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Management and job performance models applied in a land terminal in ecuador

Table of contents:


At present, job performance is vital for a company to achieve adequate levels of effectiveness and efficiency. At a global level, management knowledge rules that allow the effective and efficient organization of the administration of a company with standards that keep both external and internal customers satisfied and productive. The general objective of this research is: To analyze which of the modern management models is indicated to increase the work performance of the Terrestrial Terminal “Anselmo Vera Salavarria. For this, an analysis of the administrative and management models applied at the global, Latin American and local levels was carried out, taking as the object of study the land terminal "Anselmo Vera Salavarría", located in the Sucre canton, province of Manabí.The research uses the descriptive method and the main tools used include: documentary review, bibliographic review, sampling, surveys, and performance evaluation by the forced method. As fundamental results of the study carried out we can mention: an analysis of the modern management models possible to apply to increase the work performance of the Terrestrial Terminal “Anselmo Vera Salavarria was carried out, it was determined that the terminal under study does not apply a management model Specific, the work performance of the terminal was evaluated and a management model proposal was made to increase work performance.surveys and performance evaluation by the forced method. As fundamental results of the study carried out we can mention: an analysis of the modern management models possible to apply to increase the work performance of the Terrestrial Terminal “Anselmo Vera Salavarria was carried out, it was determined that the terminal under study does not apply a management model Specific, the work performance of the terminal was evaluated and a management model proposal was made to increase work performance.surveys and performance evaluation by the forced method. As fundamental results of the study carried out we can mention: an analysis of the modern management models possible to apply to increase the work performance of the Terrestrial Terminal “Anselmo Vera Salavarria was carried out, it was determined that the terminal under study does not apply a management model Specific, the work performance of the terminal was evaluated and a management model proposal was made to increase work performance.It was determined that the terminal under study does not apply a specific management model, the work performance of the terminal was evaluated and a management model proposal was made to increase work performance.It was determined that the terminal under study does not apply a specific management model, the work performance of the terminal was evaluated and a management model proposal was made to increase work performance.

Keywords: management, job performance, evaluation of job performance and job skills.


(Perlines, 1996) “For the performance of a task to be effective, it must be determined by two variables: the probability of the effort-reward, and the valence of the reward; if any of them did not exist or were practically null, there would be no motivation, so the individual's contribution to the organization would be minimal and the perceived convenience of the change would be greater. "

Organizations worldwide are in constant confrontations due to the need to improve the job performance system of their employees, with the aim of being able to find the optimal sustainability in time and space within a company full of competitiveness, leaving behind customs and establishing paradigms in today's society that has an impressive technology development and adapting to constant changes looking for the only thing that leads the company to obtain recognition of "quality".

(Ponce, 2005) It should be noted that modern management systems, and especially management by objectives, seek to stimulate and help the mind of the administrator, so that they do not feel confined or limited to choosing between a “it is done, or it is not done. does ”, since, in most cases, there are many other possibilities, not only intermediate, but even different.

Modern management models must be based and work in conjunction with the human talent of companies; because they are responsible for improving their service to please and satisfy the needs of their customers and continue the organized system that must be carried out today to achieve business goals and objectives; along with your personal goals.

In the 21st century, the work performance of employees has been considered as the cornerstone to develop the effectiveness and success of an organization; worldwide, continuous improvement and development of employees is being put into practice; the fundamental axis is the interest of the managers in charge of human resources and the aspects that allow not only to measure it but also to improve it.

Regarding Latin America, the business method is also focusing on obtaining the best job performance, proposing alternatives that allow satisfying the needs of the company's employees and that with this optimism contribute to the growth of the company, with timely results. and quality.

Despite the efforts made in the country, there are still difficulties in the administration of land terminal companies and in the performance of those who work in these companies, leaving aside the quality of service, evidences of these are:

Lack of quality in the services provided to users

Little training of the personnel that provides the ticket sales service

Little specialization in the staff in general in the members and collaborators who provide their services in the land terminal "Anselmo Vera Salavarria" For what is defined as a scientific research problem:

How to increase job performance at the “Anselmo Vera Salavarría Land Terminal?

Depending on the problem raised, the following general objective is established: Analyze which of the modern management models is the one indicated to increase the work performance of the “Anselmo Vera Salavarria Land Terminal.

To fulfill the general objective, the following specific objectives are established:

  • Review the bibliographic literature that theoretically bases the research Analyze what management model the terminal develops Analyze the work performance of the Anselmo Vera Salavarría land terminal in terms of its current management Make a proposal for a management model that improves the terminal's work performance terrestrial "Anselmo Vera Salavarría"


By management is understood, the direction of the actions that contribute to making decisions aimed at achieving the objectives set, measuring the results obtained, to finally direct the action towards the permanent improvement of the system (Castillo G., 2009).

According to (Nogueira, 2007) Management is the process by which objectives are formulated and then the results obtained are measured to finally direct the action towards the permanent improvement of results.

Therefore, managing implies developing processes that allow planning, organization or assurance, control and improvement: of effectiveness, efficiency, effectiveness and business sustainability. (James R. Evans, 2008)

According to Standard 9001: 2015 (9000:, 2015), management is defined as coordinated activities to direct and control an organization.

In summary, the concepts listed above can be defined management as the set of processes that a company must develop in order to achieve its objectives and goals, that is, to achieve efficacy, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability.

The need for new forms of business management to successfully face the risks that companies face today is what has allowed the emergence and development of new management trends. All these forms of management presuppose a comprehensive and strategic approach that integrates the organization with its environment and allows setting goals and objectives in the short, medium and long term.

Current management trends

Among the most used trends today we can mention:

Management by processes . It consists of planning and managing the activities necessary to achieve a high level of process performance and satisfy customers. (Bigne.E., 2000) It is a work system focused on pursuing the continuous improvement of the functioning of the activities of an organization, through: the identification, selection, description, documentation and improvement of processes.

The management by process is born and develops within the total quality, these are inseparable, nor can one subsist without the other.

Quality management. Coordinated activities to direct and control an organization in relation to quality. (9000:, 2015).

It is characterized by:

  • Greater emphasis on the role of top management Measuring customer satisfaction Continuous improvement Process approach Quality planning Considers the benefits and needs of all stakeholders.

It is developed from 4 basic processes: planning, assurance, control and quality improvement and based on 8 principles that must be adapted for implementation in each company. These principles are:

  • Customer focus Process approach Systemic approach to management Continual improvement Leadership Staff involvement Fact-based management Mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers

Total quality . A set of organized principles and methods, of global strategy, created for the mobilization of the entire company with the aim of achieving maximum customer satisfaction at minimum cost. (Prida; García, 2000; Clavet et al., 2003). Cited by Vigil E and Valls W, (2007)

This concept, along with two other modern concepts of just-in-time management and total productive maintenance, introduced by the Japanese in the Western world, but from Western parents: W. Edwards Deming and Joseph Juran, are decisive strategies in management. modern management to face uncertainty, environmental risk, and increasingly mature competition.

Concepts that are adequately complemented are mixed: Quality (TQC), Logistics (JIT) and Maintenance (TPM), all of them aimed at reducing objective costs highly desired by all management, but with quality in the product that is on the market, a decisive characteristic especially in competitive markets. (Montgomery, 2013)

Management by Competence

It is an indispensable strategic tool to face the new challenges imposed by the environment. It is to promote individual skills at the level of excellence, according to operational needs. It guarantees the development and administration of the potential of people, «of what they know how to do» or could do (Cruz RV, 2008). Management by competencies seeks from the definition of a profile of competencies and positions within the profile, which the moments of truth between a company and its employees are aware and aim, ultimately, to increase the contribution of each employee to the generation of value of the company. Management is taking actions to achieve objectives. Competition is aptitude; quality that makes the person fit for a purpose. Sufficiency or suitability to obtain and exercise a job. Suitable,capable, skillful or purposeful for one thing. Capacity and disposition for good performance.

Management by values

It is a new business management proposal of a humanistic and inclusive nature, which is based on different approaches and theories and which, in fact, is in its first phases of application coherence. In any case, it is by no means a more or less ephemeral “management trend” and an alternative to others.

The term "Management by Values" (DpV) applied to business management was coined at the end of the last century, in 1997, by professors Salvador García and Shimon Dolan in Barcelona, ​​the same year as their North American colleagues Ken Blanchard and Michael O'Connor in San Francisco, several years before the talk of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) began to be spoken in the world. Other authors who have proposed the same concept are Hall and Tonna in 2001 and Fernández Aguado.

These trends, although they emphasize the specific management of some element or activity of the organization, try to harmonize the internal and external approaches of business management, with the dynamic or systematic approach that recognizes continuous improvement and the use of indicators for evaluation. and job performance analysis; always with a strategic and preventive perspective. Furthermore, they must be implemented on the basis of knowledge management.

Management models and job performance

(Castillo, 2006) Indicates in his work that for analysis purposes three degrees or levels of functioning of the personnel administration system are presented, namely: instrumental, programmatic and strategic. The level adopted by organizations will depend on their mission, size, resources, environment and philosophy, reaching higher levels of functioning of personnel administration as the business organization is modernized.

The first level of implementation of personal management is eminently instrumental and is focused on registration operations, payment of salaries, hiring, legal affiliations, maintenance of labor discipline and management of general services such as casino, transportation and surveillance. In this primary phase, the Personnel Administration is aimed at maintaining normal conditions in the short term and framed within the Labor Code.

The second level of functioning of personnel management is oriented towards the solution, in the medium term and through the design of personnel programs, of the problems caused by the performance of people. In this phase, personnel management is "decoded" by shifting the emphasis from program codes made up of objectives, policies, standards, procedures, and budgets for all functions of the personnel system.

The third level is characterized by the systematic approach to personnel management and the strategic mission of the specialist responsible for this area, whose main function is to create new organizational conditions that promote the development of the company and the improvement of the quality of life of its employees. members.

The author (Jiménez, 2003, p. 92) mentions that administrative models are used for both analytical and reorganization purposes. In the first case, it is a matter of detecting defects and explaining the discrepancies between a given model and the actual functioning of an educational system or the organs that compose it.

In the second case, reorganization, it is about responding to particular problems and needs of an educational system through a specific model.

Job performance

(Perlines, 1996) He cites Arias Galicia in his work; 1986 who comments that "The effort aims to achieve two types of objectives: those of the individual and those of the organization."

According to (EcuRed, 2016) "Job performance is the job performance and performance manifested by the worker when performing the main functions and tasks required by his position in the specific work context of action, which allows to demonstrate his suitability." At the discretion of (Jimenéz, 2007, p. 90) He mentions "Goleman 79 which cites scientific studies that show that two out of three aptitudes considered essential for successful job performance in various companies are emotional."

(Anne Anastasi, 1998, p. 497) The Campbell model takes into account the multifaceted nature of job performance and separates the various elements included under the rubric. Regarding job performance itself, the theory postulates that any job is linked to multiple performance components (tasks) and that the determinants of each component consist of various combinations of elements of knowledge, skill, and worker motivation.

According to (Robbins, 2005, p. 296) "Managers need to know if their employees are performing their jobs efficiently and effectively or if there is a need to improve performance." (Stephen P. Robbins, Sep. 14, 2009, p. 328) "Motivating a diverse workforce also means that managers must be flexible enough to accommodate cultural differences."

(Perea, 2012) The human being constitutes the motor nerve of any organization. Therefore, in the current concept of human resources, not only human activity is included, but also the factors that shape it: knowledge, skills, experiences, motivations, interests, vocation, values, attitudes, potentialities and their state of health, among others.

Professional qualification is no longer conceived solely as the accumulation of knowledge or skills, but as the ability to act, intervene and decide in situations that are not always foreseen; thus, the focus of attention has shifted from qualifications to professional competencies.

Job performance is the actual behavior or conduct of workers, both in the professional and technical order, as well as in the interpersonal relationships that are created in the care of the health / disease process of the population, which in turn influences the importantly the environmental component.

Performance management

According to (Essentials, 2007) "Performance management begins with the establishment of goals." (Sabín, 2005) It refers to a general process whose main objective lies in maximizing the performance of people in an organization, in order to improve business results. At the discretion of (Mondy. R. Wayne and Noe, 2005, p. 252) “Performance management consists of all organizational processes that determine how well employees, teams and, finally, the organization perform. Each Human Resources function contributes to this performance. "


Perea, 2012: Training processes, professional competence and job performance in the National Health System of Cuba; pag; 1 and 2

Performance evaluation

(Chiavenato, 1999) He defines performance evaluation as "a process of reviewing the productive activity of the past to evaluate the contribution that the worker makes to achieve the objectives of the administrative system."

Understood as an integral phase of the general performance management process, which would include, in addition to this assessment, a whole series of procedures focused on improving the individual's training (training, for example). (Mondy. R. Wayne and Noe, 2005, p. 252) "Performance evaluation is a formal system for reviewing and evaluating individual or team performance."

An organization must have some means of evaluating the level of individual and team performance in order to develop appropriate development actions. Although evaluation is only one element of performance evaluation, it is vital as it directly reflects the organization's strategic plan.

(Whetten, Jan 1, 2004, p. 300) Performance is the product of ability multiplied by motivation, ability is the product of aptitude multiplied by training and resources, motivation is the product of desire and commitment. The multiplier function in these formulas suggests that all elements are essential.

Evaluating employee performance is part of a performance management system, which is a process that establishes performance standards and assesses employee performance to make objective HR decisions, as well as providing documentation to support those decisions. Performance evaluation is a fundamental part of a management system.

(Perea, 2012) We mention that to carry out an evaluation of job performance it is necessary to abandon any punitive approach to job evaluation and direct it towards guaranteeing professional development and increasing the quality of the service provided. It has two aspects: the internal evaluation or self-evaluation that the institution itself develops and is its main driving force, and the external evaluation. The author shares the criteria of Werther WB and Davis H, 59 who consider that performance evaluation:

a) It constitutes a process by which the overall performance of the worker is estimated.

b) It is organized for a diagnostic or certification purpose.

c) It must be valid, reliable, effective, flexible and accepted by all.

d) It serves as a basis for organizing different intervention processes and making decisions.

e) It makes it possible to perfect the job.

f) It allows the application of stimulus policies.

g) It makes it possible to improve the quality of the work carried out.


Sabín, 2005: New technologies applied to HR management: ICTs as a tool for improving human capital; p; 50.

Mondy. R. Wayne and Noe, 2005: Human Resource Management.

Robbins, 2005: Administration. Page: 296

Competency assessment is a process of verifying evidence of job performance, against a pattern (standard) defined as a norm, to determine whether or not you are competent or not yet, to perform a specific job function. It is necessary to contemplate all the functions that this professional has in the exercise of their position: attention, educational, investigative and management. All evaluations must be sample; its success will depend on the quality of the sample of the selected tasks and activities.

The main sources of evidence of job competence are:

a) The observation of the individual's performance in the workplace or in conditions that are as similar as possible.

b) The knowledge you have.

c) Products created by him.

d) Previous learning you have.

e) Third party reports.

All competency evaluation must be qualitative.

The evaluation process is structured in stages:

(1) Establish the objectives of the evaluation.

(2) Observe their performance.

(3) Verify the required knowledge and skills.

(4) Value the products of your work.

(5) Obtain criteria from third parties.

(6) Determine the final result.

(7) Record the results.

(8) Make recommendations.

The techniques most used today are: direct observation, simulations, interviews with the worker and third parties, self-evaluation, medical audit, probable critical incidents, role play, and written examinations, among others.

Importance of performance evaluation

(Chiavenato, 1999) Mentions that everyone should receive feedback regarding their performance, to know how they are doing at work. Without this feedback, people walk blind. Main reasons for organizations to worry about evaluating the performance of their employees are:

  1. It provides a systematic judgment to base salary increases, promotions, transfers and, in many cases, dismissal of employees. It allows to communicate to employees how they are doing at work, that they must change in behavior, attitudes, skills or knowledge. It enables subordinates to know what the boss thinks of them. Evaluation is used by managers as a basis to guide and advise subordinates regarding their performance.

Performance evaluation should provide benefits to the organization and people; consequently, the following basic lines should be taken into account.

  1. The evaluation should cover not only the performance in the position held, but also the achievement of goals and objectives. The evaluation should emphasize the individual who occupies the position and not the impression regarding the personal habits observed at work. The evaluation should focus on an objective analysis of performance and not on the subjective appreciation of personal habits. Endeavor and performance are different things. Evaluation must be accepted by both parties: evaluator and evaluated. Both must agree that evaluation should bring some benefit to the organization and to the employee. Performance evaluation should be used to improve the productivity of the individual in the organization, better equipping him to produce effectively and efficiently.

Generally, the weak points of performance evaluation are:

  1. when the people involved in the evaluation perceive it as a rewarding situation, punishment for past performance, when there is more emphasis on filling out forms than on critical and objective evaluation of performance, when the evaluated people perceive the process as unfair or tendentious. The lack of equity profoundly damages the evaluation process, when evaluation is innocuous, that is, when it is based on evaluation factors that do not lead to anything and do not add value to anyone.

Labor competencies

(Nieto, 2009) He quotes Levy-Leboyer (1997) where he mentions that “The concept of competition is derived from the verb“ compete ”that from the 15th century came to mean“ belongs to ”,“ incumbir ”, giving rise noun "competence" and the adjective "competent" to indicate "apt", "adequate"; so competence refers to training. " (Perea, 2012) The competences identify, above all, concrete work results that include the different functions that the worker develops, such as: assistance, educational, investigative and management, in a specific work area.

Labor competencies. Types of skills

Competencies are classified into different types, following the Functional approach, when applied to the world of organizations, INTECAP (2001, in Barrios and Fong, 2002) groups them fundamentally into:

  • Basic Competences (Fundamental or Essential): refer to the elementary behaviors that an individual possesses and must demonstrate; They are associated with knowledge related to formal education and allow entry into the world of work, since they enable one to perform in a job. They are usually related to communication such as the skills, abilities and capacities of reading, expression, communication, analysis, synthesis, evaluation and transformation of situations or events framed within principles, values ​​and ethical and moral codes and those related to the numerical field. Generic Competences (Transversal):They refer to behaviors common to the same occupational field, sectors or subsectors. Generic competencies are related to the ability to work in teams, to plan, schedule, negotiate, and train, which are common to a large number of occupations. Specific Competences (Technical): they are the work behaviors linked to a determined or specific occupational area; it is related to the use of instruments and technical language of a certain function or functional area. These competencies are not easily transferable to other work contexts.


To develop the research, the following steps were carried out:

Step n ° 1: a bibliographic review was carried out that allowed to know the meaning of the labor development and the methods for its evaluation; as well as the trends of modern management and its relationship with job performance.

Step n ° 2: the management model used by the “Anselmo Vera Salavarria” land terminal under study is analyzed. As a result of this step, it was possible to specify that the land terminal "Anselmo Vera Salavarria" has defined its mission and vision in which it does not apply a specific management model, nor do they formally evaluate job performance.

Step 3: Work performance evaluation: to evaluate work performance at the “Anselmo Vera Salavarria” land terminal, a sample was applied obtaining a population of 8 workers as the object of study; This sampling is defined under the table of ISO 2859-1

Table n ° 1. Performance evaluation results

Not characteristics Total + Total -
one He only does what he is told to do. 4 4
two Irreproachable behavior. 4 4
3 Accept constructive criticism. 6 two
4 It does not produce when under pressure. two 6
5 Courteous to others. 6 two
6 Hesitate when making decisions. one 7
7 Deserves all the trust. 8 0
8 Has little initiative. one 7
9 He cares about service. 7 one
10 He does not have adequate training. two 6
eleven He has good personal appearance. 7 one
12 In their service there are always mistakes. one 7
13 He expresses himself with difficulty. 0 8
14 Know your job. 8 0
fifteen He is careful with the facilities of the company. 7 one
16 Always expect a reward. one 7
17 You are afraid to ask for help. one 7
18 He keeps his position always orderly. 8 0
19 I already present low production. one 7
twenty It is dynamic. 6 two
twenty-one Constantly interrupts work. 0 8
22 It is never influenced. two 6
2. 3 It has good potential to develop. 8 0
24 He is never unpleasant. 6 two
25 He never makes good suggestions. one 7
26 Obviously "he likes what he does." 8 0
27 He has a good memory. 6 two
28 He likes to claim. one 7
29 Apply criteria when making decisions. 5 3
30 It should regularly be called to its attention. 3 5
31 It's fast. 7 one
32 By nature it is a bit hostile. two 6


130 126

Source: self made

The results of the performance evaluation carried out at the “Anselmo Vera Salavarria” Terrestrial Terminal indicate that 130 positive points were obtained in their entirety compared to the negative score that resulted in 126, although with a minimal difference it can be deduced that the performance The workforce is not excellent, but it is above expectations, although there are deficiencies in the work of the company's workers, which should be given a lot of attention to obtain improvements and achieve the objectives set in it.

Step no 4. Evaluation of job satisfaction: To carry out the evaluation of job satisfaction, the same population used in the performance evaluation was taken into account. For the job satisfaction surveys the Modified Servqual Model is used ”obtaining results:


Attributes Punctuation
Job 3.59
Labor conditions 3.54
Salary 3.33
Treatment and labor relations 3.58
Participation in decision-making 3.84
Communication 3.72
Leadership 3.94
Total 3.66

Source: self made

The result of the job satisfaction evaluation carried out on the workers of the “Anselmo Vera Salavarria” Terrestrial Terminal indicates that 100% of the workers are satisfied in their work, giving a total of 3.66 score on an average of satisfaction scales from 1 to 5 labor; that is close to the “More than expected” scale. Despite having obtained positive results in all the evaluated attributes, smaller-scale results were found in the salary categories with a score of 3.33, working conditions of 3.54 and treatment and labor relations with 3.58, which is interpreted as the attributes in which greater emphasis should be placed on improvement so that the company obtains greater results from its collaborators.

By including a comparative analysis between the evaluation of job performance and the evaluation of job satisfaction of the employees of the “Anselmo Vera Salavarria” Terrestrial Terminal, it can be concluded that, since they are closely linked, their pros and cons should be focused, because by not being sufficiently satisfied the workers will incur a negative and unhealthy performance for the company, in this case the alternatives that resulted with poor scores in relation to the others must be analyzed to obtain an optimal and effective performance within the company.


  • The different modern management models applicable in the “Anselmo Vera Salavarria” land terminal were analyzed, determining quality management as the model indicated for its application. It was determined that the “Anselmo Vera Salavarria” Land Terminal does not apply a Management model Some. A bibliographic review was carried out that theoretically supports the study carried out. An evaluation of work performance was carried out in the Terrestrial Terminal "Anselmo Vera Salavarria" obtaining a similar balance between positive and negative aspects which places the level of performance as acceptable. Results of the labor evaluation show 100% satisfaction and indicate as the most deficient aspects: salary, working conditions and treatment and labor relations, these results correspond to those of the performance evaluation.


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Management and job performance models applied in a land terminal in ecuador