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Reasons why professionals leave the company


(Presentation Abstract by Eric Gaynor Butterfield: Necessary Skills in Consulting; DO Workshop - Buenos Aires, 2003). www.theodinstitute.org

Nobody doubts the presence of the Change, few of them do something about the Change, and many complain "about what has happened to them" once they personally feel a series of different consequences that they did not anticipate and were not foreseen.

It is even paradoxical that many academics, researchers, professionals and graduates in different disciplines, arts and sciences, which are linked to the domain of knowledge, are in some way victims of some Changes.

A global vision of a community must include the different units of analysis, that is to say: the people, the groups, the organizations and the community in question. For this, the different sciences, arts and disciplines are used that have preferred to specialize in a particular unit of analysis. However, the Change - and its implicit variable “Time” - with its distinctive rate of modification depending on whether it is a Traditional, Transitional or Transformational change (see Eric Gaynor: “Jornadas de Desarrollo Organizacional”, year 1999, Buenos Aires) it has not always found an appropriate response within the different sciences and disciplines.

The “world of companies” had a strong push only a couple of centuries ago when the requirements to standardize the individual productions of people made from their homes were moved to closed places where the people who worked in them were walled during the day work and were also watched by "others."

The original productions belonging to the secondary (industrial) sector have been extended firstly towards the commercial and later towards the services and this expansion began to require people specialized in new knowledge, skills and abilities. The University appeared as the best institutional arrangement to satisfy these new demands.

Companies and organizations in general began to favor the hiring of professionals graduated from Universities to develop management processes. "Someone" within the company had to have the best ability to say how things should be done, or rather decide how they should be done, and unquestionably the University Graduate Professional appeared as the best profiled for this function.

Changes in the context of organizations (Tom Burns in "Industry in a New Age", New Society, 1963; James Thompson in "Organizations in Action", Mc-Graw Hill, 1967; Paul Lawrence & Jay Lorsch in "Organizations & Environment ", Harvard, 1967 and Charles Perrow in" Organizational analysis:

A sociological view ”, Brooks / Cole, 1970, among others) had to be absorbed or cushioned in some way, if the organization had a genuine interest in survival. There was increasing evidence that organizations were sustained over time based on their ability to align with the context. The context impacted on the organization, this privileges the development of a strategy which in turn must make use of tactics, procedures and processes that are increasingly standardized and aligned with people "not always standardized" or aligned.

Then the important contributions of the "Behavioral Sciences" appear and represent an extremely rich body to understand the phenomenon by which people interact - efficiently or not - within organizations. New organizational arrangements are created such as the matrix organization of Robert Blake & Jane Mouton (The Managerial Grid III ”, Gulf Publishing, 1985), the organization based on“ Work Teams ”, and the organizations focused on the Processes that have privileged the re -engineering, to which are added the proposals as a result of the enormous contributions of the "Behavioral Sciences" that are summarized in the article by Eric Gaynor Butterfield published in Gestiópolis (www.gestiopolis.com) under the title: "Integrating Organizational Behavior with Organizational Development.An effort to integrate WHAT IS (Organizational Behavior) what we should do with HOW to do it (Organizational Development) ”.

In this article, mention is made of more than 50 theoretical conceptions (“Best Theories”) and as many “Best Practices” options that improve the opportunities to achieve greater organizational performance. And the new and powerful information technology such as communication, supported from a position "without virtual limits" and fully satisfying "the real", shows that decision-making within organizations "can be foreseen by" others. " Which, conceptually, does not differ substantially from what happened under the approach of Frederick Taylor (1917).

And it is already close to applying a devastating blow to the generous and continuous need for graduates and graduates since the "discretion" that they brought to companies, was from now on carried out by the use of the binary system application in Information Technology. James March and Herbert Simon ("Organizations", NY - Wiley & Sons, 1958) in their monumental work foresaw this development in Time and whose consequences measured in Change, had strong consequences on people, groups and organizations. The latter were re-accommodated under the survival of the fittest scheme (Herbert Spencer: "First Principles", NY Appleton, 1888) that some even still confuse and assimilate to the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin: "On the origin of species", Cambridge,Mass- Harvard University Press - 1859.

The recent implementations of Technologies and business applications (ERP`s), methodologies (BSC) as well as different techniques and tools (Control Board) and transversal software (CRM and SCM), all of them "with their own built-in decision criteria", They were commissioned to do the rest of the work.

Executives, professionals, and managers in corporations are expelled or self-expelled. This dilemma between "who" really makes the decision to disengage, that is, whether it is initiated by the organization or by the individual himself - has been masterfully treated by Dr. Donald W. Cole - President of The Organization Development Institute ("Professional Suicide or Organizational Murder ”, Mc-Graw Hill, 1981). Eric Gaynor Butterfield as co-author with Dr. Donald Cole, edited a more recent version entitled: "Professional Suicide or Organizational Murder", Ed. The OD Institute International, 2003).

More recently Eric Gaynor makes some additional contributions on this interesting dilemma whereby "professionals, executives and managers stop" belonging "to an organization" in a new book published in 2005: "Executive Development and Organizational Development", Ed. The OD Institute International, Latin America.

This short and summary historical review suggests that Organizational Change CANNOT be viewed as it was until less than 10 years ago. It is essential to know:

The conceptual frameworks on Organizational Behavior, since just as people "behave", so do organizations (see article mentioned with more than 50 "Best Theories");

The more than 50 "Best Practices" that have been applied in the last forty years to this part, along with the reason for it (see article mentioned with more than 50 "Best Practices");

The body of knowledge known as "Behavioral Sciences" in addition to its applications within the organizational world (the reader can go to: The Organization Development Institute - Worldwide or The Organization Development Institute International - Latin America).

Organizations that ignore these three points can become successful - occasionally. What they never have to know is the reason why at one point they have been successful and why at another time they stopped being so, ending up being erased from the map.

Finally - and based on the three points mentioned above - we must highlight the need to develop the profession of a specialist in Organizational Change and Development that goes much further than that of a Professional-Consultant. Edgar Schein (“Process Consulting” - Addison-Wesley, 1968) emphasized this aspect which positions the Professional in Organizational Change and Development from a new place where he observes, diagnoses, and intervenes from a greater, better and broader perspective that to which traditional consultants have us accustomed.

Reasons why professionals leave the company