specified, as well as the authority and decision-making mechanisms.

Likewise, the model includes the processes of the institution, conceived as coordinated flows, to satisfy conditions of commitments between the people who work in the mayor's office, as well as recommending skills that the human resource in charge of carrying out the organizational processes based on the same institutional philosophy.

As an added value as a result of the research, a strategic tool (Portal Alcaldía Digital) was designed, which covers the minimum organizational needs, which allows establishing a communication link between the mayor's office with the community, the state and the nation, in order to be able to streamline the flow of information and decision-making, ensuring transparency in government management.


The investigation was limited in time, space and process. Regarding the time it was executed during the second and third quarters of the current year, the central process area that the study addresses is the development of a strategic organizational model, specifically for the Mayor of the Autonomous Municipality Andrés Eloy Blanco de Casanay, Sucre state. Among the conditions that allow the efficient application of the study results are the following:

  • The staff must be willing to put the strategies into practice and be aware of the changes that must be made for the success of the organizational strategy model. Assume the guidelines established in the model in order to guarantee its effectiveness. Because it is a process that has an impact Across the organization, senior management should provide as much information and be willing to provide support for the proposal.

It should be noted that there are no formulas that can be applied in the same way and under the same conditions to an organization. Therefore, the results of this special degree project only had validity and applicability for the aforementioned local government institution located in the town of Casanay, Sucre state, because it was conceived based on the characteristics and needs of the herself.


Company Background

The history of this Mayor's Office is of recent date, and it is pointed to the year 1936, with a significant date when the Communal Board of the Mariño Municipality was installed, in this Casanayera region, for which said Organization was formed by a President, the Vice President, two Members with their respective alternates and a Secretary. The highest authority was exercised by Mr. Asunción Visaez, the governmental period was for four years. After thirty long years, a change in this Board of Directors took place in 1967.

In the middle of March 1969, a movement concerned about becoming independent from the Ribero District finally succeeded in having this Municipality elevated to a District, being number ten (10) since the State had nine (09) Government entities (Districts). So definitely November 28 with the date when the promotion to the District is commemorated, which would be named after that famous Cumanian poet Andrés Eloy Blanco. It was divided into two (02) parishes: Rómulo Gallegos, with its Capital San Vicente and Mariño, the capital Casanay.

As of that date, a provisional Administrative Board was appointed, which operates until 1973, when the elections are held on December 9, the presidency falling to the hands of Mr. Melecio Millán. During these years, Casanay and the surrounding towns saw many governments go by, but little action, and chaos and neglect were followed by the rest of the state's districts, while the rulers entered and left, who were unconcerned. by the people and only passed on personal gain and partisan environment.

This is how the Andrés Eloy Blanco District lost hope every day when they saw how their children left their land in search of better life situations and had to fight to send some economic resource for those who stayed and hoped to have work forces and leave his beloved land.

Starting in 1990, the new Organic Law of the Municipal Regime came into force, creating a new structure and organization of local government management. The figure of the Mayor is institutionalized, as the highest authority of the Municipality and in charge of the executive power; The Municipal Council is formed which deals with the legislative branch, in this district due to the number of inhabitants, it corresponds to seven (07) councilors. The mayor legally becomes president of the chamber, the vice president is elected from among the councilors, this official makes up for the mayor's absence and all councilors have the right to speak and vote.

For the year 1996, with his immense charisma and leadership within Democratic Action, the Lord prevails: Amilcar Caraballo as mayor, who met with all the changes that have taken place at the National Level and the new perspectives of municipal patrimony management.

In the elections of 2004, precisely on October 31, a new local ruler emerged, and a new form of government prevailed, which transformed the situation of the municipality, with an advanced mentality. This is demonstrated by the results obtained, prevailing until now a government aimed at meeting the needs of the inhabitants of the Andrés Eloy Blanco municipality.

Organizational structure

This municipal body is made up of different departments and within these different coordinations, according to the activities carried out and the hierarchy it has within the organization. This systemic study will be carried out throughout the organizational structure of the mayor's office, focusing mainly on its administration department. Graph 1 shows the general organization chart of the mayor's office, in the same way it is highlighted where the investigation will be focused. (See p.15).

Graph 1: Organizational chart of the Mayor's Office. Taken from: Mayor's Office of Personnel (2006)

Mayor's Office Organizational Chart.

Principal functions.

The main functions of the Mayor's Office are fundamental in Article 88 of the Organic Law of Municipal Public Power, which establishes the following:

  • Comply with and enforce the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the State Constitution, national laws, state ordinances and other municipal legal instruments Direct the government and municipal administration, ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency in the provision of public services within the scope of its competence, and exercise the representation of the Municipality Issue regulations, decrees, resolutions and other administrative acts in the local entity Execute, direct and inspect municipal services and works Sign contracts that the entity enters into, with provision for the disposition of the expenses that they generate, and order their payments in accordance with the provisions of the Laws and Ordinances that govern the matter. Exercises the highest authority in personnel administration matters and, as such,enter, appoint, remove, dismiss and exit, in accordance with the administrative procedures established in the Ordinance, which governs the matter, with the exception of the personnel assigned to the Municipal Council. Preside over the Local Council of Public Planning, in accordance with the legal system. Formulate and submit For the consideration of the Local Public Planning Council, the Municipal Development plan with the guidelines of the management program presented to the voters, in accordance with the applicable national and municipal provisions Submit for the consideration of the Municipal Council the development plans, local urban, in accordance with the norms and procedures established in the national normative instruments Present for the consideration of the Municipal Council, draft ordinances with their respective explanations,as well as promulgating the ordinances sanctioned by the Municipal Council and objecting those that it considers inconvenient or contrary to the legal system, in accordance with the procedure provided in the Ordinance on municipal legal instruments. certain matters, after consulting the Procurator Trustee or Municipal Procurator Syndicate Present to the Municipal Council, in the second month following the end of each economic-financial year of its mandate, the report of its management and the Municipal Comptroller's Office the account thereof, in which it will include a detailed report of the unpaid or delinquent obligations of the taxpayers. Submit within the first quarter of the year,In an organized and public manner to the respective community previously convened, the rendering of accounts of the political and administrative management of the preceding financial economic year, relating the achievements with the goals of the municipal development plan and the program presented as a candidate. Promote citizen participation and education for participation. Review and resolve the hierarchical resources and other administrative acts dictated by the different dependencies of the Municipality. Those assigned by other Laws.Review and resolve the hierarchical resources and other administrative acts dictated by the different dependencies of the Municipality, those attributed by other Laws.Review and resolve the hierarchical resources and other administrative acts dictated by the different dependencies of the Municipality, those attributed by other Laws.

Research Background

The following works provide ideas that enrich this degree work through valuable contributions of information, which support its development. Consequently, those taken into account are basically linked in several aspects: methodology, structure and development. Some works are cited below:

Martell, M. (1999) Design of an Automated Management Information System for Strategic Planning of Human Resources of Mavesa, SA, Universidad Bicentenaria de Aragua-Valencia Venezuela.

The general objective of this work was to propose a Design of an Automated Management Information System for Strategic Planning that facilitates Decision Making in Mavesa's Human Resources Administration. This system sought to evaluate and select the personnel who were trained to occupy a specific position, control the information regarding the training and / or specialization of the company's personnel, maintain a file of eligible personnel, as well as obtain, through consultations, reports and graphics all the information necessary to develop a strategic plan and make better decision-making, thus allowing to solve the existing problems in the studied system. For this reason it contains documentary information that was useful in the preparation of this degree work.

Butterfield, E. (2001) Study of models of organizational change and organizational development based on Decision-making in Worldwide. Lopment Institute. Columbia USA.

The author in this research concludes that the different models of change referred to mainly rest on a normative, prescriptive and re-educational approach where behavioral change is a consequence of a learning process. Due to the aforementioned, this research was useful to complement the present degree work, motivated to make a theoretical-practical contribution in terms of models and organizational changes.

Barbato, A (2002) Development of a systemic application for the control of social developments in the PALMAVEN company located in Maturín, Monagas State. Polytechnic University Institute "Santiago Mariño". Maturín Extension.

The author in this research concluded that its development and implementation was based on streamlining the information manipulation processes; in the same way, it guarantees its quality, leaving the company in accordance with the benefits obtained. This research made a great contribution to the present study since it facilitated the techniques to develop the comprehensive diagnosis of the needs that a company presents using systemic analysis techniques.

Contreras, H (2003). Communication management model for organizational change and communication management of the company Banco de Venezuela-Grupo Santander. Central University of Venezuela. Caracas.

The main objective of this study was to design a communication management model for the organizational change of the company Banco de Venezuela / Grupo Santander, in Venezuela. Coming to the conclusion that it presents a model that seeks to serve as a starting point for those in charge of communicating the change in the company. This model outlines a series of elements that must be taken into account when starting a communication process in a context of organizational change. Motivated by the aforementioned, this research served to complement this project as it makes theoretical and practical contributions and documentary methods regarding the development of organizational models.

Theoretical Bases

To carry out this project, it is necessary to consult different bibliographic works, which provided the theoretical bases that support the present investigation.

Organizational Model

It is from this concept that this special degree work starts and that the researcher takes as the main criterion for the development of his project. The same author (2006) says that an organizational model “… constitutes a variety of approaches, each one develops concepts, strategies, sequences and schemes that vary enormously”. This implies that most of these models are related exclusively to changes in behavior and are used to promote greater participation and communication within an organization.

Public administration

This concept complemented with the previous one, the author takes it as a theoretical foundation for the elaboration of the proposed organizational model. To develop this point Settembrino (1996), says that the public administration “is an organization that the state uses to adequately channel social demands and satisfy them, through the transformation of public resources into actions that modify reality, through the production of goods., services and regulations ”.

This concept of public administration shows how diverse this “organization” is, in the sense that it includes different spaces and specialists who deal specifically with a task, and that their interdependence makes it very difficult to establish what should be reformed and what no, and therefore carrying out an administrative reform is not the task of a few, but it encompasses the whole of it and also society as the final destination of the “output” it produces.

Not only in public administration there are institutions. There is something inside her that moves them. That engine is the people, or rather the "officials" who together make up the bureaucracy, and it is this bureaucracy that unfolds, fulfilling its function driven by values, behavior patterns, emotions, feelings, interests, among others.

Organizational development methodology

The author of this research has chosen the Organizational Development methodology as a solution technique to merge them with another technique such as strategic planning, since this methodology has become the instrument par excellence for change in search of achieving greater organizational efficiency, an indispensable condition in today's world, characterized by intense competition at the national and international level.

This is how this methodology for Organizational Development seeks to achieve a planned change of the organization according to the needs, demands or demands of the organization itself. In this way, attention can be focused on the modes of action of certain groups (and their efficiency…), on improving human relations, on economic and cost factors (cost-benefit balance), on relationships between groups, in the development of human teams, in leadership (leadership)… That is, almost always on values, attitudes, relationships and organizational climate.

In short, on the people more than on the objectives, structure and techniques of the organization: Organizational Development essentially focuses on the human side of the company. Its fundamental area of ​​action is, therefore, that which is related to the human resources of the institution. The importance given to this methodology for Organizational Development derives from the fact that human resources are decisive for the success or failure of any organization. Consequently, its management is key to business and organizational success in general, starting with adapting the structure of the organization (organization chart),following the efficient management of work groups (teams and leadership) and developing human relationships that allow conflict prevention and resolution quickly and in a timely manner when there are signs of their emergence. This methodology is divided into five (5) stages, each one of which is detailed below.

Stage 1. Organizational Diagnosis.

  1. Determination of the Data.
    • Data Collection, Data Analysis
    Identification of the Organizational climate.
  • Environment Relationship and interconnections between the elements involved.

Stage 2. Organizational problems.

  • Identification of dysfunctions and weaknesses. Analysis of problems and Needs.

Stage 3. Planning of the Action.

  1. Action of Intervention. Definition of Changes.

Stage 4. Implementation of the Action.

  1. Implementation of the Changes.

Stage 5. Evaluation.

  • Results of the Evaluation.

Organizational Behavior Models

The models that will be developed below are useful for the author of the research, to identify which is the model that best adapts to the needs of the Mayor's Office and thus choose the one that he deems appropriate to be applied in his research.

Autocratic Model

It is based on power, its administrative orientation is one of authority while the orientation of the employees is obedience, in the psychological result of the employees there is a dependence on the boss, the needs of the employees are subsistence and the result of performance is minimal.

This was the prevailing model in the Industrial Revolution. It depends on power. Those who occupy the command must have sufficient power to order, which means that the employee who does not follow orders will be sanctioned. In an autocratic environment, the orientation points to the formal official authority and the management believes that it knows what is best and is convinced that the obligation of the employees is to follow orders, that is, they must be directed, persuaded and pushed to reach a certain level of responsibility. performance and limited to obeying orders.

This vision results in a strict control of employees, the autocratic model was despicable due to brutal and exhausting physical tasks and unhealthy, destitute and dangerous conditions, in these autocratic conditions employees turn to obedience to the boss and not to the respect for this.

The model constitutes a very useful means for the effective fulfillment of the work of the acceptable method for the determination of the behavior of the administrators. The combined strength of knowledge about the need of employees and the changes that occur, social values, gave the recognition that there are better ways to manage organizational systems.

Custody Model

It is based on economic resources, its administrative orientation is about money while the orientation of the employees is about safety and benefits, in the psychological result of the employees there is a dependence on the organization, the needs of the employees are security and the performance result is passive cooperation.

This depends on economic resources, if an organization lacks sufficient resources to offer pensions and the payment of other benefits, it will be impossible to adopt this model. So the stewardship approach results in employee dependency on the organization. Instead of depending on their boss, employees depend on organizations.

Employees who work in custodial settings develop a psychological concern about their pay and financial benefits. As a result of the treatment they receive, they tend to be satisfied and thus remain loyal to their companies. Its greatest advantage is that it discriminates against the safety and satisfaction of workers.

Support Model

It is based on leadership, its administrative orientation is supportive while the orientation of the employees is of work performance, in the psychological result of the employees participation is promoted while the result of the performance is of encouragement of impulses and the needs of Employees are rated satisfaction and recognition.

This model had its origins in the principle of supportive relationships. It was concluded that an organization is a social system whose most important element is to be a worker. Studies indicated the importance of having knowledge of group dynamics and applying supportive supervision.

The support model relies on leadership rather than power and money. Through leadership, the company offers an environment that helps employees to grow and fulfill in favor of the organization what they are capable of. Consequently, management guidance aims at supporting employee job performance, not simply supporting employee benefits.

The psychological result is a feeling of participation and involvement in organizational tasks, this is part of the managers' work lifestyle and in particular of their way of treating others. The support model is effective for both employees and managers and is widely accepted.

Collegiate Model

It is based on the association, its administrative orientation is teamwork while the employee orientation is responsible behavior, in the psychological result of employees self-discipline is promoted, the needs of employees are self-realization, the result of performance is moderately enthusiastic.

The term collegiate refers to a group of people with a common purpose, they tend to be more useful in working conditions than programmed, intellectual means, and circumstances that allow a wide margin of maneuver of the work. This depends on the generation by the management of a feeling of companionship with employees, the result is that they feel useful and necessary. It was easy for them to accept and respect their role in the organization. Instead of being seen as bosses, managers were viewed as collaborators.

With the aforementioned, it is sought to create a strict mutuality in which each person makes their own contributions and appreciates that of others. The orientation was aimed at teamwork and the response of the employees is responsibility and they feel the obligation to meet quality standards that mean recognition for both their work and the company. The psychological result of the collegiate model in employees is self-discipline.


The purpose of this chapter is to establish the way in which this special degree work is developed, providing the conditions under which the activities that are carried out are carried out. It is made up of the sections called type of research and methodological design.

Type and Level of Research

The following project was framed in the so-called holistic research, under a projective type of research, which Hurtado (2000) defines as, “This type of research tries to propose solutions in a given situation. It implies exploring, describing, explaining and proposing an alternative for change, but not necessarily executing the proposal ”(p. 175). The data are collected directly from the departments that make up the Mayor's Office of the Autonomous Municipality Andrés Eloy Blanco, by the researcher himself, obtaining first-hand data from the people and processes directly involved.

According to the objective of the proposed study, this research had a comprehensive level, since it corresponds to connotational analysis and is reached by transcending the mere meaning and pure quantification, to acquire knowledge and access interpretations adjusted to the context, circumstances, and culture. (Hurtado, 2000. p. 506).

Development Methodology

In the field of research, methodology is the area of ​​knowledge that studies the general methods to carry out the execution of a project. For this reason, a development technique must be incorporated to accompany the process, the tools to be used and their procedures, which will depend on the nature of the study, the techniques and controls required.

The structured design shown below is the product of the fusion of the most relevant phases of the strategies described above in the referential framework and with the highest incidence in the research and chosen for the execution of this research due to its ease of adaptation to needs of the project, among which are: the methodology on organizational development (OD) and the strategic planning methodology of Fred Davis (1997), to develop the organizational strategic model of the mayor's office of the Andrés Eloy Blanco municipality in Casanay, Sucre state.

Phases of the Methodology

Phase I: Diagnosis of the Institution

In this stage, a study of the organizational and functional model of the mayor's office was carried out, by means of a diagnosis of the current situation of the same and a description of the prevailing organizational model, which allows knowing the essential characteristics of the institution. In addition, a detailed analysis of the mission, vision and objectives of the institution was carried out, in order to identify which are the lines of action that are followed to achieve the objectives.

In particular, an analysis was made of the weaknesses of internal functioning, the opportunities presented by the environment, the strengths of the institution and the threats to the environment, in order to generate the SWOT matrix. On the other hand, the Cross SWOT matrices were obtained and analyzed: Weaknesses vs Threats, Strengths vs Threats, Weaknesses vs Opportunities and Strengths vs Opportunities, to discover the advantages and disadvantages of the institution and the environment that surrounds it.

From the analysis of the matrices obtained, the study of the prioritized SWOT matrices was carried out (it is a matrix obtained from the previous ones, where the priority of the problems identified in them is taken into account), thus obtaining the main actions that the institution must follow in order to obtain the stated objectives.

Phase II: Organizational Analysis

In this phase, an analysis was carried out of the different modalities established by the national government regarding organizational support, in harmony with technological innovations in information and organizational strategies derived from the innovative municipality philosophy (MCT, 2001), integrated into municipal management in order to select the model that best suits the characteristics and needs of the institution.

Phase III: Select the organizational behavior model

Once the new modalities that the national government proposes for the Venezuelan mayors had been analyzed, knowing its theoretical and functional support, the behavior model that should include the organizational strategic proposal was established in order to guarantee optimal functioning and thus lead to solving the needs previously detected.

Phase IV: Determine the organizational philosophy

Once the previous phase was completed, the organizational philosophy for the strategic model to be proposed was determined, for this, the input of the different previously applied structural analysis techniques was used, for which the strategies, mission, vision and object of the mayoralty, adjusted to the characteristics of the institution and that are aligned with the model to guarantee its relevance.

Phase V: Determine the requirements

With the information produced in the previous phase, the necessary requirements for the new strategic model were determined, at this stage the various processes that have to be carried out in the institution were proposed to guarantee its correct operation and thus be able to achieve the objectives for which it was created. For each of the processes, the name of the process, its input, the output it generates, the role of the institution and the associated sub-processes were described. In the case that a process has sub-processes, a third level of detail was described. In addition, in this phase, the different roles that the institution will adopt to meet each objective were determined.

Then, everything related to the rules and procedures to be carried out in the institution was clearly and precisely defined, so that there was no gap in the design of the institution. By establishing and enforcing clearly and precisely the rules and procedures to be followed by the institution, a good performance of the mayor's office was guaranteed. In addition, the characteristics that the institution's staff must meet were defined. Finally, the different elements (infrastructure, financial resources, personnel) that the organization needs to carry out its activities were described.

Phase VI: Design of the Organizational Strategic Model

In this phase the results obtained in the previous stages were merged, for which evaluation techniques of the Strategic Planning were applied, which formed the fundamental basis of the Strategic Organizational Model and the Philosophy of the Mayor's Office. The processes carried out in the institution were also designed and the necessary techniques for the proper development of the management were defined, where the different elements of the same, necessary for the execution of the activities, were raised: tangible assets, intangible assets, human Resources.

Phase VII: Development of the Strategic Model

In this stage, the establishment of the new organizational philosophy of the mayor's office was continued, where the mission, vision and values ​​were developed, in the same way they established the organizational objectives that, together with the result of the previous stages, served to make the Strategic Model Organizational that will govern the institution in the next three (3) years, during the period of government of the current mayor.

Design of the investigation

From a Holistic perspective, for Hurtado (2000), “The research design corresponds to the structure of the research, to the way the research is going to be developed, to the way the inquiry is conceived in order to obtain answers to the questions… it also indicates to the researcher what to do and how to do it… ”(p.407). It can then be said that the research design is the way to structure an operating model that helps to obtain as an end point the solution of the situation that is presented as a problem.

The research design was of mixed source, since a study was carried out in direct contact with the community, group or people under study, that is to say, in the field. In this way, the maximum amount of information available or accessible can be collected for the analysis of the problem. In view of the fact that the research is in the field, the data of the reality of the problem were taken, as Hurtado (2000) points out, “… in the so-called field designs, whose purpose can be to discover, analyze, compare, explain, among other events, using data from live or direct sources, in its natural environment, that is, in the usual context to which it belongs ”(p. 172).

And documentary because written documents and bibliographic materials were used to support the research, Hurtado (2000) points out that “… Documentary designs correspond and are included in those investigations whose objective is to describe, compare, analyze, explain, verify, events, taking documents as a source of information ”. (p.173).

In this order of ideas regarding design from the temporal perspective, this research belongs to contemporary transactional design, as established by Hernández, Sampicri and Others (1991) cited by Hurtado in the same work “… They are those in which the interest The researcher's focus is on studying the event at a single moment in time ”(p. 175). In this case the researcher emphasized the present to gather information and carry out his study.

To complete the design, it was necessary to establish it according to the width of the focus, in this case in Univariable or Univentual design, since a single event was being studied, detailing a particular event, and the researcher collected the necessary data to solve a specific problem.

Population and Sample

For the development of an investigation it is convenient to specify the unit of study, the size of the Sample (M), and the elements by which the results obtained from it will be validated. Hurtado (2000) conceptualizes that: "Once the events to be studied have been defined, it is necessary to determine in what or who are manifested in that situation." (p. 102). Being the Population (P), according to (Ob. Cit. P. 40). It is any set of elements, finite or infinite, defined by one or more characteristics, enjoyed by all the elements that compose it, and only they. In sampling, population is understood to be the entire universe that is of interest to consider, and which must be well defined so that it is known at all times what elements it is composed of. However, when doing one-off work, it is convenient to distinguish between 0:set of accessible elements in our study.

The population for this study consisted of a group of forty-five (45) people, considered as finite, since Hurtado (2000): "… Its Members are known and can be identified and listed by the researcher in their entirety." (p. 153), such individuals belong to the managerial directorates as well as operational officials attached to the Mayor's Office. Therefore the sample according to what Andrade (1978) expressed:

On all occasions when it is not possible or convenient to carry out a census, what we do is work with a sample, understanding as such a representative part of the population. For a sample to be representative, and therefore useful, it must reflect the similarities and differences found in the population, and exemplify its characteristics. When a sample is said to be representative, it is indicated that it approximately meets the characteristics of the population that are important to the research (p. 58).

In this sense, because it is a small population, the statement by Ávila is considered (Cited by Brito, 1992): "For small populations, P: M must be applied, population equals sample." (p. 41), that is, the sample is made up of a group of 45 people.


After consulting the officials of the upper and middle management of the mayor's office through a survey, the following results were obtained that delve into the current situation of this municipal body, among which, due to their special characteristics, the following stand out:

  • The management of the institution has carried out a good campaign to disseminate the mission, vision and objectives of the institution; Since a large number of officials say they know them, a small but important number is not familiar with the organizational philosophy, which infers that the disclosure and promotion policies of the same have not been captured by the entire population that works A significant number of those consulted are familiar with the organizational objectives and goals, and the rest are waiting to be informed about them.There are a large number of people who do not plan their activities, which is counterproductive and motivated the difficulty in meeting the organizational goals previously established by management.A significant number do not know about the work policies of the mayor's office, which could have repercussions on the good development of the work of these officials.A large percentage of those consulted say that the mayor's office does not have a well-defined organizational structure, so It is a situation worth considering since it is the managers and administrative employees who make it known. There is a large number of officials who do not know or do not know if the mayor's office has manuals for assigning positions and description of responsibilities, which is worrying since the proper performance of the work depends largely on the guidelines established for each position in said manuals. Only a small group does not know what their responsibilities are within the organization, as well as those of their fellow workers.These results add a point in favor of the good development of the action plans to be followed since the vast majority of employees know what they are doing and what others should do. A small but considerable group has not participated or does not know about the plans of continuous improvement offered to the officials who work in this institution as confirmed by the rest of those consulted. The vast majority feel the need for an organizational restructuring in the mayor's office, and a small group, but not least say It is not necessary. There is a large-scale ignorance of what the digital mayor's office is about, since only a group that does not exceed three-quarters of those consulted says they know it. The management of the institution has not carried out a good campaign of mission disclosure,vision and purpose of the mayor's office, since a large number of citizens consulted say they do not know them. There is a great need for information regarding management, since most of those surveyed do not believe in transparency of management.


Current conditions have determined that beyond a simple causal relationship between organizational culture, change and the impact of technology on the management of public institutions, what exists is a reciprocal link between all the elements, which generate permanent challenges implicit in the challenges that every organization must face.

The previous premise makes it possible to highlight that institutional management makes sense to the extent that the challenges are satisfactorily overcome, for which a large dose of creativity is required for the management and control of the ever-changing environment. For this reason, the organizations that have managed to perform successfully in Venezuela show two important aspects: on the one hand, they highlight that the best way to increase effectiveness is by doing things differently from the traditional way, thus incorporating change as a constant in the organizational functioning; and on the other, the emphasis placed on researching management approaches and theories to adapt them to their operation.

Given the aforementioned in this research, a strategic organizational model was presented for the mayor of the autonomous municipality Andrés Eloy Blanco that intends to serve as a basis for those in charge of managing a possible change in the institution; but it is worth noting that this model depends on the characteristics of the organization, its officials and the activity to which it is dedicated. For which, it began by describing the organizational model of the mayor's office in order to know its essential characteristics, resulting in a comparative analysis, a generalized series of elements that must be taken into account when undertaking a strategic model of organizational management. in a context of change, in this case the product of a restructuring.

In this institution, investment in training, staff updating and organizational restructuring is necessary as a drive for change, as it is one of the aspects of special significance resulting from the diagnosis made, in order to turn the strategic model into the axis and engine of transformation processes. The complexity of the current environment on the other hand; saturated with competition, social problems, demanding citizens, rigid government laws, and immersed in a growing process of globalization, which makes working today insufficient to be more competitive or requires dynamism, that is, energy oriented towards achievement of the objectives.

Due to the aforementioned and complying with the analysis of the modalities to be applied to the Venezuelan mayoralties so that they function integrally, it is necessary more than ever to think and rethink the organization, give it a sense of direction, redesign or optimize the core processes, develop Organizational structures suitable for said processes to work in a timely manner, aggressively using cutting-edge technology that helps to materialize the vision outlined for the organization, in this case the Digital Mayor's Office project was chosen, dependent on the Innovative Municipality Philosophy proposed by the MCT (2001).

When developing another objective such as it is, to establish the organizational behavior model that should be implemented in the mayor's office, the support model was chosen because; It was possible to conclude that the model that best adapts to the needs of the mayor's office since in this, the administrative orientation is supportive, while the orientation of the employees is of job performance, in the psychological result of the employees it is promoted participation, the needs of the employees are for category satisfaction and recognition, and the result of the performance is one of encouragement and drive.

From the foregoing, the determination of the new organizational philosophy of the strategic model begins, and thus establish the new mission, vision and objectives of the mayor's office. Where the vision indicated, it facilitates change management to size the characteristics of the business and direct its efforts to satisfy the expectations of the organization.

In determining the requirements of the new model, which contribute to the excellence of the institutional parameters, it was decided to break with the existing paradigms, probably very useful in the past, but which have lost meaning over time, due to new rules in accordance with the times that occur and very useful to meet the demands of the future. Where the integration of efforts, shared benefit, teamwork, the permanent willingness to learn and change, organizations by processes, the flattening of organizational structures, the reduction of hierarchical levels and control points, the breaking down of barriers, the need for communication, among others; are some of the new rules.

To fulfill the last objective of this project, the new strategic model was developed which integrated the strategies described above, which merge municipal management with information technologies framed in the Digital Mayor's Office project, for which the establishment of the new organizational philosophy of the mayor's office, where the mission, vision and values ​​were developed, in the same way the organizational objectives were established that, together with the result of the previous stages, served to prepare the Organizational Strategic Model that in the proposal will govern the institution in the next three (3) years, during the term of the current mayor's government.


The following recommendations are presented from the conclusions obtained in this study:

  • Plan and maintain actions aimed at the development of abilities and skills of the individual, with the purpose of increasing the efficiency demonstrated in the performance of their job and therefore the fulfillment of the goals and objectives of the organization The mayor's office must use an instrument of detection of training needs for personnel, which is adapted to the characteristics of the institution, this will allow knowing the training that each official requires, in an objective way and adapted to the reality of their performance and progress within the organization. new approaches that contribute to business success and especially in the management of the mayor of the autonomous municipality Andrés Eloy Blanco,where the competition process and the support model can be incorporated as the axis of organizational transformation that allows the institution to survive in this changing world.

Together with the recommendations described above, some additional ones arise relative to each of the aspects considered in the work carried out:

  • Organization Area: Promote awareness programs for the organizational group, in order to educate officials to internalize the organizational culture, as a competitive advantage in managerial management. It is essential that senior management fully understand the cultural values ​​necessary in the institution so that they can promote and reinforce them through an action plan. Once this distinction is made, it must be defined what needs to change, to determine the favorable or unfavorable aspects of the organization Change Process: Consider the knowledge that the staff has as a vital input, to carry out the changes required by the organization. It is necessary to develop knowledge as a way to competitiveness.Encouraging research with the purpose of raising the flow of knowledge, which tips the balance towards an organizational consolidation that makes companies more competitive Human Resource Development Area: Promote self-development so that officials are able to build new learning schemes, in order to: Achieve identification and commitment, and managerial consistency between what is said and what is practiced in the institution To the Personnel Directorate: The personnel director must be able to support change, considering it as a strategic tool for achieving organizational success. This means being strongly oriented towards the success of the institution, being a facilitator of the processes, being citizen-oriented,and be able to anticipate and act proactively. That is, to maintain a vision of the future to anticipate changes and the skills to plan, manage and evaluate the consequences of them.General Management: Propose new strategies with a vision to seek flattening of organizational structures, in order to achieve a reduction of vertical levels and managerial supervision, achieving better communication and greater flexibility. Organizations must maintain managers with a vision towards efficiency and effectiveness, based on an assertive philosophy of change, which allows them the possibility of creating new paradigms based on personal development to achieve continuous improvement.In this case, management must develop skills that allow it to recognize the importance and benefits of good communication and apply effective strategies to improve the communication network in the organization.

Top management must make the maximum use of human and technological potential a priority; which is of vital importance, to increase effectiveness and productivity. Only a shared mission ensures success in achieving the objectives.

Author's Data:

Name: Antonio José Espinoza Isasi.

Academic Data: Systems Engineer Graduated from the IUP “Santiago Mariño” (2006), Specialist in University Teaching. Graduated from UPEL- Maturín Pedagogical Institute. (2010). Regular student of the Master of Higher Education. UPEL-IPM. Venezuela.

Teaching Performance: Teacher in the “Instructor” category of the IUTC- Ext. Punta de Mata. Punta de Mata. Monagas state. (2008-present). Conventional time teacher of the School of Systems Engineering of the IUP "Santiago Mariño" ext. Maturin.

Professional Performance: Systems Planner, Consultant in the Systems area, University Professor. Lecturer and Speaker at University events.


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Strategic organizational model to optimize the operational management of a Venezuelan municipality