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Models and importance of knowledge management in our times



Explain clearly and concisely what life cycle analysis is and how its methodology is structured as well as the organizations in charge of these activities at the international and national level.


One of the most famous trends of the 21st century, they have been referred to what is knowledge, thus giving place to the human resource that works within business organizations, a very important part for the proper development of these companies, since people are part of the fundamental talent that will lead any company to be able to achieve its objectives, equally influencing economic development and making organizations more competitive.

This is how we realize that having a correct management of all that knowledge generated by people will help in an extremely important and significant way to generate factors of change and development. The main objective of the knowledge management activities are to be able to generate a work environment in which the generation of knowledge and information is seen in a very important and dynamic way, thus giving openness to all the content generated. within organizations it can be very accessible when required, so that in this way it can be stimulated that the organization can generate innovative aspects from any point of the organizational hierarchy,All this will lead to the organizations being able to notice improvements in the processes destined to the management of decision making, with which it can also be said that new knowledge is generated, since each decision making is not always the same and therefore, you cannot approach a problem from the same points. In the same way, by managing all the knowledge of the organizations, a sense of culture can be promoted in which the information and knowledge generated are valued, shared, managed and used in the most effective and efficient way possible..By managing all the knowledge of organizations, a sense of culture can be promoted in which the information and knowledge generated are valued, shared, managed and used in the most effective and efficient way possible.By managing all the knowledge of organizations, a sense of culture can be promoted in which the information and knowledge generated are valued, shared, managed and used in the most effective and efficient way possible.

The latest research and studies that have been carried out on knowledge management, have sometimes come to agree that it is convenient that today new tools can be generated, which help organizations to be able to capture, preserve, organize and process all the knowledge and experience generated as well as being able to carry out activities in which it can be disseminated, so that in this way everything obtained throughout the existence of the companies can be used as intellectual capital to carry out sustainable development. One of the most important points to carry out the aforementioned is thanks to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), since through these new technologies it has been possible to generate databases of knowledge.

It is important to implement knowledge management at all organizational levels of a company, using tools in each of the branches of the organizations that help to carry out the activities of collection, storage, generation and distribution of knowledge, which will help to guarantee that the companies that see fit to manage the company's knowledge, achieve the objectives they have established, as well as to generate intellectual capital that in later times will help solve problems.


At present, all activities that promote the generation of knowledge within any form of society within the human species, has become of utmost importance, since it has been possible to denote that the intellectual capital that people can generate from of the experience and the activities they carry out, are of great interest to any type of business organization, because it will be possible to have a feeling that management and organization activities within companies.

“All healthy organizations generate and use knowledge. As organizations interact with their environments, they absorb information, convert it into knowledge, and carry out actions based on the combination of that knowledge and their experiences, values, and internal norms. They feel and respond. Without knowledge, an organization could not organize itself. " (Davenport & Prusak, 1998)

Since knowledge has begun to take on a certain degree of importance as a new factor that drives the development of the production of organizations, it has created some factors such as technologies, methodologies and strategies for its measurement, creation and dissemination. They are a set of elements that must be considered in a very special way so that organizations can achieve their goals and in the same way so that the generation of knowledge is the most convenient for society. Speaking with respect to the benefits that the management of new knowledge can provide, we could say that it is a very important element within the societies of all countries because it helps society to have a certain economic balance, in addition to the fact that if a country it is in good monetary condition,encourages poverty and the social conflicts that are generated as a result of it to be mitigated as much as possible.

However, the task of knowledge management has only gained importance in this XXI century, originating due to the need to use knowledge as a direct benefit so that organizations and all the systems that are within them can function in the best possible way. way, and if necessary they can be improved or optimized as best as possible.

“In the post-industrial era, a company's success lies more in its intellectual and systems capabilities than in its physical assets. The ability to manage the human intellect - and turn it into useful products and services - is rapidly becoming the essential managerial technique of this age. ” (Quinn, Anderson, & Finkelstein, 2003)

The creation of systems that generate and manage knowledge of human talent has had a series of reasons, which are mentioned below:

  • The socioeconomic system. After the Second World War, humanity is moving towards changes that allow the development and demand for products and services based on knowledge The emergence and development of information and communication technologies, which greatly facilitate storage and dissemination of data and information, as well as communication between people The increasing importance of knowledge as a basis for organizational effectiveness The failure of traditional financial means to value knowledge The development of systems, models and indicators for the measurement of knowledge Accelerated changes and increased competitiveness between organizations, which entails the need to develop continuous training strategies. (Rodríguez Gómez, 2006)

However, the aforementioned reasons refer to events that occurred throughout the history of the human being in recent centuries, but are not attached to the business environment, this is how we can know that in addition to the aforementioned, within the Organizations also had at the time the need to be able to manage people's knowledge in order to take advantage of the opportunities that could be generated according to this. The motives within the organizations are mentioned below:

  • During work activity, informal and, on many occasions, unconscious learning takes place that are of vital importance for the organization Establishing an organizational memory is essential for innovation and learning processes in organizations Knowledge assimilation capacities, as well such as strategies for connecting to networks and external sources of knowledge and innovation, are key organizational factors.There is a strong relationship, at the organizational level, between the economic actions generated through the use of new ICTs and the evolution of practices and training in the workplace. Good management of intellectual property is essential to prevent it from being dissolved or diffused in the organization. (Rodríguez Gómez, 2006)


It can be said that knowledge management is a methodology in which a set of systematic processes are included, which are:

  • Identification and capture of the organization's intellectual capital Treatment, development and sharing of knowledge Use of acquired knowledge

The previous systematic processes are carried out with a specific function, which is to be able to give a correct orientation to the human capital of the companies in order to have the best possible organizational and personal development, with which it will be possible to have short, medium and long benefits term, among which one can see having a competitive advantage with respect to market rivals, because the knowledge generated may give rise to knowing and developing new techniques and opportunities that were not previously taken into consideration for the achievement of the objectives of both the company and the staff.


For the implementation of a program with which the knowledge acquired by all the members of an organization will be managed to be viable and bear fruit, some general aspects must be taken into consideration, ranging from the actions that must be carried out by the high command up to how the transmission of the knowledge obtained should be carried out, according to Yadira Nieves Lahaba and Magda León Santos in a publication published in 2001 in the ACIMED magazine, they state that the keys that must be followed for the management to be productive of knowledge are the following:

  • All the actions that must be carried out with respect to knowledge management must correspond to the strategies that the company has. A study must be carried out in which the activities of the organization are analyzed in order to be able to concentrate all possible efforts in the generation of competitive advantages It is necessary to perform the necessary tasks to be able to transform all the knowledge acquired from an implicit to explicit way It has to be verified that if the information already collected, stored and retrieved really provides value to the Having the certainty of the chosen tool for storing and retrieving information is the ideal one. All the necessary tasks must be carried out to transmit all the collected knowledge in the most efficient way possible.Ensure that senior managers support the initiatives taken so that knowledge management has a good result after implementing the chosen process.

All these points mentioned will benefit all members of the organization to acquire a better learning of the environment in which they have their work, which will help the company so that all workers can adapt in a better way to the changes that occur. they can arouse while they carry out the different daily tasks that they have to carry out.


There are several models that can be used for knowledge management within organizations, however, there are two which are the most remarkable according to their characteristics, which are the following:

Gopal & Gagnon model (1995)

This divided model is divided into three fundamental parts which are:

  • Knowledge management Information management Learning management

In this model, the main function is to be able to transform tactical knowledge (which as main characteristics has the individual and intuitive being, as well as can be influenced by various mental models as well as the religion they profess, among others), into explicit, formal and systematic; which will bring the direct benefit of being able to be easier to communicate and share with the workers of the organization. This cycle is made up of a series of three stages:

  1. Knowledge management. This stage consists of the unification of knowledge and the discovery of intellectual capital that is within the organization, which has the objective of being able to determine what is the current situation of the organization's intellectual capital and thus be able to have a reference of where it is want to reach Information management. This phase looks at the task of gathering all the information, once the information has been gathered, the task of analyzing and debugging the information that does not contain what is sought is carried out according to the quality parameters sought which were established within the first stage. Learning management. Once the previous phases in which the information collection and unification processes had to have been carried out,A process is carried out in which everything obtained previously is transformed into tactical knowledge which has the function of being able to provide proposals and learning prototypes, in the same way, it is sought to be able to quantify it, so that in this way the knowledge and information can be attached to the learning characteristics of the company culture, which will lead to a feeling of continuous improvement.which will lead to a feeling of continuous improvement.which will lead to a feeling of continuous improvement.

Nonaka Model (1991)

"According to the model of Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995) there are four forms of knowledge conversion that arise when tactical and explicit knowledge interact, a dynamic process that makes the creation of knowledge develop through a continuous and cumulative cycle of generation, codification and transfer of knowledge, the so-called knowledge creation spiral ”(Rodríguez Andino, García Colina, Pérez Hernández, & Castillo Maza, 2009) which is presented below.

Fig. 1.1 Spiral of Knowledge (Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995)

Knowledge spiral


Through the implementation of knowledge management within business organizations, a series of benefits can be obtained, as long as the methods used for knowledge management are followed to the letter and are stipulated considering the objectives, goals, policies, values ​​and culture of the organization, since it will be able to give certain competitive advantages to companies through knowledge of various aspects that were unknown to companies, in the same way other methods could be used to complement knowledge management such as mining.


  • Davenport, T., & Prusak, L. (1998). Working Knowledge: how organizations manage what they know. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. Snows Lahaba, Y., & León Santos, M. (2001). Knowledge management: a new perspective in the management of organizations. ACIMED, 9 (86). Nonaka, I., & Takeuchi, H. (1995). The knowledge creating company. How Japanese companies create the dynamics of innovation. New York: Oxford University Press. Quinn, J., Anderson, P., & Finkelstein, S. (2003). The management of the professional intellect: making the most of the best. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved April 10, 2016, from Rodríguez Andino, M., García Colina, F., Pérez Hernández, MA, & Castillo Maza, JV (2009). KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT,STRATEGIC FACTOR FOR DEVELOPMENT. Retrieved April 12, 2016, from http://sisbib.unmsm.edu.pe/bibvirtual/publicaciones/administracion/v12_n23/pdf/02v13n23.pdRodríguez Gómez, D. (2006). Models for the creation and management of knowledge: a theoretical approach. Barcelona: Autonomous University of Barcelona.


I want to thank in a very special way the subject of Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering of the Master in Administrative Engineering that I study at the Technological Institute of Orizaba, but mainly to my professor Dr. Fernando Aguirre y Hernandez for encouraging the desire to research and read about different interesting topics.

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Models and importance of knowledge management in our times