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Models and tools of organizational resilience


There are situations in personal, family and work life that cannot be controlled, difficult moments, in which a person is emotionally pressured.

The important thing about this is that each person can develop the capacity for resilience, which is to be able to overcome that difficult situation to overcome and lead a normal life and with greater experience because of the teaching of the event.


In an organization, moments of adversity can also be observed and this is when the company's staff must enhance and strengthen the resilience capacity.

That, in the face of events that have marked history such as a Recession or War, organizations can maintain themselves by moving forward, facing the situation and overcoming, with teaching and being flexible to change.

For this, it is necessary to know what resilience is and strengthen this capacity in the organization's staff, see the models to evaluate and know the level of resilience in which all the people who are part of the organization are.


In the 70s the concept of resilience arose due to psychological research (longitudinal research carried out by Emily Werner) that was focused on children who had a schizophrenic mother, since some were able to overcome adversity and get ahead of problems swam to the condition from their mother, some of these children managed to overcome it by having a healthy and productive life, on the other hand, other children who could not overcome this trauma lived at a disadvantage with the stigma of living traumatized.

These early studies from the UK's first child psychiatry professor Michael Rutter in 1974, who stuck to the disorders of growing children.

Resilience also appears in the science of physics, and in which it has been possible to make a measurement tool, in which the amount of energy that a material can absorb when breaking as a result of an Impact is quantified.

Definition of Resilience

Resilience is a term that derives from the Latin verb resilio, resilire, which means "to jump back, to bounce."

(Meanings) "ability to overcome critical moments and adapt after experiencing some unusual and unexpected situation." And return to its original state, return to normal.

(RAE) Ability to adapt a living being to a disturbing agent or an adverse state or situation.

(Grotberg, 1995) "It is a universal capacity that allows the person, group or community to reduce or overcome the harmful effects of adversity."

(Vanistendael, 2002) “Being resilient means growing towards something new, not just recovering. It means projecting yourself without denying the past. "

(Grotberg, 1999) "Resilience is a human capacity to face, overcome and be strengthened or transformed by experiences of adversity."

(Luthard, 2001) "It is a dynamic process that results in positive adaptation in contexts of great adversity."

Not only does it mean the ability to endure or bear any adversity or situation of great pain, resilience is the ability that some individuals have to overcome and recover, in addition to learning from difficult situations to gain experience and maturity.

Resilient people are made, but they are not born with this capacity, and because everyone faces difficult situations in the personal, family, work or business aspect. Resilience, in addition to sustaining itself, is the power to overcome the obstacles that arise and the most important thing to return to its original or natural state, but with the teaching provided by living and going through various adversities.

Characteristics of individual resilience

  • Anyone can be resilient. It gives a new lost concept and possibility. It is experienced individually or in a group. The pillars are self-esteem, self-confidence. Through pain and loss, achieve well-being at the end of this. Resilience is not a factor for resilience. economic condition It challenges the strengths and capacities of individuals to contribute to these factors The resilient person must be flexible, to apply a redesign of objective goals etc. It is manifested by episodes of great adversity that are not continuous or present at all moment.

Grotberg's 4 verbalizations model

In 1995 Edith Grotberg designed a descriptive model based on resilience, which is one of the most influential. In this model, resilience is not determined as something static, but rather it is something dynamic, for which it is necessary to work on it to strengthen it.

Grotberg's model of verbalizations is based on four resilient expressions: “I am”, “I have”, “I can”, “I am”, and in each of the verbalizations of must be increasing with resilient actions each pulled apart.

  • I am / I am. It helps to understand and take responsibility for their own behavior. I have. To understand the limits of behavior, I respect the things of others. To be able to understand the capacities and aptitudes that one has to do a certain thing.

Wagnild and Young Resilience Scale

(My resilient space) "It is a psychometric scale composed of 25 items with a 7-point Likert score."

And that for each item it will be necessary to choose the degree or value of conformity, which ranges from a scale of 1 (disagreement) to 7 (strongly agree).

With this, a result for each evaluation of 25 to 125 points would be obtained, with the highest rating being considered a greater degree of resilience.

And it develops through 2 factors:

  • Factor 1: (17 items) Personal competence: ingenuity, self-confidence, decision, perseverance, independence. Factor 2: (8 items) Acceptance of oneself and of life: balance, flexibility, perspective of life, adaptability.

In the two factors the 5 areas of resilience are represented. (My resilient space)

  1. "Personal satisfaction (4 items) Feeling good alone (3 items) Self-confidence (7 items) Equanimity (4 items) Perseverance (7 items)"

Figure 1. Sample of 5 items from the Wagnild and Young Resilience Scale. My resilient space.

12 Habits of Resilient People

  1. They know their potentials and limitations. Knowing what their main strengths and weaknesses are is a very powerful weapon in the face of adversity, since resilient people know how to use it to face the challenges that arise. To be able to solve situations based on new associations of known ideas and concepts. They use skills such as: memory, intelligence and imagination to generate original solutions to established processes. They have the confidence and security of what they can do and achieve. They see difficulties as a way to learn. A difficulty is assumed as an opportunity to make a change, learn from this experience and grow, not be demotivated by the problem or complication you are going through. They practice mindfulness or Mindfulness. They are people who enjoy small details,living in the present, not tormented by the past or the uncertainty of the future and have a great capacity for acceptance. They have an objective view of life, but through an optimistic approach. They observe and distinguish the positive and negative points of an event, developing a realistic optimism, no matter how bad they have gone today, they think that the next day will be better They relate to people who have a positive attitude. Hang out with people who practice resilience and have a positive attitude; they don't want to control situations. By wanting to control situations, it is too stressful when plans change or get out of hand, the resilient person feels comfortable dealing with uncertainty. They are flexible to change. They can adapt their plans,reschedule them and even change or modify your goals. Being willing to change, they will always be evaluating different alternatives. Tenderness in their objectives. Being flexible does not mean that they are not constant with the objectives they want, much less give up their goals. They show ability to fight and are persevering; they have a sense of humor in the face of adversity. Make a joke in misery, have time to laugh at adversity, focus on the positive aspects of situations, they seek help when they need it. Seek support when the dramatic situation is critical, and is aware that social help and support is important.Being flexible does not mean that they are not constant with the objectives they want, much less give up their goals. They show ability to fight and are persevering; they have a sense of humor in the face of adversity. Make a joke in misery, have time to laugh at adversity, focus on the positive aspects of situations, they seek help when they need it. Seek support when the dramatic situation is critical, and is aware that social help and support is important.Being flexible does not mean that they are not constant with the objectives they want, much less give up their goals. They show ability to fight and are persevering; they have a sense of humor in the face of adversity. Make a joke in misery, have time to laugh at adversity, focus on the positive aspects of situations, they seek help when they need it. Seek support when the dramatic situation is critical, and is aware that social help and support is important.Seek support when the dramatic situation is critical, and is aware that social help and support is important.Seek support when the dramatic situation is critical, and is aware that social help and support is important.

Organizational resilience

(Meanings) "Organizational resilience: it is the emotional balance of the workers in the change processes to face diverse and unexpected situations."

At the organizational level, it is basically the "ability of organizations to overcome any adversity in the market or economic crisis, not affecting their corporate identity."

Resilience involving only the organizational environment, but is also related to the performance of workers and their mentality.

Characteristics of a resilient organization

  • Being able to create, modify, remove and remove the structure of the organization, which has the characteristic of being innovative and creative.The organization is recognized for paying attention to the psychological and physical states of the personnel, since they give importance to the function of dynamics human, and goes beyond just focusing on the facilities, the legal and fiscal scope. It gives a feeling of security in any situation of change. They have the ability to overcome events and crisis scenarios, being the most important resource, the personnel of The organization itself. They are aware of the emotional consequences that workers may have when making a change. These organizations have the ability to react in a timely manner to environmental changes and demands of their environment.They are renewed and adjusted to new demands. The organization has a great knowledge of the threats and opportunities in each of these situations. It encourages proactivity and management to solve the various vulnerabilities.

Factors Affecting Organizational Resilience

  1. As soon as the crisis is present, within the organization, uncertainty arises in the workers, regarding the decisions that the organization can make, there may be no liquidity to pay salaries or that there is the possibility of a staff cut, etc. For this it is necessary for the leader to be able to transmit that trust and motivate the workers so that they are not affected; the leader must also be in constant communication with the workers so that they feel taken into account and know what is happening in the organization; A good leader can foresee and anticipate the consequences of any change and can influence the staff to adopt the new ideas or concepts with which they are going to face the crisis Not only see the consequences of the adverse situation such as the crisis,have the ability to identify the real problem, to be able to react efficiently, since, in a crisis, it is important to skimp on resources, which should not be wasted. Sense of belonging. That the workers and all the personnel of the company transmit and enforce the values ​​of the company. Making the company independently face and overcome crises without affecting its capital.

The little house of Resilience

Tool created by the sociologist and demographer Stefan Vanistendael, which is one of the most used to understand the key elements that make up resilience.

In this case, the model is based on the organization and the various "floors" or levels, towards which organizational resilience points.

Figure 2. Resilience house. Strategic organizational resilience.


  • Foundations: The basic elements that are necessary for any company to survive, can be very obvious, but sometimes they are related to the problems that the organization has. Subsoil: Know the acceptance and perception that the parties related to the organization have, too Know each of the relationships First floor: Give direction to where you want to direct the organization and a meaning to its existence, through the mission, vision and objectives Second floor: See what is good for the company and what is not It is, the sense of belonging of the organization's staff, the work environment, detecting if there are internal conflicts, knowing the state of mind of the employees in the organization.the stance you take to receive new solutions and explore new areas.

How to Implement Resilience Capacity Development

This implementation does not require much complexity, but it does require that each of its parts be well secured with extreme care.

To enhance resilience individually and collectively (organization), the following steps must be considered:

  • Previous design:
  1. Hold a meeting to report on the complete process, the stages, the critical success factors, the people involved and the feedback Carry out an adequate organizational diagnosis Establish (if they do not exist) and / or Reaffirm (if they already exist) the Values ​​Define future objectives of the organization Determine the responsibilities and role of those involved in the implementation of the process Design the implementation model, the corresponding tools, as well as identification of progress.
  • Implementation:
  1. Train staff in order to develop the required skills and in the new tools to be implemented, according to the needs of the organization Evaluate results and progress, through feedback (feedback) According to the results that are obtained, analyze and seek new paths taking into account the factors that exist in the company environment. Make an adjustment in the new situation if required. Implement a model that is permanent.

How resilient people favor the company and the work environment

A resilient person in any size company, who learns to channel their emotions is very important for an optimal work environment.

Having a realistic attitude makes it possible to face events or adversities in a more objective and real way that may not fall into thinking errors such as:

  • Exaggeration: having hasty conclusions.


In today's times where it is characterized by constant changes, the organization must not only prevent and act when any change occurs, but also the organization's staff must be prepared for the uncertainty generated by a difficult situation.

At the individual and organizational level, it is necessary to strengthen the resilience capacity and enhance it.

First by identifying through a resilience scale tool to know the level of resilience that the staff has, hence being able to implement a model to increase the resilience in the staff as a strategic advantage of the organization compared to other organizations.

Thesis proposal

Implement an instrument for measuring resilience factors as an organizational strategy to increase the competitiveness of the company.


Design a psychometric evaluation to evaluate the level of resilience of the company's personnel.


  • Grotberg Edith. 1998. Manual for the identification and promotion of resilience in children and adolescents. Sweden. World Health Organization. October 12, 2017. Resilience. Retrieved from https://www.significados.com/resiliencia/(SF). rae.es. Retrieved on October 12, 2017, fromhttp: //dle.rae.es/? Id = WA5onlwLinares R. 2014. El prado psychologists. Spain. Resilience: the 12 habits of resilient people. Retrieved from http://www.elpradopsicologos.es/blog/resiliencia–resilientes/ Luna Xóchitl. 2016. Gestiopolis. Organizational resilience strategy of the business world. Retrieved from https://www.gestiopolis.com/ organizational resilience – strategy – business world / My resilient space. 2014. Wagnild and Young Resilience Scale. Recovered fromhttps://miespacioresiliente.wordpress.com/2014/05/07/escala–de–resiliencia er – de – wagnild – y – young / Castello Oscar. 2006. Gestiopolis. Systems thinking and resilience development. Retrieved from https://www.gestiopolis.com/pensamiento sistemico – y – desarrollo – de – la – resiliencia / Sánchez Joana. 2017. SMEs and the self-employed. The importance of resilience at work. Retrieved from https://www.pymesyautonomos.com/vocacion de-company / the-importance-of-resilience-at-work


To the Technological Institute of Orizaba for giving me the opportunity to pursue a postgraduate degree, to the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) for making it possible to fulfill that dream, with that vision of supporting young talents and Fernando Aguirre and Hernández for showing a path and a different approach than what I didn't think to aspire to.

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Models and tools of organizational resilience