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Models on the internet to manage talent and knowledge


As Juan Carlos Cubeiro, HayGroup consultant affirms, the more technology is developed around us, the greater the need for talent (of people with the skills, techniques and emotions that make a difference) will be produced. We must be aware that the results of a company depend more and more on the talent of the people who work in it. Without a doubt, people have become the most valuable asset of organizations.

This implies that we are in the midst of a fight for talent. Attracting, developing, and retaining talent is the new strategic challenge for 21st century organizations. The talented employee is the fundamental asset that a company has. An unprecedented event is currently taking place: it is not the company that selects professionals, it is the professionals who select the company. Attracting talented people is not easy, but having the ability to develop and retain their potential is even more difficult. In the Internet world the challenge is to manage talent.

We have to make an inescapable fact clear: technology does not allow us to generate long-term sustainable competitive advantages. Technology without talent is not capable of generating extraordinary results. This is the case with some of the dot com companies that have died lately. Many of them had sufficient technological capabilities to compete (although more than one business model was unfeasible), but most have died for lack of talent. Talent is much more than knowledge. Talent is cultivated, and while it is not impossible, it seems unlikely that a 25-year-old would be talented enough to lead an organization of any kind. This has been crazy… I remember when a Head Hunter contacted me a few months ago offering me the position of Managing Director at a new dot com company.My answer was clear: I am only 29 years old… are you crazy or what? On the Internet the biggest problem has been and is folly.

Organizations have to find all kinds of strategies to attract and retain their employees. One of the most interesting, in addition to creating a suitable work environment and building an ideal company culture, is pampering the employee. Pamper the talent. You have to manage to treat the employee as an individual. Not all employees are the same or have the same concerns and motivations. The company must strive to give everyone what they need at all times. This is the challenge.

It is curious to observe how in today's environment, where technology is so important, man is once again the center of attention. We once again believe in the supremacy of the person over technology. Companies that are concerned with managing the processes related to the management of their employees generate long-term sustainable competitive advantages.

Being aware of the importance of employees and their development within the organization as a source of competitive advantages, a series of models related to the use of web technology within the organization are appearing as support to the Departments of Human Resources, Marketing, Commercial,… In these models, employees assume the absolute leading role, and are aware that their contributions will be essential for the future of the organization.

It is also essential for the company to manage the knowledge of its employees and to increase its Intellectual Capital (pedantic name of what have always been called intangible assets). Knowledge Management is positioning itself as the great paradigm of Business Management in the 21st century, but it has to face an important challenge: to become a practical discipline that helps to improve the internal management of organizations. This problem arises because nowadays there is much talk, but little is implemented.

As we can see, we have two great challenges ahead: managing talent and managing the knowledge of our employees. Okay, but let's stop talking and get into action. The question is: how can an organization use technology to put into practice the concepts related to Talent Management and Knowledge Management?

The answer is certainly complex, since there are many software companies that promise to help us optimally manage the knowledge of our employees. Of course, I still do not know of any that sells Talent Management software, but it is a matter of time before it appears.

To begin with, we have to reflect on how incredibly underutilized the Intranets of most organizations are. They are usually simple bulletin boards, with flat contents that do not add anything. Of course, an Intranet is running, but it is not used to automate processes, nor is it dynamic content management. It's a shame to misuse a tool with such great potential.

In spite of everything, some companies are starting to implement internal portals, called “Corporate Portals”, where employees have access to multiple value-added services provided by the company (including the application software they need to work from anywhere on the planet). We classify these types of initiatives with the acronym B2E (Business to Employee). The B2E consists of applying Information Technology within organizations and providing all kinds of services to employees through the use of the Intranet.

Numerous initiatives can be cataloged under the B2E umbrella. Let's see some of them: e-learning; job description, analysis and assessment; internal communication, internal virtual store, career planning, performance evaluation, automation of selection processes, applications for welcoming new employees, work environment surveys, internal recruting, remuneration policies, skills management, staff satisfaction surveys, tools for adapting the employee to the job, legal consultations, information on payroll, management of training plans, tools for evaluating candidates, employee yellow pages, telephone book, clipping service,automation applications for workflows (workflow) between the different departments of the organization,… in short, the limit is in our imagination.

As we can see, the initiatives related to B2E can be many and varied. But you can also talk about other types of models:

E2B (Employee to Business). This model allows employees to offer the organization complementary services to their employment relationship. An example might be having a referral service where an employee can introduce a friend or former colleague from another company as a potential candidate for a certain position.

E2E (Employee to Employee). In this case, the employees could use the company's own Intranet to establish a market in which the members of the organization could carry out all kinds of transactions. They can be communities of practice around a specific topic. Let's think about things like a second-hand market within the organization, on notice boards, or in buying groups,…

Certain authors, such as Alfons Cornella, begin to speak of new acronyms such as E2C (Employee to Customer), C2E (Customer to Employee), E2A (Employee to Administration), A2E (Administration to Employee),… which are difficult for us to imagine, but that possibly within some time may have some meaning within our companies.

Models on the internet to manage talent and knowledge